Infinity Throne

Chapter 557 The world of curiosity

This is a very lonely day.

It was raining a little sadly.

The rain is black.

It fell on Yi Lin, leaving no traces of wetness. Yi Lin stretched out her hand and let the rain hit her hand. The dark raindrops created a shallow ripple in Yi Lin's palm and then disappeared strangely without leaving a trace.

In front of Yi Lin's eyes, there were only black and white.

Yi Lin is like the only color in this world.

The fragmented architecture is reorganized in a twisted way. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, reorganized high-rise buildings, black dead trees growing on the glass surface, and in the cracked gaps on the street floor, there are black and white tentacles twisting crazily. The road signs on the roadside are twisted and twisted, and the words on them are covered with rust. From time to time, dark and sticky juice seeps out from between the lines.

This world seems dead.

But if you look closely, you can see that it is alive again.

Vehicles with weird shapes moved around the city in a completely non-compliant manner. Some are extremely fast and disappear in a blink of an eye, while others go very slowly. But the strange thing is that the chaotically driving vehicles did not behave like bumper cars as usual. Their moving routes seemed to have rules that Yi Lin could not understand, but they could not collide with each other.

From time to time, monsters come out of vehicles and tall buildings.

Their shapes seem to be adapting to the style of this world, and their shapes are extremely curious.

Some monsters have many small heads on their necks, each with eyes, ears, mouth and nose, which look like a bunch of grapes hanging around their necks;

The snake-shaped twisted bodies of some monsters are covered with holes, which penetrate directly from the front to the back;

Some monsters are several meters tall and their bodies are covered with sarcomas;

Some monsters look like several people put together;

Some have slightly normal shapes, and their eyes are blank, passing through buildings one after another. Wherever they pass, the outer walls of the buildings disappear out of thin air, leaving human-shaped holes;

The surface of some bodies is covered with strange-foot-long thorns, which look like an attractive and delicious pomegranate.

all in all.

This is a strange world of black and white, distortion, fragmentation, and chaos.

In the bungalow, Yi Rin was pushed by Gayageum Mi's little hand, and her body was sucked into the whirlpool in the mirror, and then she came here inexplicably.

After a brief moment of surprise, Yi Lin reacted, used her fastest speed, skillfully activated her skills, and successfully survived among a group of hunting strange creatures.

Fortunately, his skills and abilities are still available.

In the address book list, the names of all teammates are still on, but for some reason, the messages Yi Lin sent to his teammates are just like the appearance of a mobile phone when there is no signal. They are all lost and unable to be contacted.

"The world is weird."

Yi Lin frowned, standing high in the black and white city, overlooking the monsters and vehicles wandering on the ground, with Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi floating beside her, and said to herself:

"Illusion? But it's not the case. Both abilities and skills can be used normally."

"And the passage of time here is completely different from outside."

As Yi Lin spoke, he opened the apostle interface again.

There is a countdown there.

Countdown to main mission two.

The countdown, which was originally jumping one second at a time, had strange changes after Yi Lin came here.

Sometimes, the time on the countdown does not move for a long time. It often spans seconds, minutes, or even hours.

This world, whether it is creatures, space, or time, is in a state of absolute chaos.


Yi Lin picked at the dead skin, sighed softly, and thought on the spot.

"Master, there is a very unpleasant feeling in that direction."

Nie Hongxiu had a cold face, her bare feet did not touch the ground, her silver hair was flying in the wind, and she pointed in a certain direction.

"Yeah, yeah! I think so! The direction my mother pointed made Xiaoyi feel uncomfortable."

Xiaoyi agreed, but stretched out her finger and pointed in the opposite direction of Nie Hongxiu.

"...point again."

Yi Lin's face was expressionless.

Nie Hongxiu turned around and pointed in another direction.

Bai Xiaoyi said: "That's right there!"

As he said that, he pointed in another direction.

"You..." Yi Lin looked at the unprecedented weird behavior of the two mother spirits and covered her face speechlessly. After a moment, Yi Lin seemed to understand something and said helplessly: "Okay, I probably know what the situation is."

Nie Hongxiu put down a few white fingers that were pointing randomly, his eyes were cold and the corners of his mouth were raised.

Bai Xiaoyi giggled and looked very happy.

It seemed that they were all happy that they could help Yi Lin in this special scene.

"If you feel any discomfort, any weird feeling like pain, itching, etc., tell me in time and I will put you away. There is something weird about this place."

Yi Lin warned in a low voice.


"I obey."

The two spirits responded respectively, their faces condensed, not daring to be careless.

If Yi Lin didn't tell them, they really wouldn't know what happened. I thought I was pointing in the right direction.

They didn't even notice that they were pointing in opposite directions.

The vision and touch of spirits are different from those of humans. Yi Lin had known this for a long time.

But what he didn't expect was that this world would even affect the senses of "spirits", making it impossible for their two spirits to distinguish between east, west and north without even knowing it. Yi Lin tried to switch her vision to Nie Hongxiu, and found that the scenery in front of her was exactly the same as what she saw. This was something Yi Lin didn't expect.

He looked at his palm, shook it, squeezed it, and then took out the Xiao Shisan brand ancient knife specially used for chores from the storage space, and made a shallow cut in his palm.

When Yi Lin saw bright red blood flowing out, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, blood is red.

After a while.

The wound heals on its own.

The self-healing ability from the unknown lineage is also still there.

"In other words, it's my own body."

Yi Lin confirmed one more thing.


Because of the confusion of time, Yi Lin didn't know how long it had been.

The only thing he can confirm at the moment is that the countdown to the second main mission has not yet reached zero, and there is still a lot of time left.

"For now, let's figure out how to get out of this world."

"Or, figure out the nature of this weird world."

"Also, look for news on the box."

"But more importantly..."

Yi Lin had a sullen face and floated down.

Although the shape of the monster is strange, Yi Lin has also been observing it for a period of time. From the shape or performance of the monster, he can initially evaluate the combat effectiveness of the monster. This curious world is filled with strange monsters. Although the appearance of the monsters is hard to describe, their combat capabilities are very different.

Many seemingly harmless monsters suddenly crashed into a car, and the car instantly disintegrated into pieces. Some monsters linger in place and seem to be moving unconsciously, but other than walking, they have no other special behavior.

Yi Lin had already caught sight of a few monsters that looked easy to bully. He shot out with both guns and bullets poured out. In the intertwined light, several monsters were left with bullet holes, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a pool of pitch black. Bloody water.

No confusion value?

Yi Lin raised his eyebrows and said "oh" softly, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

After clearing a few monsters, there was a brief commotion around other monsters, but Yi Lin, who had been prepared, would not be fooled at all. He easily used his skills to leave the monster pile and returned to the darkness skillfully.

After testing.

Yi Lin had answers to many questions in her mind.

But at the same time, more doubts arose.

This weird trial is full of weirdness, and it is worthy of the difficulty of the "Eternal Night Level" trial.

Yi Rin recalled that when Gayageum Mi appeared in front of him as "Ling Yiyi" in the bungalow, he couldn't pull the trigger.

"What on earth is going on?"

Yi Lin knew very well that he would not be so hypocritical as to know that Ling Yiyi at that time was a ghost in disguise, but couldn't do anything.

But the fact is that he clearly had the opportunity to pull the trigger, but he was completely unable to move his finger.

"What's wrong is not that ghost, nor this world, but... me."

After a while, Yi Lin came to a terrible conclusion.

Ling Yiyi has some kind of connection with herself.

Ever since he learned that the trajectory of the real world had undergone earth-shaking changes, Yi Lin had vaguely noticed that Ling Yiyi's existence made him feel a sense of disharmony.

A person who seemed to appear out of thin air, a "past" that appeared out of thin air, a Ling Yiyi who did not exist in the "future" that Yi Lin had experienced, why did he appear?

If it were like the "scenes" Yi Lin had seen before, in front of Molly's grave, in the frontline military tent, and in the moments of respite after a fierce battle, in those scenes, the person beside him was actually not Ling Yiyi, but If it's Molly, then where does Yi Lin's complicated "feelings" for Ling Yiyi come from?

In the bungalow, Yi Lin was unable to pull the trigger even in the face of "fake Ling Yiyi", which was beyond the scope of explanation with "emotions". Ling Yiyi's existence even affected Yi Lin's judgment and actions.

Everything is a mystery.

As the end approaches, this mystery is like a snowball, growing bigger and bigger, making Yilin unable to distinguish what is reality and what is illusion.

"Haha, for now, let's do the mission first."

Think for a long time.

Yi Lin took a deep breath and put away the distracting thoughts in her mind, not to mention Ling Yiyi's secrets. Yi Lin noticed a more serious problem. The ghost that appeared in the bungalow that day and was highly suspected to be Gayageumimi. Since it could pretend to be Ling Yiyi, it meant that "it" had the ability to read memories.

The ability to read memory itself is not too difficult to deal with. But something happened to Yi Lin, and he... couldn't attack anyone related to "Ling Yiyi". Even if he knew it was fake.

"Now, it's really troublesome."

Yi Lin did not expect that it would be Ling Yiyi who put herself in such a dangerous situation in this level of Yongye level trial.

"Master, something seems wrong over there."

Nie Hongxiu, who had been following Yi Lin, seemingly calm but actually worried, suddenly pointed at the hazy mist in the black rain in the distance and issued a reminder.

Yi Lin was still thinking about the problem. He knew clearly that Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi could not believe anything they said now, so he didn't want to pay attention to them. But he suddenly discovered that in the opposite direction where Nie Hongxiu's finger pointed, a road spiraled toward the sky and converged into a piece of broken geometric buildings at the highest point. On the highway, there was a mass of black monsters, seemingly chasing something.

"There's actually... someone?"

Yi Lin squinted her eyes and looked into the distance. Ten seconds later, when Yi Lin saw what the monsters were chasing, her expression was startled, and she subconsciously whispered to herself, asking questions.

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