Infinity Throne

Chapter 433 Concept of Unit Zero

Yi Lin never thought that one day she would be able to have such an intense discussion with Molly on a "scientific" level.

“What are the main materials used?”

"Titanium alloy, a must!"

"It seems expensive?"

"It's okay, I have a lot of research funds, so I'm not short of money!"

"Wait, your project should be kept secret, right?"

"It's okay. It's enough to get funds from other projects. Can you please stop being so whiny?" Molly said with a glare.

After several days of "education" from Yi Lin, Molly also understood some basic principles of "crystal pattern" after drawing inferences from one example.

"The location of the main core should really be on the chest, right? How domineering Twinkle Twinkle is!"

Yi Lin ruthlessly shattered Molly's domineering thoughts: "Are you stupid? If you really want to use it in actual combat, you have such a shining crystal stuck in your chest. Who would have thought that this is a weakness? Moreover, the core crystal must be hidden It must not be exposed on the surface of the body. The more secretive the circuits, nodes, and core are, the better."

"With your structure, you can't contain too many thermal weapons, and after removing most of the electronic structure, the weapon system can only rely on crystal pattern technology."

"Hehe." When it came to weapons, Molly's eyes instantly lit up and she said excitedly, "I've thought of a weapon for a long time! Just use my legs!"

"Legs?" Yi Lin couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Molly's slender legs.

"In the 'heel' part of the armor, a pop-up stabbing blade is installed, the kind that pops out in one click. It's like wearing 20 cm high heels and punching a hole in the face with one kick. It's very cool when you think about it. Feeling it!"

"Hiss," the brutal weapon that Molly imagined made Yi Lin's scalp tingle slightly: "What on earth did you use as your imaginary enemy?"

"Didn't you say that the future is very dangerous? No matter what the imaginary enemy is, can't you use it to protect yourself? If it's really done, I can just poke it and play with it!"

Yi Lin understood it now.

Molly didn't create Unit Zero "for what" at all, but she tried every means to turn this bold idea into reality "for the sake of building Unit Zero."

The two discussed it for a full hour and a half.

The end.

"It's almost done. I'll quickly make a model machine first. Then you can see if there are any details that need to be improved on the model machine. Finally, finalize the design drawing!"


Yi Lin smiled.


The horoscope finally came to an end.

After discussing "science" with Yi Lin, Molly stretched and let out a long yawn.

"Then I'll go take a nap first, bye."

Looking at Molly's tired posture, Yi Lin couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Go quickly, don't die suddenly."

"Go away, you died suddenly and I didn't even die suddenly, Crow Mouth."


Speaking of which, his chance of sudden death is indeed higher than Molly's!

After Molly left.

Yi Lin suddenly woke up.

He suddenly forgot to ask something important.

In order to keep it secret, Molly even ordered a new machine tool and set up a confidential workshop in a spare room in the laboratory.

In order to prevent the design drawings from being leaked, all the core components can only be made by myself. There are no big problems in outsourcing some bits and pieces that are not too special.

"I didn't even have time to name it."

Yi Lin was still a little depressed when she remembered that Molly had directly chosen the name "Unit Zero".

Although there seems to be nothing wrong with this name, Yi Lin always feels that it can be given a more noble name.

Not strong enough.

Another week has passed.

Yi Lin is still busy.

So busy.

Not long ago, Ou Lele reluctantly sent a contact.

"Mosaic Girl" can't be found.

Orele's tone sounded a little sad.


It's obviously me who should be sad, okay!

The clues about "Xiao Xi" were completely broken.

It seems that if you want to meet Xiao Xi, there is no other way except for her to come to her door like she did several times before.

During this week, Molly seemed to have turned into a tireless little motor, immersed in the laboratory all day long revising drawings, or bringing various "Unit Zero model parts" to Yi Lin, asking Yi Lin to propose "professional "Modification opinions.

Hey, don’t say it yet.

Although Yi Lin does not have any officially certified title here, Yi Lin can indeed be regarded as a serious master in the crystal pattern technique.

——Great engineer.

The kind that doesn't contain any moisture.

The expected difficulties did appear.

It is really difficult to build various complex techniques into every part and then assemble the parts together without causing conflicts.

But in theory it can actually be achieved.

It just needs to be adjusted.

During this week, Molly was busy and so was Yi Lin.

In addition to dealing with Molly's various problems, he also had to find time to figure out how to use the new weapon [Destruction and Redemption] and the correct way to open the "bloodline".

When he had some time, before Molly ran away and Yi Lin thought of business, he finally asked the question.

"Ah? You said 'Star Steel'? Don't you have one?"

"I mean, do you know which laboratories this Star Steel is assigned to?"

Molly didn't know why Yi Lin asked about this, but she had no time to ask in detail and answered casually:

"I'm not sure which laboratories are assigned to them specifically. Because the research topics in our laboratory are relatively complex, I was curious at first, so I asked my grandfather to ask for some. However, more Star Steel is mainly concentrated in specialized In a laboratory that studies materials science.”

Molly thought for a moment: "If I remember correctly, this matter is under the control of Sister Yu Meng. The Yu family is mainly responsible for the operation of the 'Scientific Research Department'. Sister Yu Meng should have a copy of the specific list assigned by Xingchen Steel. Don't you do the same?" Are you from the special group? Just ask Sister Yu Meng."

"But why are you looking for this thing? To be honest, in the past few years, they haven't even figured out the specific ingredients of Star Steel, let alone synthesized it artificially. And I heard that someone is extracting from Star Steel It’s simply outrageous to understand the molecular structure of organic matter similar to proteins.”

Speaking of this, Molly looked strange and glanced at Yi Lin: "By the way, there is nothing wrong with the knife I made for you, right?"

"No, no, absolutely not! It's fine! It tastes... uh no, the knife is great!"

Yi Lin fled in despair.

The fact that he ate "Blood Jasmine" into his stomach must not be allowed to be known to Molly.

The debt for making the knife has not yet been paid off.

I’m asking you just because I can’t!

Yi Lin did not say this.

Just keep this in mind secretly.

Yu family.

Research Department.

I don't know if it's a coincidence.

While Yi Lin was worrying about the problem between Yu Meng and the Scientific Research Department, not long after, Zhao Yulong appeared in a coquettish manner, wearing a suit and ties, and landed in the laboratory in an armed helicopter, euphemistically calling him a visiting team.

"Oh, you're still alive!"

Zhao Yulong greeted with a smile.

I don't know since when, "You're still alive!" has become a common greeting when acquaintances meet.

Zhao Yulong seemed to be an old salty fish who often visited forums. He greeted Yi Lin with buzzwords as soon as he opened his mouth.

Yi Lin looked at the slut Zhao Yulong and turned around expressionlessly.

"Hey, no, don't be so cold! It's rare to meet by chance, shouldn't we sit down and talk about life and ideals?"

Zhao Yulong swung around to Yi Lin and forced out an exaggerated smile.

However, Yi Lin mercilessly exposed Zhao Yulong's so-called "accidental encounter" lie.

"I will never believe that you don't have an informant in this laboratory. Are you sure this was an accidental encounter?"

"Well, that was a chance encounter. Didn't I just come here to chat with you after I heard that you were safe and healthy?"

"No more nagging. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Tsk, you are so direct, I wasted a lot of drafts of the opening remarks." Zhao Yulong smiled bitterly, looked around for a while, then lowered his voice and stepped forward, asking: "You guys should have finished your vacation, right? I won’t be able to protect you if you continue to divorce.”


"Also, I very generously advanced half a year's salary to you. You should be able to see it by checking your personal account. Work hard and don't worry, I won't treat you badly!"

"This is obviously my salary for the first half of the year, okay?"

Yi Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't give Zhao Yulong a chance to change his mind.

"It's not important. Come on, let's change the place and let's talk carefully. Let's talk carefully."

The two found a quiet place to sit down.

Zhao Yulong poured himself a glass of water without politeness. After the cow drank a glass, he glanced at Wang Tiandi who was like a watchdog not far away and said with a smile: "It is actually willing to follow you?"

"has a problem?"

"No, no." Zhao Yulong's eyelids twitched slightly. Seeing the dog's drooped eyelids and listlessness, he casually said with concern: "There's something wrong with this little guy. What's wrong? Is he visiting his aunt?"

"..., it's a male dog."

"Oh, I'll go, I forgot, I forgot." Zhao Yulong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dwell on the matter anymore. He was serious, and after wrangling all the way, he finally said his purpose: "It's time to get to work. We are very short-staffed right now.”

"That's not true, is it?"

"You don't know!" Zhao Yulong began to pour out his bitter words with a grimace: "According to statistics, for some reason, in the past two months, the number of incidents caused by the apostles has increased exponentially. It has increased by more than 30% compared to the same period last year. "

"This is a good thing."


"Doesn't this mean that the survival rate of the apostles is obviously higher? Why is this not a good thing?" Yi Lin took a slow sip of coffee and said with a smile.

Zhao Yulong shook his head, and his expression gradually became serious: "If they are all our own people, it will naturally be a great thing. It's just-"

As he spoke, Zhao Yulong took out a stack of folders from the storage space, which were filled with thick paper documents. He slammed them on the table between the two of them.

"There are more than a dozen orders here that we can't find the manpower to solve. You can pick one or two more difficult ones and have fun!"

Zhao Yulong showed his fangs and became rude.

It was a showdown and he stopped pretending.

Zhao Yulong started exploiting employees!

Yi Lin resisted the urge to slap Zhao Yulong in the face, frowned, picked up the thick stack of documents on the table, and read them carefully.

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