Infinity Throne

Chapter 533

Yi Lin deliberately followed Chie Tanino to make her presence felt. When she arrived at the scene of the incident, the relevant staff of Kanzaki Middle School had skillfully set up a cordon, waiting for the police to arrive.

"It's him?"

Yi Lin and Yano Chie were isolated from the incident site by several circles of students and could not see clearly what was happening inside.

After releasing her senses, Yi Lin unexpectedly discovered that the teacher who fell to his death was the same power apostle who brutally broke the limbs of the security guard during the lunch break and threw him into the lake.


A dignified third-level power-side apostle, even if he was thrown into Yi Lin's world's number one guild, he could still act as a small elite member and simply die.

Yilin frowned and glanced at Chie Tanino quietly. After finding nothing unusual for the time being, he quietly moved away from the crowd, avoiding everyone's sight, and directly activated [Shadow Accompanying], [Shadow Killing] Kill] two major stealth skills, along the outer wall of the teaching building, to the rooftop.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Yi Lin could not tell from which floor the deceased jumped from based on his death condition. But starting from the rooftop and searching downwards, there is nothing wrong.

One minute later.

Yi Lin arrived at the rooftop.

On the empty rooftop, there were other people who got there first.

A thin man dressed in a smart manner, his brows furrowed into a figure-eight shape, his expression solemn and confused, squatting on the edge of the rooftop, looking at something.

Yi Lin thought for a moment, then released her stealth and walked out from around the corner.


After the man squatting on the ground noticed Yi Lin's deliberate footsteps, he stood up from a half-crouched position as if facing a formidable enemy. He turned his hands over and held two claw knives that shone with cold light. Between the palms of your hands. From the man's instant reaction, Yi Lin deduced that he should be a type very accustomed to fighting, and in an instant he had already assumed a posture that could cope with any attack.

Yi Lin smiled, spread his hands, indicating that he had no weapons or hostility, and stopped in the distance: "Same as you."


"Muto Irin."

"Hmph, I said your real name."

"It seems that Kudo Shinji in your team also shows his 'identity' in this world, right?"

The man holding the claw knife was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the other party actually recognized his team.


"I have a better memory." Yi Lin pointed to her temple.


The man fell silent.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to find out how he died. Once I find out, it will be good for everyone, right?"

The man in silence relaxed his tense posture slightly, lowered his head, and his eyes flickered slightly.

After a few more seconds, Yi Lin smiled and asked, "What did Kudo Shinji say?"

The man was even more surprised.

He didn't expect that his subtle little moves could not be hidden from Yi Lin.

"Spiritual side?"

"Not entirely. It's just that the mental attribute is a little higher than the other attributes."


The man took a few steps away, shook his palm, and put away the claw knife. But the vigilance in his eyes did not relax.

But I have to admit that Yi Lin was right.

The way that power-side apostle died was really weird. And the time of death was too sudden. This is only the first day of the second main mission, but in just a few hours, casualties have already occurred. Being able to figure out the cause of his death is of great significance to the next task.

Kudo Shinji is currently busy with other things and cannot enter Kanzaki Middle School to participate in the investigation.

So when the situation here was reported to Kudo Shinji, the decision was immediately made to temporarily cooperate with Yi Lin.

Among the apostles, there are no permanent friends, but there are no permanent enemies either.

For the sake of profit, for the mission, and for leaving the trial alive, even if you were beaten to death one second, you might be able to fight the BOSS together hand in hand and singing a song the next second.

Not to mention Yi Lin and Kudo Shinji, there was no fundamental conflict, it was just a small misunderstanding at the job fair.

Yi Lin walked to the edge of the rooftop first.

The edge of the rooftop is surrounded by a guardrail about one meter high. It would be a bit reluctant to say that it was lost.

From a high position, Yi Lin looked down.

The limbs of the corpse were twisted into several folds, and the canthus-open eye sockets were filled with blood, and it looked like tears of blood streaming down its face. The frozen expression when he died seemed to be that he had seen something terrible. But this is for reference only. After all, whoever it is, most people will have this expression when they fall from a height and know that they will definitely die.

When Yi Lin looked around for the traces left on the rooftop,

Kudo Shinji’s teammates stood aside, keeping a safe enough distance while maintaining contact with Kudo Shinji.

Kudo Shinji was not too sad when he learned that his teammate had an accident.

The most important thing at the moment is to find out the cause of the "former teammate's" death.

"I also have something to investigate here. Keep an eye on him. But be careful not to make enemies easily. Confrontation between teams is not the theme of this trial. I think it is precisely because this trial is too difficult. That’s why we arranged for so many people to come in.”


"Also, don't be deceived by his appearance. He is probably not a serious spiritual person. At the job fair, he used a skill called 'Fengjuanlouzhan'. After using the skill, although He tried his best to hide it, but the weak movements of his feet when walking could not be hidden from my eyes. It is very possible that he was pretending to be mentally ill, but in fact he had other more terrifying trump cards."

"Also, the most important thing is to confirm..."


So insidious.

The man listened to Kudo Shinji's instructions and subconsciously took a breath.

"I see."

On the other side, Yi Lin had stood up calmly.

"How did he fall?"

The man took a few steps forward and vaguely blocked the only entrance to the rooftop, as if he was afraid that Yi Lin would run away without moral integrity after coming up with the information.

But he also remembered Kudo Shinji's advice and didn't get too close, fearing that Yi Lin would suddenly make a move.

"Hey, Kudo Shinji is the captain of your team?"

Hearing Yi Lin shout "Hey, hey, hey," the man looked unhappy and said, "Zhuo Buqun."

"Oh, Yi Lin."

"How did he fall?"

After finally knowing each other's names, Zhuo Buqun asked again.

"He fell to death."

After Yi Lin said something with a smile, she prepared to bypass Zhuo Buqun and leave the rooftop.

"You fool me?"

Zhuo Buqun sneered, and suddenly the two claw knives reappeared in his hands. He took a step to the left, and the sharp blade of the claw knife was placed in front of Yi Lin. Obviously, he didn't accept such a seemingly ordinary answer.

Yi Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she had no intention of taking action: "Isn't it obvious at the scene?"

Zhuo Buqun: "?"

"One meter away from the edge of the guardrail, there is a right foot print. After comparison, it should be the shoe print of your poor dead teammate. There are no other traces of fighting at the scene. As a power-side apostle, if you encounter any danger, With a little bit of fuss, it’s impossible not to leave any traces on the scene.”

Hearing this, Zhuo Buqun was slightly startled, and the claw knife lying in front of Yi Lin dropped slightly by one centimeter.

"That footprint is deep in front and shallow in back, heavy in front and light in back. It should be the mark left when leaning forward to exert force. After a little calculation and combined with the parabolic formula, I have only come to one conclusion so far. He is at this point by himself, After exerting his strength, he jumped downstairs. On the twenty-first floor, if there is no flying ability or no means of buffering midway, even a third-level apostle will definitely die if he falls."


"So, based on the current clues, there is no doubt. He jumped by himself and fell to his death. I can even imagine that after he kicked off, he assumed an elegant posture in mid-air similar to high-altitude diving. Successful landing."


After a few seconds of silence.

Yi Lin looked at Zhuo Buqun and asked with a smile, "You guys just formed a team, right?"

"How do you know?" Zhuo Buqun looked surprised.

Yi Lin shook his head and did not explain, leaving only one sentence: "If you want to know how he died, it is not important to analyze the scene. What is important is what he did not do before his death." 'Be careful in your words and deeds', I wonder if your enigmatic Captain Kudo missed something crucial and didn't tell you?"


Yi Lin returned downstairs.

The number of people eating melons increased, and even alarmed Principal Kanzaki, who started to chase people away.

Shortly after.

The police rushed over and collected evidence at the scene and on the rooftop where Yi Lin and Zhuo Buqun stayed.

But Yi Lin learned that it seemed that the police who came from behind did not find the deep footprints left by the deceased. It seemed that Zhuo Buqun had disposed of the footprints in some way before leaving.

"Qianhui, it's getting late, why don't you ask the teacher to take you home?"

"No, no need!"

Yano Chie became nervous instantly and hugged her schoolbag tightly, like a frightened ostrich.

"Don't worry about the teacher. It's okay. It's the teacher's bounden duty to protect students."

"Then..." Qianhui looked embarrassed.

"The teacher is very worried about Qianhui."

"All right."

Yi Lin said so, and Tanano Chie couldn't refuse, so she had no choice but to let this new and enthusiastic teacher escort her home.


It's okay, right...?

Chie Tanino thought of what happened at home, and her heart that had just relaxed suddenly became a little nervous again.

Not long ago.


In front of the small bungalow.

Xu Jingjing looked at the visitor warily.

Two women and one man, they looked familiar.

Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

"Kudo Shinji."

"Qu You Lian."

"Chen Xiaoxiao."

Xu Anjing was impressed now.

She forced down the disgusting feeling in her heart: "Are you the three 'quasi-art teachers' who were crushed by our captain at the job fair? My captain always gets excited when he mentions you."

The corners of Kudo Shinji's mouth twitched slightly.

Qu Youlian was obviously unhappy and snorted softly.

Chen Xiaoxiao smiled and shook her head.

Kudo Shinji gently pushed the black frame on the bridge of his nose. After a moment, he calmed down and said with a smile: "Just now, your captain and my people met in school because of something. We are currently in a 'temporary cooperation' relationship. So there’s no need for you to be nervous.”

"Nervous?" Xu Jingjing's fingers behind his back trembled slightly, but he forced a smile: "There is nothing to be nervous about. The second main mission made it very clear that there is no competition among the apostles at present. Cooperation is important for It’s better for everyone.”


I feel like vomiting!

Xu Jingjing became more and more curious about what was in that small bungalow that could make her feel so uncomfortable.

Although they are aware of the danger, the mission clues have pointed to this place. If they stop here, their team will undoubtedly fall behind other teams here. What's more, Xu Anjing always felt that the shortcoming of their team was Li Changge.

She doesn't want to be inferior to big stars and dogs.

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