Infinity Throne

Chapter 613 Give me more!

Apocalypse Guild has a second station!

The news spread throughout the entire circle overnight.

Many newcomers are still worrying about how to survive the next trial, while the maces are shocked by the horror of this guild.

A guild actually has two stations!

The first time can be said to be good luck.

What about the second one?

This is ridiculously lucky!

No one cares anymore?

Didn’t we only get two [Guild Resident Tokens] during the last wishing pool event?

Why did it all end up in the pockets of Tianqi Guild?

The news got out.

Someone chipped their teeth.

Some people were so angry that they struck with their swords.

Some people remained silent.

Some people silently went to the ancestral tablets and decided to burn two hundred and fifty sticks of incense all night long to change their fate.

Someone burned the new bed board with one palm, and added ten tough men to accompany the bed overnight, fearing that they would be assassinated by assassins.

After hearing the news, some people searched through various panels to see if there was any "complaint channel" to report someone for cheating.

The most outrageous thing is that some people are imagining that if they report successfully, they will be rewarded with an epic piece of equipment or something.

Yi Lin ignored the reaction of the world.

He also didn't know how others would react.

After using the last [Guild Station Token] to reappear the Great Engineer Tower in the world of Ouranos, Yi Lin took Molly and Wang Tiandi and returned to the snow mountain station overnight.

In fact, earlier, there were rumors that the second token of the Wishing Fountain was taken away by the European "Knights Alliance" guild.

Everyone believes that the token used by the Apocalypse Guild to create the world's first station came from the wishing well.

No one knew that Yi Lin's first [Guild Resident Token] was an achievement reward, which was equivalent to giving it away for free.

But at this point, the origin of this token is no longer important.

The important thing is that from the moment the "Great Engineer Tower" appeared in Haiting City, the Apocalypse Guild has truly established its throne as the "World's No. 1 Guild". For the time being, no one can shake it.

"The two stations are too far apart. It would be great if a stable teleportation array could be set up."

On the way back, Yi Lin struggled with this problem.

It would be very convenient if the transmission channel between the two stations could be opened.

However, currently, crystal resources are scarce. Yi Lin has saved a lot of crystals since she was able to use "Charged Bullets" instead of crystals to release "Crystal Pattern Technique", otherwise the inventory would have been exhausted long ago. The current crystal position only has a quarter left. Before finding a new energy alternative or a way to increase the number of crystals, we still have to save some for emergencies.

Yi Lin was actually worried about the issues that Molly was worried about, but she just didn't show them in front of Molly.

Talk about it.

Yi Lin opened the communication list.

On the list, a guy named "Xing Fei" is still alive and his name is still displayed.

Although Xing Fei's strength is average, he is also on the spiritual side and is an apostle who is proficient in alchemy. He has many topics in common with Yi Lin. Although the two enhancements come from different worlds, in Yi Lin's view, crystal patterning and alchemy have some similarities and can learn from each other.

"Please invite him over for a chat when you have time."

Yi Lin silently wrote down something on the notepad in her mind.

There are a lot of headaches at the moment.

Yi Lin had already made a dense plan in her mind.

It's like a new energy source on site.

A vacuum furnace capable of stably smelting high-purity titanium alloys.

Props and energy sources that can replace crystals, or improve the way crystal patterns operate.

Arrangements for the next trial.

Ningyou's small bar.

"I have a headache."

Yilin felt a pain in her head while walking on the street.

After the first door trial, the atmosphere in the station seemed to relax suddenly.

Not only that, the faces of many Shence Army members were filled with festive expressions, and they all seemed to be several years younger.

It's not their fault either.

Everyone knows that Yi Lin used his second resident token to build a tower out of thin air in the Zhongcheng District of Haiting City, as if performing a miracle.

A large engineer tower.

The name of the tower was given by Yi Lin.

Although many people think this name is weird, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the Apocalypse Guild has truly shown the world how awesome it is, and more importantly, this tower is still managed by their family leader.

"Hello, President!"

Passing by the Shen Cejun, when they saw Yi Lin, they greeted him cheerfully and respectfully.

"President Miao!"

"President... ahem, does the president have any instructions?"

"President, are your legs sore? Do you want someone to squeeze them?" There was even a young woman who shyly lowered her head and said hello to Yi Lin in this way.

Yi Lin refused this request, which was not too much, with a straight face.

The enthusiasm of the members made Yi Lin run away in fear and disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.


It's so passionate that I can't stand it.

But it can also be seen from this point.

Even if Yi Lin hands over the position of vice president to Li Kai, it is just a name. But when Yilin really turned Haiting City into the second base of Tianqi Guild, and even handed over the management of this super station to Li Kailai, at this moment, there were many Shence troops from the Li family, and then she really regarded Tianqi Guild as the second base. own home.

He works extremely hard, never complains about hardship or tiredness, and is extremely efficient.

Originally, Yi Lin's energy was limited and it was impossible to run back and forth between the two stations. Leave it to anyone to manage it, leave it to Li Kai, it is extremely cost-effective. Let Li Kai manage the station for him with all his heart and soul, and at the same time, he doesn't have to pay wages. In Yi Lin's opinion, this operation is perfect.

"Xiao Wu, are you free?"

As Yi Lin was walking on the road, she remembered something and quickly sent a private message to Oda Mai.


Oda Mai's reply was still concise and clear, just a question mark.

"Uh, can you come to my room?"

Yi Lin boldly made a slightly excessive request.

Five days later.

President's dormitory.

It is the largest and tallest square building in the dormitory area.

Yi Lin's confused eyes regained their clarity.


Yi Lin took a long breath.


It's done.

so tired.


Mai Oda was sitting cross-legged in the room.

The tainted Sakura Mai one letter lay across his lap.

She was holding a bowl of hot cup noodles.

When Yi Lin looked at Oda Mai, Oda Mai's eating of instant noodles paused for a moment.

But after a while.

Oda Mai felt that it was no big deal if Yi Rin saw the little gesture of eating instant noodles, so she continued to drink the remaining noodle soup with an expressionless face.

Yi Lin calmly patted the non-existent dust on his body.

Use this to ease the awkward atmosphere.

He tried his best not to focus on the cup in Mai Oda's hand.

He was afraid that Oda Mai would become angry and draw his sword to chop. After all, the knife is on the knee, within easy reach, so it is very convenient to pull it out.

"Well, I'm fine. Thank you."

Yi Lin scratched his head.


Oda Mai stood up with a calm expression and looked at Yi Rin who was silent for a few seconds. She tried her best to squeeze out a gentle smile on her face: "Is there anything gained?"

"Yes, yes."

Yi Lin swiped her index finger down and looked at her apostle panel, staring at the new enhancements that appeared in the [Enhancement] column. After a moment of silence, she silently closed the panel.

"But for now, I can't use it. It's very likely that I won't be able to use it in this life. I just want to keep it in mind."

Yi Lin took five days.

Two shots of [Bloodthirsty Disaster] came.

During the journey, Yilin even spent a few hours running to the nearest city at the foot of the mountain, became a hero out of interest, and harvested five [Blood Will].

In fact, in the dormitories divided by the station, no one can enter Yi Lin's room unless Yi Lin authorizes it to anyone.

But what Yi Lin is more worried about is that in that kind of brain-dead state, even if no one troubles him, he will accidentally commit suicide. The luck value is not high, but there is this risk. Maybe a fall on the spot will cause a cerebral hemorrhage.

To be on the safe side, Yi Lin asked Oda Mai to take care of him while he was in a "weak" state.

Unexpectedly, Oda Mai agreed without hesitation.

Oda Mai held the knife and stayed in his room for five days without leaving the house.

This girl is so loyal!

Yi Lin silently gave Oda Mai a thumbs up.

If it could be evaluated, Yilin would definitely give Oda Mai a five-star rating.

these five days.

Yi Lin did nothing else.

He broke through the power lock simply and easily.

After breaking through the power lock, I realized a brand new enhancement.

However, this enhancement, like [Analytical Vision], is short-lived. With his current fighting style, it is almost impossible to break through the power lock with his own efforts.

But it’s okay if it’s broken.

Nowadays, there is no so-called "limitation" for Yi Lin's three attributes of strength, agility, and spirit before he is extraordinary.

As long as the attributes are in place, he can move forward bravely, and the corresponding attributes reach extraordinary levels.

For the second [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe], Yi Lin tried to use this method to break through the second level of spiritual lock.

Breaking through the first level of power lock would be the icing on the cake for Yi Lin. So the second layer of spiritual lock is really a timely help.

Yi Lin recalled the strength of the Apocalypse Knight in "Memory".

With his current extraordinary strength, he has no chance of winning against that Apocalypse Knight.

That kind of power that can change the color of the world with every move, and can even spread disasters around oneself, is most likely the manifestation of the ability after breaking through the second layer of locks and reaching the next stage.

Unfortunately, just as Yi Lin had guessed at the beginning, he failed.

Human limits and extraordinary limits are not the same.

For example, assuming that the difficulty of breaking through the human limit is "1", then the difficulty of breaking through the extraordinary limit is at least "10".

"If you break through the second level of spiritual lock, you might be qualified to compete with the Knights of the Apocalypse."

Yi Lin murmured.


Yi Lin's voice was too soft and what she said was incomprehensible. Mai Oda, who was about to step out of the room, turned around with a confused expression.

"Haha, it's nothing, don't worry about it."

Yi Lin took two steps and frowned.


After breaking through the "lock" of the three attributes, the feeling of this body changed slightly. Yi Lin knew that this was not an illusion. In the face of his super high mental attributes, Yi Lin could detect even the subtlest changes. There was no possibility of an "illusion".

The two of them walked out of the dormitory at the same time.

Someone accidentally saw Oda Mai and Yi Lin stepping out from behind the square ripples.

Soon after, the news that "Oda Mai and the president had been plotting big things in the president's dormitory for five days" spread privately throughout the guild.

Of course, this is something.

The end.

Before Oda Mai left, she slightly raised the knife on her waist, leaving Yi Lin with a gentle pat on the back of her head, and whispered:

"Don't tell anyone about that matter."


Yi Lin instantly realized that Oda Mai was talking about instant noodles.

"Definitely, it's a secret, it's a secret."

Yi Lin agreed without hesitation.

Wait a moment.

Yi Lin suddenly realized that she seemed to have discovered Oda Mai's little secret.

This girl's storage space...could it be filled with instant cup noodles?

"It's not healthy, really."

Yi Lin warned carefully and kindly.

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