Infinity Throne

Chapter 478 Allen’s collection of paintings (please vote for me)

Bloodthirsty disaster!


Yi Lin was covered in blood, looking like a demon returning from hell.

The blood-colored eyes are breathtaking.

For a time, the four emperors did not dare to move in the smoke.

A long time ago, Yi Lin had accumulated enough five levels of "bloody will" needed for the bloodthirsty disaster.

These five layers of blood have been hanging in Yilin's apostle panel, seeming to remind Yilin all the time.

——"Remember to use it, dear!"

But this skill, which can be called the ultimate killer, is powerful but has terrible side effects. After using it once, Yi Lin has always been very taboo about this skill and dare not use it randomly.

Yi Lin seemed relaxed, but facing the four emperors, only he knew the pressure he was under.

Five layers of blood will, and a total of 12.3 total attributes have been accumulated.

If 10 points of attributes are equivalent to one unit of "Heng Yang's power", then at this moment Yi Lin is equivalent to simply adding 1.23 units of Henry Zhang's power to her body.

While the four emperors were suffocated by his crazy image, Yilin exploded with speed and pressed them repeatedly, maxing out his mental attributes.

Spirit: 20!

The pinnacle of a layer of locks!

As for the remaining attributes, Yi Lin added all of them to agility.

The moment she finished adding points, Yi Lin suddenly felt like she had the whole world under control.

The texture of the world became extremely clear in Yi Lin's eyes, every bit discernible.


Yi Lin groaned.

This feeling made Yi Lin feel like he was dreaming back to the end of the world of Ouranos, with the bonus of the full-level assassin panel, his state.

Yi Lin completely let go of her perception.

This moment.

Under the dazzling sunshine, the cloudless sky, the collapsed buildings, the steel wreckage, the diffuse smoke, the blazing fire, the horrified emperors, everything seemed to be turned into clear "information", in Yi Lin A frozen three-dimensional space is constructed in the thoughts.


At the moment when his mental attributes reached the extraordinary peak, Yi Lin subconsciously raised his head and looked up into the sky.

At the infinite height, there seemed to be a sight that made Yi Lin feel very uncomfortable, staring straight at this place.

"This kid is in a bad state!"

When Yi Lin's perception swept over, Yu Liexin, Ying Xia, Emperor Zhu Chong, and Zhao Taiqian, the four descendants of the ancient emperors who controlled the lifeline of this country, the old men who stood at the pinnacle of royal power, all had cold hands and feet, and something appeared behind their backs. I was sweating heavily, and I was so frightened that I couldn't move.

Although they are not on the spiritual side, they are ancient warriors who have been training for many years. In addition, after breaking through the lock, their life levels have undergone qualitative changes. Their sense of danger is many times more acute than ordinary people.

The moment Yi Lin completed her "transformation", they instinctively sensed the crisis and their anus tightened.

That's a death threat!


Yi Lin was covered in blood, with a kind and bright smile.

But this smile, set off by the rich blood light, seemed to come from the underworld.

"If you don't come, I'm going to do it."

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and smiled, looking at Yu Liexin.

"Fuck! It turns out his target is me!!!"

When Yi Lin glanced at him, Yu Liexin suddenly felt that his throat was dry and his heart was pounding. Logically speaking, standing in his position, one should have the awareness to remain motionless despite the collapse of Mount Tai. But there is no way, he is afraid of death, everyone is afraid of death, as long as an individual is afraid of death, it is impossible not to be afraid.

He's been targeted!

It’s reasonable!

Whether it's because of Yu Meng's hatred in Cangyang City, or because he took the lead in commanding the intruders to break into Molly's laboratory, or because he has an arm disabled by Mo Ren's enemy and seems to be the easiest to fall into. Box... every reason is enough to make Yu Liexin believe that he is being targeted by Yi Lin!

"kill him!"

Yu Liexin looked crazy. In an instant, he did not turn around and run away. Instead, Yi Lin's smile from the underworld aroused the ferocity in his heart. Like a dying animal, he let out an indistinct roar and his whole body was on fire. He started the fire, raised his left fist, and punched the bloody figure in the sky.

"One sword determines the country, and his achievements shock the past and present!"

From the beginning to the end, during the process of siege and killing Yi Lin, Ying Xia maintained a cold expression. After Yi Lin fired [Bloodthirsty Disaster], his expression finally changed drastically. At this moment, he no longer dared to hide his strength. He flew up in the collapsed laboratory, his hair disheveled, and there was no wind.

In an instant, the long sword with a simple shape was suddenly dyed with a rich ink color, like bronze and coke. After Ying Xia whispered those words, a mountain-like aura completely erupted with Ying Xia as the center.

The shadow of an ancient and dilapidated palace appeared in the sky behind Ying Xia. In the palace, there was a man dressed in a golden ancient robe and a gilded crown. His face was hidden in the shadows and could not be seen clearly. He was sitting on the throne deep in the palace. With a flick of his long sleeves, thousands of troops came from the palace. The sound of thousands of horses fighting.

First Emperor!

Afang Palace!

Under Yi Lin's terrifying pressure, Yingxia finally stopped hiding his strength and used the trump card of the ancient imperial family!

That is the high-level ability of spirit-possessed weapons!


The emperor was sitting in the palace, and the phantom of Afang Palace fell from the sky. Along with the shadow of swords all over the sky, it suppressed Yi Lin in mid-air!

After Yu Liexin and Yingxia took action one after another.

Zhao Taiqian's expression was struggling and hesitant.

But this hesitation process took less than a second.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from the storage space.

On the front of the card was a dark night and a round moon.

[Scene Card: Full Moon Night]!

After the card was crushed, the disappearing light turned into a mini streamer cube in Zhao Taiqian's palm. After a moment, the square suddenly spread to all directions with Zhao Taiqian as the center.

In an instant, the sky turned from day to night. The scorching sun disappeared and was replaced by a strangely large full moon that looked like a millstone!

Full moon night!

Dark night is coming!


Zhao Taiqian suddenly let out a long whistle, and the whistle came out melodiously, and it turned out to be a howl of a wolf. Accompanied by the howling of the wolf, Zhao Taiqian's rickety figure suddenly doubled in size, and his shirt split open, exposing the muscles under the clothes that were as strong as cast steel and covered with ferocious veins.

At the same time, Zhao Taiqian's eyes were fixed on the full moon in the sky. His dark pupils turned as red as blood. Dense hair grew on the surface of his bulging muscles. Two long fangs stretched out from Zhao Taiqian's mouth. out.


too fast!

The changes one after another are dizzying.

Almost immediately after Yi Lin fired his ultimate move, the emperors sensed the death threat from Yi Lin in a very short period of time. Without hesitating for too long, he revealed his trump card at the same time!

The reason for showing his trump card is not for anything else but to completely kill Yi Lin here!

Yi Lin is a spiritual apostle who is proficient in stealth assassination!

He is also an apostle who has unlocked one layer of locks!

He is also an apostle with the ability to teleport over long distances and can come and go without a trace!

Now that this feud has been forged, no matter whether it is willing or unwilling, no matter who caused the trouble, the Z5 Council has always shared weal and woe, ups and downs. Regardless of the cause of all this, whether it was a mistake or a misstep, they unanimously decided to make the war invisible so that it could be settled once and for all.

That's right.

As long as Yi Lin dies, this matter will be over.

The emperors saw this matter very clearly.

In their values, there is no one or the other, there is only the soil under their feet, only this country.

Emperor Zhu Chong also condensed the True Dragon Qi of the Ming Dynasty.

Four emperors surrounded Yi Lin from four angles!

There is no dead end in heaven or on earth!

"Multiple projections!"

The six bullets of the redemption revolver were instantly empty, casting six afterimages around Yi Lin!

"It's no use!"

This move was something the emperors had just seen not long ago. The same moves have no effect on them. In the blink of an eye, the emperors who were attacking from four directions at the same time continued unabated, and their mighty force pressed towards the place where Yi Lin disappeared.

Whether it's the real body or an illusion, as long as the range of the skill is large enough, he will never be able to escape!

But Yi Lin's purpose was not to escape at all.

At this moment, every drop of spiritual energy is precious. Any skill or ability consumption that does not work may push Yilin to the abyss of death!

"Is this the so-called emperor's wrath?"

Yi Lin's eyes were cold, ignoring Ying Xia's Afang Palace suppression, Zhu Chong Emperor's Ming Dynasty True Dragon Qi, and Zhao Taiqian's sharp claws torn out from under his body, staring straight at the broken-arm Yu Liexin, with his two guns suspended at his side. , with his empty hand, he stretched out his five fingers in the direction of Yu Liexin.

"It's really me!"

When Yu Liexin saw Yi Lin's actions, he was so frightened that he lost all his souls and broke out in a cold sweat. At the beginning of the game, he had already taken a hit from Yi Lin, and now half of his body was still smoking. Yi Lin had not yet fired his ultimate move at that time. In this state, the power of this explosion can be imagined.

Yi Lin's posture seemed to be a desperate one, and Yu Liexin was so frightened that the burning flame in his left arm suddenly went out, and he retreated.


What no one expected was that after Yu Liexin was frightened back, Yilin's slightly curved fingers that were pointing towards Yu Liexin suddenly changed direction and pointed towards the invisible end of Epang Palace in the sky. Shadow, slapped a palm from the air!

In an instant, like a meteorite falling, the shadow of Afang Palace that suppressed Yi Lin came to an abrupt stop when it was still dozens of meters away from Yi Lin. The broken city wall suddenly collapsed under Yi Lin's palm from the air, and the cracks continued to extend deep into the Epang Palace.

In the shadow of the palace, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and bricks and tiles burst into pieces. The spirit of the First Emperor, who was sitting deep in the palace, could not sit still and was shaken to the point of turmoil.

Afang Palace... is cracked!

Ying Xia opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Her face was pale and her eyes were full of disbelief.

The fierce battle of abilities changed rapidly in just a few seconds.

In this moment, Yi Lin made a fake move and scared Yu Liexin away.

The full-power telekinetic palm, full of spiritual attributes and the pinnacle of the extraordinary, shattered the phantom of Afang Palace!

The two emperors were defeated!

Yi Lin gave a long laugh and turned to look at Zhao Taiqian and Emperor Zhu Chong, who were looking astonished.

With one step and one fly, Yi Lin appeared a hundred meters away, away from the two of them. In the blink of an eye, a card appeared in Yi Lin's hand.

"Sorry, Alan."

[Allen’s collection of paintings]

[Grade] Rare

[Effect] After tearing up "Ellen's collection of paintings", the illusion of Alan's dream world can be created within a radius of 500 meters centered on the tearer. Duration: 5 minutes. Number of uses: 1/1 time.

[Instructions] Click to view details.

A painting appeared in Yi Lin's hand.


The painting is gone.

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