Infinity Throne

Chapter 471: Who are you, Kedila, the enemy?

"Oh! There's a hole in this heart! It's so pitiful..."

"Huh? You have a heart problem and the color is not good."

"Ah? This one is so fresh."

"Pan Zhengyi" walked through the crowd as if he were taking a leisurely stroll.

No one could see his movements clearly.

No one knows what he did.

But when he walked by,

Wherever you pass,

Everyone has an extra hole in their chest.

A tiny hole.

And "Pan Zhengyi" will also have a fresh beating heart in his hands. Until the heart was peeled off alive, the heart seemed to have no reaction at all. It was greened by "Pan Zhengyi" and could still beat for half a minute.

"Pan Zhengyi" looked intoxicated.

In the eyes of others, he doesn't look like a psycho at all at this moment.

But a demon.

A bloodthirsty demon.

A demon who is intoxicated with the fragrance of blood and feeds on it!

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Seeing "Pan Zhengyi" walking towards them, the reservists in the corridor let out terrified wails, with expressions as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight. They turned around and ran away without even caring about their mission.

"The young people of this generation are not very good."

"Pan Zhengyi" let out a long sigh and did not chase after him. I don't know whether he was too lazy to chase or just didn't bother to chase.

He squatted next to several corpses, dipped his fingers into some of the blood gushing from the corpse's chest, and carefully smoothed the messy hair by the reflection of the corpse's protective mask.

"This hair should be cut. My 'brothers' are too careless about their image."

After smoothing your hair.

"Pan Zhengyi" wiped the blood on his hands hard on the corpse's clothes. After wiping it clean, he said to himself: "'We' are very particular about people."

——I feel comfortable now.

"Pan Zhengyi" skillfully and quickly groped for the body and took out several documents with black covers.

"Special team field personnel?"

"I see."

"It turns out to be... betrayal. It's really boring. Bloody, cliché and stupid."

"Pan Zhengyi" had a dull expression, shook his head, casually threw the documents he had dug out beside the corpses, and stepped on them one after another.

——It’s troublesome to get your shoes dirty.

behind him,

It was all corpses.

Same way to die.

The same expression.

Same ending.

in the air.

The temperature rises suddenly.

As he walked, Pan Zhengyi saw a billowing heat wave coming in front of him.

The corpses in the corridor even smelled faintly of meat under the heat.


Pan Zhengyi kept walking. After turning the corner, Yu Liexin met Pan Zhengyi in a narrow road dozens of meters away, hanging by one arm.


Pan Zhengyi sighed, twisted his neck, moved his hands and feet, turned his palms over, and held two gradient obsidian claw knives in his palms.

"Who are you?"

Yu Liexin asked with a dark face.

As teams of reserve members let out heart-rending screams on the channel, Yu Lie could never imagine that something unexpected had happened.

When he got here as quickly as possible, he only saw corpses along the way.

His heart ached.

It's a sharp pain.

He wished he could burn the lunatic in front of him alive.

These reserve members, although not all. But each one of them is an elite selected from special operations departments across the country.

Once the plan begins to be implemented, after they become true apostles, based on their starting point, they will condense into a terrifying fighting force in the shortest possible time.

According to the current growth rate of the apostles, it is only a matter of time before the new era comes. Only by grasping this power in advance can we have a foothold in the coming "new era".

After becoming an apostle, Yu Lie deeply realized that this way of evolution was so delicious!

After decades of hard training in ancient martial arts, it is not as good as mastering rare props, touching high-level skills, and improving higher attributes in trials.

If practicing ancient martial arts for ten years is a regular way to become stronger, then the "apostle"'s way of evolution is a shortcut.

A shortcut that can make up for the time gap in a short time!

But they are all dead!

Died at the hands of a lunatic who was not taken seriously at the beginning!

How could this not make Yu Lie feel heartbroken?

It almost hurts to breathe.

But thinking about it carefully, Yu Liexin also noticed something was wrong.

Although the information about "Pan Zhengyi" is not clear in the files of the Special Group, it can almost be said that there is no information. But his origin can be found out.

Pan Zhengyi had just escaped from a small psychiatric asylum in Fengcheng half a year ago.

If he had this power at that time, how could the small shelter trap him?

Although Yu Liexin is poor, he is not stupid.

At least... not that stupid.

The moment he was face to face with Pan Zhengyi, Yu Liexin looked at Pan Zhengyi's slightly squinted eyes and noticed something.

He is not Pan Zhengyi!

Perhaps it can be said that it is not "Pan Zhengyi" who currently controls the body of "Pan Zhengyi"!

It is another terrifying existence lurking in Pan Zhengyi's body.

Those seemingly calm eyes hid a terrifying madness. Yu Lie felt the hairs on his body stand up, and his intuition told him that this Pan Zhengyi was difficult to deal with.


Then what kind of pervert is Yi Lin by her side?

Yu Liexin gritted his teeth and almost broke them in anger.

Pan Zhengyi held the gradient obsidian claw knife in both hands, twirled a knife flower in his thumb with satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"This knife is in good condition. It's a good thing."

Pan Zhengyi happily played with the claw knife in his hand.

Yu Liexin looked at the weird "Pan Zhengyi", and the anger in his heart subsided a little, and he asked the previous question again.

"who are you?"

"Pan Zhengyi."

"you are not."

"I am!"

"you are not!"

"I really am!"

"No! You're not!"

"Since you know me, why don't you still ask me? Are you mentally ill?"

Pan Zhengyi looked at Yu Liexin with a look that said, "You seem to be mentally ill."


Yu Lie was angry!

Angry again.

My mentality immediately exploded.

He is an emperor!

Majestic emperor!

He is one of the people who determines the life and death of this country...!


The blazing air roared in.

Pan Zhengyi's hair, which he had managed to comb with someone else's blood, was blown into pieces again, and white smoke came out of his forehead.

Without ventilation, the heat emanating from Yu Liexin's body was even more terrifying. Seeing that Yu Lie was really angry, Pan Zhengyi put away his cynical expression, and his eyes became a little more serious.

"Before we start the fight, let me declare something in advance."

Pan Zhengyi chuckled, stretched out his tongue that was covered with coating because he hadn't brushed his teeth for too long, licked the brightly colored gradient obsidian claw knife, and said slowly:

"Once I take action, there are only two endings."

"Either you die,"

"Or I die."

"Are you ready to wake up?"


"Without further ado!"

Yu Liexin roared and kicked his feet. Fire exploded behind him, and the walls on both sides of the passage were instantly scorched black. The anger in Yu Lie's heart seemed to be real, and he quickly killed Pan Zhengyi.

"Hee hee hee--"

Pan Zhengyi faced the angry Yu Liexin, but he walked towards Yu Liexin "slowly" with strange steps.

But as Pan Zhengyi stepped forward, around him, in front of him, and behind him, "Pan Zhengyi" with gentle movements flashed quickly. Every Pan Zhengyi has the same expression and the same posture. The only difference is where they stand.


Although Yu Liexin has already broken through the first level of power lock and reached the transcendent level. But after being around the outside world and the apostle forum for a long time, he certainly knew that there were all kinds of weird abilities and skills in the circle.

No one really dares to say that they are completely invincible and not afraid of any weird skills or props.

In the battles between the apostles, there are many situations where an inconspicuous skill or item can instantly overturn the situation.

There are even many people who brag about their glorious comeback in the forum. This made Yu Liexin cry out in shock every time when he visited the forum pretending to be a newbie, seeing all the various tricks performed by "this generation of young apostles".

Yu Liexin slowed down his movements to see clearly before speaking.

"No, it's not a skill!"

Yu Liexin's eyes widened a bit, and the corners of his eyes twitched. He suddenly found that the steps of Pan Zhengyi's walking looked familiar. After carefully identifying them for a few seconds, Yu Liexin's expression changed drastically and he was shocked.

"This move is 'flexing the limbs'! The king of killers in Europe, who are you, Ke Dila?"

"Hee hee hee--"

Pan Zhengyi did not answer.

Laughter emanated from every figure.

After Yu Liexin recognized the moves used by Pan Zhengyi, he did not dare to be careless.

Legend has it that on the European continent, there was a man named Cadilla. No one has seen his face, and no one even knows his age or gender. But this name, twenty years ago, before the arrival of the four towers in the world, set off a wave of terror on the European continent.

His name resounds throughout the underground world. People who don’t know what the name represents think it’s no big deal. But only those who really know this name can understand the horror contained in this name.

But I don't know since when, the legendary killer with a 100% mission completion rate has completely disappeared.

Some say he is dead.

Some people say that he took on an apprentice, inherited his business, and then went to live on a private island to live his life.

Some people say that he married more than a dozen beautiful wives and brought a group of good brothers with him, and finally died of physical exhaustion and fatigue.

Someone else said...

In short, there are many theories, but no one knows the truth.

But his unique assassination skills have been passed down in various "legends", becoming more and more magical as they spread. But as time went by and the times changed, this name gradually faded out of everyone's sight. The older generation knew it but didn't say anything, and the younger generation didn't even know it. In the end, the name was completely forgotten.

"You talk about him,"

Pan Zhengyi smiled.

One after another, the figures suddenly accelerated, swinging the claw knives in their hands, and rushed towards Yu Liexin.


Yu Lie saw figures rushing towards him one after another, and he did not dare to be careless. His left fist was ignited with blazing fire and he blasted it forward. In an instant, the blazing fire flooded the passage, and instantly punched into pieces the figures that were coming towards him. In the narrow passage, Yu Liexin's ability is even more terrifying. There is no way to avoid or dodge.

Chi chi chi chi——

After a few seconds, the fire dissipated.

Only charred corpses were left on the ground.

Those were the bodies of reserve members.

Yu Liexin looked at the passage where the high temperature was raging. His angry expression could no longer be restrained, leaving only a look of shock.

"Run, run, run away?"

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