Infinity Throne

Chapter 480 The emperor falls!


Emperor Zhu Chong couldn't hear this sentence.

Even if his whole head explodes, he can rest in peace.


Emperor Zhu Chong was shot in the head. His headless body softened and he knelt on the scorched earth.

Emperor, kneel down!

The emperor... fell!

Gather the blood!

Before Emperor Zhu Chong died, Yi Lin did not forget to let the majestic emperor exert his last light and heat. He slightly bent his fingers and drew an illusory blood ball from the headless corpse of Emperor Zhu Chong.

I don't know if it was Yi Lin's illusion, but that blood ball was very big, very dazzling, and very beautiful.

[Blood Intention Level 1] (+6.1)

So fat!

They are almost equal to the power of one unit of Henry Zhang!

From this, we can see how high the strength, agility, and mental attributes of the apostle who broke through the first layer of locks are.

A "three-star" level [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe] can only extract 30% of the "attribute value" and condense it into a "bloody will" for storage.

By reverse calculation, it can be concluded that during his lifetime, Emperor Zhu Chong's strength, agility, and mental attributes reached as high as 20 points.

[Apostle 1010, killed the "seventh-level apostle" and obtained death points: 65246 points. The current number of death points remaining: 102,769. 】

[Get chaos value +2321! 】

[The relics of "Seventh-level Apostle (Emperor Zhu Chong)" will now be randomly selected. 】

【Please cherish this precious opportunity. 】

Yi Lin: "?"

Something seems wrong.

【Get "Ginseng Fruit·Mass Production Type"! 】

Just now, Yi Lin used her flesh and blood to block Emperor Zhu Chong's angry punch. Both Ying Xia and Zhao Taiqian felt that Yi Lin was dead.

Even they did not dare to use their bodies to resist Zhu Chongdi's Ming Dynasty True Dragon Qi.

That terrifying internal energy will destroy the internal organs crazily after entering the human body.

There are relevant unofficial historical records that when Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty punched Li Zicheng, Li Zicheng laughed three times, turned around and walked out of the city gate before falling to the ground and dying.

When Emperor Zhu Chong chased Yi Lin into the thick fog, they all guessed the outcome.

Obviously, Emperor Zhu Chong was going for the other party's "relics".

Although the Z5 Council composed of the five imperial families is a community of destiny, there are also many well-known cracks in it. Ying Xia and Zhao Taiqian hesitated for a while, but did not catch up. Otherwise, there will be suspicion of head-robbing.

But the gunshot made them feel that something was wrong with the ending of the story.

But it was just one shot.

Just one shot.

Impossible, impossible, impossible.

Facing the dying man's counterattack, Emperor Zhu Chong could not avoid it.

From beginning to end, Yi Lin's attacks were all resisted by the three of them, and Emperor Zhu Chong could be said to have suffered the least.



When it was all over, they recalled the fierce attack and defense in just a few minutes and realized something was wrong.


Why were they all beaten severely, but Emperor Zhu Chong was left intact?


In an instant,

Ying Xia and Zhao Taiqian reacted in no particular order, looked at each other, and said in surprise: "He did it on purpose!"

At this time.

Yu Liexin, whose body was charred and smoking, could no longer distinguish his original appearance. Dragging his body with charred flesh, he struggled to get up and said in a deep voice: "Look at the address book, Lao Zhu... is dead!"



Emperor Zhu Chong was actually killed?

Hearing this, Yingxia and Zhao Taiqian subconsciously felt that it was impossible.

But when they opened their respective communication panels, they found that the name "Zhu Chongdi" had completely darkened and would never light up again.

going offline!

That is, he is dead!

Emperor Zhu Chong is dead!

Ying Xia, Zhao Taiqian and Yu Liexin were shocked and frightened at the moment when they confirmed the death of Emperor Zhu Chong. What was shocking was that she never expected that Emperor Zhu Chong would die suddenly without warning. What was scary was that after Yi Lin took a full punch from Emperor Zhu Chong, he was still able to fight back in a one-on-one situation. Emperor Zhu Chong!

This unscientific!

Whether it was Yi Lin's increasingly depressed performance or Yi Lin's expression just now, the three surviving emperors were convinced that Yi Lin's spiritual energy was about to be exhausted. For spiritual apostles, the spiritual energy value is equivalent to the second "life value". Once the spiritual energy value is exhausted, they will be slaughtered and slaughtered as they please.

The moment after the shock.

Ying Xia quickly drew his sword, faster than ever before.

Zhao Taiqian once again transformed into a limp werewolf. Without the blessing of the full moon night, Zhao Taiqian's werewolf bloodline would not be able to exert its most terrifying power. But at this time, as long as it can change, it is better than staying the same, better than nothing. If you can squeeze out even a drop of combat power, it might change the situation of the battle.

Yu Liexin shook his fist vigorously, but only a few sparks remained. He had a dark face and black smoke coming out of his mouth, but he couldn't squeeze out a drop.

"Lao Ying, Lao Zhao..."

Yu Lie's heart trembled as he spoke, Emperor Zhu Chong was indeed dead.

The raised finger really meant this.


Yu Liexin suddenly had no idea whether Yi Lin would kill another emperor.

Yu Liexin felt extremely regretful at this moment. He didn't know what possessed him at that moment, making him hesitate, hesitate, and believe in that kid's evil deeds.

Obviously, after Emperor Zhu Chong died, it was his turn!

No one expected that Emperor Zhu Chong would die here, but he died anyway!

The fall of an emperor will bring extremely terrible shock to this country.

Power changes, families rise and fall, all overnight.

At this moment, Zhao Taiqian and Ying Xia understood the weakness in Yu Lie's heart.

Somehow, listening to Yu Liexin's trembling voice, the two aloof emperors felt a touch of bitterness and sadness in their hearts.

Once upon a time, would they have thought that one day they would be forced to do this?

Forced to the point where he only dared to defend, knowing that Emperor Zhu Chong died not far away, but didn't even have the courage to step forward to check?

No matter what the final result is.

The weak character they could not help but feel at this moment was enough to prove that they... were defeated!


Yi Lin covered her mouth and coughed.

When I opened my palms, I saw they were all covered in blood.

Also mixed with visceral mucosal debris.

Yi Lin's life value indeed fell to zero in an instant after she withstood Emperor Zhu Chong's punch.

His heart also stopped beating for a moment.

But he came to life again.

The reason for Yi Lin's "heavy job" is not because of cheating, nor because of cheating, nor simply because of inhuman blood.

A long time ago, Yi Lin and Li Erpang were randomly assigned to the same trial for the first time in Gotham City. At that time, Li Erpang was very wealthy. In order to get a higher clearance rating, he used a precious life-saving prop to get the money from Yi Lin. In exchange for key props to increase points.

——[Temporary pacemaker·worry-free implantation version].

Although the name of the prop is weird.

But the effect is really strong.

That is a magical prop that can be used to squeeze out the "last drop" through the pacemaker effect after the health value returns to zero when suffering a fatal blow!

After Yi Lin collected this precious life-saving tool, it didn't take long before she crushed it and implanted it into her body.

As Yi Lin left Gotham City, the self-healing ability of the "Dionysus Factor" began to appear in her body. Unless she was in role-playing trials, Yi Lin rarely encountered the crisis of her health hitting the bottom. So much so that Yi Lin almost forgot that the "pacemaker" was still in her body.

The feeling of exhaustion surged in like a tidal wave.

Yi Lin forcefully opened the apostle panel and took a look, only to see that the HP column, under the "self-healing" effect of the unknown bloodline, had just recovered a little, then quickly fell down, and as soon as it recovered, it fell down again. Under these ups and downs, it can be maintained at around 2%-4%.

"The punch that Emperor Zhu Chong gave before his death damaged a lot of my internal organs."

As the fog became thicker, Yi Lin felt the movement not far away, and her eyes gradually became cold.

"Is this the only thing we can do?"

Emperor Zhu Chong died so suddenly. If there was a soul after death, it is estimated that he must be in a soul body at this moment, maintaining a confused expression and motionless.

too suddenly.

But Yi Lin's layer-by-layer planning starts with Gu Tianqing's "tarot card divination".

Before Gu Tianqing left, he told the results of his divination.

"Total destruction."



Moreover, Gu Tianqing also said: "Those three cards are related to you."

Complete destruction has come true. Under the disaster of insect tide, Cangyang City became a dead city overnight.

The betrayal also came true. Mo Rendi was betrayed by Yu Meng and the imperial family. In an instant, he became old and withered, and was about to die.

But "fall" did not come true for Mo Rendi.

Yu Meng also said that she had no intention of killing Mo Rendi from the beginning. She just wanted to use this method to force Mo Rendi to retire, and then wait for death in a nursing home with peace of mind. Although what Yu Meng said may not be credible, in the end, Mo Rendi did not die.

If Gu Tianqing's divination is indeed traceable, the first two cards will come true, but who will this "fall" come true for?

When Yi Lin faced the four emperors, he accidentally remembered Gu Tianqing's unfulfilled divination, and combined with the danger he was in, a bold idea flashed through Yi Lin's mind.

The one who falls...will be the "Emperor"!

In this way, Gu Tianqing's divination will be complete!

Gu Tianqing should be blamed!

It's all his fault!

Moreover, even if Yi Lin is not sure, he can get the item from the emperor that can restore Mo Rendi's youth. But if she doesn't give it a try, Yi Lin will always feel unwilling.

No matter what, Yi Lin couldn't just watch Mo Rendi die of old age in such a shameless and aggrieved way.

From the beginning, Yi Lin created an illusion, creating an illusion that was bound to kill Yu Liexin.

So most of his beatings were aimed at Yu Lie's heart.

For the four emperors Ying Xia, Yu Liexin, Zhao Taiqian, and Emperor Zhu Chong, this was also reasonable and reasonable.

What is the correct way to open yourself up when being attacked by a group?

Very simple.

Grab one of them and hit him! Fight to death, fight desperately.

Exchange the limit for one, no loss.

Over time, even Yu Liexin himself came to the conclusion that Yi Lin was specifically targeting him in this unethical beating, which frightened the arrogant Yu Liexin.

But in fact, what Yi Lin really wanted to kill... was Emperor Zhu Chong!

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