Infinity Throne

Chapter 438: Fierce sparks in the spiritual side (2-in-1, please vote for me)

Yi Lin is not sure why this seemingly non-existent area in front of her is named after the letter "S".

But after thinking about it, it was nothing more than catering to the taste of the apostles.

To the apostles, "S" always means awesome.

Or - "Secret?"


But no matter what, there must be a huge secret hidden inside.

Otherwise, Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong would not appear here at the same time after receiving the warning from "GM".

"Beep beep beep——"

With face, fingerprint, password, and irises, Yu Meng used four-factor authentication to open the door.


On the thick metal door verification panel, electronic light flashed, air pressure surged, and then slowly moved to both sides.

Zhao Yulong suddenly sighed and stopped.

"I...won't go in."

As he spoke, Zhao Yulong subconsciously groped around on his body. After groping for a few seconds, he finally took out a crumpled cigarette from his trouser pocket.

Yu Meng looked indifferent and glanced at Zhao Yulong.

"Didn't you say you should quit smoking?"

"Hey, I'm addicted to cigarettes. Just one, the last one." Zhao Yulong laughed dryly and lit the cigarette skillfully. The index and middle fingers holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

Yu Meng didn't say anything, turned around and stepped into the door.

Behind Yu Meng, in the endless corridor, only Zhao Yulong with a desolate expression was left, and the flickering fire on his fingertips.

Yi Lin followed Yu Meng cautiously.

Don't be careless.

Behind the metal door marked "S Area" is another passage.

On both sides of the passage, after Yu Meng walked in, a large amount of gas suddenly spewed out.

Yi Lin had a solemn expression at first and subconsciously held his breath in the shadow, but he also reacted after a moment.

——Is this disinfection?

Yu Meng walked through the disinfection tunnel expressionlessly.

But at the end of the passage, Yu Meng paused, closed his eyes, and said in a cold voice:

"Come out."


In an instant, a "disconnect" appeared between the surface of Yu Meng's body and the "sterilizing gas".

"not good!"

Yi Lin suddenly felt that the world was spinning in front of her eyes, and there were stars in her eyes.

This is not a simple disinfectant gas!

There's ether mixed in there!

It is indeed a scam!

Yi Lin bit her tongue, and the painful stimulation made Yi Lin sober up for a short time. Fortunately, Yi Lin knew that this woman Yu Meng was not that easy to deal with. Even though she maintained the two heaven-defying skills of [Shadow Killing] and [Shadow Following], she did not dare to let down her guard and maintain a state of high concentration.

When the disinfectant gas was sprayed out, Yi Lin inhaled a little, but the amount was not too much, and she held her breath in a timely manner.

Yu Meng isolated the gas and chuckled: "This is a highly concentrated ether gas. Anyone who takes a full sip will be completely knocked out. Even a high-level power apostle."

As he spoke, Yu Meng quickly pressed against the wall, with his back against the wall, and his cold eyes glanced at the only disinfection channel in front of him.

Yu Meng waited for three full minutes.

After Yi Lin's initial dizziness, the discomfort in her body quickly disappeared after a few seconds.

Yu Meng is right.

As long as you are a human, you may faint immediately after taking one breath.

Unless it's not a human being.

Yi Lin, who was lurking silently in the dark, couldn't help but give a thumbs up to her "mixed blood".

His mixed bloodline retained most of the characteristics of the "Dionysian factor" and had a certain resistance to that sip of ether.

After waiting for five minutes, the imaginary "lurker" did not appear. Yu Meng quietly breathed a sigh of relief and reopened the closed disinfection passage door.

What a sinister woman!

Yi Lin sighed secretly.

He has figured it out now.

When entering the password at the entrance, there must be two different versions of the password.

Both versions of the password can open the passage door.

But one of them is a normal opening method, and the other, as is the case now, is that the disinfectant gas is mixed with a high concentration of ether. If another apostle were to come who was not as vigilant and was equally good at sneaking, he would probably fall for Yu Meng's trick by being careless.

After this brief interlude, Yu Meng finally seemed convinced that the intruder in the "GM" warning was not following her.

"Nothing unusual."

Yu Meng whispered into the air.

It seemed that he was talking to Zhao Yulong who was smoking outside the door.

Yu Meng quickly walked into the women's locker room.

Yi Lin hesitated for a few seconds. In order to avoid losing him, he had no choice but to sneak in.

But luckily.

The embarrassing scene did not appear bloody.

Yu Meng directly put on an isolation suit, left the dressing room and walked into the bright and majestic laboratory.

Seeing how cautious Yu Meng was, Yi Lin subconsciously wondered if there was some kind of horrific virus experiment being conducted in Area S, the kind that would kill everyone if it was leaked.

"The virus is mostly spread through contact and respiratory tract. As long as you hold your breath and stay in the shadows, there shouldn't be a big problem."

We have already arrived here. It would be a pity to give up and retreat now.

Yi Lin believes that there must be something hidden here.

If the mysterious "GM" hadn't sent Zhao Yulong and Yu Meng a warning of "intruders" by chance, Yi Lin might not have discovered this place.

After all, his original purpose was just to borrow a small and insignificant document from the main computer in Area A.

Compared with the secrets hidden in Area S, it's like a girl meets a young woman, a scallop meets a lobster, so it's not worth mentioning.

Yi Rin is not usually a gossip person.

But the secrets of Area S were enough to arouse his curiosity.

Yi Lin slipped in quietly.

Follow Yu Meng.

Yu Meng was wearing a bloated isolation suit and walked in quickly.

Yi Lin lurked in the shadows, and her eyes suddenly became clear.

In just a moment, Yi Lin froze on the spot.

I held my breath and couldn't recover for a long time.

Yu Meng had already walked to the researchers who were also wearing isolation suits who were busy in the laboratory, and asked something in a low voice.

Yi Lin was no longer in the mood to eavesdrop on what Yu Meng and the researcher were talking about.


The scene before him was enough to explain everything.

In the bright underground research institute, there are many transparent survival capsules.

Countless people were suspended in the green-lit life-support cabins.

——People with missing limbs.

Some people were replaced with metal prostheses.

Some people's eyes were replaced with red metal prosthetic eyes.

Some people were covered in ulcers and were writhing in pain in the life-support cabin, but could not make any sound.

Some people only have half of their bodies left, and even their internal organs are floating in the nutrient solution, but the regular rise and fall of their chests can still prove that they are still alive.

This scene seemed familiar.

After two full minutes of silence, and Yi Lin holding her breath for two full minutes, Yi Lin took a deep breath.

"That's it."

After one hour.

Yu Meng skillfully took off her isolation gown.

The contaminated isolation gown, following Yu Meng's thought, floated into the discarded box dedicated to medical contaminated waste.

"How about it?"

In front of the S area door, Zhao Yulong was hurriedly spraying men's cologne on his body, trying to cover up the pungent smell of cigarette smoke.

Yu Meng frowned and glanced at the flattened cigarette butt on the ground without leaving any trace, but didn't say anything more about it. He just shook his head:

"There should be no 'intruders'. It's hard for me to imagine that someone could avoid the 'perception' of the two of us. And I used a Class B emergency plan in the passage. The concentration of ether, without any precautions, Enough to expose any lurkers."

When Zhao Yulong heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yu Meng's frown did not relax.

He lowered his head and murmured to himself: "But I am still very surprised. If there is no so-called 'intruder', that special adviser who has hidden his head and tail, has not appeared for so long, why would he suddenly choose today to issue a warning to us? I have never I don't think he is truly on our side."

Zhao Yulong smiled: "Maybe there was originally, but when we strengthened the security overtly or covertly, the other party noticed and canceled the invasion plan."

"It's possible." Yu Meng did not deny Zhao Yulong's speculation. And judging from the current situation, Zhao Yulong's speculation is also the most reasonable.

"Let's go."

"However," Yu Meng's eyes flickered, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes: "It is no longer safe here. We must find a way to get all personnel and 'experimental subjects' to evacuate here."

Zhao Yulong smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

To be on the safe side, the two searched every area again.

Under the perception of the two spiritual apostles, all hidden people will be invisible.

Although neither Zhao Yulong nor Yu Meng said much next.

In addition to Yu Meng, Zhao Yulong also felt that there was something fishy about what happened tonight.

I always feel like something is wrong.

But for a while, he couldn't tell.

If something happens in the end, they might not have this "strange" feeling.

But after a lot of fiddling, there was a near-miss in the end. It felt like a shot stuck in the wall after summoning all the strength, which was very painful.

It was already late at night when Zhao Yulong walked out of the Scientific Research Department.

Before leaving, he even checked all the surveillance videos and found nothing unusual.

"Is it really just a false alarm?"

Zhao Yulong wiped the sweat from his forehead in confusion.

It was late at night.

After bidding farewell to Yu Meng, Zhao Yulong walked alone on the lonely street. He suddenly remembered something and quickly opened the communication panel. After hesitating for a moment, he sent the message.

"Hey! Are you in Qianha? Have you experienced the local special sword service in Cangyang City? If you have such needs, I can introduce it to you privately. Of course, it cannot be reimbursed."


More than two thousand kilometers away, Yi Lin's voice rang in Zhao Yulong's ears without any delay.

"I'm busy."

"What are you busy with?"

"I'm at the last victim's house, what do you think I'm doing?"

Yi Lin's voice sounded a little angry.


It’s okay to be angry.

Zhao Yulong exchanged a few more pleasantries. It seemed that the more Yi Lin complained and the more unhappy her tone, the more comfortable he felt. Zhao Yulong didn't realize at all that "this mental state is a bit abnormal" and grinned happily.

Afterwards, Zhao Yulong confirmed with Yuan Zhiye and Wang Bing respectively.

Yi Lin is indeed in Cangyang City, that's right.

"It seems like it's really none of his business. Besides, he won't come here to cause trouble if he has nothing to do."

He closed his eyes and groaned for a while.

Zhao Yulong was very emotional:

“He is a really good employee who works hard and doesn’t complain!”

After Yi Lin ended the call with Zhao Yulong, her expression was indifferent, thinking about what she had seen in the Scientific Research Department an hour ago.

Unexpectedly, this kind of research is actually being done in Area S of the Scientific Research Department.

No wonder that after the Xiao family was confiscated, there was no further information about the gospel meeting.


Zhao Yulong.

Special group.

There is no enemy.

Names flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

Mo Rendi should not know this.

But why did Zhao Yulong hide it from Mo Rendi?

Are you afraid that if Mo Rendi finds out, Zhao Yulong will be punched to death?

The future that Yi Lin is about to experience seems to be moving in a direction that is completely unfamiliar to Yi Lin after Xiao Yang's death.

Everything has changed.

Not just everything around him.

And this world.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered what Ouranos said:

"Since you have no idea about the future, it makes no sense for you to ask this question."




Yi Lin's heart suddenly moved.

It seems that in the vague conversation between Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong, in addition to the secrets hidden in S Area, they also mentioned one thing.

——"Document No. D4516".

"It seems like there are more and more troubles."

In the darkness, Yi Lin's eyes flickered and she murmured softly.

After leaving the capital, Yi Lin directly used reverse teleportation to return to Cangyang City from Molly's laboratory without alerting anyone.

Before leaving, Yi Lin quietly placed the USB flash drive with copied information about "Star Steel" under Molly's pillow.

But after what happened tonight, the ownership of Xingchen Steel seems to be less important again.

While on the phone with Zhao Yulong.

Yi Lin didn't lie, she was telling the truth.

He did use the fastest speed to reach the residence of the last deceased.

In any case, in order not to arouse Zhao Yulong's suspicion, this "Leech Legion Serial Murder Case" in Cangyang City still needs to be solved.

Let’s talk if it really can’t be solved.

Regarding everything in Area S on the D4 floor of the Scientific Research Department, Yi Lin could not sort out her thoughts at the moment and could only put it aside for the time being.

Yi Lin took a deep breath.

Yu Meng's strength at this time was indeed as he had initially guessed. He had already broken through the first layer of spiritual locks and reached the extraordinary realm.

The "thought power" that can be exerted at will is proof.

Once the spiritual lock is unlocked, the "spirit" is no longer formless and colorless, but evolves into a substantial force.

Silently, Yi Lin waved his hand in the air, facing the camera at the door of the haunted house, and slowly moved it to another angle.

After avoiding the sight of the camera, Yi Lin easily entered the deceased's home.

Originally, this time, Yi Lin, as an "official person", had full authority to follow normal procedures and enter the scene for investigation. But because she was in a hurry, Yi Lin was too lazy to ask Yuan Zhiye to apply for the relevant procedures. She came here to take a look first. Otherwise, if it does not match Zhao Yulong's rhetoric, he will inevitably be suspected by Zhao Yulong.

The moment you enter the house, the AI ​​welcome voice sounds, soft lights turn on one after another, and classical music plays melodiously.

Before ventilating, Yi Lin could clearly smell a strange and unpleasant smell in the air.

Because apart from the removal of the body, the current scene still maintains the appearance of the deceased before his death and has not yet been cleaned up.

Twenty minutes later.

Yi Lin has searched the whole house and found many small details that were omitted in the report.

"Knock knock knock."


There was a knock on the door.

Yi Lin felt the tentacles protruding out. When she learned that there was a visitor outside the door, she just smiled and opened the door without hesitation.

At the moment of opening the door.

A tall, thin man stood quietly in the darkness.

The man was wearing a dark suit with a shirt underneath, and the top two buttons were casually unbuttoned. The slightly curly bangs cover the eyebrows and cast dark shadows above the eyes. He even wore thin black gloves on his hands, obviously prepared.


"Gu Tianqing?"

With just a glance, the two confirmed each other's identities.

This is the first time Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing meet in real life after their trial in the Caribbean.

And during that trial, he was in a special "role-playing" mode. Yi Lin had never met Gu Tianqing in person, but the false smile on the man's face and the looming cold light in his eyes made Yi Lin quickly confirm Gu Tianqing's identity.


To Gu Tianqing, Yi Lin existed as "Elizabeth Lin" in that trial. But just at the first glance, Gu Tianqing also confirmed Yi Lin's identity, and there was no need for an introduction or any words.

At this moment, the two men who had almost fought each other in the trial had a rare connection and came up with the same idea.

——"This kind of fake smile that has no sense of violation is definitely his, there is nothing wrong with it."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

There's a lot of meaning in the smile.

Gu Tianqing stood at the door and smiled gracefully: "Don't you mean to say 'please come in'?"

"You can't get in if you like."

Yi Lin turned around immediately and gave Gu Tianqing a cold slap on the back of her head.


Gu Tianqing's smile froze.

Still went in.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you invite or not.

Gu Tianqing just said it casually.

I didn't expect Yi Lin to be so disrespectful.

"As promised, you owe me a big favor."

Yi Lin emphasized seriously.

Gu Tianqing chuckled, neither denying nor admitting, and changed the subject smoothly: "My divination is not wrong. The thing I am looking for is indeed in the 'Friends of the Sea'."

"I can only say not necessarily."

After Gu Tianqing entered the house, he searched everywhere as fast as he could.

Yi Lin's eyes flashed.

Gu Tianqing's search route was almost exactly the same as his.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Yi Lin would have even suspected that Gu Tianqing had secretly read the top-secret information of the special group.

"You are very skilled."

Yi Rin smiled and broke the silence.

"so so."

Gu Tianqing just came out of the bathroom. While answering Yi Lin's words, she frowned and kept rubbing her right thumb and index finger. From the gloves he was rubbing, there was some fine powder floating down.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Tianqing looked into Yi Lin's eyes and said with a smile, "Are you really not going to provide any information?"

"Oh, the deceased is male, Gao Chengwen, 35 years old, working in a canned food company, ordinary employee, single, living alone. This is also the eleventh deceased."

"Death state?"

Yi Lin flicked her fingers, and a photo that had been developed in advance spun towards Gu Tianqing.

The photo was clearly a photo of the deceased.

The top secret kind.

Gu Tianqing squinted her eyes slightly, hid the light in her eyes, stared at the photo in her hand and pondered for a moment, and then slowly exhaled: "It's interesting."

"Is this favor worth it?"

"Not bad. What do you think about the murderer?"

"not human."

"That's what I thought." Gu Tianqing blinked, smiling broadly.


"After surveying the scene at first, I was not sure, but after seeing the photos of the deceased with my own eyes, I was already certain."

"Talk about it."

Gu Tianqing walked to the deceased's bedroom and pointed to the corner near the window.

"The place and posture of death were outlined by the police. There is no problem, it should be there." Gu Tianqing walked forward and said as he walked: "It can be seen that the deceased should have been in a very strong fear before death. "

Yi Lin continued: "Well, the design of this kind of window is a safety structure to prevent falling from the building. There is no way to jump. There are traces of strong rubbing on the edge of the window. The traces are very fresh. They should have been before death. Happened. There was a faint trace of blood on the edge of the window. It should have been caused by accidentally pinching a finger while shaking the window vigorously. "

Gu Tianqing smiled: "When humans are extremely frightened, they will always subconsciously look for the place where they feel the most secure. And in this closed room, there are only two places where the dead feel most secure, and one is here. , the bedroom of the deceased, and the other place..."

"The only exit." Yi Lin quickly answered.

After Gu Tianqing was silent for a moment, he continued his analysis: "But according to normal circumstances, when a person is facing a crisis, even when he is extremely panicked, the first thing he thinks of is the exit, rather than locking himself in the bedroom."

Yi Lin: "There is only one possibility. The location where he was at that time and the location of the exit were blocked."

Gu Tianqing raised the photo of the deceased in his hand and said with a smile: "Let's talk about the cause of death of the deceased. This kind of 'mummy'-like corpse can only be caused by the rapid loss of water in the body, including blood, in a very short period of time. And the dense wounds on the deceased’s body are hard to imagine being caused by ‘human beings’, more like a kind of creature.”

"Leech." Yi Lin said her conjecture directly without giving in.

"Sure enough." Gu Tianqing's eyes flashed slightly, and he nodded, with no surprise on his expression: "This is located in the south, and the climate is warm and humid. Although this is not a farming area, and it is not the season for leech breeding yet, but if you consider that there are It all makes sense because of the 'unusual' factors."

"To sum up, when the deceased was alone at home, there were a large number of leeches, an unimaginable number. The number was enough to make the deceased's scalp numb instantly. This army of leeches blocked the exit from the deceased. ', so the only option left for the deceased was to lock himself in the room and ask for help."

"But before the deceased died, the police did not receive any distress message." Gu Tianqing walked to the bedroom door, closed the door, then leaned down to check the gap between the door and the ground, and continued without pausing: "Suppose the deceased At first, I thought that the bedroom door was enough to resist leeches, but it failed in the end. This shows that the time interval between the time when the deceased closed the door tightly and when the army of leeches broke through the door was so short that the deceased had no time to go out. To the point of asking for help.”

"This also shows that these leeches are like someone secretly directing them. If they were purely soft-bodied creatures, they would not have such discipline. They can even change their shape and quickly get in through the gap of less than 0.5cm. Then The picture is a bit disgusting."

Each of them spoke a sentence, clearly recreating the deceased's various experiences before his death.

While talking, Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing walked out of the deceased's bedroom one after another.

Gu Tianqing smiled and said: "Based on these simple clues, I think you should have known the channel through which the group of leeches invaded here."

"Yeah, sewer."

Yi Lin pointed in the direction of the bathroom and said softly.

This is not difficult.

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