Infinity Throne

Chapter 368 How can there be any quiet time (2 in 1)


Yi Lin was playing with the dagger with a smile on her face.


Although Homeros was being attacked by Yi Lin, there was no anger on his expression.

He truly deserves to be a national-level iceberg male god.

"I want a fully functional aerostat and a team of people who know how to operate an aerostat."



Homeros agreed readily.

Almost as soon as Yi Lin stated the conditions, she agreed without hesitation.

The speed was so fast that Yi Lin was stunned for a moment, thinking that she heard wrongly.

"What did you say?"

"……, good."

"You agree now?"


"Well, to be honest, I thought you would resist a little bit."


Just when Yilin and Big Boss Homelos were asking and answering questions in this strange negotiation atmosphere.

There was another "ding" in Yi Lin's ear without any surprise.

The sound is crisp and pleasant.


[Accept the side mission: Hermelos’ Compromise. 】


The prompt stuck for a while.

[Complete the side mission: Homeros’ Compromise. 】

[Acquired temporary permission to use the intermediate aerostat 'Faraday'. 】

[Acquired temporary command authority for the Shuangshi Kingdom’s aerospace craft pilot unit. 】

This side mission...

Before he could refresh the content, Yi Lin completed it at the speed of light.

Accepting a task and completing it occur at the same moment.

Isn't this kind of mission a temporary task just for the sake of going through the motions?

A strange idea came to Yi Lin's mind.

But no matter what, since the system prompt pops up, it means that Yi Lin's bold idea has been realized.

Through peaceful negotiations, emotion and reason, Hormelos was persuaded to lend an aerostat, and a team of pilots who knew how to operate the aerostat had command authority.

In fact, it is not difficult for Yi Lin and others to grab an aerostat.

The difficulty is... no one knows how to drive it!

By making this vehicle control system so complex, it is clear that this game is deliberately trying to embarrass players!

Yi Lin stood opposite Homeros, far away, and read the prompt several times.

There doesn't seem to be anything fishy about it.

System certification.

God oversees it, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yi Lin closed the panel.

"So, goodbye?"

Yi Lin said tentatively and prepared to leave.


What Yi Lin didn't expect was that Homeros, who had a sullen face from beginning to end, suddenly seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and his eternal expression relaxed slightly.

Damn it?

This guy actually smiled?

Yi Lin, who was slowly retreating into the darkness, suddenly stopped.

Before Yi Lin could react, Homeros grasped the sheathed sword and took a step forward after Yi Lin took a step back.

The moment Homeros made a move, the slightly relaxed air around him became heavy again.

Homeros's step was like stepping on Yi Lin's chest, giving Yi Lin the illusion of being so depressed that it was difficult to breathe.

This step is also stuck within what Yi Lin considers to be a safe distance.

Neither far nor near, one step more is not too much, one step less is not too much.

Homeros did smile.

Although the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Yi Lin could see clearly now that he was indeed smiling.

Yi Lin suddenly had a bad feeling.

"This is an agreement."

"I have given you what you asked for. If you break the contract, I will kill you to the end of the world."

Homeros smiled and said this.

But it was obvious that he was smiling, but Yi Lin felt in a daze that Homeros was much more terrifying at this moment than when he was not smiling.

"You better... stop laughing."

Yi Lin shook her head.

Homeros in the moonlight, his heavy armor reflecting the moonlight.

After a moment of silence, he said softly: "It seems that you really don't understand this world very well."

"What's the meaning?"

"Leave Gaia, where can you go?"

Yi Lin was stunned.

Seeing Yi Lin's expression fluctuate, Hermelos quickly stopped smiling and continued: "It seems that the 'prophecy' is true."


Yi Lin once again heard this powerful word from the NPC's mouth.

It seems to be the background setting of "player".

In many games, to increase the player's sense of immersion, identities such as "the summoned", "the chosen one", and "the brave from another world" are often used to increase the player's sense of immersion and mission. sense, allowing players to have a more perfect immersive experience.

It was nothing at first, but as soon as the NPC said it, no matter which player he was, he would instantly feel superior.

Yi Lin didn't interrupt.

Homelos continued: "In the cloud calendar, in the year 3333, there will be a 'brave' crossing over from another world to save this world."

"I didn't believe it at first."

"Now, I don't believe it either."

Homeros' sharp-edged features were as cold as iron.

I saw the BOSS whose skills were like using a plug-in, Homelos, slowly raising the sword in his hand in front of Yi Lin. The air around him trembled slightly the moment Homeros raised his sword, making a clanging sound like a sharp sword shaking.

Yi Lin's expression changed.

Isn't it just an NPC? Does it need to give such outrageous appearance special effects?

When Yi Lin was surprised.

Homeros said with a firm tone and sonorous words: "What I believe in is only my 'Divine Sword'. My one sword is enough to eliminate all disasters. If one sword is not enough, then two swords." "

I know you are awesome, so tell me about the world view.

Yi Lin thought.

But Yi Lin honestly took another step back.

I'm afraid that the boss, Homelos, who doesn't have martial ethics, will kill him with one sword.

Yi Lin took a deep breath without interrupting.

After making the declaration of invincibility, Homeros quickly put down his long sword, stood up with the sword again, took the initial pose, and changed his words: "But I believe that you do not belong to this world."

So what if you see it?

Want to give you an award?

Yi Lin pouted.

Yi Lin originally wanted Homeros to speak quickly.

But it has been a long time since Yilin escaped from prison, and until the confrontation with Hermelos, no other guards came to help. Yilin wondered whether some specific hidden plot was triggered, so even if Hemelos No matter how long-winded Melos was, he could only listen patiently and wait patiently.

Sure enough, according to the rules of the game, Hermelos still revealed the "background of the world view" that Yi Lin had never had time to inquire about.

"Legend has it that the gods created this world with seven giant beasts."

"Earth, Gaia."

"Wind, Aiolos."

"Fire, Boros."

"Bing, Pagos."

"Light, Aurora."

"Water, Poseidon."

After Homeros finished speaking, his movements did not change, but he fell into a brief silence.

Yi Lin waited for a short while, but did not see Homelos speak, so she took the initiative, counted three times on her fingers, and said doubtfully: "Seven giant beasts, but you only said six."

"It does not matter."

Homeros shook his head slowly.

Damn it?

It doesn't matter that the difference between seven and six is ​​so outrageous?

Yi Lin always felt that Homeros was hiding something.

But the BOSS holds one of the forty-nine "Excalibur Swords" in the game. It is so powerful that Yi Lin can't poke it in, nor can he pry open Homeros' mouth. He can only temporarily let the BOSS say it's not important. .

"Wait... Gaia... the giant beast?" Yi Lin suddenly took a breath, with a slightly shocked expression: "You mean, the land under our feet is what the giant beast god transformed into after his death?"

"Dead?" Hermelos said in shock: "It is alive."


Yi Lin was shocked.

Don't be surprised.

He never expected that the world view of this game would be such an unconstrained setting.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, the seven-headed beast gods transformed into land, and countless "people" built cities and gathering places on the backs of the beast gods. From the beginning of entering the game, Yi Lin walked from Gaia South to Gaia North, and from Gaia West to Gaia East. She never thought that this vast journey would only happen on the back of a "giant beast" ?

What a magnificent world view this is!

"The giant beast is moving all the time. In the vast sea of ​​clouds, there are no 'road signs'. Even if you have a ship, you can't find other giant beasts. In the end, you can only run out of fuel and become a giant monster floating in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds. 'Death ship', or, falling into the abyss."

Yi Lin finally understood.

It turned out that this was what Homeros had in mind.

After Homelos told the truth, Yi Lin, who knew that he had been tricked, laughed angrily and said: "You mean, you are only responsible for providing aerostats and people who can drive them, and you will not give them to me." A 'road sign' leading to other 'giant beasts'? What's the difference between you doing this and being a hooligan?"


Homeros lowered his head and chuckled.

He also seemed to know that he was being a rogue.

But he still played it.

After laughing, Hermelos looked calm.

"Two Lions Kingdom, 100,000 people, you will not suffer any loss if you exchange it for an aerostat. But if you breach the contract..."

Homeros did not finish what he said next.

When this iceberg god, sword master, great knight of the country, and the dream lover of millions of lion girls stopped talking, Homelos let go slightly, and the exquisite two-handed sword strangely rebounded an inch. With a clang, the sword light leaked from the scabbard, making the surrounding moonlight suddenly dim.

That ray of light also stung Yi Lin's eyes.

Yi Lin couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

The threat contained in it is self-evident.

Yi Lin was silent.

Homeros's meaning is clear.

I can give you the aerostat and the people.

The condition is that you do not assassinate any of the 100,000 people in the Twin Lion Kingdom.

Yi Lin also agreed.

Here's the deal.

Yi Lin also completed the side mission and received the reward he deserved, and he couldn't do anything fake.

As for what Homeros said was the "road sign" that guided the airship to other giant beasts, that was another matter, and it had nothing to do with this matter.

But if Yi Lin breaks the contract and uses the same method again to threaten Homeros, the super boss, to hand over the "road sign", he will most likely bear the wrath of a high-ranking boss. Although Gaia is big, as long as Yilin can't run away, Homelos will catch up to her sooner or later, so it's not worth it.

The price/performance ratio is not high either.

After Yi Lin figured out the key, she smiled, but was a little depressed.

"No wonder you knew I was good at escaping and locked me in that so-called 'deeply guarded' cell. It turns out everything was as you expected."

"Let me think about it, it's nothing more than... killing people?"

"That makes sense. The right time, the right location, the right people, plus what happened during the day, no one will doubt it."

"Haha, I thought it was strange before. If everyone in this country abided by the so-called 'chivalry' and acted like that, this country would not be able to survive today."

"Some people are sinister and some people are stupid. This is only reasonable."

"There are no quiet years. There are only people carrying the burden forward."

Yi Lin said to herself.

The end.

Yi Lin opened her eyes again and looked at Homeros.

"Tell me, who to kill?"

Homeros seemed to have expected Yi Lin to ask this question.

The palm of his hand shook.

A "hidden weapon" flew towards Yi Lin.

Yi Lin didn't panic.

After all, Homeros's level was there. If he really wanted to attack Yi Lin, there was no need to resort to such small tricks.

Moreover, the "hidden weapon" came unexpectedly, and Yi Lin easily caught it.

Yi Lin discovered that what she received in her hand was a "mini" crystal.

Only about the size of a fingernail.

Homelos explained: "Crush the message crystal."

Be concise and to the point.

Of course, as a player, even without Hermelos' explanation, Yilin could still reveal the corresponding item information.

Yi Lin smiled and pinched the crystal in her palm into powder.

In the blink of an eye, a faint ray of light floated up from the message crystal that was crushed into powder, and penetrated into Yi Lin's eyebrows.

In this game world, "crystals" have many functions and endless uses.

I don’t know how it was made.

Yi Lin always feels that behind these "crystal" functions is not just a simple program.

At the top of the Holy See branch in Port Isita, Yi Lin looked at the defensive formation pattern composed of seven crystals. From the complicated and obscure patterns, Yi Lin seemed to have grasped some secret, but he could not figure it out.

"This game world is really, really big."

Yi Lin thought about it, feeling a little happy for some reason.

He feels that this game is becoming more and more interesting.

Although the original main goal [Leave this game world] has not changed. But during this journey, Yilin gradually became less anxious to leave. During the journey deep into this world, Yilin discovered a lot of the deeper fun of the game and became increasingly addicted to it.

As a player, isn’t it normal to be addicted to “games”?

While thinking about it.

The light that penetrated Yi Lin's eyebrows turned into pieces of clear information that appeared in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

"This is really black technology."

Yi Lin carefully studied the piece of information and his expression froze slightly. In admiration, he also looked at Homeros with a surprised look.

[Accept the side mission: Homeros’s deal! 】

[Mission goal: Complete Homeros’s ‘Peace List’. 】

[Current progress: 0/20. 】

[Task Difficulty: S]

[Task time limit: 6 hours. 】

[Task reward: designated giant beast "Navigation Pointer"*2. 】

Peace list?

Yi Lin took a deep breath and said, "This is your real purpose."

Homeros was silent.


Yi Lin asked again.

It’s not Yi Rin’s gossip.

Rather, he really wanted to know the reason.

The deeper you get into the game, the more you want to understand the story.

"It's just a deal." Hermelos smiled, with no joy or sorrow in his smile.


Yi Lin nodded. Since the other party didn't say anything, Yi Lin couldn't go into details.

This mission is an S-level branch.

And it seems that there is no limit to the number of people.

Maybe you can share it with your friends.

But Yi Lin had no such plans.

According to his speculation, the reason why this mission is S-level is because of the difficulty of the game mechanics.

to him……

No wonder Homeros found him in this way.

"There is one more question," Yi Lin said with bright eyes in the darkness. Homeros was one of the characters that Yi Lin did not dare to treat as an NPC in this game world, so he asked again: "Why 6 hours?"


Homeros seemed to have expected Yi Lin to ask this question.

Shortly after the problem arose, Hermelos did not hide it and directly stated the reason.

"Six hours later, before the sun rises, Pope Dige Augie Anthony will lead the Holy See Army to the Kingdom of Two Lions."

Yi Lin's pupils shrank.


In the Kingdom of Two Lions, there is also the presence of the Holy See.

Wanted notices were posted on the door. If it was said that there was no small branch of the Holy See in the Kingdom of Two Lions, Yi Lin would be beaten to death for not believing it.

Moreover, in the normal game process, the Holy See is a functional institution used by "players" to change jobs, so it is impossible.

Even if the size of the small branch is not as large as that of Puerto Isita, there will still be what should be there.

Hey, wait a minute?

Chapter of the Holy See?

Maybe there are "drops of the saint's blood" hidden inside?

Even if not, maybe there are a lot of valuable things?

While analyzing the problem, a bold idea flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

But he didn't have time to think too much.

The situation is serious.

"Six hours is enough. Then what will you do after six hours?"

"This is my business," Homelos closed his eyes again: "This is a deal."

"Oh, that's right, a deal."

Yi Lin smiled kindly and backed away slowly.

As he backed away, he said: "I have the final say on what means can be used to complete the transaction. If things get too big, I hope you won't regret it in the end."

Homeros suddenly frowned.

His eyes no longer fell on Yi Lin, who was gradually retreating into darkness. Instead, he raised his head and stared at the full moon.

"Ah, today's moon is very noisy."

He didn't seem to see Yi Lin escaping. Homelos continued to talk to himself: "I wonder if the felons in the prison have any thoughts of escaping?"

"Master, can you enjoy drinking wine?"

"Well, let's go take a look."

He said he wanted to leave, but Hermelos made no move.

I "didn't" see Yi Lin either.

Yi Lin was stunned.

Immediately he understood what Homelos meant.

This country is really interesting.

Homeros can be called the knight of the new era.

Very... pragmatic.

Yi Lin dives into the darkness again.

On the same spot, in the training ground, Hermelos' posture did not change.

The two-handed sword, the bright crystal at the end of the hilt, flashed with light.

A girl's voice, slightly confused, asked: "Can we trust him?"

Homelos was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly: "This is a deal."

Girl: "..."

Shortly after Yi Lin left, Homeros walked slowly to the bright center of the courtyard.

There are still many guards here, patrolling diligently.

In the palace, the banquet has come to an end. The dignitaries and ministers of the kingdom, escorted by their own personal guards, returned home and did not stay in the royal city any longer in the second half.

"Those felons escaped."

"From now on, the whole city is under martial law and we will search out those wanted criminals again."

Homeros quickly gave orders.

After chasing for a long time during the day, several felons who were finally caught escaped again. This news spread once again throughout the Twin Lion Kingdom, centered on the inner city walled city, in a very short period of time.

The whole city was shaken.

The lights in the city were extinguished, and the citizens of the Two Lion Kingdoms, who had gone to bed early, woke up one after another.

On the street, the crystal lanterns on the roadside lit up again, and the whole city was like a city that never sleeps under the night sky, as bright as day.

The heraldic flags of the country with two lions fluttered in the night wind.

Click, click, click...

The army swarmed out and once again launched a blanket search in the Twin Lion Kingdom.

This time, many guards had gained experience, and the focus of the search fell on the city wall.

"Felons are very good at climbing over walls."

This habitual thinking is deeply rooted in the minds of every guard who has participated in the hunt.

Homeros also deployed a large number of troops near the military port.

Many dignitaries and ministers who had been drinking and chatting in the city of the Two Lion King not long ago were so frightened that their heads were under the covers after hearing the news. The palace was surrounded by personal guards.

at the same time.

On the main street of Shuangshiguo.

From time to time, there are strange shadows spinning, twisting, and swaying.

Yi Lin took advantage of the darkness and quickly walked through various shadows.

"Is Homeros's purpose to make this matter bigger?"

"Everyone knows?"

Yi Lin swiped her index finger down and opened the [System] panel.

[Reputation of the Two Lions Kingdom-100]

[Reputation of the Two Lions Kingdom-100]

The prestige of the Kingdom of Two Lions continues to decline.

Even though Yi Lin hadn't started doing anything, her reputation dropped even more outrageously than the stock market crash, plummeting.

This is what is called wanting to inflict a crime, so there is no need to worry about it.

Coercion, inducement, persuasion, it's all there.

"But why don't I hate this?"

Yi Lin felt puzzled.

On the contrary, he felt that Hermelos' behavior was normal.

Speaking of which, this BOSS really doesn't look like a competent NPC.

While thinking about it, Yi Lin casually closed the panel and took out the communication crystal from the [Props].

at the same time.

In the royal city.

In a heavily guarded prison.

The jailer was still sleeping soundly.

On the ceiling, messy footsteps could be heard from time to time.

Click, click, click.

It was like teams of knights dancing together on the ground above the prison.

In the darkness, Li Erpang patted his bulging belly and ate a meal of private goods that he had saved for a while. He burped with satisfaction and said, "It feels like something happened up there?"

"Is it him?"

Ning You smiled.

"It's him."

Xiao Chuer is very sure.

They are becoming more and more accustomed to the days when Yi Lin is not around.

As an assassin, the protagonist often appears and disappears, isn't it appropriate?

Ning You and Xiao Chuer have always believed that the "protagonist Yi Lin" in this trial is the person who is riddled with luck in the trial.

Whether it's good luck or bad luck, it can't be helped.

If this is a story about abuse, the protagonist will definitely die heroically in the end, so by following the protagonist, the protagonist will definitely be able to absorb a lot of bad luck.

And if this is a cool novel, there is nothing wrong with following the protagonist. After all, the protagonist in a cool novel always kills the villain in various cheating ways.

No matter what happens, as apostles, Ning You and Xiao Chuer will not suffer any loss if they sneak around during the trial and take action based on the general trend.

Li Erpang chuckled, squinted his eyes, and said very wretchedly: "What kind of skills do you have? Can you beat you or something? It's time to deal with it, right? There is such a big movement above, Fatty, after careful consideration and reasonable speculation, Assuming evidence, now is the best time to escape.”

Ning You and Xiao Chuer did not refute.

After all, now is indeed the best time to escape.

And just when Ning You was about to release his best innate skill "I stand here and you hit me", he felt the communication crystal flash.

It’s Yi Rin.

Sure enough it was him.

Ning You answered the call.

The communication crystal was so dark that Ning You didn't know where Yi Lin was hiding now. He couldn't even see the other person's face clearly.

But Yi Lin's voice was transmitted word for word through the communication crystal.

"The situation has changed. You must, absolutely, must not run around casually. Stay in the cell with peace of mind and don't move around. Understand?"


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