Infinity Throne

Chapter 37 Gospel Meeting (3200 words)

40 minutes later.

Yi Lin came to the location directed by Molly.

Halfway through, Yi Lin briefly treated the wound.

I also DIYed a double-decker burger at the self-service burger machine.

Not to mention, it tastes pretty good and has a chewy texture.

It tastes much better than nutritious fast food.

Yi Lin squatted quietly in the woods outside the house, observing in secret.

This place is located outside Qingcheng and is more remote than the demolition area.

It just so happens that this kind of place is home to such a mansion that countless people would struggle to own in their lifetime.

"No wonder our action plans are always accidentally leaked..."

"No wonder the [Eight Shadows] were able to directly attack our stronghold during the battle in the Qinling Mountains..."

"It turns out that Molly's 'death' is also related to you..."

"Ha...Xiao Mo."

Yi Lin looked calm.

The dark pupils became colder and colder. connected.

No wonder Yi Lin felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when she heard Xiao Mo's name for the first time.

But Yi Lin didn't take it to heart at that time.

But when Yi Lin knew that Xiao Yi was a semi-mechanical being, she suddenly recalled a certain organization in her mind——

"Gospel Meeting".

In the future, this is a mysterious organization composed mostly of modified people.

After the order of human society gradually collapsed, an organization calling itself the "Evangelical Society" emerged.

They believe that human flesh and blood are weak and the only way for human evolution is to abandon the weak human body and transform the body into an invulnerable steel body.

The Evangelical Society claims that only "mechanical evolution" is the gospel for mankind.

The Evangelical Society has a mysterious origin, and its method of transforming the body into a machine was initially resisted by many ordinary people.

But under the desperate doomsday disaster, many people are gradually willing to give up their human identity and join the evangelical church.

As the Evangelical Society gradually grew, this organization with mysterious origins later became one of the mainstays of the camp against [natural disasters].

Yi Lin had an encounter with Xiao Mo at a joint meeting of the major forces in the [Order] camp in the future.

But Yi Lin didn't pay much attention to Xiao Mo at that time.

I only know that Xiao Mo is one of the important figures in the Evangelical Association.

There are many people with the same name and surname.

There are countless wealthy families that have been expelled due to the advent of the apocalypse, including countless Xiao families, countless Li families, and countless certain families.

And Xiao Mo will be low-key enough in the future.

“Did you deliberately hide your relationship with Henry Zhang?”

"With such a protective character, it's no wonder he would betray humanity."

Before Xiao Yi died, he would definitely send the images recorded before his death back to Xiao's family.

In other words, Yi Lin has been exposed to Xiao Mo's eyes.

The worse plan is that even Molly will be included in Xiao Mo's list.

Along the way, Yi Lin had roughly guessed Xiao Mo's plan.

The real purpose of Xiao Mo's 100 million reward was not to find Yi Lin.

"Xiao Mo has gone completely crazy..."

"His real purpose is just to find someone to bury with him..."

In the darkness, Yi Lin's eyes flashed and she murmured to herself.

Whether it is the scapegoat who was forcibly taken to the Xiao family, or the lawless people in the underground world who ignore order.

It makes no difference to Xiao Mo.

Pallbearers...the more the better!

Just as Yi Lin was silently planning the invasion route, the phone in her arms vibrated slightly.

Yi Lin had already turned her cell phone to silent mode as early as halfway.

Yi Lin didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but the vibrations persisted and kept shaking.

"Huh? It's Mengmeng."

To be on the safe side, Yi Lin silently stepped back 20 meters before answering the phone.

According to Yi Lin's understanding of Molly, if she dares not to answer the call, Aunt Molly has at least 10 ways to punish Yi Lin for the crime of "deliberately not answering Miss Mo's call" and give Yi Lin a punishment that she will never forget.

For example... adjust the volume of Yi Lin's mobile phone to MAX, and then resound some inappropriate sounds in the night sky, a hundred times.

Just imagining Aunt Molly's unpredictable revenge methods made Yi Lin feel her scalp numb involuntarily.


"Are you near the target location now?"

Molly's words sounded like a question, but her tone was filled with unquestionable certainty.

Yi Lin lowered her voice: "Don't you already know?"

"Humph." There was a slight hint of confusion on the other end of the phone: "If this girl guessed correctly, someone is having a headache on how to sneak in?"

Yi Lin remained silent and did not deny it.

Molly was silent for a few seconds, then hummed softly: "I just made a general survey of the industries under Xiao Mo's name. In addition to Hengyang medical equipment, he actually invested in the research of mechanical prostheses, neural connection technology, and some prohibited weapons technology..."

"Of course, on the surface he is just a legal businessman..."

"Miss, what time is it now? Can you please keep the story short?" Yi Lin interrupted Molly helplessly.

"Uh, sorry, occupational disease." Molly also realized that she seemed a bit verbose and paused for a moment: "In general, that old bastard has been secretly researching the technology of human transformation, and he really succeeded. But I checked After that, the one who died downstairs in your house..."

"For now, it should be the only 'finished product'."

Finished goods?

Yi Lin curled her lips and was noncommittal.

How can a finished product be so easy to deal with? Xiao Yi's thing... is not even a semi-finished product compared to the complete ones in the future.

Of course, Yi Lin was already squatting at Xiao Mo's door and had no time to explain too much.

But Yi Lin also understood the deeper meaning of Molly's words.

Translated: That kind of iron lump should no longer exist, you can feel free to kill in it.

Molly continued: "In one minute, I will invade the Xiao family's AI system on time."

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed.

"If we completely get rid of the Xiao family's AI butler, it will easily leave traces. But letting the AI ​​'sleep for a while' without anyone noticing is a small case for me."

"How long will you sleep?"

Molly said firmly: "5 minutes, to be precise, it should be 5 minutes and 32 seconds. Within this time..."


Yi Lin interrupted Molly.

A quick glance at the Apostle's panel revealed that during this time, the psionic energy value had returned to full value.

"There are still 11 bodyguards left by the Xiao family in that house. They are distributed everywhere. Their locations are probably..."

Molly roughly reported the locations of the 11 Xiao family bodyguards.

11 bodyguards?

Yi Lin counted her kills on her fingers...the number of people didn't match.

But...that's not important.

"Xiao Mo's communication tool cannot be located. One possibility is that he did not bring his mobile phone. The second possibility is that... he is hiding in a place with magnetic field interference. For example... an underground secret room or something like that."

"Okay." Yi Lin silently memorized the location reported by Molly.

"After hanging up the phone, count down for 60 seconds."

Molly took a deep breath and hesitated for a moment, then she realized that her palms were all sweaty.

She had never been so nervous.


Molly struggled for a few seconds.

The words "be careful" floated in her mouth several times, but were finally suppressed by Molly.

Humph, I just don’t want the rare research materials to die.

Molly thought about it and changed her words.

"I'll come to your house for coffee tomorrow."

Yi Lin was speechless: "Have you forgotten that my house has been bombed..."

"Then go buy it yourself!!" Molly growled into the phone, "And you blew it up yourself!"

"No money..."


Molly hung up the phone.




The moment Molly hung up the phone, Yi Lin's face was as dark as water.

The countdown began.

When Molly said 60 seconds, it must be 60 seconds.

Not bad in milliseconds.

Xu Zhiyong asked people to set up a cordon.

He had been wandering around this strange iron lump for almost ten minutes.

Still no result has been transferred.

He has more than thirty years of criminal investigation experience.

Xu Zhiyong asked himself that in the past thirty years, he had seen all kinds of weird and unpredictable cases, as well as all kinds of vicious and psychopathic criminals.

Xu Zhiyong’s rich experience is not a name for nothing.

Looking at the group of young people around him who were looking at him with expectant eyes, Xu Zhiyong felt that his scalp was a little stiff and his throat was a little blocked.

But Xu Zhiyong knew that at this time, he must not give up.

So he could only cough twice, moisten his throat, and began to analyze: "The gender of the deceased...can't be determined at the moment..."

Let’s not talk about whether there is anything wrong with the word “dead”...

Let alone gender, whether it is a human being is still open to question.

"According to on-site speculation, the cause of death is most likely decapitation..."




The metal head is separated from the body by more than ten centimeters, and the scene is blurry. Do you still need to... speculate?

"According to speculation, the murderer's strength should be very high... um... very high..."

I can’t finish editing anymore!

"excuse me."

At this moment, a slightly hoarse and magnetic voice came into Xu Zhiyong's ears.

Xu Zhiyong was interrupted from his analysis. He was not angry but happy. He looked back with gratitude to see who was so wise.

Seeing this, Xu Zhiyong was immediately stunned.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a floral shirt with short sleeves, colorful beach shorts on his lower body, and flip-flops. He did not know when he appeared in the warning circle.

The middle-aged man looked to be under forty years old, slightly younger than Xu Zhiyong, but his messy beard gave people an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes of life.

After Xu Zhiyong was stunned for a moment, he shouted to the others with a straight face: "Didn't I ask you to seal off the scene? Why did you let the irrelevant personnel in?"

Put it in?

When the other police officers heard this, they all looked confused.

They didn't even notice where this flashy-looking guy ran in from.

"This gentleman..." Although he looked confused, but where the accusation lay, a police officer under Xu Zhiyong stepped forward and said in a habitually unemotional tone: "A murder occurred here, and it was not related to anyone. Please leave immediately!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." The man in beach shorts glanced at the piece of scrap metal in the center of the security area, and said with a smile: "This is not as simple as a murder case."

Xu Zhiyong was slightly moved when he heard this.

How does this guy know...

At this time, someone next to Xu Zhiyong whispered: "You don't need to say this? As long as you are not blind, you can see it, right?"

Xu Zhiyong: "..."

"Oh! By the way! I almost forgot that I have a certificate!" The man in beach shorts groped around on his body in a hurry.

The crow's feet at the corners of Xu Zhiyong's eyes twitched slightly, and he kindly reminded: "You don't have pockets..."

"Yo! Here!" A look of surprise appeared on the man's face. Then he dug behind his butt and took out a crumpled black book. He opened one page and showed it in front of Xu Zhiyong.

"Where did you take it out from?" Xu Zhiyong took a step back in fright.

"It does not matter."

"The important thing is that from now on, all of you are irrelevant personnel..."

The middle-aged man in board shorts grinned brightly: "This place has been taken over by 'professionals'."

Today there are two 3,000-word chapters, which is equivalent to the usual three chapters, know, get your recommendation votes!

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