Infinity Throne

Chapter 497 The Evil Monk of Plague

To say it exploded might be an exaggeration.

But for the rookies who performed the most excessively on the battlefield, the bulging blood vessels on their bodies exploded instantly, turning them into bloody men in the blink of an eye.

In those bloodshot eyes, the pupils disappeared, leaving only a piercing pale white.

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed, and Xiao Shisan's ancient sword appeared in his hand. After activating it like a shadow, Yi Lin easily walked through the two sides of the tribe and the alliance fighting. The hand holding the knife was chopped off.

The meat quality is good.

It chops cleanly and neatly.

"Rin, there's something wrong with them."

In the team channel, Oda Mai said with a cold tone.

"Chop it!... I'm talking about the hands!"

Yi Lin originally wanted to make the instructions concise and clear, but as soon as the words came out, Yi Lin was worried that Oda Mai would chop her whole body to death, so she quickly added an explanation.


Oda Mai whispered.

You are so disappointed!

Yi Lin was keenly aware of the disappointment in Oda Mai's tone, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But this is obviously not a good time to complain.


Yi Lin noticed that the chopped off palm had "grown" together with the knife at some point. The flesh on the palm merged with the [Scarlet Butcher Knife] without any sense of disobedience, and the knife became a part of them.

After Yi Lin cut "them" off, a strange green light floated on the [Scarlet Butcher Knife], which was so green that it made people panic.

The cute newcomers whose arms were cut off by Yi Lin's knife could no longer notice the pain. A terrifying smile appeared on their bloody faces. The white teeth actually pulled out weird fleshy bits between the opening and closing of their teeth. Brushed”.

I saw the "cute newcomers" move their severed arms towards the ground, and pseudopods suddenly stretched out from the broken parts of the severed arms that emitted a strange green light, reconnecting with their severed arms.

Yi Lin sighed softly when he saw this scene. But he did not give up treatment and immediately gave instructions in the team channel:

"Everyone listen, no matter whether there is any change or not, cut off the arm holding the knife!"

"My parents also..."

Regarding Yi Lin's order, Xu Jingjing was stunned and questioned.

"If you don't want them to die, just cut them!"

Yi Lin didn't explain too much and her tone was decisive.

Xu Jingjing gritted his teeth.

At this moment, although she was not familiar with Yi Lin, she still chose to believe him.

It's just an arm, nothing compared to life.

Thinking of this, Xu Anjing took out a skinning knife with an animal skin wrapped around the handle. With two swipes, he cut off the wrists of Xu Zhiyong and his wife.

Before that, Yi Lin had already warned that there was something wrong with that weapon. So on the third day of the battlefield, Xu Anjing told the two of them not to kill monsters unless they had to. But before Xu Anjing cut off their wrists, they could still maintain their consciousness.

Xu Jingjing had no time to explain before taking action. When the wrist holding the knife fell to the ground, Xu Zhiyong and his wife were stunned for a short time, then painfully covered their broken wrists that were bleeding profusely, sweating.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry! I don't have time to explain!"

After Xu Jingjing took action, he pulled the two of them through the battlefield. From time to time, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow to shoot the surrounding Alliance soldiers.

Similar situations occurred in different corners of the battlefield.

Oda Mai wandered around the battlefield, but this time, her target was no longer those Alliance soldiers. Instead, she transformed into a hand-cutting madman. Wherever she passed, the sword flashed, and arms fell to the ground. The efficiency was frightening. She was truly professional.

Gouzi was more direct, assuming a fighting stance, pounced on Mengxin, and cut it off with a hand didn't break, come again!

They are extremely cruel until they are interrupted alive.

Pan Zhengyi actually understood Yi Lin's instructions this time.

Hehehe laughed wildly and attacked the newbies.

An iron rod was raised high and fell heavily, then fell again, and then fell again...

never mind.

Not to mention.

Too cruel.

The screams of the newbies resounded throughout the sky. But soon, the screams were suppressed by even worse sounds, unable to stir up much trouble.

Personal life, death and suffering are completely insignificant on the battlefield.


In a few breaths, the cute newcomers had already transformed into a completely different look. Their bodies were covered with bloody rotten flesh, falling off piece by piece. The most horrifying part was their belly, where the internal organs were squirming and exposed to everyone.

The scarlet butcher knife seemed to come to life, growing together with the hands of the newbies and becoming their "organ". The pale eyeballs of the newbies could not distinguish emotions, and a hoarse dry roar came from the rotten throat. , madly rushing towards the depths of the Alliance Legion.

"Damn it!"

At this time, the alliance soldiers who were busy fighting with the orcs noticed the existence of these "alien" in the orc army and trembled in shock: "They are the evil monks of the undead tribe! Damn it, how can those damn undead appear here? here!"

"Impossible! Didn't the damn undead clan suffer from the strange disease of 'flesh growing on their bones'? They all hid in the dark city and didn't dare to come out to see anyone! How could they appear here!"

"Damn undead!"

The mere evil monk did not arouse the fear of the alliance warriors. Instead, it aroused the blood of the alliance. They turned their guns and killed the newbies who had turned into evil monks.

"Hoo ho ho ho ho—"

The evil monks let out ferocious laughter. In an instant, their bodies flashed with green light, and they emitted bursts of fishy smell that was visible to the naked eye.

The moment the green gas dispersed, it was like a gangrene attached to the bones, attached to any surrounding life form.

Regardless of friend or foe, or allied tribes, the bodies of all soldiers who were stained by the green aura rotted and melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and developed abscesses and blisters, which was extremely horrifying.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

"Oh wipe wipe wipe-"

"It's a plague!"

"Those evil monks are spreading the plague!"

“Is it the ‘fallen blood’ that has been lost for many years??”

Both the tribe and the alliance screamed at the same time.

"Away from all plague monks!"

In just two seconds, Yi Lin combined the development of the plot and gave a satisfactory name to the new monster on the battlefield at the speed of light.

When Yi Lin realized that something was wrong, she had already flown high into the air and waved her hand to summon the Night Dire.

"A gentleman from the great nation of Cybertron, shining..."

Before Dire's Cybertron words could be spoken, Yilin slapped Dire in the direction of Mai Oda.

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Xu Anjing, follow that car!"


This was not the first time that Oda Wu and Yi Lin fought side by side. The moment the Nightmare appeared, Oda Wu picked up Xu Anjing from the crowd. Xu Anjing held one in each hand, holding Xu Zhiyong and Mrs. Xu. Tian Wu picked up his clothes and flew high into the sky.

"It's overloaded! Rumble, rumble—"

The night dire was feeling aggrieved, but other than grumbling, it didn't dare to strike. Immediately, Nightmare did not hesitate. Thick alcohol smell came out of the exhaust pipe, and he entered the drunk driving mode. The thunderous sound of turbine rotation resounded through the sky.


Yi Lin watched the changes on the battlefield expressionlessly.

A dozen of the most ruthless newbies were transformed into terrifying monsters spreading plague on the battlefield.

Whether it was the Alliance Army or the Horde Army, after the plague monk appeared, they didn't bother to clock in and retreat to their respective battle formations. When they ran away, they cried for their parents and didn't even care about their weapons. .

In the center of the battlefield, a large green "plague fog" appeared. The soldiers who had no time to run were melted into blood after a while, leaving only pale bones and fell weakly on the battlefield.

"one two three……"

Yi Lin glanced around and saw that among the survivors, there were eighteen preparatory apostles who had become plague monks.

But in the display of [Number of Survivors], the eighteen newbies who have become abnormal seem to be judged to be in a "survival" state, and can also bring benefits of death points to Yilin and others.

But with this appearance, Yi Lin was not sure whether they could return to their original appearance after they returned alive. After all, the tower repair mechanism can only repair "injuries", and their state, which was obviously transformed into another "living body" by some strange force, does not seem to fall into the category of "injury".

The Mengxin who survived and did not become plague monks all woke up one after another after their arms were cut off in time. At first, they had their hands cut off by the senior inexplicably, thinking that the senior wanted to kill them, and they felt resentful in their hearts.

But when they saw with their own eyes that their former "same kind" had turned into such a terrifying ghostly appearance, they couldn't imagine that Yi Lin and others' actions were to save them.

Suddenly, all the survivors, including Ren Jian, felt mixed emotions of shame and anger.

The destructive power of the metamorphosed Preparatory Apostle is simply incomparable. That huge body is extremely agile in movement. Only eighteen evil plague monks were seen, exuding terrifying green gas, forcing the Alliance legion back like a tide.

The scene was like eighteen wolves who had not bathed for countless years, chasing a large group of fragrant and shiny little white sheep.

The evil plague monks had evil smiles on their faces, and the scarlet butcher knives in their hands were connected to their flesh and blood. I saw the evil monks' wrists covered with rotten flesh flicking, and the scarlet butcher knife flew out in the blink of an eye. The long tendrils of flesh wrapped around a group of soldiers, pulling them to their side to endure the suffering of the plague.

So cruel!

Yi Lin's eyes narrowed when she saw that the evil plague monk had such terrifying lethality. Although it seems to be a good thing at the moment, thinking about the consequences of their wanton scoring on the battlefield on the first day...

"Damn tribal pigs! May the Holy Light purify you!"


There was a flash of light in the sky.

There was a loud bang of thunder.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, blasting an evil plague monk into charcoal.

[Number of surviving prepared apostles: 65. 】

...Another 1,000 DP points were lost.

But Yi Lin ignored the pain in her body and looked at the sky.

A vast shadow surged from the rear of the Alliance army, covering the sky and the sun, and shadowing the battlefield.

I saw the dwarf Muradin King Bronzebeard, sitting on a huge fantasy mount with the head of a eagle and the body of a lion. His short body was almost covered by the mount's hair. If he hadn't tried hard to hold up the hammer with electric light to make him more conspicuous, Yi Lin wouldn't have noticed anyone sitting on the back of the mount for a while.

"It's the Griffin Knights!"

"May the Holy Light protect us!"

"For the Alliance!"

When King Bronzebeard led the Griffin Knights to fight out, the defeated Alliance soldiers once again had high morale and cheered.

This time,

It's their turn!

up in the air.

Gouzi, Oda Mai, and Yi Lin were stunned for a moment, then smiled in unison.

Kill the BOSS!

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