Infinity Throne

Chapter 456: The King Waiting to Break Out of the Cocoon (6,400 words long chapter)

[Get chaos value...]

Swish, swish, swish.

It refreshed the screen.

Yi Lin followed closely behind Mo Rendi.

The chaos value that saturates the screen all comes from the best model worker Nightmare.

Night Dire is so dedicated.

Even if Yi Lin followed Mo Rendi and paddled the whole way, she still gained a lot of chaos points.

"You will be able to upgrade your skills soon."

If she wasn't in the mood and didn't have time right now, Yi Lin would really like to enter the long-lost module space and have a good look at it, and study which skill is better to upgrade next.

But compared to the joy of hanging up and killing monsters, Yi Lin felt more... shocked.

Invincible...too strong!

With a few movements of his hands and bare hands, one man jumped into the insect swarm.

No insect can defeat it, no insect can stop it.

Mo Rendi is like his whole body radiating light.

Everywhere he passed, the attention of all the bug-men was attracted.

Mo Rendi was alone and attracted almost all the insect attacks.

Yi Lin even doubted that even if he didn't maintain [Follow Like a Shadow] and [Shadow Kill], he could still follow him safely.


As Mo Renji went deeper, Yi Lin noticed changes in the insect tide.

All bugmen retreated wildly.

They seemed to feel the oppression from a human being in Mo Ren's enemy area, and they wanted to turn around crazily to protect Chen Xi's housekeeping.

"There must be something extremely important to the insect people there. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so nervous."

In the darkness, Yi Lin's eyes narrowed and he thought to himself.

It can also be seen from the side that today's Mo Rendi is really ridiculously strong.

This unscientific.

"That's right! Why?"

Yi Lin repeatedly recalled Gu Tianqing's divination and Gu Sinan's "predictive dream" in her mind.

Gu Tianqing's divination and Gu Sinan's "predictive dream" seem to be pointing to the same ending.


Judging from the current performance of Mo Rendi, Yi Lin really can't imagine how all this will pass, and finally lead to the ending of Gu Tianqing's divination and Gu Sinan's "predictive dream".

It was precisely because of worry that Yi Lin conserved her strength and did not take action.

...But in fact, Yi Lin had no need to take action at all.


Mo Rendi snorted.

The countless insect-men in front of them are becoming more and more like Mo Ren Enemy with their movements.

They are all imitating Mo Rendi!

Every punch and every kick that comes is faintly carrying the shadow of Mo Rendi's extremely simple boxing style and crispness.

"These bugs have too high IQs! The more terrifying Mo Rendi behaves, the more they believe that imitating Mo Rendi's moves can help them reach a higher level. But what is all this for?"

Yi Lin's eyes fell into the depths of the insect tide.

There, the building that used to be Chenxi Housekeeping has been surrounded by countless bugs, making it airtight, just like a "bug tower" made of bugs.

The answer to all this is right there!

The reason why bugs are so protective.

The reason why the insects refused to leave Cangyang City.

Bugs are crazy about a reason to evolve.

Yi Lin had a vague premonition.

But before arriving there, Yi Lin didn't know what would happen next.

Today's events have already taken a completely different trajectory from the "future".

The world is heading towards a completely different future!

Yi Lin is the witness of these two futures.

And... participants.

As more and more bugs imitate Mo Rendi's movements.

Mo Rendi suddenly laughed, his arms swinging back and forth rhythmically like the hands of a clock.

Each step covers a distance of several meters.

Each kick landed on the head of an insect man, crushing his head instantly.

Mo Rendi's pace is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, changing rapidly to different rhythms.

Soon after Mo Rendi changed his rhythm.

There was an obvious commotion in the army of bugs who blindly imitated the actions of the enemy.

The bugs who imitated Mo Rendi began to be unable to keep up with the pace of Mo Rendi's changes. When they failed to imitate Mo Rendi, they themselves became chaotic first. In front of the enemy, one by one, the insect-men were in disarray, lost their balance, and fell to the ground one after another.

"Follow up!"

Mo Rendi did not look back, but shouted loudly and sped up. In the blink of an eye, he was already over half a hundred meters away and less than one kilometer away from the insect tower!

So close!

Yi Lin didn't bear the pressure from the insect-men at all.

Under the acceleration effect of [Shadow Kill], he could barely keep up with Mo Rendi's pace.

one kilometer!

Nine hundred meters!

Eight hundred meters!



Yi Lin shuddered.

He felt a chill running down his spine. When he was within about 800 meters of "Morning Housekeeping", he felt as if he was suddenly drenched in ice water from head to toe, making him shiver uncontrollably.

The sudden change caused Yi Lin to slow down her pace of following Mo Rendi, her shadow froze in the air, and she did not dare to step forward easily.

Yi Lin looked at the insect tower in surprise.

He didn't get close.

The feeling on the spiritual side is much sharper than that of ordinary people.

Mo Rendi walked faster than Yi Lin.

At the moment when Yi Lin hesitated, Mo Rendi's speed did not slow down, and he punched away several insect men who were desperately rushing towards him, and broke into the "forbidden zone".


A red whip shadow, as fast as lightning, with almost no sound or prelude, was thrown out from the direction of the insect tower the moment Mo Rendi entered the "forbidden zone". In just a blink of an eye, the red whip shadow was whipped in front of Mo Rendi.

at the same time.

On the outskirts of the Insect Tower, the situation has eased after the new forces joined.

Coupled with the fact that Mo Rendi was alone and fought into the depths, the insects felt great pressure and frantically returned to defense.

Although Mo Rendi had never thought about the so-called "teamwork" and "tactical cooperation" before taking action, this unintentional move was in line with the essence of "surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao".

"about there."

Zhao Yulong took a long breath.

After slowing down the frequency of releasing skills, and using the "Light Rain" prop used by Yu Meng, Zhao Yulong recovered most of his spiritual energy.

I believe Yu Meng is similar.

For spiritual apostles, the importance of spiritual energy is self-evident.

If you can't grasp the changes in rhythm and use every psionic value on the key edge, then you are not a qualified spiritual side.

"Let's go! Let's fight in."

Yu Meng opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed deep in his eyes.

Marquis Lu, who charged into the insect swarm with a horse, a spear and a shield, did not show much surprise when he learned that Yu Meng planned to go deep into the insect swarm. He just gently shook off the blood-colored slurry on his spear, then took to the air on his flying mount.

The Night Dire turned around and turned into a car, its headlights flashing.

Oda Mai jumped on the Nightmare, turned the accelerator, held the front of the car with one hand, and held a knife in the other. Without any hesitation, he rushed into the insect swarm.

Gu Sinan hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and once again used the "toilet sucker" to sip the rear of the Night Dire, following closely behind Mai Oda.

Zhao Yulong brought a total of more than ten formal team members with him on this trip.

Hu Sandao was still unconscious after his defense was broken.

Not long ago, one person died and two were injured among the official team members.

The dead person is the most important, so Zhao Yulong can forget about it.

Zhao Yulong specifically named the two injured people and wanted to fight them in together, maybe they could be used somewhere.

The others... their faces turned dark instantly.

But after hesitating for a moment, they could only bite the bullet and follow.

What can I do if I don’t get it...

You can't escape, right?

It is really as deep as the sea once you enter it.

They say they are senior members, they say they fight for humanity, but who really wants to sacrifice themselves to light up others and become an immortelle burned into a wick?


No one is that great.

But standing here is nothing more than a matter of stance.

Because there are no enemies, the insect tide is retreating as fast as possible.

As a result, Yu Meng and Zhao Yulong, with their two senior team members who were relatively capable of fighting, did not encounter much resistance when they rushed into the depths of the insect tide.

A long bloody road was paved with the route taken by several people.

That's all the blood left by the bugs.

That was the bloody path that Mo Renen fought his way through.

The miserable shapes of the insect carcasses left on the road seemed to be silently complaining that the enemies were inhumane and ruthless in their actions.

Zhao Yulong suddenly remembered the words of the reserve team member who had an overview of the overall situation on the plane not long ago.

——"The team leader is surrounded!"

But why does it now look more like the team leader surrounded these insects?

"What's in it?"

Zhao Yulong murmured to himself.

Yu Meng suddenly raised the corner of his mouth: "Speaking of 'ethnic consciousness', have you noticed that the ideology of these insects is very similar to a certain type of insects we commonly see?"

When Zhao Yulong heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

But after a moment, Zhao Yulong's pupils shrank slightly and he realized: "Are you talking about... ants... or bees?"

"It's almost the same. I'm just thinking that if the current 'group ideology' of these bugs is similar to that of ants or bees, then everything can be explained."

Zhao Yulong remained silent, seeming to be thinking.

Yu Meng said while floating towards the depths of the insect swarm: "This may be why they stand out in such a high-profile manner even though they have intelligence that is not weaker than humans. Even under the bombardment of thermal weapons, they refused to retreat, as if they were trying to escape. Fight to the death with us in Cangyang City."

"Also, this is why, after Mo Rendi showed unparalleled combat effectiveness, they felt the threat from Mo Rendi and retreated to the insect tower as soon as possible, all just to stop Mo Rendi's footsteps. , don’t let Mo Renen approach that place.”

"Actually, I should have thought of it earlier. If this were a trial, I think everyone could easily come to this conclusion. After all..." Yu Meng looked into the depths and said: "Just like playing a dungeon in a game, first Qing Xiao Monsters, and then the elite monsters appear. After killing the elite monsters, it’s the BOSS’s turn.”

Zhao Yulong's eyes became heavy and cold, and he followed Yu Meng's words and came to the conclusion:

"In other words, that place has their... king."

"It's the BOSS."

Yi Lin figured it out.

Only this possibility can explain everything that is happening now.

A shadow as fast as lightning passed through Mo Rendi's body.

But the next second, Mo Rendi appeared on one side. To his left, a wrist-thick ravine was left on the ground, which was bottomless.

In that moment of attack and defense, the red whip shadow actually just swept through the afterimage left by Mo Rendi's movement!

The whip shadow is fast, but no enemy is faster than it!

Yi Lin didn't see clearly how Mo Rendi dodged the whip. He could only use "perception" to vaguely capture a trace of the whip, and Mo Rendi had already completed the first attack and defense.


The ground shook, and a soft tentacle was thrown out from the ravine.

This moment of deceleration allowed Yi Lin to see clearly the true nature of the tentacle.

The soft tentacles seemed to have the same texture as insect flesh.

But the tentacles are covered with fine sharp teeth, and they are hollow inside. There seems to be some liquid flowing slowly inside the tentacles.

It was this thing that whipped the drone down!


What a terrible meat whip!

Although Mo Rendi easily dodged the 800-meter-long whip.

But in an instant, Mo Rendi's expression became solemn.

As Mo Rendi stepped into the restricted area.

The insectoids all around were terrifyingly dense.

As far as the eye can see, there is almost no place to stay.

If you want to get close to the insect tower, you have to step over the insect corpses.

In the center of the insect tide, the insect man's posture became even more distorted.

They seemed to have gained more experience from the recent fight.

"Choo Choo Choo--"



All around Yi Lin and Mo Rendi, all kinds of strange screams could be heard.

They are even more perverted!

Some insect-men became tall and mighty, resembling night-gaunts, their bodies covered with tumors and full of strength.

Some bugmen were covered in bone spurs, and they seemed to find that the two-sword style could not defeat Oda Mai, so they became the "multi-sword style".

Some insect men are thin and have extremely long limbs. The mouthparts at the end of the limbs and the sharp teeth protrude from the body surface, lying on the surface of the building, with a beast-like posture, overlapping on top of each other on the insect tower, moving quickly.

There are even more insect-men with a bulge of flesh on their backs, and plump wings suddenly growing out, with thin membranes growing between the wings. As the wings flapped, insect-men flew out from the insect tower one after another. At first they were still crooked, but as they flew, their movements gradually became more flexible, and their ability to adapt was so fast that it was shocking.

From the time Mo Rendi entered the depths of the insect tide alone, to the time when countless insect-men sensed Mo Rendi's threat of force and retreated, these insect-men have once again evolved into various postures in a stacked manner.

This method of evolution is simple and crude, and whatever is missing is made up for.

In fact, a single insect-man is not too strong, and Yi Lin can do various tricks to deal with it.

But this number... is too much!

Looking at the densely packed monsters around the insect tower, Yilin suddenly felt like she was back in Styx Junior High School, where she fought her way out of a tight siege with Oda Mai in that hellish middle school.

"Metal shield troops, agility troops, air troops... and defense mechanisms, this has simply become a monster's cave."

Yi Lin is now 100% sure that in the center surrounded by monsters, deep in the insect tower formerly known as "Morning Housekeeping", there must be someone similar to "BOSS", otherwise I'm sorry for this outrageous exaggeration card face.

"It seems that they have almost digested the nutrients of the 'food'."

When Mo Rendi's movement paused, red tentacles protruded from the direction of the insect tower one after another, covered with sharp teeth, and whipped at Mo Rendi crazily.

Although Mo Rendi has broken through the lock, he is not invincible enough to cheat. He can push him from here to there with one punch. Facing the increasingly abnormally evolved insect army with a full range of weapons, Mo Rendi frowned and said nothing. He just put his hands behind his back and kept dodging the incoming tentacles.

One stick.



Gradually, among the countless whip shadows, Yi Lin could no longer clearly see Mo Rendi's figure. Mo Rendi seemed to appear in several places at the same time. The speed was terrifying, but he could not go any further.

"what to do?"

Yi Lin is still not bubbling up, and it seems that Mo Rendi should still be able to hold on.

Obviously, the Insect Tower must have the key to solving all this, and may even be the source of this series of events. As long as I can get there, I believe I can understand everything. At least... I can find out the true face of BOSS.



Mo Rendi turned around, faced the general direction of Yi Lin, and whispered one word.


When Mo Rendi said "Follow up" just now, Yi Lin was already quite surprised. He obviously maintains the two skills [Shadow Killing] and [Shadow Following]. Could it be that even these two "module skills" can't be effective against Mo Rendi? This is unlikely.

But when Mo Rendi said a word to the shadow on the ground again, Yi Lin understood. Mo Rendi did not really realize his position, but through a mysterious and mysterious feeling similar to the "sixth sense". In addition, Mo Rendi should have a rough understanding of Yi Lin's abilities, so he deduced that Yi Lin was Always following behind.

Whether Mo Rendi really discovered Yi Lin is not mentioned for the moment.

But at this moment, when Mo Rendi said that word, Yi Lin quickly understood what Mo Rendi meant.

Although Mr. Mo seems to be of the same type as Oda Mai, the type who only uses force but not brains. But there are some differences when broken down. Mo Rendi doesn't like to use his brain because there are not many situations where he can use his brain. But now, when all the insect-men evolved again and gathered into an army, Mo Rendi also felt some pressure, so he used this method to remind Yi Lin.

Mo Rendi, however, circled the area of ​​the "forbidden zone" and continuously lured various styles of insect-men, as well as the whip shadows that were powerful enough to split the ground and buildings apart, away from Yilin. The reason for doing this is self-evident.

Stealing a home!



What an invincible one!

Yi Lin understood.

How long will it take if I don’t steal at this time?

Without hesitation, after Mo Rendi attracted the attacks of all the monsters and tentacles, Yilin silently calculated the remaining spiritual energy value, then in the shape of a shadow, she swept towards the insect tower along the gaps in the ground at the fastest speed. go.

With the insect man's strength, it was impossible to detect Yi Lin's existence. Or maybe, even if it is detected through smell or something, what can it do? The scene was so chaotic. Mo Rendi was able to dodge the tentacle attacks with ease, and at the same time, he would punch an insect man to pieces from time to time. This kind of action with an overwhelming sense of presence undoubtedly enhanced the effect of Yilin's skills from another aspect.

If Mo Rendi is the brightest light at this moment, Yi Lin is the most low-key shadow.

The distance of eight hundred meters was reached in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Lin arrived in front of the insect tower.

The surface of the insect tower is covered with tentacles like blood vessels. At this moment, across a distance of 800 meters, dozens of tentacles branched out to attack Mo Ren's enemies. This is where they came from. On the surface of the insect tower, countless human shield-type, agile-type, and multi-knife insect soldiers are densely arranged. Even if the enemy is killing all directions in the distance, these soldiers entrenched around the insect tower are still the same. He was motionless, as if he was guarding something.

The closer I got to the building, the more obvious my heart palpitations felt like being poured ice water on me.

Yi Lin subconsciously slowed down her movements and raised her head. The overwhelming "aerial troops" almost covered the sky. But none of them looked towards Yi Lin.

"But what does that feel like?"

After Yi Lin repeatedly assessed the risks, she did not rush in hastily. In the blink of an eye, a translucent red body floated out from the sinister shadow on the ground.

At this time, Yi Lin chose Nie Hongxiu instead of her usual Bai Xiaoyi.

Although Bai Xiaoyi is easy to fool and command, his personality is somewhat unreliable, and he will inevitably lose control at critical moments.

"Little... Hongxiu, go in and take a look."

This time Yi Lin didn't dare to call "Xiaohong".

The "bond value of various postures" in the world of Ouranos has not yet been carefully calculated.

Red clothes, white hair, bare feet.

Nie Hongxiu, who had a beautiful face, attracted the attention of all the surrounding insect army the moment she floated out of the shadow.

After summoning Nie Hongxiu, Yi Lin suddenly felt that the cold and strange feeling that was like a line of sight but not like a line of sight had suddenly become a little lighter.


Nie Hongxiu didn't understand the situation at all.

As soon as he appeared, he found himself in a monster's lair before he had time to mention the old score in Ouranosri.

The Insects had no idea how Nie Hongxiu had penetrated the depths. Every Insect's mouth-parted face seemed to be trying hard to express an expression called "confused".

——It’s a pity that it didn’t succeed.


Nie Hongxiu lowered his head, his red wedding dress slowly fluttering. His silver eyes glanced at Yi Lin coldly, but he was a little helpless. The white bare feet tapped lightly in the air and floated into the insect tower.

At the same time, maintaining [Following the Shadow] and [Shadow Killing], and maintaining the consumption of manifesting Nie Hong's sleeves, was not too difficult for Yi Lin, but it was not easy either. Yi Lin did not dare to waste time. She secretly liked Nie Hongxiu's words of "understanding the overall situation, being sensible, and ignoring past grudges", and then switched her field of view to Nie Hongxiu's point of view.

After all, Nie Hongxiu is not a "fully transparent" existence. The moment they appeared, hundreds of insect-men of various shapes reacted immediately and rushed toward Nie Hongxiu.

But Nie Hongxiu can be said to be immune to all physical damage at present. She followed Yi Lin's instructions and easily passed through the insect siege and entered the building.

Building interior.

It has long since become like an insect nest.

The inner wall is full of squirming "worms". The most primitive forms of bugs are densely packed together, connected head to tail, and even flesh and blood have a tendency to fuse.

The appearance of Nie Hongxiu was like a fire igniting in the ice and snow. The insects were completely boiling, rolling their pseudopods crazily and biting at Nie Hongxiu one after another.

Nie Hongxiu frowned. The scene in front of him and the shapes of the insects were really disgusting. If Nie Hongxiu didn't know how to take the overall situation into consideration and knew that "Master Yi Lin" was in a dangerous situation, she would have turned around and ran away.

"Go up!"

Looking at the monsters that were rushing towards Nie Hongxiu one after another, Yi Lin showed no panic and remotely commanded Nie Hongxiu to move and search between each floor of the building.

Mo Rendi deliberately attracted the attention of the tentacles and the insect army in the "forbidden zone", creating such an opportunity for Yi Lin. Although Yilin may not be able to go deep into the hinterland and solve all this alone, at the very least, he must use this opportunity created by Mo Rendi to find out the root cause of this series of events.


Nie Hongxiu arrived at the eighth floor.

This floor is covered with strips of meat that are very similar to the tentacles that attack Mo Ren, which look like blood vessels that transport nutrients.

At the end of each "blood vessel"...

A huge, slowly pulsating ball of flesh, almost filling the floor.

There was a faint humanoid figure inside, moving silently and eerily quiet.

"That's a...cocoon!"

In that cocoon, the "figure" slowly stretched its limbs, as if stretching.

The shape of the cocoon resembles both a heart and an egg. Following the pulsating rhythm, red light flashed moment by moment in the slightly transparent blood-colored cocoon.

no doubt.

That's a cocoon!

A "person" is being born inside!

Or maybe it's a real monster!

The...King of the Insects!

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