Infinity Throne

Chapter 540 After death

From the time when the screams came out until Yi Lin activated [Shadow Kill], transformed into a shadow and entered the police station, it only took a few dozen seconds.

But in these tens of seconds, the police station shouted "Ya Zhudie" and "Help" loudly, like a candle that was extinguished by a slap, and it stopped abruptly in a short time.

The thick smell of blood, mixed with gunpowder smoke, filled the police station.

"Kaga, Kaga, Kaga..."

The sound of someone gnawing something forcefully echoed in the empty police station.

Dead and twisted corpses were lying on the ground, propped on stools, or embedded in walls, with horrific expressions.

A figure that resembles an arthropod, like a spider, but wearing a vest, is lying low on the ground like a beast, with its back to Yi Lin, and its figure is shaking, as if it is eating something.

"It's him!"


The lights in the police station were already bright. The six dead police officers immediately turned on all the lights in the police station when the sudden change occurred, so that Yi Lin's vision was not blocked at this moment.

It’s Ban Chen!

Although Yi Lin was not familiar with the "dead man" Ban Chen, the vest that Ban Chen wore when he tortured the security guard during the day was very familiar to Yi Lin.

He actually...

Come to life!

"Ban Chen?"

Yi Lin frowned and walked out of the darkness. [Redemption and Destruction] appeared in Yi Lin's hand. The charged bullet was already loaded and had several layers of power, ready to go.

"Ban Chen" heard the sound and suddenly turned his head.

In an instant,

In front of Yi Lin's eyes, something like a scene from a horror and supernatural movie played out.

I saw "Ban Chen" biting the neck of a policeman in his mouth, and bright red arterial blood gushes out, staining Ban Chen's chest. Ban Chen's eyes were white and his pupils were invisible. The pale and bloodless face was covered with veins that bulged like blood vessels, and the expression was hideous and terrifying.

"Bang! Bang!"

After Yi Lin spoke out, she saw Ban Chen's weird posture and knew that Ban Chen was no longer a human being at this moment. The two guns that had already entered the charging state were discharged at the same time, shooting two bullets into Ban Chen's vitals. .

"Hoo ho ho——"

Ban Chen bit the corpse's neck and made vague but creepy sounds. The moment Yi Lin raised his hand, his strangely bent limbs, like spider legs, flexed and bounced, making a crunching sound, bursting out with astonishing force, smashing through the glass, and in the blink of an eye, Yi Lin was gone from Escape from the front.

boom! boom!

The two bullets fell into the air. After being charged, the power of the charged bullets was no different from that of artillery shells. They left two deep bowl-shaped pits on the walls and ground. Dense cracks spread along the walls and load-bearing columns. On the ceiling, the entire police station trembled under Yi Lin's bombardment, as if it had been slapped hard, causing an earthquake.

"The speed far exceeds the third-level agility side. What about the strength side?" Yi Lin stared at the hole left on the glass window after "Spider Banchen" escaped, his eyes flashed, and he calmly evaluated it as fast as he could. " The strength and weirdness of the new version of "Ban Chen": "Judging from his habit of chewing corpses, it seems that after his 'resurrection', he retained more of the habits of a beast? Or maybe... something more weird ?”

"It's very real to be able to judge in an instant that you can't beat me, and turn around and leave. Is it instinct or...wisdom? But..."

Ban Chen had just broken the window and escaped, but Yi Lin had already completed the thinking process. He grinned kindly, his senses spread silently, and he clapped his hands down from the air:

"If I really want you to escape, wouldn't your work be in vain?"

Bang! !


Invisible and colorless palms condensed in the sky.

Ban Chen had just jumped into the air and before he could land safely, Yi Lin slapped him and brought him back to the ground with the "food" in his mouth.

within a short period of time.

Too much movement.

Outside the police station.

Kudo Shinji, Chen Xiaoxiao, Qu Youlian, and Zhuo Buqun still hesitated to move forward for some reasons. Some people are hesitating whether to enter, and some are still hesitating whether it is worth the risk. But while they were hesitating, a strange "creature" fell from the sky and landed not far from them.

"Stop him!"

Yi Lin walked out of the police station with two guns in hand, and shouted a reminder to the four people who were confused.

"How will you be here?"

Kudo Shinji was stunned and his glasses were crooked.

"It doesn't matter! Don't let it get away!"


The two women reacted quickly.

Chen Xiaoxiao and Qu Youlian looked at each other. Although they didn't know what happened, Yi Lin's performance at the job fair made them recognize Yi Lin's strength. In a panic, subconsciously following the instructions of a strong person is an instinct that every human being has without thinking.

Swish, swish, swish.

Chen Xiaoxiao and Qu Youlian quickly stepped forward and each occupied a corner.

I saw Chen Xiaoxiao chuckle, her fingernails swelled up, and they were soaked in a faint green light. At a glance, she knew that she was not dressed like a serious woman.

Qu Youlian turned over his hand and took out a cute hammer. On the hammer's face was a cat's claw-shaped pattern.

"It's Ban Chen!"

After a brief surprise, Zhuo Buqun and Kudo Shinji also recognized Ban Chen's face.

Although Ban Chen's face now looks less like a normal human being, he can still be barely recognized from his facial features.

"How did he become like this?"

Kudo Shinji frowned, calmed down within a few seconds, and said in shock. But he also knew that this trial was full of weirdness. Even though they were former teammates in front of them, Kudo Shinji had no intention of stepping forward to say hello or walking up and shaking Ban Chen awake. The long sword with a dark red scabbard appeared in his hand, and he suddenly pulled it out.

"Click, click, click."

"Ban Chen" was slapped in the air by Yi Lin. Yi Lin was not merciful. At that time, she planned to slap Ban Chen to death. At present, Ben Chen was struggling to get up from the ground. There was no emotion in his white eyes, but from the edge of his mouth biting the corpse's neck, while making strange noises, thick saliva continued to flow out. The bent limbs were pressed deeply into the ground, like a surrounded beast facing a hunter.

"How did he become like this?"


Zhuo Buqun clenched the claw knife with both hands, with a horrified expression. He first glanced at Ban Chen, who was obviously abnormal, and then looked at Kudo Shinji, but he hesitated to speak.

Yi Lin saw everyone's expressions and reactions.

But he didn't point it out, remained silent, picked at the dead skin on his forehead, and once again carefully observed the surrounded Ban Chen.

This time,

Yi Lin finally saw the strong "grievance" "with her own eyes" in this trial world.

In Yi Lin's sight, Ban Chen's body seemed to be burning with dark flames, twisting and transforming into various demonic shapes around him. If it weren't for the progress bar of [Grudge] to absorb resentment, which was already full, and there was only one emotional opportunity left to advance to the next ability, Yi Lin would have absorbed this wave of resentment with a confused face, regardless of exposing her strength. Say it again.

Thick, delicious and fresh, this is undoubtedly an excellent supplement for [Resentment].

"what to do?"

Qu Youlian had obviously never experienced this weird scene where the "apostle" turned into a monster after being resurrected. After swallowing hard, he asked with a trembling voice.

Yi Lin held two guns ten meters away and replied lazily: "It depends on Captain Kudo's plan. Should he save his teammates? Or kill his former teammates?"

Kudo Shinji's expression was indifferent, he did not turn around to look at Yi Lin, he just said:

"He is dead."

"Really?" Yi Lin asked.

"Hurry up!" Zhuo Buqun took a breath: "There is too much noise here! It will alarm other things in the city. If you don't want to cause trouble, don't start internal strife at this time and deal with 'Ban Chen' first. Let’s talk later!”


After Zhuo Buqun said these words, Ban Chen suddenly heard a low roar that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time. The next second, Ban Chen opened his mouth wide, let go of the food in his mouth, exposed two rows of sharp white teeth, and rushed towards Zhuo Buqun who said this.


Zhuo Buqun cursed loudly. He never expected that Ban Chen, who had become like this, still had some sense left. A casual remark about killing Ban Chen could actually arouse the hatred of his former teammates, making Zhuo Buqun want to slap him in the mouth.

Make you talk bad!

Make you talk bad!

Make you talk bad!

But it's too late to regret it now. Zhuo Buqun's expression was ferocious. He turned around to avoid Ban Chen's sharp teeth. He touched the ground with his toes. With just this fulcrum, Zhuo Buqun's body was twisted at an incredible angle beside Ban Chen. His claws were The knife stabbed Ban Chen in the back with his backhand, and the two knives pierced Ban Chen's back hard, drawing out dark blood.


Suddenly, there were two blood holes in Ban Chen's vest, and black blood gurgled out, as if two small springs had been dug out.

Ban Chen was wounded on the back, but he didn't look back. He flicked his limbs and flew high into the air, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.


He actually ran away!

Yi Lin slowly put down the revolver in his hand, took out a clean tissue from the storage space, stained some black blood from Ban Chen's injury on the ground, frowned and said to the others: "Let's go. The police are here."


When they met Ban Chen, piercing sirens sounded from all over the city.


Although the others were still shocked by Ban Chen's resurrection from death, no one wanted to expose themselves to the public's gaze when the trial situation was unclear. After looking at each other, Kudo pointed in a direction, and everyone retreated in that direction in unison.

ten minutes later.

The five people came to an empty park.

Yi Lin repeatedly confirmed that there was indeed no one around, no one walking their dog in the park late at night or anything like that.

Except for Yi Lin, the other four people were still frightened when they thought of the strange things tonight. When they looked at each other, they were speechless.

Yilin stepped forward, not bothering to talk nonsense, and looked directly at Kudo, seeking answers to verify his thoughts:

"His name is still on, right?"

Kudo Shinji and Zhuo Buqun, who were still in shock, were shocked and turned to look at Yi Lin.

Kudo Shinji originally wanted to deny it, but then he thought about it and realized that his subconscious reaction had betrayed his thoughts. To deny it at this time is nothing more than making people laugh. So he could only swallow up the rhetoric that he had not yet had time to talk about, and asked in a low voice: "How do you know?"

"Simple." Yi Lin stretched out two fingers and broke them off one by one: "When we were on the rooftop, Zhuo Buqun's reaction was very strange. What he kept asking was 'how did he fall?' instead of 'How did he die'."

As he said that, Yi Lin looked directly into Kudo Shinji's eyes and smiled slightly: "Just now, when you saw Ban Chen's 'Resurrection from the Dead', your first reaction was not 'Why did he fake the corpse?' but 'Why did he fake it?' It became like this'. It can be seen that you who have Ban Chen's name in your address book never thought that he was dead."

After saying that,

Yi Lin's smile gradually faded.

It turns out that this is the terrifying part of this trial.

It turns out that this is the so-called "after death"!

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