Infinity Throne

Chapter 393 The Dog Hero must not be allowed to approach the Land of Fire! (asking for monthly ticke

"The brave man's companion..."

Queen Seren was sitting on the throne, her gorgeous fins swaying slightly in the water, and circles of ripples rippled in front of Li Erpang and the others.

Li Erpang wiped his saliva subconsciously.

So beautiful! !

Serian didn't seem to notice Li Erpang's expression. She closed her eyes. After a moment of silence, she smiled at the three of them: "It's time to say goodbye."

"On the sea of ​​clouds, the hidden darkness is stirring silently."

"But your existence proves that the god, Ouranos, has not abandoned this world."

"Your presence made me believe this."

Seren opened her eyes and recited the lines with full emotion.

Ning You, Xiao Chuer, and Li Erpang remained silent.

Wait quietly.

Waited for a while.

Seren suddenly raised the gorgeous harpoon and pointed it at the three people.

In an instant, a transparent spherical film appeared out of thin air, wrapping the three people inside.

The film appeared very quickly, and the three of them were wrapped in the ball before they could even react.

Boom, boom, boom.

Li Erpang knocked on the inside of the film a few times and found that this film, which seemed to be broken by a poke, was actually as solid as a rock. Under this knock, except for a few circles of light, there was no sign of breakage at all.

"This membrane is so hard, it can't be broken!"

Li Erpang was stunned and said something that seemed to be wrong.

Xiao Chuer rolled her eyes.

Ning You stayed here for a month, but he was not surprised by the "black technology" existing in the game world.

Instead he wondered.

That's it?

Leaving now?

Why don't you give me a gift bag or something before leaving?

The protagonist's leg hair finally obtained a "magic sword" before leaving the Kingdom of Two Lions. This mermaid kingdom seems too barren, right?

Even if the artifact is not available, there is always a big gift package, right?

There is no big gift package, but one or two simple tasks with rich rewards and content are acceptable, right?

Ning You and Xiao Chuer had an idea.

But didn't dare to ask.

Unexpectedly, Li Erpang quickly rubbed his thumb and index finger and asked what his teammates wanted to ask.

"Wait a minute, Queen Seren, our relationship is quite deep. Before leaving, why didn't you order any gifts? The outside world is very dangerous! If we can't save the world, you petite and pitiful mermaids, Isn’t it very dangerous?”

Ning You and Xiao Chuer looked at each other and silently gave classmate Li Erpang a big thumbs up!

It turns out that at critical moments, it is so convenient to have a teammate who speaks without thinking!

"It doesn't matter," Mermaid Queen Seren smiled sweetly, and her soft voice seemed to have the power to soothe people's hearts: "You can't save me, there is still a brave man here."

Ning You, Xiao Chuer, and Li Erpang: "..."

...The three brave friends lost the ability to answer questions in an instant.

Mermaid Queen Seren saw that the three "brave companions" were very satisfied with her answer, so she said no more. The harpoon was raised, and the thin film light ball surrounding the three people floated upward with the waves at a certain constant speed.


"No matter what dangers you are about to face next,"

"Do not look back!"

Mermaid Queen Seren stood up from the throne, bowed to the three people who were walking away, and placed her right hand on her plump chest, pressing it into a deep pit. Seren closed her eyes, and there seemed to be a hint of sadness hidden in her tone.

"Ouranos is above, may God bless you and break the darkness."

“Reality is shattered and illusion remains forever.”

"Wish you good luck in martial arts."

Neither Li Erpang nor the other three paid much attention to Mermaid Queen Seren's last words.

In a thin film photosphere.

Ning You finally recovered from Serian's critical attack. He couldn't focus at the end of his eyes, his expression was sad, and he murmured: "After I go out, if I have a chance, I will also complain."

Xiao Chuer sighed: "Take me with you."

Gradually, the gorgeous palace became smaller and smaller under the feet of the three people. The surrounding light gradually became dim. As the film light ball rose, the mermaid kingdom quickly shrunk, shrinking into a city the size of a palm, and finally turned into a small dot on the map that could not be distinguished with the naked eye.

After the three "companions of the brave" left.

In the empty palace, Seren's expression relaxed and she slumped down on the throne again.

A colorful little fish swam quickly from the entrance of the palace and whispered in Seren's ear.

"Her Royal Highness the Queen, the Holy See has sent an ultimatum, saying that if the three humans on the wanted order are not handed over, they will drive 'Aiolos' to declare war on 'Poseidon'."

Seren slowly closed her eyes.

a long time.


Seren's unwavering voice echoed in the hall.

That fish has long disappeared.

The thin film light ball floats, floats, floats.

It has floated to the end of the "ocean".

Li Erpang and the other three raised their heads and were horrified to find that the tops of their heads were covered with openings and closing holes. Between the opening and closing of the holes, there was a terrible flow of air rushing out of the holes, followed by another wave. The water column is sucked out by the holes. The fast-flowing water formed a strong turbulence in front of the hole.

The densely packed holes, looking in, are bottomless, the hollows are so deep, I don’t know where they lead.


Li Erpang swallowed hard.

Divine Sword Su Su, with a calm expression, calm and aloof, leaned over and patted Li Erpang on the shoulder to express comfort.

Xiao Chuer was shocked: "What kind of hole is this?"

Ning's right double eyelids twitched crazily: "Should we leave from here?"

Li Erpang almost cried: "Wait a minute, isn't this the anus of the giant beast Poseidon?"

Xiao Chuer was angry: "Go away! When have you seen so many chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums?"

Ning You quickly calmed down and shook his head with a wry smile: "It is true that there are no human beings, but there may be no giant beast gods."

The three of them looked at each other.

"No ah ah ah ah ah -"


The thin film light ball carrying the three people was filled with screams. In the blink of an eye, it was swallowed hard by the deep and trembling holes and disappeared completely into the water.

The giant fire beast, Boros.

Beyond the Ashes Hills.

The sky is filled with ashes.

The air is filled with the everlasting smell of sulfur.

In the distance of the blazing land, the scenery was distorted, as if it was split into several worlds of different dimensions.

Countless flickering fires echoed deeply on the cracked earth, becoming a unique scenery on this land.

Here is a mountain.

A towering volcano.

From time to time, the crater spews out dark gray mist, which swirls into thick fog clouds around the crater.

In fact, if someone gets closer and observes carefully, they will find that what surrounds the crater is not clouds at all, but dust floating in the sky. The wind does not blow away and the ashes do not fall, which is why this unique climate is formed.

At the foot of the mountain, buildings with unique styles are built against the mountain, forming a cluster similar to a village.

Throughout the village of Volcano Point, dark smoke drifted out. Because there was no wind, the smoke pillars were like pillars falling from the sky, condensing straight and lingering for a long time.

swish swish——

Ashes were floating quietly in the sky.

It's like standing still in front of you, as if stretching out five fingers can solidify the ashes in the air.

A traveler in a black robe, with the collar pulled up and covering his mouth and nose, leaving only his eyes exposed. I saw him walking lightly on the cracked land.


Next to the traveler, there was a fluffy dog, covered with a thick layer of gray. It changed from a white dog to a native dog, looking very embarrassed.

The hot and dry climate makes dogs constantly stick out their tongues and gasp for breath, exuding restless energy in their bodies in this unique way.

"Sure enough, wherever there is smoke, there are people. This game can't be so outrageous that there are monsters having a barbecue in the wild, right?"

Yi Lin raised his head and looked at the human gathering place not far away. He whispered softly and walked up quickly.

At the intersection, there was a dusty road sign.

Yi Lin stepped forward and wiped away the dust on the street sign with her hands.

The unique font of the game world appeared in front of Yi Lin.

——[Land of Fire]



A man and a dog looked up at the entrance of the village and exclaimed.


"Who are you?"

Right now.

From inside the village gate of Fire Source, two figures appeared in a flash and stopped in front of them.

Huang Chengcheng's name appeared above their heads.

Neutral, yellow name.

[Hometown of Fire·Han Meimei]


[Hometown of Fire·Li Lei]


Li Lei?

Han Meimei?

These two names gave Yi Lin a strange feeling.

It was obviously a serious name, but Yi Lin always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it for the moment.

Weird thoughts flashed through me.

Yi Lin didn't pay too much attention. Han Meimei and Li Lei, a man and a woman, held long spears and stopped in front of Yi Lin and Wang Tiandi. It seemed that if they disagreed, they would enter the turn system and start the battle directly without hesitation.

What made Yilin pay more attention was that both of them wore dark, avant-garde masks on their faces.

The voices of the two came out from the filter holes reserved in the mask. They sounded a bit muffled, but they could still barely distinguish the voices of a man and a woman.

"Ahem, we are adventurers from afar."

The opponent's level was several orders of magnitude lower than Yi Lin's.

Yi Lin was not afraid.

But he really didn't want to fight against the hostile NPC forces anymore.

Besides, his current target is no longer a mere NPC.

If you kill NPCs, how can you kill the Six Evils and get good fortune in the future?

Not only can it trigger the main plot, but it also has a lot of experience. How can a mere NPC compare with it?

No need. No need.


"Dog-shaped monster!"


When Han Meimei and Li Lei heard Wang Tiandi's cry, they trembled, as if they were faced with a powerful enemy, and thrust their spears forward, pointing at Yi Lin.

"You, you, are you the devil pretending to be a 'brave'?"

Yi Lin: "?"

Emperor Wang Tian: "?"

Seeing that Yi Lin stopped talking and the dog stopped barking and was dumbfounded, Han Meimei and Li Lei became more sure, their voices cold.

"definitely is!"

"'Miko-sama' said that the 'Dog Hero' should never be allowed to approach the Land of Fire! Once the whereabouts of the 'Dog Hero' are discovered, kill him first and ask questions later!"


Yi Lin almost spat out a mouthful of ash from her tightly covered mouth and nose.

Who is the dog brave!

Can't you just talk nicely?

It’s “The Brave Man and the Dog”!

Wang Tiandi's expression was calm. No matter what angle he stood at, "dog brave" was not a derogatory term for him.

The dog silently put his paws into his arms.

Prepare to take out the polished fighting claws from the [props] and attack with the whole army.

Yi Lin raised his eyebrows and stepped on Wang Tiandi's waist.


While stepping on Wang Tiandi's male dog's waist, he told the dog not to move. Yi Lin quickly switched the title to [Honorary Guest Engineer] and smiled kindly.

"It turns out to be the 'brave', a felon wanted by the Holy See. I am an honorary guest engineer from the University of Engineering. I am a 'big engineer'. There are only six models in the world. If you get a fake one, you will lose ten percent. We can He’s not a brave dog, don’t get me wrong.”

Emperor Wang Tian was dumbfounded.

How the hell can this be done?

Li Lei and Han Meimei seemed to feel the certification from the [Title], and quickly put away their spears.

"It turns out to be the distinguished Great Engineer! Welcome to the Land of Fire!"



Yi Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the moment they put away their spears.

The names above the two people's heads turned green.

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