Infinity Throne

Chapter 446 Times have changed, but he has not changed! (6800 words, please vote for me)

Perhaps it was because of the movement on Yi Lin's side that Yi Lin easily killed the poor student of this class... Ah no, after Guan Cai Mu, Guan Cai Mu's companion was fighting with Oda Mai. "White Cat" moved forward, his blocking movements began to become chaotic, and his breathing became a little faster.

Oda Mai seemed to be enjoying the cutting.

It's all written on his face.

"White Cat"'s tights had many holes cut by Oda Mai, and the white flesh was bloody, contrasting with the black of the leather jacket, giving people a strange sense of sadness.

A rare smile appeared on Oda Mai's face.

Well, smile.

It's just a little scary.

After looking at it for a few seconds, Yi Lin saw something was wrong and frowned, but did not intervene. She had better take a look at the properties of the new equipment first.

[Disciplinary armband of the Disciplinary Committee]

[Grade] Rare


[Effect] Click to view details.

[Explanation] I don’t know why, but the female ethics committee member never talks about ethics, and always gives people an unbearable daydream.


Yi Lin slowly typed a series of ellipses into the sky.

No wonder Mr. Coffin...

never mind.

The deceased is the most important, so let’s not talk about it.

Yi Lin silently put away this strange piece of equipment.

Although it feels like "persuasion" requires no words at all, at some point, it might come in handy.

After all, it was a "rare" piece of equipment pulled out of the fourth-level apostle's bag.

Not much worse.

Next to him, Nightmare didn't know if it was because he felt uncomfortable, but he kept spraying the smell of alcohol, and the air smelled bad.

I might as well try adding some perfume to the Dire's fuel tank next time to see if it can improve the exhaust emission quality.

When Yi Lin finished killing people, licked the bag, and looked at the attributes of the equipment, it was obvious that "White Cat" couldn't hold on any longer.

His body was dripping with blood, flowing all over the ground along with the rain.

"Oda Mai, stop!"

When Yi Lin shouted, Oda Mai's knife struck from the head down, and it was suddenly stuck in the air, only ten centimeters away from the "white cat" mask.

Oda Mai held the sword steadily, the sword shining brightly in the opponent's eyes.

The "white cat" seemed to dare not move. He was panting in the rainy night, and white mist breathed out from behind the mask.

At this time.

Yi Lin's phone rang suddenly.

"Wait a minute. I'll take a call. Don't kill him yet. It might be useful."

Yi Lin made a gesture towards Oda Mai, who held up the knife unclearly and reluctantly, maintaining the same posture as before.

The caller was Yuan Zhiye.

"Leader, regarding the Chenxi housekeeping you asked me to check..."


There was a faint sound of noisy alarm bells from Yuan Zhiye's side, and there seemed to be a lot of people there. He didn't have a preamble, he just said what he wanted straight to the point.

"Through cross-reference of data, it was found that no salesperson had business interactions with all the deceased people at the same time! Not to mention all of them, the one female salesperson who had the largest number of orders with all the deceased people was just It’s only a 34% coverage rate. In my opinion, this data is very normal. It’s completely impossible to identify the other person as a leech. Is there something wrong?”

At the end of the sentence, Yuan Zhiye also had a little more doubt in his tone.

"I understand." Yi Lin's eyes flashed with surprise, but the tone of the call did not show anything wrong. He told Yuan Zhiye to complete the deployment as soon as possible, fill the sewer with salt water, kill the murderous leech, and then hang up. After disconnecting the phone, the rain splashed from his feet, and he walked quickly towards the "white cat".


The person in question is not someone in "Morning Housekeeping."

But "Morning Housekeeping" itself.

When killing Mr. Coffin with [Grasp of Annihilation], Yi Lin suddenly asked, and from the change in the other person's expression, Yi Lin already got the answer he wanted.

If you have never heard of the name "Dawn Sect", no matter who you are, you will be confused.

It is not difficult to distinguish between a confused expression and an anxious expression.

"Morning" and "dawn", judging from their names, seem to have similar meanings.

"Why didn't you think of that in the first place?"

Since Chenxi Housekeeping is closely related to Shuguang Sect, the answer becomes obvious based on Yuan Zhiye's investigation.

There are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the entire company's information is provided to the leech people, who then hunt down the prey.

As for the second possibility...

This is a possibility that Yi Lin doesn't want to see.

"Tell me," Yi Lin used the salvation revolver to block Oda Mai's blade: "Leech Man, is he in the sewer or somewhere else?"

He was afraid that before he could ask anything, Oda Mai's work would be in vain if he cut her with one knife due to reasons such as trembling hands, being unable to hold back, or being hungry and thirsty.

Yi Lin's question was chosen in such a way, so naturally there were corresponding techniques involved.

When he asked about the location of the leech man, he was testing the true identity of the leech man's "self".

Combining all the clues, Yi Lin made a terrible guess about the true identity of the "Leech Man".

If the true face of the leech man is really what he imagined, then this leech man is really too difficult to kill.

Under Mai Oda's knife, the tights of "White Cat" seemed to have turned into some kind of prop costume that was used to tear Play apart.

Very miserable.

She lowered her head, looked away, and after her breathing stagnated slightly, she spoke very fast and in a vague tone:

"I have no idea."

Yi Lin raised his eyebrows.

Is there such a heroic apostle in this era?

He gestured to remove the redemption revolver.

The other person lowered his voice and added: "I really don't know."

"Who are you……"

Yi Lin made a movement, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and then pulled off the other person's mask without the other person paying attention.

A face that was both familiar and unfamiliar appeared in front of Yi Lin.

Never expected that.

how come?

When he noticed the fight between Oda Mai and the "white cat", he noticed something was wrong.

Before Mr. Coffin's death, White Cat almost always focused on defense and rarely took the initiative to attack in the face of Oda Mai's continuous attacks. And after Mr. Coffin died tragically without any sign, the change in the white cat became even more obvious. His movements were messy, and he was obviously trying to find a way to leave here as soon as possible.

Although all the above can be explained by the "nature of the apostle", when the "white cat" deliberately spoke in that unclear voice, Yi Lin's feeling of disobedience became even stronger.

The voice and figure all seemed familiar to Yi Lin.

Yi Lin couldn't think of anyone based on his figure for a while.

After all, he doesn't recognize people by their looks.

The familiarity that can be remembered is unmistakable.

"Long time no see, Officer Gu."

It's Gu Sinan!

Gu Sinan has not been seen since Yi Lin left Qingcheng.

At first, because of Gu Sinan's stubborn and weird temperament, Yi Lin was very passive.

Later, I heard from Xu Zhiyong that Gu Sinan was dismissed from his post because of problems in the process of law enforcement. Later, after leaving an inexplicable word to Xu Zhiyong, he completely disappeared from Qingcheng.

Yi Lin had already doubted at that time whether Gu Sinan had accepted the call and became an apostle, given his measurements.

Sure enough.

"How ironic that former law enforcers have become criminals."

Yi Lin sighed softly.

Gu Sinan let the cold rain fall on his body and shivered slightly. But he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"You shouldn't be thinking about sneaking into this organization in your own way and catching them all, right?"

Gu Sinan's head dropped lower...but he didn't deny it.

It really is!

You are so good!

Do you think this is a movie?

Mission Impossible?

The return of the king?

Do you think you are the protagonist of the world?

Are you still trying to be a lone heroine?

After a moment of silence, Yi Lin looked at the poor female police officer. She had countless things to say in her heart, but she didn't know where to start.

That's outrageous.

How does this weak sense of justice survive to this day?

Could it be that he is the same type as Lao Pan, who has a trick in his mind but is extremely lucky?

After rubbing her brows, Yi Lin finally managed to say:

"Sick in the brain!"

Gu Sinan just raised his thigh, as if he wanted to kick Yi Lin.

But Mai Oda moved faster and pressed the knife on Gu Sinan's neck. After all, she had been hacked to death before, so Oda Mai only had a sword, and she had no sympathy for her. This knife made a small gash on Gu Sinan's neck that spurted blood. If it was an inch and a half deeper, Gu Sinan would undoubtedly turn into a box and fly up on the spot.


Oda Mai made a small nasal sound.

Not to mention, Oda Mai's uncontrollable and arrogant expression is a bit cute and charming.

The premise is that the knife she holds in her hand is not a murder knife.

Yi Lin understood.

Is she asking: kill or kill?

This is a way of giving face to Ashiririn.

Yi Lin looked at Gu Sinan and pondered.

I can't say hesitating, I'm just looking for a reason for myself.

Do you need a reason to kill an apostle?

Was Gu Sinan wrong?

If she wasn't lying, there was nothing wrong with her.

Just a little paranoid.

To put it nicely, it is paranoid justice.

To say it's not nice is just stupid.

Stupid woman.

"Forget it, her bag has no value at all."

Yi Lin waved her hands, somewhat uninterested.

After finishing speaking, Yi Lin saw that Oda Mai remained silent and refused to move the knife, so she added bravely: "She is... an acquaintance of mine."

In that future, he had seen too many people die in front of him, and he had also killed many people with his own hands in the chaos. Yi Lin is not as enthusiastic about killing as Oda Mai.

He is a kind and good man.

Oda Mai looked reluctant, but she still put away the knife obediently.

Yi Lin still has to give her face.

Just when Yi Lin was about to turn around and leave.

Gu Sinan, who had wandered around the gate of hell, suddenly raised his head and said to Yi Lin very fast:

"Actually, besides the reason you mentioned, I came here for another reason. Ever since I was a child, I have had some strange dreams for no reason."

Yi Lin stopped and asked, "A dream?"

"Yes." Gu Sinan breathed a long sigh of relief. She recalled the content of the dream and her tone became weird: "These dreams are like some 'future fragments', often within the next day, within a few days, or even Happens within a few months.”

"The ability to predict the future?"

Yi Lin was shocked. He didn't expect that Gu Sinan would have such a terrifying talent.

According to legend, some people already have abilities beyond ordinary people before they become apostles.

The power of micro thoughts that can bend a spoon.

Photographic memory.

The ability to predict the future.

Talented painter.

Such innate abilities.

Even in the future where Yi Lin lives, no one can explain where the weird abilities of this rare type of "gifted people" come from.

But why would Gu Sinan tell her secret at this time?

Gu Sinan held the wound on his neck. Although it was not deep, blood was still flowing there.

"Predict the future?" Gu Sinan sneered: "I originally thought so, but since I took over your case..."


Right now.

Gu Sinan didn't say a complete sentence.

Gu Sinan's words were interrupted by a continuous vibration that seemed to come from deep underground.

But it happened at this time.

The phone ring that Yi Lin had just stopped ringing sounded again like a reminder.

As soon as I saw the call...

Why is it Yuan Zhiye again?


The conference room where the Z5 Council was located was in a mess.

Since Mo Rendi appeared, people vomited blood, walked away, retreated, and there were only a few people left.

Although the concept of "door" no longer exists in this conference room... it was demolished by Mo Rendi.

But according to the iron rule that Z5 meetings cannot be spectators, no one dares to stay nearby to peek inside.

To put it bluntly, in the emperor's wrath, even losing one's head is a trivial matter, and it will implicate the entire family in a matter of minutes.

Ying Xia, Zhu Chongdi, and Zhao Taiqian, who had retreated to the edge, stared unblinkingly at the upcoming collision of the two fists, and waited for the outcome in an instant.

Although Yu Liexin's sudden outburst was not approved by Emperor Zhu Chong, it was his personal impulsive behavior.

But Emperor Zhu Chong did not stop him.

Or deliberately not to stop it.

Some old grievances have been held in the hearts of a few people for too long.

As a descendant of an emperor, who would be willing to be oppressed for so many years?

Who is willing to live under others?

Even though they didn't say it, back then, Mo Ren was able to defeat the five emperors with two fists. As the leader of the special team, he won the "veto power" with his fists. To put it bluntly, It is the greatest insult to the word "emperor".

Once one compromises on force, the value of the word "emperor" will be low.

Much lower.

But there was nothing I could do back then...I couldn't beat him!

Among the five imperial family heads, the youngest is Li Erpang's father, Li Kai.

He is a new member of the Z5 Council.

Li Kai has not personally experienced the horror of being an enemy.

But among the older generation, before his death, the head of the Li family held Li Kai's hand tightly and warned: "Never, never, never provoke Mo Ren Enemy."

When he died, he added: "That old guy...he is simply not human!"

...and then it fell apart.

Li Kai has a profound memory.

A man of royal blood, a former descendant of the Tang Dynasty royal family, and a member of the Z5 Council, was beaten like this by a pair of fists. Li Kai always felt frightened every time he thought of what his father said before his death.

Therefore, he has never dared to provoke Mo Ren Enemy.

Including this moment.

Li Kai even sent the little fat man into the special group. It was called a training exercise, but in fact it was just to find a way to build a good relationship with Mo Rendi.


Many years ago.

In the world of ancient martial arts, Mo Rendi is the number one.

Well-deserved first person.

With a pair of fists, he hammered from the Zhu family to the Ying family, then from the Zhao family to the Yu family, and finally kicked the Li family... without encountering an opponent.

There is no enemy, no one can defeat it.

But gradually, the number of "alternatives" such as "apostles" hidden in the darkness of the world gradually increased.

Even after the five heads of the imperial family became apostles through natural summons or deprivation of qualifications, Mo Rendi's "number one" status was subtly shaken.

What is "subtle"?

Simply put it is:

In the beginning you were awesome and you were number one.

But we are different. We have become awesome in other ways, but we hide it and don’t say it, so you are still the first person to show up.

But what is the reality? Without fighting to the death, there is no way to tell the winner.

An ancient person once said that kung fu is a killing skill, which not only differentiates between superior and inferior, but also determines life and death.

Although this sentence is a bit one-sided, not every two ancient warriors must fight to decide whether to live or die. But in fact, the connotation of this old saying is... Without competing in a life-or-death manner, there is no way to determine the real outcome.

Back when Mo Ren was so arrogant, although he didn't kill all the masters, they were still close to death.

The only thing missing was that Mo Rendi didn't write the word "submit" personally.

Therefore, Mo Rendi has always been the "number one" on the surface.

The aura of the strongest one still falls on Mo Rendi.


"There is no enemy, times have changed!"

Yu Liexin takes action!

He had already broken through the "limits of humanity" not long ago!

Break through the shackles of being a human being!

Breaking through the "lock" that all apostles long for!

After breaking through that layer of locks, Yu Lie accumulated a lot of hard work and his strength skyrocketed.

Times have changed!


He is determined to dethrone Mo Rendi from the throne of "number one"!

Yu Liexin's eyes were like his fists, igniting a blazing fire.

It was a burning fighting spirit.

Everyone present knows that if anyone can take this opportunity to get angry and defeat Mo Ren in front of everyone, then he will become a new...

First person!






break out!

Why? Why are you always the "number one"?

You have been sitting on this throne...for too long, too long, too long!

All kinds of emotions quickly intertwined in Yu Liexin's fist and in Yu Liexin's eyes.

Everything about him was gathered into this fist that could burn everything.


The battle between top warriors is not only about superiority and inferiority, but also about life and death.

Yu Liexin's punch was struck with all his strength.

The moisture in the air was instantly evaporated.

As everyone breathed in and out, their airways were burned by the dry air, and they felt stinging.

Around Yu Liexin, the air twisted into strange lights and shadows under the high temperature. Especially around the punch, from the perspective of a bystander, the connection between the fist and the wrist even formed an obvious bend, which shows how terrifying Yu Liexin's punch was.

Face this punch.

Mo Rendi just smiled slightly, raised his eyelids, his dark eyes were calm.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Rendi changed his posture on the bench.

From poking the bench with one finger and crossing his legs in the air, he now has both feet on the small bench, not even posing, and his back standing proudly. The frightening hot wind messed up Mo Rendi's hair, and also caused his pitch-black Kung Fu robe to rustle behind his back.


"You're not even close yet."

An ordinary fist came forward.




Three strange voices sounded almost at the same time.

The first sound was the collision of fists between two people.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Liexin's wrist made a crisp sound.

The third sound was because Yu Liexin was about to say something powerful, but was punched by Mo Rendi and swallowed it back.

An ordinary duel ended uneventfully.

Yu Liexin's face turned pale, and the flames on his fists suddenly dissipated and flew backwards.

As fast as he came, he flies even faster when he leaves.

Yu Liexin... was defeated!

Mo Rendi only punched one!

He didn't even move.

The other "emperors" stared blankly at the motionless little bench at Mo Rendi's feet. It feels like the bench is welded to the ground and cannot be removed by an excavator.

Mo Rendi smiled slightly.

He put one hand behind his back, and with the other hand, he raised his index finger towards the remaining four of the five emperors and said with a smile, "Who else is there?"

Who else!

This fluttering sentence showed unparalleled confidence and terrifying strength.

While talking and laughing, Yu Liexin, who was confident that he was invincible in the world, and who had broken through the first level of power lock, could not withstand Mo Rendi's mediocre punch.

"This unscientific!"

The calm Emperor Zhu Chong finally changed his expression, looked at Mo Rendi standing on the bench, and murmured something strange.


This unscientific!

Many years ago, Mo Rendi ascended to the throne of "Number One" with his fists.

It was because at that time there were no four towers, no "apostles", and no such alternative way of evolution.

But now times have changed, apostles appeared, and their five emperors also became apostles. After experiencing trial after trial, they became stronger, faster, and faster. They even broke through the first attribute lock and reached a place they had never known before. A higher realm that I dare not hope for.

But why, times have changed, but Mo Rendi has not?

As is known to all, Mo Rendi personally rejected Tower's call to become an apostle.

He is clearly just an ordinary bad old man who is about to die!




Yu Liexin was lying in the corner, his face covered in blood, his right arm bent in a desperate attempt to die, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Ying Xia, Zhao Taiqian, Emperor Zhu Chong, and Li Kai looked at Yu Liexin's miserable condition and didn't know what to say for a moment, their minds filled with questions.

Yes, why is this?

Since he is not an apostle...


An extremely terrifying idea appeared in the minds of the four people at the same time:

Mo Rendi, with his human body and haggard body, broke through that... limit?

Vaguely, except for the relatively young Li Kai, the other three old men all recalled the time when Mo Ren was so angry and beat up the five emperors and aristocratic families.

The two overlapped silently.

"Since you all don't recognize the 'one-vote veto power' that I worked so hard to win, then I can just win again." Seeing that several people were silent, Mo Rendi opened and closed his eyes and smiled again. He smiled and said softly:

"You are welcome,"

"No need to be embarrassed,"


"Let's go together!"

Come on together!

What arrogant and arrogant words this is!

The emperors... were furious.

After a moment of silence.


Ying Xia's ancient sword was unsheathed and he said indifferently: "I'm offended."

"It's over, it's's a big deal."

Zhao Yulong slipped away quietly.

He even covered his eyes.

Here, he is just a junior and can't stay any longer no matter what.

Unexpectedly, a meeting in Zhengerba would inexplicably turn into a fighting arena after Mo Rendi appeared.

Let's fight in the ring... It's not like these old guys haven't competed in private.

But this time it's different.

This time it was obviously serious.

Zhao Yulong can't stay here no matter what.

Whether Mo Rendi defeated a few old guys, or a few old guys defeated Mo Rendi, Zhao Yulong could not be the "witness".

Slipping away.


Before Zhao Yulong sneaked away, he recalled the scene just now, and his surprise could not subside for a long time.

Mo Rendi... broke through the "lock"?

When did this happen?

Even he doesn’t know!

For a time, Zhao Yulong had various complicated emotions in his heart.

If Mo Rendi breaks through the lock and achieves extraordinary things, everything will be different again.

After Zhao Yulong walked out of the building, Yu Meng, who had been waiting outside the building, came up to him with a frown and asked, "Why did you come out? Didn't Mo Rendi go in? Didn't anything happen?"

Why is everything okay?

Something big has happened!

"Oh, it's hard to put it into words."

Zhao Yulong immediately told Yu Meng everything that happened not long ago in a concise and concise manner.

When Yu Liexin was severely beaten, Zhao Yulong simply explained it with Chunqiu brushwork. He only hoped that Mo Rendi would show mercy and not beat Yu Liexin to death.

"No one can defeat him and break through the 'lock'?"

When Yu Meng heard the news, his surprise was beyond words.

But after saying this, Yu Meng fell completely silent, lowered his head, and was thinking about something.

at this time.

In the middle of the night, another car was racing wildly. Because he had a special license plate, no one stopped him and he went straight to the building.

Hu Sandao walked out of the car with a solemn expression, walked to Zhao Yulong in a few steps, and whispered a few words in Zhao Yulong's ear.

"What the fuck?"

Zhao Yulong's eyes widened instantly, and they were as round as copper bells.

The voice was raised one hundred and eighty degrees.

The corners of his mouth and eyebrows trembled like he was having a cerebral thrombosis.

...just say shit.

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