Infinity Throne

Chapter 468 I mean everyone here is happy!

at the same time.


"Do it!"

Yu Liexin's voice was very angry.

Something happened over there!

The insect swarm and the enemy were eliminated at the same time, which is gratifying.

But something new happened!

That ordinary member named "Yi Lin" has only been in the group for just half a year, how could he be so scary?

Everyone ignored him!

Unexpectedly, it was because of ignoring this person that his good daughter fell into such a dangerous situation.

But Yu Lie knew in his heart that there was still room for change.

As long as we are human, we have weaknesses.

Even if you are invincible.

Mo Ren's enemy's weakness is obviously...Molly.

Molly is the enemy's weak point.

A living Molly is far more valuable than a dead Molly.

When Yu Meng first proposed this suggestion, Yu Liexin, who had just had an arm broken by Mo Rendi, was so angry that he agreed without any hesitation or hesitation.

He also felt at the time that this might be destiny.

It is destined that Mo Rendi should withdraw from this stage.

Because Mo Rendi chose "NO", there is no place for Mo Rendi in the new era.

Why would a mere ordinary person who was blacklisted by Tara be stronger than their senior apostle who broke through the "lock", bastard!

This unscientific!

"Speaker Yu, what should we do with the people inside?"

Someone asked on the communicator.

"Try to capture them alive and use the latest M1 type tranquilizer bombs."

He has been keeping in real-time contact with Yu Meng through the "communication function", and everything that happens in Cangyang City is under his control. Yu Meng's "deduction" ability allowed them to guess the beginning and course of the story, but not the ending.

That guy is so good at hiding his strength!

The correct "result" that can be derived by the deductive method is based on the premise of inputting "correct data".

However, Yu Meng's assessment of Yi Lin's strength was seriously biased, which ultimately led to the current situation that can be called a "mistake."

What Yu Liexin has to do now is to make up for Yu Meng's "mistake" and turn the situation around.

Isn't it the most important thing for an old father to do to wipe his daughter's butt?

Yu Liexin controlled his anger, and after a pause, he added in the channel:

"The targets are: Molly, Pan Zhengyi, Gou, and Ling Yiyi. As for the others, capture them alive if you can. Anyone who accidentally kills someone will have their 'allocation qualifications' lowered."


In the channel, many reserve members gasped when they heard this "terrible punishment".

They have been working hard so far just to become true "apostles", but if they make a mistake and make Yu Lie angry, they will be ranked later in the order of qualifications.

As a result, all the reserve members were very energetic and silently broke into Molly's laboratory.

The secret whistle protecting Molly's laboratory has long been cleared.

Those researchers are all civilians and have little combat effectiveness. Before joining the company, I had gone through many layers of screening, and my identity was clean and clean. There was no way I would encounter such a bloody plot involving a certain big boss.

Therefore, the real difficulty in this operation lies in the "psycho and the dog".

It's difficult...

But think about it carefully.

A dog and a psycho, what's so difficult about it?

"Huh? Who are you?"

The reserve members commanded by Yu Liexin had no intention of hiding their actions. They were fully armed and rushed into the laboratory in a swaggering manner.

The young researchers who were passing by the laboratory in a hurry encountered such a group of armed troops who were obviously ill-intentioned in the corridor. In their haste, they did not react and questioned the intruders with confused expressions.

In their usual concept, the security level here is very high.

Although most of them don't even know what the name "Mo Rendi" means. But these young researchers have been exposed to it in the laboratory for a long time, and they also noticed from various clues that Molly's low status is not simple.

Even if Molly has an extraordinary talent for learning, at this age, without any background, it would be a fantasy to have a large-scale dedicated laboratory of this size in a place like the capital where land is at a premium. , Idiots talk about dreams.

So when the reservists invaded, passing researchers were stunned.

"Hey! Good morning, beauties!"

A handsome reserve member with curly hair made a frivolous gesture, took off his protective mask, showed off his handsome face to the beauties, and raised the anesthesia gun with a smile.

"Let's have dinner together some other time!"



The beauties' delicate bodies softened, and they fell down instantly before they even had time to scream.

"take away!"

The reserve members are truly the “preparatory members of the apostles.”

Although they have not been summoned to become true apostles, they have gone through various rigorous trainings over the years and have become first-rate elites in terms of both their skills and their coordination awareness.

Even many "amateur apostles" may not be their opponents in a hurry.

I saw that they had a clear division of labor, following the standard five-person configuration of the special field field team. Several teams quickly used infrared scanners to search for "living objects" in the laboratory, and brought down the researchers at a confrontation. The team that followed quickly raised their hands and feet and carried them away with their clothes.

In just ten minutes, the reserve members brought by Yu Liexin easily cleared out more than 90% of the population in this laboratory. Their moves were so skillful that it made people cry out.

"Target found!"

"Molly, crazy."

"Remember, we must capture him alive."

No one dared to ignore Yu Liexin’s warning.

After all, it is about the order of when to become an "apostle" in the future.

In their VR simulation training, there is even simulated training against "apostles".

Forget about high-level apostles, the gap in attributes and abilities is there, and they can't do it.

But neurosis and dogs...ahem.

"Well, please be careful, maybe their 'powers' are weird."

"Where's the information?"

"No, Sister Meng said that the information about the mental illness and the dog is unknown."

"Just do it and it's done!"

Yu Lie was extremely anxious.

After the reserve members cleared the laboratory within ten minutes, he quickly stepped into the laboratory.

at the same time.

on another channel.

Just in case, Yu Liexin also mobilized a team of fully equipped armed helicopters to come for support.

Although he himself felt that this was a bit of a fuss.

But after Yu Meng's car overturned, he always had a vague feeling that it would not go well. He would be right to be cautious.

When a group of reserve members reunited from various corridors in the laboratory, they came to the small room dedicated to Molly.

Damn it?

In the long and narrow corridor, when they saw the scene in front of them, they first thought a big "fuck" in their hearts.

I saw a man wearing a white hospital gown with sunken eyes, holding a metal baseball bat with a smooth end in his hand, his back slightly stooped, standing in the middle of the passage.

It seems to have the flavor of "one man is in charge of the barrier, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it".

Of course, this is not a reason for them to call out.

This man, who looked a little abnormal, seemed to have expected that they would come here. His expression was not surprised at all, but he smiled evilly, and his crazy eyes with dark circles flashed strangely. Light. The other hand gently hooked his fingers towards them and said two words:



Lao Pan chuckled and added with a pleasant expression:

"Hey, hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting anyone. I'm saying that everyone here is rubbish."



The reserve members were all stunned in an instant.

The aura... is too strong!


Pan Zhengyi put the smooth [Harley Quinn's best friend] on his shoulders and pretended to look at his wrist... for a while.

"Hey, sorry, I have a TV show I want to watch in ten minutes."

Everyone was stunned at first.

Only then did he react!

It turns out that this action is looking at the watch!

But the wrist is clearly empty!

He is indeed a lunatic!

Their dignified and professionally trained reserve members were actually frightened by a lunatic!


Sure enough, someone couldn't help it anymore and just raised his hand and shot him.


The sharp anesthetic bullet pierced Pan Zhengyi's forehead without hesitation.

...In fact, it was Pan Zhengyi himself who took the bullet in his forehead, right in the center, without any bias.

Boom boom boom!

Pan Zhengyi, who was making lewd remarks one second, hit the back of his head on the ground the next second, bounced a few times... and was gone.



A long snoring sound came from Pan Zhengyi lying on the ground. The snoring sounded like he hadn't slept in ten or twenty years, and it was very fragrant.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I couldn't help but find it a little funny that such an easy and joyful action would actually be caused by a lunatic.

If I had known it was so easy, I should have done it from the beginning!

Being delayed for a whole minute by a few slutty words, wasting time is a trivial matter, but the point is... it's embarrassing!

"What the hell, do you think you are so awesome?"

"Oh, that's it?"

"Hurry up, don't keep Chairman Yu waiting too long!"

Just when the reserve members were about to skillfully stuff Pan Zhengyi into his mouth, tie him up and take him away.

"If you really want to show off, can you finish it well..."

"Pan Zhengyi" suddenly stood up again, his expression was full of resentment, and his voice sounded as aggrieved as if he were in a deep boudoir.

Outside the lab.

Under the bright sunshine.

Ying Xia, who was carrying an ancient sword on his back, and Zhao Taiqian, who was dressed in light clothing, walked step by step towards Molly's laboratory.

"How's it going over there?"

Ying Xia asked.

"The overall situation has been decided, and the matter has been resolved. Whether it is the insect swarm or Mo Rendi." Zhao Taiqian looked indifferent as he walked towards Molly's laboratory, and then sighed softly: "Although Mo Rendi has fallen, I feel, In fact, we lost."


Ying Xia nodded, and the ancient sword behind him trembled crisply, seemingly in response to Ying Xia's fluctuating mind.

"After you take Mo Rendi back to the nursing home, you can apologize to him properly."

Ying Xia remained silent.

Zhao Taiqian continued: "Mo Rendi has won all his life, and we have fought all his life. This time, we have cheated, and he has not lost. He has always won in his life, and we, because of this incident , will live in the shadow of Mo Ren Enemy all his life."

After Ying Xia was silent for a moment, she looked at Zhao Taiqian and asked slowly: "Why did you hide it from that boy of yours?"

The words refer to Zhao Yulong.

Zhao Taiqian shook his head.

"What you don't know is that Mo Rendi is his idol."

Seeing Ying Xia's confused expression, Zhao Taiqian smiled bitterly and said:

"His room is covered with posters of Mo Rendi. That boy is a huge fan of Mo Rendi...even more loyal than his own father."

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