Infinity Throne

Chapter 572 The real Pandora’s box

Emperor Wang Tian fled, cried, and ran.

It ran all the way, spinning, jumping, and sticking its butt out.

Behind the "family of three" was flowing crystal clear stringy mucus, and the tentacles on their bodies turned into various "tools". They seemed to have a morbid obsession with the four-legged creatures and pursued them relentlessly.

In fact, with Wang Tiandi's level of enhancement and strength, he wouldn't end up in such an embarrassing situation even if he killed someone with a carbine or fired a shot.

But the tragic experience in Nachiya's house had already wiped out Wang Tiandi's only fighting spirit, leaving only fear in his heart. Not to mention turning around and giving it a shot, it just hates that its legs are not long enough and it cannot run fast enough.

The electric drill at the end of the tentacle rotated wildly. As it rotated, spiral thorns shot towards Wang Tiandi's twisting anus.

Wang Tiandi felt the cool wind behind his buttocks. He was frightened and angry while dodging in embarrassment.

Why can't this electric drill be used as a gun to shoot?


Why don't you go to heaven!

Just when these thoughts flashed through Wang Tiandi's mind. The short monster in the family of three held scissors in his hand. The two ends of the scissors suddenly separated. It seemed to be inspired by the way Wang Tiandi flew into the sky just now. It directly used the huge scissors divided into two halves to spiral into the sky. It was farther and farther away from Wang Tiandi. Coming closer.

"Woof woof woof woof!"

(You are so damn good!)


In the distance, with the sound of a gunshot, a dazzling stream of light was like an electromagnetic gun, instantly piercing the Scissor Monster flying in mid-air. The scissor monster didn't even have a chance to resist. In the blink of an eye, it exploded in the air and turned into a rain of blood.

Yi Lin was condescending, looking at the embarrassed Wang Tiandi running away in the sky a hundred meters away. With a calm expression, he shook his wrist, loaded the bullet again, and said softly: "Why are you being chased like this?"

"Woof woof woof woof woof -"

As soon as Emperor Wang Tian saw Yi Lin's figure in the sky, he rushed towards Yi Lin with tears in his eyes. It dares to swear for the rest of the dog's life that the dog has never thought Yi Lin, the shit shoveler, is so handsome.

After Yi Lin rescued Emperor Wang Tian, ​​she used her telekinesis to strike from a distance and instantly turned the two remaining tentacle tool monsters into bloody water, reuniting them as a family.

After a while, the world around Yi Lin and Wang Tiandi became empty, quiet and peaceful.

"How did you..."

Yi Lin was about to ask Emperor Wang Tian what was going on. But Wang Tiandi hugged Yi Lin's thigh tightly, trembling all over and looking frightened. As soon as Yi Lin saw Gouzi's expression and his eyes narrowed slightly, he could roughly guess what happened, and then asked no more questions.

I originally thought that Gouzi was paddling all the way in Kanzaki City, but I didn't expect that Gouzi would also be severely beaten in the trial, and was frightened into such a ghostly state. You can imagine how large the shadow area in Gouzi's heart was at this moment.

On the other side, something drastic seems to have happened in Kanzaki City.

During the limited time of this "world reorganization", more and more residents of Kanzaki City were transported to the world of curiosity.

Among them were policemen, workers, doctors, nurses, and office workers in suits and ties. With the appearance of these ordinary people, the world of hunting becomes even more chaotic.

Ghosts with strange shapes appeared out of thin air around the residents of Kanzaki City. After appearing, they began to attack all living creatures around them like crazy, including humans and ghosts.

It's chaos, the world is in complete chaos.

But in the chaos, Yi Lin also noticed something strange. The ghosts spawned from ordinary people will not actively attack the humans around them, but will choose other people to attack.

After thinking for a moment, Yi Lin guessed the reason: "Could it be that, like my mental image incarnation, the embodied incarnation will not actively attack the main body?"

"No, that's not necessarily the case." After a while, Yi Lin lowered his head, observed the chaos below, and murmured to himself: "The incarnation of mental images is probably not the only one that exists. Strong evil thoughts, wishes, obsessions; or It’s the sudden burst of fear and desire for survival in despair, which may be manifested by some kind of power in this weird world.”

Yi Lin looked at the ground. In front of a handsome policeman, there was a "ghost" covered in riot shields. He was trying his best to block the attacks of other "ghosts", which confirmed the following inference:

"The two worlds are mutually external and internal, and there is a 'passage' that can connect them. Otherwise, Muto Irin would not be able to easily return to the other side. It is very likely that only 'ghosts' can pass through this passage."

"Before the chaos broke out, the various evil thoughts of the citizens of Kanzaki City had already given birth to countless ghosts, entrenched here. The source of all tragedies currently seems to come from 'Gaya Qinmi', which is equivalent to Gayage Qinmi's resentment, so The embodied world.”

Yi Lin raised her head and looked at the rain in the sky. After reassembling various fragmented clues, he was able to roughly reconstruct Gayageummi's tragic life.

The rain in the sky is like the sadness of Gayageum.

The ghost on the ground is like the anger of Gayageumimi.

The fragmented world is like Gayageumimi’s body and mind after being tortured.

Everything clicked.

Call it!

But the only thing Yi Lin still can't figure out is.

Why is it her?

She is just an innocent and pitiful little girl.

Why is it her?

Moreover, Muto Irin seemed to know something. He "accidentally" mentioned that Gayakomi was also a poor person, and there was someone else who really directed all of this.

Yi Lin believes that as long as he finds out the existence behind everything, he can unearth the deepest secret of this trial.

"The truth is not important. What is important is the deeper truth hidden behind the truth."

When Yi Lin walked through the market with her trembling dog.

The death mark on his chest trembled slightly.

Yi Lin originally thought that Li Changge might contact him quietly.

But he is a character who surprises Yi Lin, but not unexpectedly.


When Kudo Shinji gave out his name, Yi Lin thought he was sinister enough and gave a false name. Unexpectedly, he is actually fake and sinister but really upright. His name is Kudo Shinji. He perfectly blends into this world without breaking any rules.

"You actually died too?"

Kudo Shinji was panting.

There were also a lot of high-pitched howls over there.

It's like, Kudo Shinji is having fun with several female creatures.

"Yeah, if you're not careful, you'll die."

Just like what she said to Banchen and others before, Yi Rin did not explain how she came to Gayageum’s beautiful mental world. Not important anyway. Too many explanations, a waste of time.

"Just a moment."

Kudo Shinji's tone suddenly changed, and then after hearing the messy sounds of fighting and gasping coming from over there, everything fell silent. It seemed that Kudo Shinji's play was over.

One minute later.

Kudo Shinji reorganized his words: "I guess your main task 2 has not been completed. Do you want information?"

His words silenced Yi Lin for a moment.

Various speculations kept pouring out in Yi Lin's mind, and were quickly rejected by Yi Lin. In the end, there was only one answer left.

Yi Lin smiled and said, "It seems that the real purpose of your question is to confirm something."

On the other side of the voice call, Kudo Shinji heard a gasp.

Yi Lin was too lazy to compete with Kudou Shinji, whose mental attributes were far inferior to his. It was just a dimensionality reduction attack and was meaningless. So Yi Lin casually expressed his speculation: "You should have seen the real 'Pandora's Box' before you died, and you also learned that Pandora's Box had been destroyed in some way. So you What I really want to confirm is whether my main mission two is judged as a failure."

"Fuck! How did you know!"

Kudo Shinji suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer and cursed loudly.

Irin's ability to see through everything from a distance instantly defeated Kudo Shinji, who was full of confidence and thought he could secretly extract key information, and broke through the defense at the speed of light.

"It's very simple." Yi Lin said matter-of-factly: "Just think that you won't be so kind to come to the door because of such nonsense, think about it a little reversely, and after removing all the impossible answers, there is only This is the reason. But I am not a stingy person. It seems that you dare not go to Ban Chen, are you afraid that he will seek revenge? Haha, forget it. Let’s not talk nonsense. For the sake of you telling me the key information, I also kindly tell you that my main mission two is still there and has not been judged as a 'mission failure'."


"That is to say,"

Yi Lin and Kudo Shinji, two spiritual sides, confirmed one thing at the same time through various clues.

"Here, there is a box too!"

The end.

Yi Lin smiled and added: "The real 'Pandora's Box'!"

Kanzaki City.

It's still that night.

The long night is not over yet.





Manhole covers spewed up one after another.

Dark blood, exuding a fishy smell, spewed out from the sewer pipes of Kanzaki Middle School like the boundless sea. In the blink of an eye, the black water spurted out more and more, as if it was reaching a climax. Gradually, the entire campus was submerged by the black water.

far away.

Xiang Batian, Qu Youlian, Chen Xiaoxiao, Wang Yang and others who luckily escaped survived a series of accidents. The few apostles looked at this scene blankly, not knowing what to do.

"It's over! Could it be that the plot is ruined this time!"

Wang Yang's face was ashen.

The second main mission has obviously been completed, and the third main mission has just been released, but the world in front of me has become uncontrollable.

Everyone can guess that something must have happened to the "Pandora's Box" that they were happily touching not long ago.

Involuntarily, everyone thought of a familiar legend.

Pandora's Box is a forbidden object that will never see the light of day. Once opened, all the evil in the world—greed, hypocrisy, slander, jealousy, pain, etc.—will be released from the box, flooding the world and bringing destruction. Therefore, their original main mission was not to open the magic box, but to touch it quietly.

Who the hell opened the magic box!

are you crazy!

Xiang Batian gritted his teeth. Now there is no mental side here to analyze the trial. He is a powerful side with a brain full of muscles and can only bite the bullet and speak out: "No! Impossible! Maybe it's just something similar, this kind of thing How could something like that from a fairy tale appear in a level trial? If it is really that legendary prop, it would at least be a 'legendary' prop. It can't be so easy for us to touch and touch. Yes! This is not a health and leisure club!"

Just when several strength-side and agility-side people were in a state of confusion.

Two figures emerged from the black water.

"Yirin" held Oda Mai in one hand and walked out of the black water, all wet.

"Yi Lin" walked on the water, and under the vigilant eyes of Xiang Batian and others, he came to them a hundred meters away, carefully placed Oda Mai on the ground, and said with a smile: "Kanzaki Temple."


The others didn't react for a while.

"Yi Lin" explained with a smile: "Although those bald monks are dead, they are from Kanzaki Temple. They are good at catching ghosts. There must be key clues to 'pass the customs' in Kanzaki Temple!"

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