Infinity Throne

Chapter 40 Who is the mantis and who is the cicada (3000 words)

Buried among the pile of cold corpses was a face covered in blood.

The face was buried deep in the corpse and could not move.

He could only stare at Yi Lin with two eyes.

The depths of his eyes were filled with longing.

The dry lips moved slightly, but no sound came out.


The bloody man used all his strength to open his mouth wide, and the breath he exhaled trembled in his mouth. He finally made a strange noise, trying his best to attract Yi Lin's attention.

Yi Lin did notice the existence of the living person.

Still alive for now.

With the faint light, Yi Lin looked at the bloody man in the pile of corpses.

at night

Deep pit.

Pile of corpses.

A living person was buried in the pile of corpses.

This scene is really weird.

At this time, Yi Lin's eyes narrowed slightly and she discovered that the bloody man in the pit had his tongue cut off.

The mouth was bloody and bloody, and the spaces between the teeth were filled with scraps of flesh and blood.

In fact, what Yi Lin didn't know was that when Xiao Shisan threw the body into the pit, he actually discovered that the bloody man in the pit was still alive.

Not completely dead.

But with Xiao Shisan's pride and paranoia, he was too lazy to kill a disabled person himself.

Because Xiao Shisan felt that this would dirty his hands.

Besides, there is no reward.

not worth it.

Yi Lin looked into those eyes, sighed, and moved slightly.

It's like looking at hope in despair.

Like a flickering candle in the dark night.

This look in Yi Lin's very familiar.

In the future, he had seen it before.

While thinking about it, Yi Lin turned around silently. Blood Jasmine stood sideways, and the blood belonging to Xiao Shisan dropped to the ground.

When the bloody man buried in the pile of corpses saw this scene, the hope that had just been ignited in his eyes gradually dimmed again.

Yi Lin turned around and suddenly chuckled in a calm tone.

"A scapegoat who was caught to receive a reward... ha."

"In principle, I have an obligation to save you. After all, what happened to you was actually caused by me..." Yi Lin changed her tone: "Unfortunately, I am very busy now."

A trace of anger flashed in the bloody man's eyes.

"Yes, that's it." Yi Lin smiled slightly: "Keep your anger. If you can survive and I come back after solving the problem, I will call an ambulance for you. The premise is... you are not dead before I finish my work. through."

After saying that, Yi Lin turned around and left the burial pit.

Humans are amazing creatures.

Since the beginning, many scientists have studied the impact of the human spirit on human life.

For example, a seriously injured mother in an earthquake-stricken area used her body to carry several tons of weight for a whole day in order to give her children a chance to survive.

Another example is that the survivor had not had a sip of water for six days in the desert, and an oasis suddenly appeared in front of him, but in the end he died inexplicably before the oasis.

Yi Lin remembers a famous experiment done by a scientist hundreds of years ago.

A scientist blindfolded a prisoner and then made the sound of dripping water, making the prisoner mistakenly believe that his blood vessels had been cut. The prisoner listened to the sound of dripping water. Seven days later, the scientist opened the secret room and found that the prisoner had died in the secret room. .

So scientists came to the conclusion: Human beings will die from their own inner fear.

Of course, there are many more examples like this.

Yi Lin could also see that the bloody man in the pit was seriously injured and might ascend to heaven at any time.

Because of the look in his eyes that yearned to live, Yi Lin couldn't help but give him a little hope.

After he's done, it doesn't hurt to call an ambulance...

As for whether the person can survive in the end, it is his own destiny.

Yi Lin doesn't have much time left.

It took 3 minutes and 10 seconds to deal with all the bodyguards in the yard.

Another 20 seconds wasted by talking nonsense with the bloody man.

After all the calculations, Yilin only had 2 minutes left.

The Xiao family's house was brightly lit, with light coming from every window.

In just three minutes, even if the four remaining Xiao family guards in the room noticed something unusual, they might not have time to react.

After all, the alarm didn't go off.


Yi Lin turned on the communication headset she had snatched from the beginning and connected to another channel.

These communication headsets are used for short-distance communication and do not require passwords or iris verification.

This saves a lot of trouble.

Of course, if verification is really needed, Aunt Molly can take action at worst.

Actually, it's not a big trouble.

Yi Lin lowered his voice, hoarse, and said in a deliberately vague tone: "Outside, there is something abnormal outside! The boss's body was thrown in!"


"The boss is dead?"

Everyone knew that the boss was referring to... Xiao Yi.

The strongest guard of the Xiao family.

The terrifying existence that not long ago ripped out the heart of the "White Shadow Club" killer with one hand.

The only four Xiao family guards left in the house did not even bother to doubt the authenticity of Yi Lin's identity when they suddenly heard the news.

In addition, Xiao Yi's delay in returning after going out also added some credibility to the false information reported by Yi Lin.

Follow me like a shadow!

Four figures, all holding lightweight submachine guns, pushed open the door of the Xiao family mansion and rushed out.


Things went so well it was unbelievable.

Yi Lin, who had long been hiding in the darkness, and the blood jasmine were like death's scythes, slicing across the necks of the four of them.

By the time they reacted, they had become the dead souls of Yi Lin.

[Get chaos value +46]

[Get chaos value +42]

[Get chaos value +51]

[Get chaos value +35]

Until this time, Xiao Mo's sixteen bodyguards were all wiped out.

No one was spared.

The door to the Xiao family's residence was ajar, and there was no longer any obstacle.

But Yi Lin looked at the door and suddenly hesitated.

He suddenly had the illusion that the ajar door of Xiao's house in front of him seemed to be welcoming Yi Lin home.

Just two rows of beauties wearing welcoming cheongsams walked out from inside and shouted "Young Master~Welcome home~".

Yi Lin frowned and slowly stepped forward, about to step into Xiao's house.

The further we go, the clearer the feeling becomes.

Two seconds later, just as she was about to push the door open, Yi Lin stopped abruptly.

"Well, take another 30 seconds to think about it. There's no rush."

It is said that when the spiritual attributes reach a certain level, a mysterious feeling similar to the sixth sense will be produced.

Yi Lin knew that he was a little suspicious, but it wouldn't make him feel this weird.

He took a few steps back, slowly moving away from the luxurious mansion, and then hid in the darkness again.

Not even the sixteen bodyguards, including Xiao Yi, knew that there was actually a secret room underground in this mansion.

A completely safe secret room.

Even if the intercontinental missile detonated in Xiao's house ten years ago, it would never be able to shake the secret room underground.

In fact, Xiao Mo spent a lot of money on this mansion, part of which was on the AI ​​defense system, but more of it was on this secret room that could be called an iron-walled one.

He believed that as long as those four towers still existed, as long as the "forbidden air zone" still existed, and today when all strategic thermal weapons were ineffective... no one could forcefully break into the underground chamber.


In fact, before "Xiao Yi" died, the influence recorded by the mechanical right eye had been transmitted back to this secret room.

Xiao Mo was actually very happy.

But I also hate it.

He was happy that he finally found the murderer of his good son, but what he hated was that he actually let the murderer live for half a month longer.

Xiao Mo speculated that with Yi Lin's deep scheming mind, she would definitely choose to sneak into the Xiao family tonight and start killing people in order to avoid future troubles.

Things developed as Xiao Mo expected.

Xiao Mo kept sneering, watching Yi Lin harvest the lives of those bodyguards in the dark.

The expression on his face showed no emotion at all.

Even though he witnessed the tragic death of all the bodyguards, the sneer on Xiao Mo's face became thicker and thicker.

Finally he burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Good kill! Good kill! Aren't those all coveting the property of my Xiao family? Even Xiao Yi, if I hadn't added an instruction in his program that he must never betray, maybe even he would ...Hahaha! Have a good death!"

The Xiao family's sixteen guards are just code names that can be replaced at any time.

Even Xiao Yi is just a "semi-finished product".

None of it matters.

So Xiao Mo was not angry at all.

Just smiled coldly.

He looked at Yi Lin on the screen, as if he was watching a prey that was gradually getting deeper into a trap and was about to die tragically.

"Come on, come on, come on..."

Xiao Mo hid in the secret and waited for a long time.

As the old saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind.

But until the end, no one knows who is the mantis, who is the oriole, and who is...the cicada.

Xiao Mo is laughing.

Laugh and laugh.

On the screen, Yi Lin is about to push the door open.

Xiao Mo almost burst out laughing.


Yi Lin shrank back step by step.


Xiao Mo suddenly stood up, his eyes widened, and his face hit the screen.

There was a loud thud.

Fortunately, the equipment in this secret room was of high quality and would not be broken by Xiao Mo's collision.

Xiao Mo thought he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes and looked again.

As expected, Yi Lin's figure was missing on the screen.

"what happened?"

Xiao Mo looked shocked, and the confidence and sinister sneer on his face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"How is it possible? Did that damn boy realize something was wrong?"

"Impossible! At this point, is he willing to give up?"

Xiao Mo gritted his teeth.

He used his precious life as bait.

He even sacrificed the lives of all his bodyguards without hesitation.

Everything is just to save Yi Lin's life and everyone's life, to play a tragic funeral song made of flesh and blood for Henry Zhang's death.

Isn't this door open enough?

Or is there any bastard bodyguard who hasn’t completely breathed his last?

Why are you still hesitating?

Isn’t it going to be very relaxing and enjoyable?

Come in quickly?

Didn’t your school teacher teach you that you should never give up at a critical moment?

Could this be the legendary fake move?

This fake move is too fake, right?

Let’s talk about it after we get through the door!

Xiao Mo's mind was filled with questions.

It’s a big chapter of 3000 words. I beg you all to vote with a shake of your hands and add it to your bookshelf! Thank you, Xiaobai!

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