Infinity Throne

Chapter 519 Protect our crystal

at the same time.


Every corner.

Every apostle is in the midst of anxiety, confusion, excitement, and killing.

A "ding" sound sounded in my ears at the same time.

A voice that seemed to come from the sky sounded in the ears of every apostle.

"Congratulations to the 'First Guild' Apocalypse for successfully creating the first town-level station in the world's regional server and achieving a special and unique achievement. This announcement is hereby made!"

"Congratulations to the 'First Guild' Apocalypse for successfully creating the first town-level station in the world's regional server and achieving a special and unique achievement. This is hereby announced!"

"Congratulations to the 'First Guild' Apocalypse for successfully creating the first town-level station in the world's regional server and achieving a special and unique achievement. This announcement is hereby made!"

The world... is boiling again!

Many people have already noticed that two [Guild Resident Tokens] appeared in the wishing pool.

Similarly, many powerful people who established guilds, those high-level apostles whose names were hidden on the rankings, also fell into the "ten consecutive" after the "Guild Resident Token Probability Up" event was launched in the wishing pool. I can't extricate myself from the madness of "smoking".

When they were spending money like crazy.


Someone has built the station!

too fast!

Apocalypse again!

It’s this guild again!

Who is this president?

Why is your hand speed so fast?


Too lucky, right?

Can you get this?

Will this person not lose his life?

Others spend their money on your life?


This is an old castle located in the wilderness.

The mottled city walls have vines winding up.

The cracks on the gray stone wall quietly tell the story of wind, frost and time.

Inside the castle.

A blond girl wearing armor raised her head blankly.

Beside her, twelve knights covered in full-face Central European-style armor knelt on the ground in silence. Their postures of bowing their heads and kneeling on the ground conveyed a hint of sadness.


The blonde girl softly repeated the name that was resounding throughout the world.

Who are the Europeans?


After a while, she waved her hand, and the armor made a sound of gold and iron.

"Keep pumping!"

South Africa.

Primitive tribe.

Tens of thousands of dark-skinned people wrapped in animal skins knelt on the ground.

Among them, a bonfire burned.

On the bonfire, a muscular man with strange totems painted on his body with animal blood stood barefoot in the flames, but his expression did not show any pain.

They seemed to be performing an ancient memorial ceremony.

Tens of thousands of people made strange screams of unknown meaning from their mouths.


The man in the flames raised his head and looked at the sky.

The dark eyes blended with the skin color, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Keep pumping!"


Inca Holy Empire.

At the center of the empire were thirteen magnificent palaces.

Twenty kilometers away, a red "tower" reaches straight into the sky, with no top visible.

There is a thick layer of "blood mist" surrounding the tower. Even if the wind blows, the blood mist will not disperse, as if it has an entity.

These thirteen palaces were built against the blood mist formed around the "tower".

Among them, on the walls of the twelve palaces on the periphery, the figures of the gods in ancient myths are outlined with bold and exaggerated colors.

Guards wearing snow-white soft armor, holding spears, patrolled back and forth along the established route.

The twelve palaces are distributed in a clock pattern, corresponding to the directions from "one" to "twelve", forming a complete "circle".

And in the center of this "circle", that point. The impartial "center of the circle" position.

There is such a strange palace.

I don’t know whether it’s because there’s no money to decorate or because it’s a return to nature. On the walls of the central palace, there are no fancy graffiti of gods. The four walls are painted white and are extremely simple.

Deep inside the central palace.

After a long silence, a roar came out:


Haiting City.

The work of restoring order is in full swing.

Do it overnight.

A young-looking young man was walking on the devastated streets.

The cars, turned into scrap metal, lay in the middle of the street.

A woman with a somewhat nervous expression silently stepped over the tops of abandoned vehicles and came to the young man. She knelt on the ground as if to please, her eyes flashing strangely in the night. of brilliance.

"Why are you acting like a kitten?"

The young man rubbed the woman's messy hair.


"Well, let's learn how to bark like a dog?" The young man became interested.


"Well, it's a wolf."


"It looks similar."

The youth had a great time.


The woman, who imitated cats, wolves and dogs, suddenly lost her expression, raised her head, her ears twitched slightly, and looked at the sky.

"Oh? What's wrong?"

"Announcement, Apocalypse, a station has been established."

"Apocalypse... Haha." The young man smiled even more happily. With a shake of his right hand, an ancient painting enveloped the two of them and flew into the air under the darkness of night.

"We've had enough fun here, let's move to another place. After all, this is not 'my' territory, so I'm at a loss when it comes to playing."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~Embrace the dawn~"

The woman laughed happily, her laughter shrill, like a spoiled cat.

at the same time.


When the announcement rang in everyone's ears, each apostle had a different mood.

Just ring it once and it'll be fine...

Why does it have to ring three times?

It’s so heartbreaking!

The four of them, Ying Xia, Zhu Mingzhi, Yu Liexin, and Zhao Taiqian, who were immersed in pain and suffering from this novel and interesting krypton gold game, listened to the announcement ringing in their ears, and their breaths and blood surged in an instant. A stream of air rushed along the anus to the Tianling Gai, almost making the old man who was doing ten consecutive strokes of krypton gold so angry that he vomited blood.

Got preempted again!

Still the same person!

It's "Apocalypse" again!

"Damn Apocalypse!"

Under Ying Xia's analysis, the four old men were almost convinced that Apocalypse was the "First Guild" founded by Yi Lin. This announcement was undoubtedly a combination of new and old hatreds, which made them feel severe pain all over their bodies, as if there were sharp needles poking densely on their skin along the server-wide announcement.

First, it’s gone again!

They smoked so wildly just to grab the "first place".

First, there is indeed a server-wide announcement!

Style, cards, reputation, status, it’s all there! Everything you need! If you want, you can!

But in an instant, it was all gone!

The world has always only recognized the number one, and everything below the number one is just a stepping stone.

Sadness spread rapidly among the four groups of people led by the four old men.

Many people who were loyal to the family even cried loudly, crying so sadly for fear that their master would not hear them.

"There is also a guild resident token in the wishing well!"

At this time.

Yu Liexin gritted his teeth and almost squeezed out this sentence from between his teeth.

In the wishing well interface, there are two guild resident tokens.

But suddenly.

One piece is missing!

There is no doubt that it was taken away by the guy from Tianqi.

But when one is taken away, there is still one left.

This is the last chance!

To smoke or not?

This is a very serious question.

Even if they pay a big price to get the last Guild Resident Token, they still can't be the first, they can only be the second best.

The four old men looked at each other, deeply entangled.

Yu Liexin sighed deeply and said with a sad expression: "No chance."

As he spoke, he calmly fired another ten rounds.

"What should we do?"

Zhao Taiqian lowered his head and said something. At the same time, he silently took another shot.

Zhu Mingzhi simply stopped talking and buried his head in smoking.


Their ideas coincided with each other.

A large number of death points have been smashed in. Although a lot of messy props have been drawn, compared with the investment, the benefits are far from being worth the expenditure.

After a huge investment, if you can get this last [Guild Residence Token], even if you are stuck below the "Apocalypse Guild" and being the second child, at least it will not be a loss. Otherwise, if you give up now, you will really lose your blood.

Ying Xia has extremely fast hands.

While he pumped ten times in a row in the wishing well without changing his expression, he said slowly:

"If you can't grab the first place, it's good to grab the second place."



Slap him!

In the snowy mountains.

Several people walked out of the shelter.

Warm sunshine fell from the sky, dispelling the chill.

In the sky, the wind and snow stopped and the sky cleared up.

"The snow has stopped!"

Molly exhaled and suddenly felt a little warm.

"Look behind you."

The group looked back.

It was discovered that the shape of the shelter had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Behind a few people, square white buildings, like squares, with no windows or doors, were neatly arranged on the snowy field.

The undulating snowfield surface seemed to have been flattened by some force, leaving a flat snowfield.

At the end of the white cube building complex, there is a small low peak like a rockery, standing quietly, like the background board of the building complex.

"Come, let me show you around."

Yi Lin walked in front, and several people followed Yi Lin with confused faces, looking at this unfamiliar territory.

Li Erpang even pinched his face hard, thinking he was dreaming.

In the center of the cube building complex, there stands a sharp-edged object that is nearly ten meters high. It is unknown what material it is made of. It is crystal clear, with faint lines of light flowing from top to bottom on the surface.

"Crystal? Is it so big?"

When Molly saw it, her eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had seen something valuable.

It’s developed!


Molly almost drooled when she thought about her research.

There are even some small words engraved on the crystal. Taking a closer look, everyone discovered that what was engraved on the crystal was their respective names, with the corresponding apostle level after the name.

Li Erpang felt that there was something slightly wrong with the painting style of this "Crystal". It seemed that he had seen something similar in some game a long time ago.

Protect our crystal?

"What the hell?"

As soon as they saw the "level" after Yi Lin's name at the top and most conspicuous position of the crystal, Ning You and Xiao Chuer immediately lost their composure. They spoke in unison and said in unison: "Are you only at the third level? Who are you fooling?" Woolen cloth!"

"It does not matter."

Yi Lin waved his hand and explained to everyone: "This is the core position of the entire guild, a 'core landmark'. I set it up in this style based on my personal preference. Of course, it doesn't matter what style it is, even if Set up as a personal statue of mine, the function it provides is the same, so it doesn’t matter. However, "

Yi Lin paused and glanced around everyone's faces: "If you think this model is not good, I will replace it with my own statue as the guild's facade. I don't have much objection. It's all for the guild."

"No no no!"

When Li Changge, Li Erpang, and Ning You heard this, they shook their heads and said in unison: "No need to bother! This is good! It's really good! I will worry about whoever changes it!"

Yi Lin: "?"

After visiting the main building complex and core crystal landmarks, Yi Lin led everyone to walk some distance.

There seems to be a membrane in front.

Very bright, very thin, very dazzling.

"The front is the guild's leisure area."

Yi Lin smiled.

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