Infinity Throne

Chapter 409

The top of the palace.


Li Changge was crowned king and sat alone on the throne, silent.

Looking outside, the Kingdom of Amara was filled with fire, smoke, shouts and chaos in every corner.

In Chengdong District, a crazy dog ​​flew in the sky.

In the southern district of the city, a wretched fat man, with his partner, rampaged around and destroyed everything.

In the west area of ​​the city, the ground, buildings, and stone statues collapsed strangely. The good-looking Pope sculpture suddenly turned into a naked male statue.

In the northern district of the city, countless guards were inexplicably moved and fell in love, unable to extricate themselves. I watched helplessly as a beautiful girl passed by each building and whipped the door with a small leather whip with a smile on her face.

The palace was heavily guarded by countless soldiers.

At a glance, there are all red names and layers of heads, as if using the human sea tactic to cover every floor. It seems that they want to block the progress of some people in this way and never let any slip through the net. fish.

The strange thing is that there are no guards around Li Changge sitting on the top of the tower.

A strange shadow moved freely on the outer wall of the tower, no one noticed it, and no one could stop it.

With the diffusion of perception, everything around him is simply clearer to Yilin than what he can see with the naked eye, and everything is under his control.

"But something's still wrong."

Yi Lin easily used [Shadow Kill], turned into a shadow, and climbed up from the outer wall to the top floor.

"Everything went so smoothly."

Apart from the obstacles encountered by the little fat man and others in their sabotage operations in the city, things went incredibly smoothly on his side.

Although his two skill combinations are indeed weird enough. But things went so smoothly that Yi Lin felt a little inconsistent.

Arriving at the top floor, Yi Lin found that the strange player who had been biting them since the beginning was sitting on the throne in a pose that was so pretentious that it deserved a beating. Wearing gorgeous robes and costumes, and wearing a crown studded with crystals, Yi Lin had every reason to doubt that this was a piece of equipment with powerful attributes.

There were no guards around.

After a moment of silence in the darkness, Yi Lin suddenly chuckled, lifted the shadow state, and walked out of the darkness.

Li Changge raised his head. The light was dim, making it difficult to see Li Changge's expression. But at this moment, Yi Lin could clearly read a sly smile from the mottled shadows.

"You're still here."

"Hand over the key to the technique."

Yi Lin flicked her wrist, and two daggers suddenly appeared in her hands, red and green, invisible.


Hearing this, Li Changge seemed to have heard a world-class joke. First his eyes widened with disbelief, and then he burst into laughter with tears in his eyes.

"Hahahaha - you actually, you actually, hahaha... no way, no way, no way? You actually asked me to get the key to the spell? The keys to those NPC neckcuffs? Hahaha... Wait a minute, you Let me laugh a little longer..."


After laughing for a full minute, Li Changge rubbed his eyes on the throne, and seemed to finally catch his breath. Then he looked at Yi Lin again with a scrutinizing gaze. The corners of his mouth were still twitching, and he said: "But this shouldn't be the case. What is your real purpose? Are you so naive that you think I will believe what you say?"


Yi Lin remained silent.

This feeling comes again.

The tone and way the other person spoke seemed to be very familiar to Yi Lin.

Before the other party revealed more information that Yi Lin wanted to know, Yi Lin simply responded to the changes with silence to see if the other party would reveal anything more.

The only confrontation between Yi Lin and Li Changge was just across the communication crystal.

Li Changge's reaction at that time was also very strange.

The feeling of being hesitant to speak made Yi Lin feel that she seemed to have overlooked something very important.

Seeing that Yi Lin didn't speak, Li Changge knew that he had guessed correctly, so he chuckled: "You all underestimate me, do you really think I can be that stupid? Haha, when it comes to this kind of showdown, there is no need for me to pretend to be a grandson. .In order to survive until the end, I hid for too long, too long, too long.”


"In this trial, let me be the villain. When I was filming in the past, I always felt that the villain was very stupid when he beeped at the righteous side at critical moments. He just kept his head and kept silent. Wouldn’t it be nice to apply the skills and put them on? Wouldn’t it be nice to kill the decent ones without saying a word?”


"Hey, don't tell me, this feeling that I have been holding back for a long time and then suddenly showing off under the spotlight is really, really, really..."


As Li Changge spoke, his cheerful tone suddenly dropped in temperature and became eerie. He slowly stood up from the throne, and a skilled hairspray hand pushed his bangs to the top of his head.

"Really, it's so exciting!"





The moment Li Changge stood up, Yi Lin's two skills that had been prepared for a long time were released.

[Poison-Quenching Dagger]!

[Tearing Dagger]!

The light and shadow of two daggers, one red and one green, penetrated directly into Li Changge's eyes.

After the skill was released, Yi Lin burst out with incredible hand speed. Almost before the damage number popped up on Li Changge's head, he took out a smoke bomb with his backhand and smashed it at his feet, completely hiding his body in the thick smoke. middle.

In the smoke, a long shadow extended, turned strangely on the ground, and went around behind Li Changge.

Not to mention that Yi Lin's hand speed was already so fast that even he felt scared due to the professional bonus of [Shadow Warlock].

Moreover, his series of combos are becoming more and more proficient, and there is no ambiguity in connecting them. All these actions were performed one after another. As soon as Li Changge inserted the daggers into his eyes, Yi Lin appeared from Li Changge's shadow, with two bloody daggers in his hands, ready to cut into the opponent's neck.

But suddenly.

Yi Lin's subsequent combos came to an abrupt end.



No damage value!

Yi Lin knew that she had fast hands.

After all, it comes from training.

But it wasn't nearly there yet. He stabbed twice from a distance, then circled back, and when he was about to execute the finishing move, the initial damage value had not yet popped up.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Yi Lin had already noticed something was wrong.

Always on guard secretly.

After discovering the problem, Yi Lin popped up from the shadows and immediately shrank back, as if she had never appeared before.

There was no pain on Li Changge's face.

On the contrary, the strange smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger.

In an instant, Li Changge's figure shook, and there was a gap in Yi Lin's sight.

is fake!

This Li Changge is actually fake!

Why is Yi Lin so surprised?

Because before taking action, he used "perception" to confirm that "this" Li Changge also had the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat. It was completely different from the "projection technique" A Deng showed in the academy.

This is... a skill!

It is his unique innate skill.

The "clone" created by this skill even deceived Yi Lin's perception!

So scary!

Yi Lin quickly figured out the reason.

In the game world, as long as it can cause damage, the damage value will definitely appear.

This is the rule.

Even NPCs, monsters, and players all follow this rule.

Occasionally, there are skills like Yi Lin's [Grasp of Annihilation] that completely break the rules. Although there are some, they are definitely not many.

Otherwise, how can we continue to play this game?

When Yi Lin figured this out, she immediately ran away without hesitation.

Li Changge's figure, after shaking for a while, disappeared completely like flying ashes.


Li Changge's arrogant laughter came from all directions.

It was as if the air was filled with Li Changge's needy cells, making it impossible for Yi Lin to distinguish Li Changge's specific location from his voice.

"What skill is this?"

Yi Lin quickly changed her position.

Yi Lin asked softly while changing positions, which also made it impossible for Li Changge to find his specific location.

"'Rhapsody'! True and false, false and true, this is my ability! I, Li Changge, am the one who can truly 'live' to the end! If God had not given birth to me, Li Changge, my acting skills would last forever! I, Li Changge, , destined to overwhelm all enemies! Even you are no exception!"

"Kill me!"

Li Changge stopped pretending.

He had a complete showdown.

I, Li Changge, have a showdown! I'm actually really awesome!

He endured it for many years and tried again and again, from birth to death. Now in this world, Li Changge no longer has any scruples.

I, Li Changge, am destined to be the center of attention, step on the seven-color auspicious clouds, and shine brightly...

Li Changge was in high spirits!

Six men in red robes, with their faces completely covered in robes, took off from below the palace and arrived outside the high platform in a blink of an eye.

Six people occupied the position of the hexagram in mid-air, completely surrounding the high platform where Yi Lin was.


The six men in red robes moved in unison, as if they were completely copied and pasted, and the difference in movement was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

After they quickly made a few strange gestures in front of them, a light flashed behind the six people. From the gaps in the robes, there was light coming out. Complex lines were quickly outlined behind the six people, completely Connected together, they form a cage made of textures.

The heads of the six red-robed men bear the same red name.

【Six Evil Generals·Six People】

[Lv:? ? ? 】

"I didn't expect that you, a great spiritual person, would choose the profession of assassin insidiously?"

"As expected of you!"

"The professional balance in this world is so poor. In the turn-based assassin profession, it actually has the 'strong concealment' skill. This is really outrageous."

Li Changge's laughter echoed far away.

"But it doesn't matter! I expected you to have this move a long time ago. When you take action, you have already lost!"


"This is the trump card I specially left for you!"


Li Changge shouted for a while.

Yi Lin still hasn't appeared.

Like literally disappearing from the world.

After Li Changge was silent for a moment, his voice echoed on the high platform again.

"Come out!"


"What's the point of hiding? Come out quickly! Can everyone finish the work quickly?"


"You're so boring!"


"Fuck! If you don't come out again, do you believe that I will fire the map cannon?"


"Damn it! Where are the people!!!"

far away.

Yi Lin raised her head and looked in the direction of the palace. Surrounding the high tower on the top of the spire, the six red-robed bosses whose faces could not be seen clearly were lost in thought.

"Six people? Can you use magic?"

"Looking at the structure and lines of the technique, it seems that it is a function blocked from the concept of 'space'."

"Thankfully I ran fast, otherwise...hehe."

"Who designed this BOSS? It's so shameless. Six BOSSes are treated as one? Could it be that it also has attributes such as life sharing?"

"This is trouble."


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