Infinity Throne

Chapter 615 Night Dire Upgrade

End of the meeting.

Yi Lin sat in her seat, rubbing her brows.

"Actually, are you under a lot of pressure?"

Molly stepped forward, worry hidden in her brows.

She knows what Yi Rin has been through.

She vaguely knew that Yi Lin had experienced a desperate future.

This is the little secret between Molly and Yi Lin.


Yi Lin frowned and smiled: "This is a pretty ideal start."


That's right.

From Yi Lin's point of view, all this can only be regarded as the beginning.

After everyone else left, Molly looked left and right and saw that no one else was in the conference room. Then she approached Yi Lin and asked in a low voice: "Actually, I have always wanted to know, what you said before Will the 'doomsday' happen again?"

"Yes." Yi Lin was sure. He remembered Xiao Xi's hint and nodded firmly: "I will definitely do it."

"Are we all going to die?"

"Oh, it's hard to say." Yi Lin chuckled and looked at Molly: "But 'you' won't die before me."


Molly spat. She originally wanted to complain about Yi Lin's unlucky words, but when the words came to her lips, Molly couldn't say them out anyway. She just lowered her head, feeling inexplicably moved.

Those few days in Haiting City.

Molly followed Wang Tiandi, and when Yi Lin wasn't paying attention, she slipped into the city with Wang Tiandi.

She even witnessed the chaos in the city.

I tasted the despair in the city with my own eyes.

Some people looked crazy, holding a kitchen knife stained with meat foam and slashing at people and corpses.

Some people were holding the bloody and mutilated corpses of their family members, kneeling on the ground with indifferent expressions, as if they had lost even the only emotion of "despair".

What Molly saw during those few days simply refreshed her worldview.

She never thought that a society with advanced technology and sound legal system would suddenly collapse to such an extent due to a strange force.

Even ten years ago, on the day when the four towers suddenly descended, the Z5 Council controlled the chaos in the shortest possible time, rescued the disaster area, and rebuilt various facilities. In just a few months, society was restored to order. Although Molly was still young at that time, she still vividly remembered the scene of the city being filled with fires.

But the atmosphere in the city at that time only made Molly feel "pain", not like it is now...desperate, numb, and crazy. Various scenes that could only be seen in movies in the past were played out in front of Molly's eyes. Although she didn't show anything on the surface, the visual impact brought by those scenes was definitely overwhelming.

If even this scene can't compare to the "doomsday" Yi Lin said.

So what is the real doomsday?

Yi Lin actually said, "You won't die in front of me." Hiss...this soul is actually enlightened?

Molly felt secretly happy in her heart, lowering her head and twisting her clothes.

Wait a minute! What am I enjoying!

Molly suddenly felt something was wrong with herself.

"Hundan, actually there is something I have always wanted to ask you..."

The atmosphere in the conference room became weird because of Molly's words.

Molly felt like she had gathered her courage.

He puffed up his chest.

There was blood in his eyes.

She felt extremely nervous.

"Oh, it's not urgent." Yi Lin waved her hand, interrupted Molly's words, and frowned: "Have you recently felt that there is anything wrong with Yiyi that makes you feel wrong?"

Molly: "……………………"

She withered instantly.

What I fear most is the sudden silence in the air.

"What's wrong with you?" Yi Lin asked concerned.

"Go away!! I just want to ask when you will get me the equipment! No! No! He! He! Meaning! If you dare to think about it, I will kick you to death!"

Molly flew up and kicked Yi Lin in the face.

After Molly stormed off.

Yi Lin walked out of the conference room with a conspicuous shoe mark on her face.

He kept an expressionless face and pretended that nothing happened and secretly wiped off the shoe prints on his face.

Why are you so angry for no reason?

Yi Lin was confused.

He really wanted to hear what Molly thought.

In Kanzaki City, another "Irin" made it clear.

After discarding all emotional factors, Irin Muto came to a conclusion that Irin was unwilling to face.

Ling Yiyi, there is a problem.

But what's the problem?

Yi Lin always felt that she was a fan of the authorities.

Because of the authorities, Yi Rin ignored some things that he should have been able to see clearly.

Yi Rin even clearly remembered that when Gayageumimi used her face to transform into Ling Yi Yi, Yi Rin was unable to pull the trigger that she should have pulled.

That's the problem.

Not appropriate.

That feeling is no longer a strange event that can be explained by pure "emotion".

If you insist on using scientific theory to explain it.

He felt that at that time, it was more like, when the idea of ​​"killing Ling Yiyi" came into his mind, something seemed to control certain parts of Yi Lin's brain and "stop" the idea of ​​"killing Ling Yiyi". Behavior.

Even though Yi Lin knew that Ling Yiyi was fake, what was really stopped at that time was not the act of killing Ling Yiyi, but the concept of "killing Ling Yiyi" itself.


Yi Lin originally wanted to quietly ask Molly what she thought of Ling Yiyi while the others were away.

After all, in the entire station, besides Yi Lin, Mo Li and Ling Yiyi were the most familiar. The two are like sisters and often spend time together.

"Oh, a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea. It can change at any time." Yi Lin sighed softly. He still didn't understand what Molly was angry about. He could only wait for the next time she was in a happy mood to find a chance to explore Ling. It's Yiyi's business.

Because Yi Lin was worried, he had never visited Ling Yiyi to reminisce about the past.

Yi Lin also knew that Ling Yiyi's feelings were very complicated. She had been in love before, but with various experiences, this feeling gradually evolved into family love. Finally, with the addition of a little weird elements, it turned into the awkward relationship now. Unclear feeling.

"never mind."

Thinking of these messy things, Yi Lin felt a little sad, and ripples appeared in her calm heart.


Molly was angry and refused to say anything. It seemed like she could ask Gayagemimi herself?


Just do it.

In order to avoid trouble and avoid being entangled by enthusiastic members, Yi Lin decisively activated the two stealth skills of [Shadow Accompanying] and [Shadow Killing] and came to Xuefeng Cave.

This can be said to be Yi Lin's secret room. When he moved the peak of Mount Everest to his residence, Yi Lin had already set the permissions. Except for the people he allowed and himself, no one else could enter and would be blocked by someone. A layer of light film blocks the outside.

In fact, the best thing about the residence is that it is here. People who enter the residence through regular routes are subject to rules and regulations. Unless the defense of the station is forcibly broken through with attacks, Yi Lin has the final say in everything in the station.

It is estimated that Li Kai, who was busy playing with the various functions of the station in Haiting City, gradually tasted the benefits and soon could no longer leave this guild.

To use Li Erpang’s saucy words: My dad is gradually turning into the shape of the Apocalypse Guild~

Yi Lin thought as she entered the cave.

There was no one in the empty cave.

The ice walls everywhere reflect the glimmer of crystal light.

When Yi Lin used the [Bloodthirsty Disaster] ability to forcefully add points to break through the power lock, the reason why he chose the president's dormitory instead of this place was because he was worried about the temperature here, and accidentally killed him in a "weak" state. so cold. Even if you can't freeze to death, you won't be able to freeze to death.

Now that Yi Rin is in peak condition, with this low temperature, Nai Rin is naturally inferior. Even while resisting the severe cold, it also has the effect of exercising the power of mind.

Sitting on a bed of ice.

Yi Lin entered the module space first.

As the chaos value required for each skill upgrade increases day by day, Yi Lin doesn't come here often anymore.

You came here in vain.

After upgrading [Shadow Kill], Yilin made another small profit from the remaining Chaos Points in Kanzaki City. Now Yilin's Chaos Points can exceed the one hundred thousand mark. This one hundred thousand Chaos Value may sound like a lot at first, like an astronomical figure, but for the upgrade requirements that often cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, one hundred thousand Chaos Value is really just enough for Yi Lin to "pop".

You can really only snap once, no more.

Regarding the upgraded skills, Yi Lin hesitated for so many days and finally decided.

The current various skills and enhanced abilities are enough for Yilin to use.

Yi Lin has always believed that what determines a person's strength is not his or her strengths, but his or her shortcomings.

Therefore, Yi Lin has always tried his best to explore every ability and fully develop it.

[Bloodthirsty Catastrophe] was a trump card, and Yi Lin began to gradually appreciate its fragrance, but Samsung's [Bloodthirsty Catastrophe] was already able to crush everything. No matter how many attribute points it had, the "lock" could not easily break through.

The same is true for other skills.

"Night Dire, as Apocalypse's mount, cannot be used simply for riding. Otherwise, it will soon become someone else's mount."

In the module space, Yi Lin looked at a single skill tree. In the extended light, there was a skill ball that was slightly dimmer compared to other balls.

——[Summon Mount: Night Dire].

Speaking of the origin of Night Dire, it is very complicated.

The Nightmare's body is Bruce Wayne's Bat Chariot. After becoming a mount, Yi Lin dug out a strange [contaminated fire source fragment] from the chest of the Caribbean "Devil King" and decisively inserted it into Night Dire's body finally created such a weird car.

In fact, in terms of potential, the potential of Night Dire is definitely not lower than that of any summoned object. However, Yi Lin has never had the free chaos value to hit Night Dire. As a result, Night Dire's summoning skills are still only at the first level, with no improvement.

"It's time for you to reap the rewards."

Yi Lin sighed softly and smashed the 100,000 Chaos Points down.

["Summon Mount: Night Dire" is upgraded from 1 star to 2 stars, which requires 100,000 chaos points. Do you confirm the upgrade? 】

【YES/NO? 】


【update successed! 】

[The remaining chaos value is currently 11425! 】

[Summon Mount: Dire]

[Consumption] 320 spiritual energy points

【Grade】Two stars








[Regular Skills] "Ignore Terrain", "Locomotive Cannon", "Saw Blade"

[Special abilities] "Dark Night Mode", "Jet Mode", "Cybertron Mode", "Iron Suit Mode"

【Mount Description】*\u0026\u0026¥ # ¥ @! # ¥ # %¥##……? ? ?

There isn't much chaos left.

Yilin's consciousness exited the module space.

Yi Lin opened the apostle panel.

Thinking about the new attribute changes of Night Dire.

The consumption of spiritual energy has been reduced by 80 points, so naturally everyone is happy.

Among them, the basic attributes of mounts such as riding, attack, movement, and armor have been improved to varying degrees, which is gratifying.


Forget it, it's not important. Clean it up when you have time.

Yi Lin looked down.

"...Iron suit mode???"

What the hell.

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