Infinity Throne

Chapter 406 I accidentally wiped out the BOSS (please vote for me)

Yi Lin and Wang Tiandi looked in the direction of the city wall from a distance.

The brave man and the dog were both wearing the [Wanted Man's Cloak] that they had borrowed from the black market in the Twin Lion Kingdom.

Although the style of this cloak has the suspicion of "there is no three hundred taels of silver here".

But in the game, there is indeed a function of hiding one's identity.

Yi Lin and Wang Tiandi put it on happily.

A man and a dog were standing on the roadside.

There is a sign not far away.

——[South Gate of Amara Kingdom].

The city gate is half covered.

NPCs from outside the Kingdom of Amara lined up to pass under the inspection of the guards.

Among these people are businessmen, salvagers, and adventurers.

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and stared into the distance.

With the help of the game system, the identity of the NPC is clear at a glance.

The NPCs that have nothing to do with Yi Lin are all neutral and have yellow names.

Among them, there seem to be several NPCs with green names mixed in.

Yi Lin roughly understood why when he saw the costumes of those green-named NPCs.

"A blacksmith from the Land of Fire?"

After completing the mission of the Land of Fire, Yi Lin raised the reputation of the Land of Fire to "Admired".

What is the concept of reputation of worship level?

It's equivalent to Yi Lin being able to do almost anything, do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants in the village.

The idea was even bolder, saying that Kikyo couldn't be made to put on a maid outfit.

Ahem... let's not mention this for now.

The names on the heads of the guards of the Kingdom of Amara were all red and purple.

Yi Lin silently opened the [Reputation] interface, glanced at it, sighed, and quietly closed the interface.

"I wonder if I will have the chance to reduce this hatred value in my lifetime?"

While sighing, Yi Lin did not enter the city rashly.

The wanted notices for Yi Lin and the dog were posted all over the bulletin board, as well as high-definition and uncensored photos of the dog with its middle paw raised. How blind a guard must be to be unable to recognize the Dog Warriors.

"Where are you?"

Yi Lin took out the communication guard and sent the communication.

In the past three days, although Yi Lin was busy farming monsters and rushing, she also kept in touch with her teammates.

The group chat was established quickly.

Li Erpang: "Damn it, why are you so mean?"

Yi Lin: "Just arrived, at the door, ready to go in."

Xiao Chuer: "Oh..."

Ning You: "Yeah."

Yi Lin noticed something was wrong with the tone of her teammates.

Yi Lin: "What happened to you?...Are you imprisoned again?"

Li Erpang: "..."

Ning You smiled bitterly: "It's nothing. I completed a branch of the Mermaid Kingdom before, and the plot was a bit...forget it, let's not mention it. Phew, we are already in now."

Yi Lin did not ask how they sneaked in despite being "deeply guarded".

Ning You has fully demonstrated his ability to "dig holes" in the Double Lion Kingdom.

With his innate skills, it is not difficult to sneak into the Kingdom of Amara.

"How's it going?"

"Not optimistic." Ning You didn't know where he was hiding and spoke in a cautious voice: "We also came the day before yesterday and entered the city in the dark. We came more than a day before you. There are many red-named NPCs in this city, and they are all hostile forces."

"The Holy See of Ouranos."

Yi Lin used affirmative sentences.

After all, in his [Reputation] interface, the only one who could be so red that he issued a wanted order for their group was the Holy See.

"Yes. The Kingdom of Amara should be controlled by the Holy See. It is even more outrageous than Port Isita. There are twelve churches of varying sizes. But fortunately, there are no Twin Lions in this country. Due to the country's old-fashioned doctrine of 'chivalry', the reputation value of the Kingdom of Amara and the reputation value of the Holy See seem to be calculated separately, and ordinary residents are shown to have yellow names and are neutral."

Churches... twelve?

When Yi Lin heard this, she felt dizzy.

The purpose of coming to the Kingdom of Amara is not only to find the remaining clues of the "Six Evil Generals Gift Pack" here, but Yi Lin must also find the [Drop of Blood of the Saint] in the church.

This country seems to be wider than the Kingdom of Two Lions on the map. It has a huge city and twelve churches. When will we find this?

Thinking of the difficulties, Yi Lin couldn't help but sigh.

"Let's talk after we come in."

Yi Lin, Gou, and Ge Lang blacksmith entered the city respectively.

It goes without saying how Yi Lin entered the city.

Blacksmith Ge Lang was not wanted, so he walked in through the city gate openly and openly.

But the way Gouzi entered the city made Yi Lin dumbfounded.

Yi Lin hesitated for a long time at first, thinking that she could just let Gouzi go out into the wild and become a wild dog.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Wang Tian smiled coldly and rolled his eyes at Yi Lin. The fluffy dog's tail whirred, took off on the spot, and easily slipped over the city wall into the city.

Damn it?

How can a dog fly like this?

What skill is this?

Is it cheating?

Wait a moment.

What game plug-in can be driven by a dog?

Yi Lin hid in the darkness and was stunned for a long time when she met Gouzi. She didn't recover from the shock.

But for some reason, he always felt that this scene seemed similar, as if he had seen similar scenes somewhere.

Shouldn't it be in some movie with a weird plot?

A thought flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

But no matter what, people, dogs, and blacksmiths all entered the city safely.

As Ning You said, there are red-named NPCs wandering around the city.

The architectural style in the city is a bit like medieval Gothic architecture.

There are towering spiers lined up in the city.

Outside the church, pillars carved with patterns stand solemnly, and pointed arches can be seen everywhere.

The colorful flower windows are engraved with ancient paintings of gods, which reveal the sacredness and solemnity everywhere, making people involuntarily have the urge to worship.

And close.

The houses in residential areas are also made of piles of various stones. The neat stone bricks look like they were cut by machines. The lines are straight, full of strength and sense of lines.

In addition to the Gothic-style buildings, steam is rising everywhere in the city, and there seem to be many steam machines that are unique to the game's worldview.

Yi Lin stood high and looked into the distance.

The twelve churches mentioned by Ning You are not difficult to identify.

After squinting for a while, Yi Lin muttered to herself.

"Ning You actually said it wrong."

"There are actually thirteen churches in the Kingdom of Amala."

"It consists of twelve 'sub-churches', laid out according to the clock time, distributed at the twelve points of the 'circle'. The spire at the center of the palace is actually a church, but because of the different architectural styles, Ning You did not Count it in.”

"This is clearly a country solidified by 'theocracy.'"

"The Twelve Sons Church, and the most central mother church, should be an important part of the 'art' of the entire country."

"But the lines and composition of the technique are hidden. Even I, as a 'great engineer', cannot see through the effect of the entire technique at a glance."

Is it a defense-focused technique like Port Isita?

Or... other types?

Yi Lin thought for a while and couldn't come up with an answer.

Half an hour later.

In a shabby tavern, Yi Lin successfully reunited with her teammates.

Although there are many red-named NPCs in the city, the Kingdom of Amala is a very large city with a population of nearly half a million. There are four main city gates alone. As long as you enter and hide in the residential area, even if the city is full The red-named NPC is not easy to find the brave team.

That's how it is when it's hidden in the city.

"Do you know the location of the 'Six Evil Generals'?"

Ning You nodded: "Well, there is a plot in the Mermaid Kingdom. The Mermaid Queen Seren once showed us the positions of the Six Evil Generals."

"Talk about it."

Yi Lin took a sip of the low-quality distilled wine. To be honest, it didn't taste very good.

Fortunately, the degree is low, so if you drink a little bit, you won't enter the negative state of "drunkenness."

Ning You carefully recalled what he saw in the "Eye of Poseidon" at that time.

Then he said slowly:

"There are six giant beasts in this game world. Let's think of them as six big maps."

"Poseidon doesn't."

"There is one on Aurora. Oh, by the way, you have already solved it."

"BOSS has diarrhea, BOSS has diarrhea." Yi Lin emphasized humbly.

Li Erpang: "..."

Xiao Chuer: "..."

"Ahem," Ning You coughed twice and believed it for the time being: "There are two on Poros, one on Pagos, and one on Aioros."

Having said this, Ning You frowned slightly: "The last 'Six Evil Generals' BOSS is a bit weird."

As soon as Yi Lin heard the word "weird", she became interested.

"Why is it weird?"

"The location of the BOSS we were looking at was on the back of the giant wind beast, Aiolos. There were two of them. But after you killed the BOSS, shortly after the lights went out, one of the ones on Aioros The 'Six Evil Generals' are moving quickly in the sea of ​​clouds."

Li Erpang shook his head and interjected: "I reasonably speculate that that fast-moving light is probably a BOSS flying in the sky."

"Flying in the sky?" Yi Lin pondered for a moment and muttered to herself: "It's not easy to handle."

"It's not that easy to clear this game." Ning You smiled: "But as the level increases, these bosses will definitely be able to be killed in the end. Just be careful and don't die halfway. The game is designed. The BOSS is destined to be killed by the players."

Xiao Chuer leaned lazily on the backrest, her expression waning, and she seemed to have no interest in the discussion between the two.

Yi Lin noticed that Xiao Chuer was in a low mood and couldn't help but ask: "What is the branch plot you did before?"

Ning You sighed and told Yi Lin the process of the [Mermaid Wedding] side mission without hiding anything.

After hearing this, Yi Lin felt sad. However, he had not personally experienced this story, and other than feeling sad, he did not have any strong emotions.

After a while.

Ning You concluded: "Since there are two 'Six Evil Generals' on Boros, the most likely place to find clues to the Six Evil Generals should be in the Kingdom of Amara. After all, there are many NPCs and many tasks, so you will always encounter them. Yes. I suggest that we split up carefully in the city and let each other know as soon as there is news."

Xiao Chuer and Li Erpang agreed.

Yi Lin stood up and prepared to take action.

He has one more task than others to "collect the blood of the saint".

It is said that with great ability comes great responsibility. This is the difficulty of being brave.

Finally, before splitting up.

Yi Lin put on the hood of her cloak and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, there's one thing I don't know whether to talk about or not."

"While completing side quests in the Land of Fire, I accidentally encountered one of the 'Six Evil Generals'."

"I guess you won't believe it when I say that the BOSS is upset. But the truth is that the BOSS was in a 'weak' state when I touched it."

Yi Lin looked at everyone with sincere eyes.

"Then, I accidentally killed the BOSS. After all, he is weak, so if he doesn't kill him, it will be useless."

"So, actually, there is only one of the six evil generals left on Boros."

"Come on, don't accidentally brush it off again."

After thinking about it, Yi Lin made a "come on" gesture with her fists and encouraged:


After saying that, Yi Lin left the tavern.

In situ.

Li Erpang, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer were stunned.

Emperor Wang Tian was also stunned.

I don’t even know this!


The three elite players finally reacted.

"Oh, oh, oh, your sister!"

There seems to be something wrong with this chapter number?

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