Infinity Throne

Chapter 568

After Master Yunfeng and other monks began to chant the scriptures again.

For a moment.

In the empty air-raid shelter, the wind roared loudly.


Invisible strong winds stirred up between the pillars, causing bursts of strange wind sounds like wailing.

As we all know, air movement creates "wind". At present, there is only one entrance in the air-raid shelter, no exit, and no air flow at all, so the source of this wind seems not serious.

The messy wind was raging in the small air-raid shelter. The talismans on each pillar were blown loudly, and even the ends were ridged, as if they would be blown away by the wind at any time. But I don’t know what those talisman papers were glued on, and they were stuck to the pillars. No matter how violent the wind was, the talisman papers could not be blown off.

The round and round black Buddhist beads on the ground remained motionless in the strong wind, strangely nailed in place.

"evil creature!"

Master Yunfeng's smooth bald head shone brightly in an instant, and the golden bald head stung everyone's eyes. Master Yunfeng's indifferent face was finally moved by the strong wind. The angry Master Yunfeng clapped his hands together, his face was like a glaring King Kong, exuding an inviolable and awe-inspiring righteousness.

Until then.

The apostles were still wavering, wondering whether they should take action against Master Yunfeng.

After all, no one can be sure that the so-called Pandora's Box is inside the dark pillar.

This is only the second main quest. If it comes to the final main quest three, many people may have a gambler's mentality and have to give it a try. But it’s not the most critical time yet, what if it’s not? What if the actions of Master Yunfeng are disrupted, will it lead to more terrible consequences?

Each of the surviving apostles was hesitating, struggling, and conceding. Except for Wang Yang who fell motionless on the ground, the others looked at me and me, their eyes wildly intertwined, but no one dared to attack Master Yunfeng first. First, because Master Yunfeng's combat effectiveness is obviously not low, and everyone is afraid of ending up with the same fate as Wang Yang; second, because the current situation is unclear, and it is not clear whether it will be good or bad to attack casually.

On the wall, pale little hands, thighs, or heads, finally unable to bear the loneliness, surged from the wall, hooking and hooking, teasing and teasing, scratching and scratching, looking for love in the dark.

When the apostles saw it, their expressions changed drastically. When there were bald heads protecting them at first, these ghosts did not dare to show up. Unexpectedly, the remaining bald heads were busy tossing the pillars, and these ghosts began to appear again and ran out to act as monsters.

"Ignore the box for now! Save your life first, otherwise all of us will be in trouble——"


A senior man shouted loudly, reminding and urging. In fact, everyone knows that there are constant changes at the moment, and if you continue to hesitate and continue, it is very likely that everyone will die here. The apostle had just pulled out his weapon and shouted, but before he could finish the last word of death, a light as thin as silk flashed from his neck, and his head flew up without warning, flying very fast. He was so high that he hit the ceiling with a bang, and in the blink of an eye he was caught by the little hands extending from the ceiling. The skin, eyes, lips, nose, and ears on his face were torn into pieces by the little hands.


An apostle died immediately without any precaution, causing everyone to take a breath of old bad luck at the same time. When the decapitated body of the apostle fell limply, Mai Oda had no expression on her face, and her two eyes seemed to glow fiercely in the darkness, which was very scary. The long knife in her hand pointed diagonally at the ground, still dripping with blood.

"Fuck! She's coming to kill you!"

The moment they saw Oda Mai, everyone's scalp went numb and they were scared to death. Oda Mai made no secret of her ferocious killing intent, and was more like a ghost than a ghost.

Especially when the demons are dancing wildly at this moment, the appearance of Oda Mai is more like a ghost among ghosts. The lonely figure of a man with a sword exudes unparalleled oppression.

Hot woman, here to kill!

"Do it!"


"That crazy woman from Team Yilin!"

"You can leave the box untouched for the time being, but she's already going crazy! If you don't want to die, just tell the truth!"

Oda Mai walked out of the darkness step by step. At this time, the other apostles did not dare to hide their strength and took action against Oda Mai.

In an instant, the scene fell into chaos. Wang Yang, who had fallen to the ground motionless not long ago, suddenly rolled on the ground and passed a "ghost hand". He panted and looked at the various killings in the air-raid shelter, his eyes flickering, as if he was watching. Consider next steps.

The sounds of chants, wind, crying, screams, clashing weapons, footsteps, and breathing all intertwined together, making this ghostly place lively and festive for no reason.

Even among the first fifty people, Oda Mai's strength was at the top level. But now the place is empty, the other apostles are no longer restrained, they have organized their formations one by one, and treat Oda Mai as the BOSS in the trial world to surround and kill her. The light of her skills flashes, and Oda Mai avoids all kinds of things with an expressionless face. With a mess of skills, many wounds gradually appeared on his body, and his health points were rapidly declining.

"Two days of first class·Zangyue!"

"First class in two days, one flash!"

"Two days of first-class · combined verticality!"

"Two days of first-class Naraku!"

"Two-day first-class·Crazy devil!"

"Two heavens' first-rate secrets! All directions will be destroyed!"

Why the hell did we provoke you?

Just let it go if the secret says?

This is too much!


The underground air raid shelter was crumbling.

Kill like crazy, kill like crazy!

Oda Mai is alone, more like a BOSS than a BOSS, more like a ghost than a ghost, and has the momentum to annihilate everyone here.

Everyone became more and more frightened as they fought. What was going on with these endless sword moves? It's so fierce!

Wherever Oda Mai's sword passes, something will always be left behind.

Either a severed head, a broken arm, a broken root, or a pool of bright red blood. In just one minute of fighting, people lay down, died, and were injured. The strong smell of blood filled the entire air-raid shelter and dispersed with the strong wind.

The apostles not only had to face the indiscriminate killings from Oda Mai, but also faced the ghosts and ghosts that stalked the walls. But those ghosts seemed to be afraid of the few people on Yunfeng in the center of the black pillar. With Master Yunfeng as the center, in a circle of about twenty meters, no ghosts dared to approach.


Master Yunfeng's "practice" has also come to an end. Pieces of yellow paper with blood characters, covered with blood, were pasted on the black pillar again. Every time a piece of talisman paper is pasted, the surrounding wind will slow down a little. Every time a piece of talisman paper is pasted, the ghosts raging in the wall will become a little weaker. Obviously, the weird things happening in the air-raid shelter are closely related to the state of the black pillars. The more complete the talisman array on the black pillar, the less ghosts and monsters will appear, but the more incomplete the talisman paper is, the more dangerous the world will be.

Kudo Shinji, who had been secretly developing and preserving his strength, did not miss this subtle change. He got it! He got it! He got it!


Kudo Shinji said to Chen Xiaoxiao, Qu Youlian, Zhuo Buqun, and Xiang Batian, who had been working together for a long time: "Don't worry about such a crazy woman for now, attack that pillar!"


Chen Xiaoxiao struggled to hold on in the chaos. While being vigilant about Mai Oda getting here, he also has to avoid leaving the safe area and stepping into the range of ghosts. When she heard Kudo Shinji's words, she subconsciously asked.

"There's no time to explain! Hurry! Once Master Yunfeng repairs the pillar, everything will be too late!"

Qu Youlian: "If you dare to deceive me, you will die!"

Chen Xiaoxiao didn't say anything. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded: "Okay!"

"Count me in!" Wang Yang reappeared with blood on the corner of her mouth still wet. It was obvious that Master Yunfeng's shot caused her to be seriously injured and bleeding.

Xiang Batian squinted his eyes: "At this time, I, Yi Bo Yuntian, Xiang Batian, can no longer stand idly by."

Oda Mai had killed almost everyone else at this time, and the remaining sanity in her eyes had been overwhelmed by the cold murderous intent. When she raised her head and searched for more targets in a daze, she accidentally saw that in a corner , Muto Irin was standing quietly among a group of ghosts and monsters, perfectly integrated with the ghosts and monsters, without any attack.

At this time.

Muto Irin gently raised an index finger to his mouth, making a "silence" gesture. Oda Mai's expression was slightly startled, and Muto Irin quickly pointed at Master Yunfeng, who was still maintaining his "practice" while concentrating on chanting words. He quickly and crisply stretched out his hand and lightly touched his neck.

Kudo Shinji, Qu Youlian, Chen Xiaoxiao, Zhuo Buqun, and Xiang Batian were killed by Oda Mai. It was rare for them to work together and put aside their differences in a trial. From different angles, they faced the black stick at the same time. The pillar sent out a sharp blow.

"Thunder Mark·Sprint!"

Kudo Shinji suddenly pulled out the knife, and traces of blue electricity emerged from the tip of the knife and spread throughout his body. I saw Kudo Shinji's hair standing on end, stiff and stiff. As he stepped forward, the sound of electric current piercing the air was heard around him. In less than a blink of an eye, Kudo Shinji teleported, a knife swirling with blue electric current, slashing towards the black pillar.

Attacks from other people came one after another. Master Yunfeng seemed not to have expected that at such a critical moment, these "agents" would collectively turn against each other. Or perhaps Master Yunfeng was concentrating on his "practice" and had no time to think about it. Attacks with different light effects landed on the black pillars. In the blink of an eye, before the talisman papers all over the pillars could be covered, they were torn, burned, and destroyed again by various attacks, revealing the true form of the pillar behind the talisman papers.


In an instant, it seemed as if the whole world was trembling. Cracks spread on the surface of the black pillars, and then, jet-black airflows that condensed into substance like fountains poured out from the cracks, and even strange sounds like howling ghosts and wolves were heard. When Master Yunfeng saw this scene, he was so angry that he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. The beads trembled and made a buzzing sound.


On the pillar, a piece of gravel finally couldn't withstand the attack and peeled off, revealing a corner of blood red. What is exposed from the pillars is made of unknown ingredients. There are fine and dense small particles floating on the surface, and the texture is clear.

"Touch it quickly!"

Kudo Shinji activated his skills and was super fast. A hand suddenly touched the exposed blood-red material.

When Kudo Shinji's hand finally touched that "thing", a damp and cold chill penetrated his heart. At that moment, a strange scene appeared in front of Kudo Shinji's eyes. He seemed to be immersed in the boundless deep sea, surrounded by dark water. And in the far direction of the water, two green rays of light were like two eyeballs, staring at themselves across the void.


That weird hallucination went away just as quickly as it came. Before Kudo Shinji could take a closer look, a reminder that the mission had been completed appeared in front of his eyes.

[Main Mission 2: Within one week, successfully find "Pandora's Box" in Kanzaki Middle School and successfully touch Pandora's Box. mission completed! 】

[Get death points: 20,000! 】

[The third main mission is released...]

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