Infinity Throne

Chapter 512 “Qualifying” the Riots

"But in fact, they also have demands for all this."

Li Xiuqi told the unknown inside story.

"They requested that the first batch of closed beta apostles must establish an 'equal support' system, and each senior apostle must give up an item of 'rare level' or above to be allocated to them."

When Li Xiuqi said these words.

All the senior apostles present fell silent.

The same thought flashed through my mind.

How many years did he have to suffer from cerebral thrombosis before he could come up with such an outrageous request?

Rare items?

Give one piece to each person?

Is it enough points?

Li Erpang sneered, his nostrils were blown open, he was very unhappy.

"I'm going to take a spin."

Yi Lin didn't say anything, she rose into the air and flew into the air.

"I'm jealous."

Li Erpang showed enough envy for Yi Lin's ability to escape gravity and fly at will.

If he had this kind of ability, how could he not go anywhere in the world?

By then, won't even Brother Su be unable to catch up?

Half an hour later.

While a few people were waiting boredly, almost looking for a deck of cards to kill time, Yi Lin, who had been gone for a long time, finally returned here.

Yi Lin took the map from Li Xiuqi's hand and quickly circled nearly a hundred red dots on the map.

"This is……?"

Su Zhe's eyes lit up slightly, he pointed at the red circles and asked.

"It can be regarded as their stronghold."

As Yi Lin spoke, he marked numbers on several of the circles.

The goddess tower in the center is marked "No. 1".

"Okay, that's it."

It took a few minutes for the soul painter to finish painting everything, and Yi Lin clapped her hands with satisfaction.


Su Zhe and others were all confused, and they didn't understand what was so good about Yi Lin's "Okay".

But Oda Mai understood what Yi Lin meant.

The delicate chin was slightly raised, and murderous intent began to brew in the cold eyes.

"What number should I cut?"

"Number three is yours."

Since Oda Mai understood it in advance, Yilin arranged for Oda Mai first.


Oda Mai's strange interpretation of Yi Rin made others understand Yi Rin's meaning.

Yi Lin did not continue to lie.

"I spent half an hour walking around the entire Haiting City, and found basically all the strongholds. Some strongholds are actually just bluffs, and there are not many people inside. Old Su, you have the first-order armed police on hand It should be able to be solved, after all, they have rich experience in riot control."

"Goddess Tower, I am number 1."

"Wang'er, No. 2."

Wang Tiandi raised his claws and made an "OK" claw gesture.

Others who were not familiar with dogs were immediately confused. How on earth could a dog make such a complicated gesture? Hundan!

If Ning You were here, he would probably show disdain for the fuss made by a few people.

This dog has even slept with a female wolf that is more than ten times its size. What does it mean to just make a strange gesture?

Our eyes popped out. Did we say anything?

Yi Lin assigned the tasks one by one.

The powerful Tier 3 and Tier 4 are responsible for one point alone.

Lao Pan... just followed a team, and no matter what he did, he could accomplish something.

"I probably understand what you mean."

Su Zhe also expected that Yi Lin's behavior would not be as restrained as Li Kai's, but he never expected to be so direct and brutal. After pondering for a moment, he pointed to the three points marked "nine", "ten" and "eleven" and asked, "There are no arrangements for these three points."

"Haha, I have other plans."

Yi Lin didn't explain much.

Everyone acted as quickly as possible.

The action is simple and crude.

At the same time, carry out dimensionality reduction strikes on all strongholds.

So what if they can communicate with each other?

In an instant, all strongholds were gone.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party held the old, weak, women and children hostage, using their senior status to single out these apostles, it would be a bit like bullying the children.

Except for those few strongholds with large numbers of people, Li Xiuqi and Su Zhe arranged other small strongholds by themselves.

After all, Yi Lin was not familiar with the Shence Army and the thousands of first-order armed police.

After one hour.

Point number one.

Goddess Tower.

Yi Lin floated eight hundred meters away, her senses reaching out, and everything inside could be seen at a glance.

"Are they all hostages?"

Yi Lin's eyes quickly locked onto every building around the Goddess Tower.

Most of the rioting first-order apostles hid in the corners of the building, thinking they were safe.

Point two.

A dog flies in the sky.

Point three.

Oda Mai slowly put on the "Ghost Face" mask that had been treasured for a long time in the storage space, dreamed back to the past, and pulled out the sword.

Point four.

Li Xiuqi arrived at the battlefield.

Point five.

Su Zhe sneered and clenched his fists.

Point six.

Pan Zhengyi was skillfully carried by several armed policemen, and they were ready to rush in and throw Pan Zhengyi down... Although they did not understand the significance of doing so, it was said that this was a key link in the entire plan.

Point seven.

Li Erpang was high-spirited. It was rare that Brother Su was not around, so he smiled like a child.

Point eight.

Although Su Xiaosu's expression was still as calm as water, she was anxious inside and wanted to finish the work quickly so that she could return to Fatty as soon as possible. Keep an eye on it.

Point nine.

Ning You looked up at the commercial building in front of him and let out a long sigh.

Point ten.

Xiao Chuer was wearing a sexy navel-baring outfit, and before it started, she was holding a mirror on the roadside to touch up her makeup.

Point eleven.

Li Changge was wearing a bat suit and holding the Bafang Invincible Sword in his right hand. He was high-spirited and full of special effects. He was smiling: "Is this a vote of fame? Haha."

Everyone is ready.

In the channel, Yi Lin gave an order after confirming that everyone was ready.

"Do it!"


Yi Lin pulled out his two guns, fell to the ground, turned into a shadow, and got into the building.

For him, the thugs deliberately locked the hostages at the top of the Goddess Tower, which was really what he wanted.

In this way, Yi Lin no longer has any scruples when taking action.

at the same time.

In the mayor's mansion, Li Kai smiled helplessly and closed his eyes.

The battle ended almost instantly.

The riots that spread throughout Haiting City were over in just a few minutes.

The thugs' mistake was that they underestimated the cruelty of senior people and took themselves too seriously.

After Yi Lin explored every stronghold, the riot had actually come to an end early.

There is no suspense.

Most of the thugs are newcomers who have just come out of the preliminary trial.

Some of them even don’t have any skills yet.

Not much different from ordinary people.

In front of the seniors, they were like stripped and washed lambs. When the seniors really showed their fangs, they had no power to resist.

"Stronghold No. 23 is under control!"

"At No. 78 Stronghold, 18 thugs are under control!"

"There are one hundred and sixty-three thugs in Stronghold No. 89. They all gave in when they saw us!"

"Spot No. 101... Stronghold, all the thugs surrendered... Oh no! You still dare to resist? Brothers, go ahead and beat him to death!" The sound of punching and kicking came from the channel.

The good news keeps coming.

While receiving the news from his subordinates, Su Zhe kicked the door to pieces, rushed into the mob, punched the children, and fell to the ground moaning one by one, relaxed and happy.

It took about three minutes. After Su Zhe broke the bones of the thirty-ninth man, the remaining hundreds of people in the stronghold were so frightened that they fell to the ground to express their surrender.

"Speaking of it, it seems that the total number of people in all the strongholds is not as many as imagined."

Su Zhe asked a question in the channel.

"Oh, it's normal." Yi Lin's tone was calm: "The real Dawn Sect is very cunning. What they can do is just some mindless evil. They also know that this riot will not last long. Before we intervene, The people from the Dawn Sect have long since withdrawn."

"Then what is their purpose?"

"It should be..." Yi Lin walked out of the building, looked at the dazzling sunlight, and said with a smile: "Don't forget the chaos in the First Order Apostle Forum. It's probably because... I want to ignite this insignificant spark. Yes. Okay, after this is done, find a few people to come to my side to help."

Yi Lin did not delve too deeply into the topic of "Shuguang Cult" and changed the subject.

When Li Xiuqi heard this, he couldn't help but interrupt.

Yo ho?

Isn't it?

Do you still want to help?

"President Yi Lin, are you kidding me?"

"No." Yi Lin replied seriously: "There are too many corpses, let's clean them up."

In an instant,

Li Xiuqi and Su Zhe were silent at the same time.

Oda Mai is on the channel, add something.

"I need it too."


Yi Lin lowered his head.

There was a lot of blood on the sleeves.

He rubbed out a few bullets with an expressionless face, then used a "cleaning technique" to clean the blood stains on his clothes.

Yi Lin could remember exactly how many people he killed in total.

But he didn't want to count.

"It seems that I gradually no longer feel anything."

Yi Lin murmured.

Sit alone for a while.

Oda Mai rides Nightmare back to Yi Lin.

She was keenly aware that something was wrong with Yi Lin's mood.

But she just glanced at it and didn't say anything more.

Gouzi and Pan Zhengyi returned to the meeting place agreed in advance.

Pan Zhengyi seemed to be having a great time.

Later, I heard from the first-order armed police accompanying him that something weird happened at the stronghold that Pan Zhengyi was responsible for.

When they were preparing to throw Lao Pan in according to the plan, there were already sounds of fighting inside.

When they rushed into the stronghold in confusion, they found that most of the people inside were already lying down.

After interrogating one of the thugs, they revealed the reason.

It turned out that this stronghold was secretly divided into two factions. But on that day, the little leaders of the two factions had a fight over a woman. Later, for some reason, one of the little bosses slipped and stabbed the other guy. The two parties started fighting for no reason, and they fought to the death.

Afterwards, in that stronghold, the surviving Mengxin felt strange. Their emotions at that time seemed to have been drugged, and their whole persons became dull.

What does it have to do with others snatching women?

Throughout the day, Su Zhe and Li Xiuqi were dealing with matters after quelling the riot.

When Yi Lin was bored, she felt that something was wrong with the stronghold that Lao Pan had solved.

Although Lao Pan's incredible luck was at play, it still seemed too outrageous.

So while Li Xiuqi, Su Zhe and others were still busy, Yi Lin walked up to one of the thugs who was tied into a turtle shape by Li Changge himself, and asked in detail what happened in the stronghold at that time.

After a few minutes, Yi Lin's inquiry ended.

At the end, Yi Lin's heart moved and she asked:

"What's the name of the woman the two bosses are fighting over?"

"It seems to be called... Sheng Shirou."

"Sheng Chunrou?"

"Yes! That's her! Hey, this big boss, shouldn't you also..."

the thug asked sheepishly.

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