Infinity Throne

Chapter 564 Black and White

Kanzaki Middle School.

late at night.

Due to the intrusion of the bald army, they fell into chaos.

It may be hard to imagine just saying they are fierce.

How fierce are they?

I saw the bald men of Kanzaki Temple, chanting strange scriptures, with golden light all over their bodies, like the eighteen bronze men of Shaolin Temple in martial arts novels, running rampant, invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, unable to control their control skills, with a Zen staff When swung down, the bones are broken easily.

There were even a few unlucky ones who didn't have time to run or catch up with their heads. In the blink of an eye, Kanzakiji's bald head smashed the golden Zen staff into the wind, and his head was cracked, and the white brains mixed in from the cracks. The blood was squeezed out and looked like tofu curd with chili sauce, scattered all over the floor.

"The wind is tight, pull!"

Someone shouted on the communication channel.

The ferocity of the bald army spread among the apostles. In less than ten minutes, the apostles who were exploring every corner of the sewer knew that such a group of strong bald men had entered and acted more cautiously. , each and every one of them became serious and did not dare to fight head-on with the bald guys easily.

"Master Yunfeng?"

Somewhere in the sewer, Kudo Shinji was followed by Zhuo Buqun, thinking about the current situation, and suddenly gritted his teeth: "Have we been tricked by someone named Yi again?"

Zhuo Buqun gasped for breath. He had just fought with one of the monks. Although he was able to escape completely, the sight of the claw knife falling on their skin, leaving only a shallow cut, still made Zhuo Buqun feel... Very frightened. He quickly calmed himself down. After listening to Kudo Shinji's words, Zhuo Buqun sneered and said: "We, a group of people, have no credibility at all. Whoever cheats whom, whoever cheats whom, is it normal?"

This sentence was so reasonable that Kudo Shinji could not refute it. But he felt uncomfortable. Taking advantage of his free time, he quickly opened his address book, edited a long paragraph of hidden sarcastic remarks, and sent it to Yi Lin. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a trap or not. Let’s get the situation back with our mouths first.

After sending the hundred-word message, Kudo Shinji suddenly felt much better. He listened carefully and distinguished the sounds of fighting, shouting, fighting, and explosions coming from the pipeline. As he listened, he suddenly thought of something:

"Wait. Something's wrong."

Zhuo Buqun: "?"

Kudo Shinji glanced at Zhuo Buqun. Because they were in a team and could be used in some ways, Kudo Shinji did not hide his thoughts and summed up his speculations: "This Kanzaki Temple is very Maybe it is the high-end combat power that has been hidden in the trial. I have always been surprised. It is obviously an eternal night trial, but on the surface, it seems that the combat power of this trial world is so weak. It turns out that certain conditions must be met. trigger."


"Following this idea, could it be that behind our disappearance case, someone is actually issuing missions? If I guess correctly, it is very possible that the mysterious person hiding behind our identity and issuing missions to us is It’s related to Kanzaki Temple.”

Zhuo Buqun understood. Although he was not mentally ill, he was not stupid enough to have muscles in his head. He pondered for a moment and suddenly exclaimed: "You mean, as long as we follow the original line all the way down, sooner or later we will trigger the clues at Kanzaki Temple, and we can even... join them?"

"That's right." Kudo Shinji figured out the key point, and his eyes behind the lenses lit up with confidence: "If you can't beat them, join them! Isn't this normal? In the trial, in addition to personal strength, learn to take advantage of the situation. It's also very important. Don't forget, the most dangerous part of this trial is the weirdness everywhere. Ban Chen didn't even have time to call for help. He died immediately and became that kind of monster after death. If Kanzaki The monks in the temple and Master Yunfeng are powerful and good at dealing with weird words..."

"They are the key to passing the level!"

"That's right!"

When the two of them were discussing in the dark, each of them reorganized the clues of the trial.

"Let's go! Find them!"

"Looking for them?"

"Find a way to join them!"

Kudo Shinji paused and then said: "Besides, there is another very important thing. They didn't come earlier or later, but they organized a group to go out after we collectively entered the sewer. It is very likely that our actions triggered There was some kind of 'incident'. That's why the bald guys appeared."

There was surprise in Zhuo Buqun's eyes: "You mean, that... box is really here?"

Kudo Shinji chuckled, pushed up his glasses, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing an expression of "there is only one truth", and chuckled: "That's right. If you just find the box, for the mental side, searching for clues and analysis It’s not too difficult at all to find clues and determine the target, and there is plenty of time. Don’t forget, this is already the second main task. Therefore, the real difficulty should be reflected in the bald guys.”

"The appearance of baldness also confirmed another thing for me."

The light of confidence gathered in Kudo's eyes, and Kudo Shinji's lenses lit up: "The bald heads of Kanzaki Temple, they know exactly where the box is!"

"there is only one truth!"

"The truth doesn't matter."

In the sewer.

Muto Yirein looked at the mess in the pipe. In the distance, there was an apostle's corpse with his head knocked open. Muto Yirein smiled at Xu Jingjing, Oda Mai, and Li Changge behind him and said: "The important thing is, hidden in the Behind the truth, there is a deeper truth.”

Although Xu Jingjing was temporarily following the fake Yi Lin for various reasons, she did not relax her vigilance in her heart. She whispered: "You really have the memory of the real president, and what you say is almost the same as the real president. You can't tell the difference." There's nothing wrong with it. By the way, what happened in this trial? Did the president and Sister Xiaowu say it would break?"

She couldn't imagine what happened to make a fake that was almost indistinguishable from the real Yilin appear.

This fake Yi Lin is so realistic!

Muto Yirin looked away from the corpse on the ground, looked back at Xu Jingjing, and asked, "Did you notice anything in Master Yunfeng?"

Speaking of this.

Xu Anjing shuddered subconsciously. She recalled what she saw above Yunfeng Master's head. She originally wanted to ask the fake Yi Lin, "How do you know?" But when you consider that this fake Yi Rin has all the memories and IQ of the real Yi Rin, nothing is surprising. After glancing at the fake Yi Lin, Xu Jingjing said without hiding anything: "Gray, I saw gray on their heads."

"Grey? What does it represent? Loneliness?"

Li Changge scratched his head. He always felt that Xu Jingjing was always talking about "what color, what color", which was a bit weird. Without Xu Anjing's bloodline, it is impossible to understand what it is like to be able to distinguish a person's good and evil from the "color" and "taste" from the perspective of an elf.

Xu Anjing shook his head: "I can't tell you what it feels like. That color makes me feel very uncomfortable. It seems to be purer than 'malice'... or something weirder, but that kind of 'grey', It makes me sicker than just 'black'."

To be honest, few people can understand Xu Jingjing's description. Even she herself cannot accurately describe it in words.

"you said,"

Mai Oda, who had been staring at Muto Irin's back in silence since entering the passage, finally couldn't help it, raised her head, and asked in a cold voice: "What does 'dying the world black' mean."

Muto Yirin smiled: "As the name suggests."

Xu Jingjing: "...can you speak human language?"

In fact, Li Changge and Xu Jingjing had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

But asking questions rashly will give them the illusion that they are being crushed intellectually.

Muto Irin chuckled and looked directly into Oda Mai's eyes.

"Don't you always want to know where the other me is?"

Oda Mai nodded.

"The other me is indeed in another world."

Muto Irin raised two fingers, and they were intertwined, inseparable. After Muto Irin made a gesture, he smiled happily and said:

"There is a connection between the two worlds."

“If this side is ‘pure white’, then that side is ‘pure black’.”

"Pure black is so dangerous! If you die over there, you will really die!"

"But if you want it to be pure white over there, you have to turn this side into pure black."


Xu Jingjing was born to be very sensitive to metaphors such as "black and white", and when he heard it, he suddenly felt that way. She took a breath and thought of all the strange events in the trial. Using Muto Irin's metaphor, she thought of a terrible possibility: "Then what you mean by dyeing the world black is..."

"So I said, as the name suggests, it is dyed black. If it is you, just do what you are best at." Muto Irin smiled even more happily, grinning, showing his white teeth: "This world is getting more and more... The darker it is, the whiter it is over there, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”


Oda Mai nodded, then quickly stepped into the darkness.

Chiya House.

In the small backyard.

Someone is digging.

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuThe new Maomao is gone again!"

The little girl's pajamas were covered in blood and she was crying in the night. She sounded so sad.

The father was carefully wiping various game tools, and put the polished saw, electric drill, scissors, hammer, tweezers and other tools neatly and orderly back into the box. He was sweating profusely and comforted: "It doesn't matter. Maomao is gone, maybe there will be a new Maomao!"


On the side, the mother stepped hard on the small mound a few times. After stepping hard, she rubbed the little girl's nose: "My dear, don't cry, okay? Go take a bath with your mother, okay? Look at you, Playing a game makes you all dirty and stinks!"


After the family of three finished playing late-night games and buried the body of the "previous Maomao", they reluctantly left the backyard and returned home.

This Maomao is so strong.

I persisted for a long time.

But it was gone in the end. Maomao was so miserable!

Why isn't there Maomao who can play with them forever?

The girl sipped her bloody fingers, wondering.

In the empty backyard, a dark wind blew.

On a moonless night, it was dark and lightless.

Thick dark clouds covered the night sky in Kanzaki City, like a thick pot lid pressing down from the sky.

The backyard of Chizai's house.

I do not know how long it has been.

Tomoko's family of three had already washed and cleaned up and fell asleep.

The mound where "Xin Maomao"'s body was buried suddenly cracked open.

A rotten claw...a giant claw with nails dozens of centimeters long, broke out of the ground.

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