Infinity Throne

Chapter 575 Happy Valley Wild House

For some special situations.

[Compass from the Heart] has practical functions and no side effects. Apart from the flaw in the frequency limit, it can be called an epic prop with bugs.

At the very least, every time Yi Lin uses it, as long as he knows exactly what he is looking for, there will be nothing he cannot find.

This time.

Yi Rin’s goal is “Gayageum Beauty”.

As long as we find the true Gayageum beauty, I believe that the riddle of this trial, or all the doubts, will be solved.

The rotating pointer of the compass suddenly froze in Yi Lin's hand, pointing somewhere.

Ordinary ghosts no longer pose a threat to Yi Lin.

Yi Lin followed the pointer and stepped on the void, crossing the geometric buildings with unique shapes.

The range of movement of the pointer decreases.

He came to a dark mirror a hundred meters high.

In fact, this may not be a mirror.

But its material is as smooth as a mirror, and the ghostly faces around it are clearly visible on the mirror, so it is just a mirror.

The weird thing is.

Yi Lin stood in front of the mirror, but his reflection was not reflected.

His shadow disappeared.

……ran away.

Yi Lin looked down at the pointer, then looked up at the empty mirror, suddenly smiled and rushed in.

The scene in front of her was unpredictable, and the mirror surface was like water, easily wrapping Yi Lin in it. When Yi Lin regained her sight again, she had arrived on a seemingly ordinary street.

On the street, an expressionless passerby walked aimlessly like a zombie. Compared with the world "outside", here there is blue sky, fresh air, and no black rain pouring down. Just like an ordinary city, ordinary streets.


It looks a bit familiar.

Yi Lin looked at the street signs on the side and the passers-by passing by, thoughtfully.


With an expressionless face, Yi Lin raised his gun and smashed the head of a passerby in a suit in front of him.

The expression of the man in a suit who passed by did not change at all until he died, and he was as numb as a corpse.

Yi Lin casually killed a passerby without any emotion in her heart.

"I see."

Yi Lin said to herself again.

A passer-by was shot in the head in the street. Other passers-by didn't even look at it and still passed by Yi Lin as if nothing had happened.


the second.


The third.

Yi Lin shoots as he pleases. When Yi Lin reached the sixth kill, all the pedestrians on the road strangely turned their heads at the same time. They stared at Yi Lin with indifferent eyes.

"Hello, say hello."

Yi Lin chuckled. After the "passerby" finally responded, he stopped firing. In the depths of the indifferent eyes of all passers-by, the reflection of "Gaya Geummei" appeared at the same time.

The "Gayageumimei" appeared in the pupils one by one, looking at Yi Rin with a complicated expression.

Yi Lin's keen perception was enough for him to notice that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. But Yi Lin didn't seem to notice, and even hummed a song, looking a little happy. She lowered her head and glanced at the direction pointed by the compass pointer, then casually opened a door to someone else's house next to her.

behind the door.

The imaginary room did not appear. The moment Yi Lin opened the door, she came to a bustling downtown in the blink of an eye. Yi Lin had already visited this place on the first night after arriving in Kanzaki City, and compared it with the map in his memory. In the current scene, except for the strange expressions of passers-by, all the scene arrangements were exactly the same as in Yi Lin's memory, without any changes.

The moment Yi Lin appeared, the passers-by who were moving according to their own trajectories stopped instantly.

How many people are around Yi Lin?

one thousand?

Ten thousand?

One hundred thousand?

Yi Lin didn't have the intention to count them in detail, but thousands of pedestrians stopped all movements at the same moment, and looked directly at her with the same indifferent expression. Those pairs of eyes were empty and heartless, as if they were lost. Puppet of the soul. If it were anyone else, they might be too frightened to move and feel creepy.

But Yi Lin naturally won't be afraid.

He has already deduced the nature of this trial world, and even the two spaces of Kanzaki City and the World of Adventure. It's just that to deconstruct the most critical puzzle piece of the complete answer, it needs to be verified with one's own eyes before it can be filled in.

Yi Lin noticed that something was wrong with his mentality at the moment.

The difficulty of the trial cannot bring much pressure to Yi Lin at this moment. Even if another "Muto Irin" with similar abilities and attributes was born due to some kind of power, Irin, except for being slightly surprised, did not have any negative emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, etc.

Perhaps, this is related to the fact that Yi Lin's strength is far beyond the same level. At this time, Yi Rin only wanted to know the answer behind the truth. Perhaps because of curiosity, Yi Rin wanted to find out "who" was hiding behind all this, causing Gayageum Mei's tragedy.

Yi Lin walked through the crowd and arrived in front of a convenience store. In the crowded crowd, everyone's heads followed Yi Lin's movements, moving their eyes.

Some people even turned their heads 180 degrees and came to their backs, clearly no longer worthy of being their sons.

Yi Lin turned a blind eye, opened the door, and came to an empty park again.

In the park, there are many mothers playing with their children. When Yi Lin appeared, everyone stopped what they were doing. One of them, a little girl with black hair, looked at Yi Lin timidly.


Yi Lin walked past the black-haired girl, got under the slide arch, and crossed again.

There are "doors" that connect different spaces, and places that seem ordinary but strange. Yilin looks at the compass guidance and clearly counts how many scenes he has passed through.


After "traveling" one hundred and one times, he visited almost every corner of Kanzaki City again and looked at the faces of almost every Kanzaki City resident. Finally, Yi Lin finally came to a familiar street.

This street is deserted. The compass needle changed direction again, pointing directly at a house ten meters away.

Next to the house, an old sticker has the house number written on it, and three words are written at the bottom——


This is the home of Chie Tanino.

...Yi Lin has been here.


Yi Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that all the weirdness and contradictions in the trial had been reasonably explained after Yi Lin arrived here.

"I see."

Yi Lin lowered his head and smiled before pushing the door open and entering. The house is covered with clean tatami mats, and pairs of shoes are neatly placed on the shoe cabinet at the entrance. The furnishings in the house appear to be in order, and it is obvious that someone is taking good care of them.

Yi Lin was silent for a moment at the entrance, took off her shoes, and walked into the house wearing only her socks. In the small but cozy living room, a gentle and elegant middle-aged father was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper with a smile. A mother with a good figure and a kind face is busy in the open kitchen wearing an apron, and the tempting smell of cooking comes from the pot with white mist next to it. The aroma is so exciting.

Yi Lin's entry did not alarm the parents. The father was still reading the newspaper and the mother was still cooking. Yilin clearly did not turn on "Follow Me Like a Shadow", but neither of her parents looked at Yilin, the "intruder", as if Yilin at this moment had become a piece of monkey-playing air isolated from the world.

Right now.

[Compass from the Heart] The pointer flicked suddenly and pointed behind Yi Lin, which was the direction of the entrance from where Yi Lin came.


The key was inserted into the keyhole, the sound of turning the lock cylinder was heard, and Chie Tanano came jumping in.

"Dad, Mom, Qianhui is back!"

Chie's father looked away from the newspaper and saw that Chie Tanino hadn't even taken off her shoes. He raised his head and feigned anger and scolded: "You kid, how many times have I told you to take off your shoes when you come home? Look, you've stepped on the tatami mat." Dirty."

Yano Chie stuck out her tongue, shrank her neck, and made a face at her father's back. This face happened to be seen by her mother who was walking out of the kitchen carrying a pot. The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled, and each made a face. Playful expression.

After changing her shoes, Chie Tanino sat down at the dining table, swaying her calves in white stockings, and twitching her nose: "Ah! It smells so good! It's Chie's favorite curry!"

"Only your nose is good!"

Mother scratched Tanino Chie's nose lovingly, patted Yano Chie's finger as she prepared to put it into the pot, and said with a smile: "I'm so greedy for you! It's just come out of the oven and it's still hot! If you want to eat, go get a bowl." ! Look how anxious you are!"

"Mom, you don't love me anymore! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Chie Tanye pretended to cry and act like a baby, but she still washed her hands obediently, took the bowl, and served it to the table, all in one go.

Yi Lin was standing nearby, and the three members of the family all regarded Yi Lin as air. In front of Yi Lin's eyes, a warm daily life was staged that even Yi Lin could not help but envy.

at this time.

[Compass from the heart] The pointer faces and changes position as Chie Tanino moves around the house. Obviously, Yi Lin's target is Tanano Chie.

But what he clearly positioned was Gayageummi.

"That's it."

This time, there was a bit of sadness in Yi Lin's words. He walked step by step towards Tanano Chie at the dinner table. The movement is slow, slow, slow.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps.

Yilin came behind the thin back of Tanye Chie and slowly stretched out her hand.


Chie Tanino, who was drinking curry soup, suddenly raised her head and said with a smile to her handsome father who was sitting on the sofa in the living room reading a newspaper:

"Dad, did you know that our school has a new art teacher today!"

"Oh? Is that why my Qianhui is so happy?"

"Yes, the teacher praised Qianhui's painting for how beautiful it is!"

"Really?" Qianhui's father looked away from the newspaper, and his gentle eyes fell on Qianhui's innocent smiling face, with light in his eyes: "Then we have to invite the teacher to our house for a meal some other day. Thank you very much.”

"Yeah, yeah~" Chie Tanino nodded vigorously and smiled happily: "Teacher Muto, you are so gentle."

When Yilin heard Chie Tanino mention "art teacher", he suddenly paused when he reached out to Chie Tanino's hand.

But when the conversation between father and daughter ended, Yi Lin sighed softly and continued to move her hands.


Yano Chie turned her head without warning. She, who had always regarded Yi Lin as nothing, finally looked directly into Yi Lin's eyes at this moment. At this time, Yi Lin's palm had been stretched out in front of Tanano Chie, only a few centimeters away from the joyful girl's face.

"Love disappears, right?"

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