Infinity Throne

Chapter 522 Choose from the Heart

Damn it.

Yi Lin was immediately struck by the difficulty and keywords corresponding to the five doors, and her scalp went numb.

Ah this.

Might as well be random!

Yi Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

How to choose this!

Not only Yi Lin, but the four people and one dog in his group also changed their expressions at the same time.

Of the corresponding difficulty levels of the five doors, only one is "normal difficulty"?

Are the other lowest ones all nightmare difficulty?

Even Yong Ye was revealed?


Xu Jingjing looked at her president with strange eyes.

She had already noticed it on the battlefield of the Alliance Tribe.

When Wang Bronzebeard used his ultimate move, almost 90% of the thunderbolts that landed at random were gathered on top of Yi Lin's head.

At that time, Xu Jingjing mistakenly thought that it was some kind of ability or skill of Yi Lin that actively attracted all the firepower, sacrificing himself to illuminate his teammates, thereby reducing the pressure on his teammates.

From the looks of it...could it be just plain bad luck?


It shouldn't be such a bad luck.

Maybe it was an accident?

Xu Jingjing swallowed hard and made a loud gulp sound. She didn't dare to speak her mind and quickly put away the ridiculous thought.

Gouzi looked around and his eyes lit up.


"Woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof~"

It stretched out its claws and pointed hard at door No. 2 three times. "Beast Ear Girl" is written on the door.

Wang Tiandi swung his tail wildly and almost took off on the spot, with a wild expression.

This... is very exciting!

Li Changge chuckled, trying to make his expression look calm and sage, and said softly: "Ahem, let me state in advance that I have no other ideas. Door No. 3 is also good, and it doesn't look that dangerous. With my charm , it’s easy to pass this kind of trial.”

Yi Lin remained silent.

After a brief moment of silence, he began to think.

Choice is crucial.

Oda Mai stood next to Yi Lin and reminded: "1000."

"By the way, I almost forgot."

After being reminded by Oda Mai, Yi Lin smashed the dots on the door without saying a word.

[Five doors consume a total of 5,000 death points. Are you sure to add keywords? 】

【YES/NO? 】


It turns out that these 1,000 points are the consumption of each door?

Yi Lin had no choice but to choose "YES".

The DP that should be spent must still be spent.

After Yi Lin chose to confirm, new keywords appeared on each of the five doors.

Door No. 1: [Difficulty: Normal] [Keywords: Steel] [Keywords: Bionic Man]

Door No. 2: [Difficulty: Nightmare] [Keywords: Beast Ear Girl] [Keywords: No Survivors]

Gate No. 3: [Difficulty: Nightmare] [Keywords: Harem] [Keywords: Shura Field]

Door No. 4: [Difficulty: Nightmare] [Keywords: Storm Island] [Keywords: Bloody Escape]

Gate No. 5: [Difficulty: Eternal Night] [Keywords: School Violence] [Keywords: Indescribable]

After the new keywords are refreshed.

Gouzi, who was eager to choose door No. 2, and Li Changge, who was tentatively trying to choose door No. 3, fell silent for a moment.


This keyword is so confusing!

How come "Beast Ear Girl" is related to "No Survivors"?

How come "harem" and "Shura field" are involved together?


Gouzi returned to Yi Lin's feet in despair, ready to cry, just like a quiet old dog.


Yi Lin took a long breath.

He began to feel that it was difficult to lead the team.

If he were alone, except for Door 1 and Door 5, Doors 2, 3 and 4 would only be nightmare difficulty. With his current strength far exceeding that of Tier 3, if he chose any door to break in, the question would be Not big. Even he couldn't pass the trial, and I believe that no one in the third level could pass it either.

The third level is the strongest, and this is not just talk.

However, when entering the trial in team mode, he had to consider the feelings of others.

The choice of the door is not only related to whether you can get out of the trial alive, but also closely related to the subsequent strengthening route.

This was the reason why Yi Rin excluded Gate No. 1 in the first place.

Neither the keywords "steel" nor "bionic man" seem to have anything to do with their team's strengthening route, which seems to be the route of mechanical evolution. If their team chooses Gate No. 1 to enter, it will not be difficult, but in the end the benefits may be of little use.

He was about to throw points on the door again to see if more keywords could appear.

Yi Lin was stunned by the prompts that appeared in front of her.

[Five doors consume a total of 50,000 death points. Are you sure to add keywords? 】

I go……

The third keyword has directly increased ten times compared to the second keyword?

How outrageous!

Is this really a version where you are going to death to make money?

Yi Lin was lost in thought.

Seeing Yi Lin's solemn expression, the others did not dare to disturb him, giving the president the cards he deserved.


Yi Lin's heart moved.

The next moment, a card was crushed, and an old compass appeared in Yi Lin's hand.

——[Compass from the Heart].

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

The pointer on the compass was shaking crazily.

After a moment, the trembling pointer pointed straight at door No. 5, motionless.

"I'll choose number five."

Yi Lin made the decision without saying a word.


The teammates were immediately shocked.

Why did you choose the most difficult one!

Eternal night difficulty!

In the team, Xu Anjing has never even experienced the "Eternal Night Difficulty" dungeon.

So when Yi Lin told her his decision, Xu Anjing's expression changed instantly. His delicate facial features were so pink and black that they were shiny.

Gouzi felt that the compass in Yilin's hand seemed familiar, as if he had seen it in someone's hand.

Yi Lin knew that choosing the most difficult Evernight-level trial among the five doors would definitely attract criticism.

So he simply displayed the attributes of [Congxin's Compass].

【Compass from the heart】


[Restrictions] Each person can only use it 2 times in each trial.

[Effect] Where the compass points, the heart desires.

[Explanation] This magical compass has the power to detect people's hearts. You can use it to guide you to anything you desire. No matter how unspeakable your desire is, it can guide you in the direction unless you can't find it. PS: Everything comes from the heart. The current number of uses remaining: 1/2, the number of uses will be refreshed after re-entering the world.

"Epic props!"

Ning You and Xiao Chuer from the other team also came forward.

Once again, I was shocked and speechless by Yi Lin's terrifying background.

The one hundred props in the guild warehouse have already exceeded the upper limit of their imagination. Unexpectedly, Yi Lin took out something casually, which was an epic prop. It was so terrifying!

He is truly worthy of being the president of the world’s number one guild!

"That's it." Li Changge nodded, suddenly understanding why Yi Lin made such a terrible choice. After thinking for a moment, he was a little confused: "Congxin... What are your thoughts that caused the compass to point to Gate No. 5?" ?”

"Of course it's to maximize profits!"

Yi Rin answered matter-of-factly.

Oda Mai followed Yi Rin wholeheartedly and had no objection.

Gouzi missed the "Beast Ear Girl" and looked a little disappointed. But it is a real dog. It knows that it is safe to follow Yi Lin, who is the strongest. Without saying a word, it bites Yi Lin's trouser leg and swings its tail into the shape of a propeller as a sign of goodwill.

Xu Jingjing gritted his teeth, thinking that the greater the risk, the greater the reward. Although she had not experienced the severe beatings of the Evernight-level trial, now that she was on the pirate ship, she could only choose to believe that Yi Lin's strength could carry everyone.

Li Changge chuckled, seemingly the calmest.

After making the Congxin choice with the help of the power of the compass, Yi Lin threw the [Congxin Compass] to Su Xiaosu.

The other team also experienced similar struggles as Yi Lin.

Su Xiaosu tightened her grip on the compass and pointed it somewhere in the void.

Their doors can only be seen by them.

"I'm ready."

In just a few minutes, Su Xiaosu recovered and threw the compass back.

"What you chose is..."

This is not gossip. As the president of the guild, he is of course curious about what type of keywords and trial difficulty Su Xiaosu and his team chose.

"Hehe..." Li Erpang winked and laughed: "Nightmare difficulty, the key words are: bridal chamber flowers and candles, and the whole village celebrates together. It shouldn't be difficult!"

The other team's keywords immediately made Gouzi and Li Changge's scalps go numb.

This is the normal keyword!

Look at what's going on here!

With flowers and candles in the bridal chamber and celebrations in the whole village, you can tell at a glance that this is a relatively low-level trial world!

The biggest one is just a village, what a fright!

"Then, see you later. I wish you all the best."

Yi Rin smiled and said goodbye to the other team.

Su Xiaosu and the others nodded and disappeared in front of Yi Lin in a blink of an eye.

"let's go."

Linked by chains, the five people share the same fate. Yi Lin reached out and opened door No. 5. The door opened wide, and the dark light completely engulfed the four people and one dog.

[Eternal Night Level Difficulty].

【Campus Violence】.


Four people and one dog are suspended in the light of the sky.

The vast white waiting space has the same scenery as before.

Yi Lin, Oda Wu, and Li Changge looked as usual.

Gouzi shook his head, showing a touch of sadness.

Xu Jingjing was a little nervous. Seeing Yi Lin and Mai Oda being so calm when facing the Evernight-level difficulty test, she secretly admired them in her heart.

In different moods, task prompts were displayed in front of the five people.

【Welcome to this mediocre city. 】

[In this city, there is a famous high school that everyone knows and knows about. 】

[There is a lake in the school. 】

[In this school, an accident occurred last month, which caused many teachers to leave this famous high school. 】

[You will become an insignificant teacher in the school, devoting everything you have to this unknown position. 】

[You will work hard, work hard, follow the guidance, forget about food and sleep, work hard and die, and strive to cultivate students into talents. 】

[Please note: Be careful what you say and do. 】

[Please note: Be careful what you say and do. 】

[Please note: Be careful what you say and do. 】



Yi Lin and Oda Mai looked at each other quickly.

Their same experiences made them have no favorable impression of places like "school".

The terrifying figure of Queen Yanluo even appeared in her mind.

I used to be a student in Styx Junior High School. Are you a teacher this time?


Li Changge murmured to himself, with a bad premonition welling up in his heart: "Why do I feel that those idioms praising teachers don't seem right when read in this kind of scene..."

“Be confident and drop the ‘as if’.”

Yi Lin smiled helplessly. It was not the first time that Ta liked to play this kind of weird word game. Yi Lin had already gone through this reminder three times in her mind as quickly as possible, just in case she missed any obvious pitfalls.

The surrounding light gradually faded.

Four people and one dog,


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