Infinity Throne

Chapter 617

The three mother spirits got together inexplicably.

The white thighs were intertwined together, so white they were dazzling.

"Hold your legs...ah no, stop!"

Yi Rin was angry.

He scolded with a straight face: "If you make trouble again, I'll put you all back. Don't think of coming out one after another."

The movements of the three mother spirits are frozen.

The scene is frozen in Bai Xiaoyi pulling Gayageumimi's hair, Nie Hongxiu's white hair wrapping around Gayageumimei, and Gayageumime stepping on Nie Hongxiu's bright red wedding dress with one foot.

The scene was very chaotic at one point.

After finally separating the three mother spirits from different planes.

"Let me introduce each other first."

Yi Lin pointed at Nie Hongxiu: "Xiaohong."

Nie Hongxiu snorted coldly.

Yi Lin pointed at Bai Xiaoyi again: "Xiao Bai."

Bai Xiaoyi turned her head and was very angry.

at last,

Yi Lin pondered for a moment and pointed at the newly arrived Gayageum Mei: "Xiao Mei."

Different from Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi's reaction to their "nickname", Gayageumimi saw Yi Lin give her a name at the speed of light, her eyes returned to their normal color, she held her chin with both hands, and stared with adoring little eyes. Yi Lin smiled so happily: "Jun Lin, I like this name."


Gayageumimi's reaction made Bai Xiaoyi gasp subconsciously.

This opponent is not easy!

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble! We will be a family from now on!"

Yi Lin couldn't help but put Nie Hongxiu and Bai Xiaoyi away.

Why are they still fighting?

No wonder every time you possess a spirit, the reminder clearly states that you must get along well with the spirit.

Otherwise there is a possibility of backlash.

Yi Lin now realizes the seriousness of the problem more and more.

never mind.

It'll be nice to get familiar with it later.

Yi Lin comforted herself like this.

Gayageum's beautiful happiness is not just an act.

Yi Lin gave her a new name, giving her a feeling of saying goodbye to the past and welcoming a new life. She came to a strange world without any discomfort, and her heart was filled with sunshine and hope.

"You can shout whatever you like, it doesn't matter."

Yi Rin looked into Gayageumimi's eyes: "Why were you able to read my memory back then?"

Gayageummi looked confused.

After a moment, she frowned slightly and shook her head: "Xiaomei doesn't know."


"have no idea."

"What's the meaning."

"It's not that Xiaomei read Linjun's memory, but that at that moment, Linjun's 'heart' was connected to Xiaomei."

As she said that, a happy smile appeared on Gayageumimi's face. She was wearing a short skirt and floating around Yi Lin. Her faint voice echoed in the ice cave: "Xiaomei remembers Lin Jun, remembers Kanzaki City, and remembers the people there. Experience, but only about 'it', Xiaomei has completely forgotten it. Xiaomei doesn't know why."

Is that so?

Yi Lin frowned, was it Xiao Xi who did it?

Or is that existence, even if it exists in Gayageumimi's memory, likely to have an immeasurable impact on her?

Xiao Xi did not come forward to explain, everything just remained speculation.

Now that Gayageumimi said so, Yilin had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​further exploring the true identity of the monster in Kanzaki City.

Originally, he thought Gayagemimi could explain some of his doubts.

In many trials, Yi Lin had passed by some mysterious beings.

For example, the pale finger in Styx Junior High School;

Or Green of Green Town;

Next is the octopus monster in Kanzaki City.

The levels of these beings have reached a level beyond Yi Lin's imagination. Even with Yi Lin's current strength, when she returned to Styx Junior High School and faced the finger poking out from behind the mirror again, she felt powerless. There is absolutely no confidence to fight against it.

"Since you don't know, forget it," Yi Lin sighed softly: "Let's change into Ling Yiyi and take a look. By the way, do you still remember Ling Yiyi?"

"Rin-kun, you can't change."

Gayagemimi shook her head.

Yi Lin was stunned.

If you can’t change, what use are you?


Of course he wouldn't say this.

Gayagemimi smiled and added: "Here, we can't change."

Only then did Yi Lin remember that among the new spirit-possessed equipment, the ability brought by Gayageumimi was [Evil Thought Space·First].

He suddenly understood what Gayagemimi meant. After thinking about it for a moment, Yilin already knew how to activate this new equipment skill.

"The space of evil thoughts."

After the words fell, the surrounding space suddenly stopped. Yi Lin's vision went dark, and when light appeared again, he had arrived in a twisted space.

Yi Lin floated in the air.

Underfoot was turbulent black water.

Dark rain fell in the sky.

The buildings composed of geometric figures are pulled up out of thin air in the black water, which is very magical.

"where is this place."

"Rin-kun, this is Xiaomei's 'heart'."

Gayageumimi pressed her bulging breasts hard and explained.

This explanation is worse than no explanation at all...

But Yi Lin understood.

"Psychic actually brought this ability?"

His expression was a bit surprised.

As an experienced driver of spirit possession equipment, Yi Lin knew it very well. The abilities of possessed weapons are ever-changing. The abilities born are not only related to the experience of the "spirit" itself, but also related to the carrier of the attached spirit card. Just like [Spirit Enchanting Card: Red and White], when the spirit is attached to the dagger, some abilities that tend to be used in close combat are born.

But after switching to the revolver, a spirit-possessing ability that is very compatible with Yilin was born.

That is to say.

After Gayageumimi became a possessed spirit, she could still retain an ability similar to the "mental image space". It is probably not only related to herself, but maybe [Grudge] also has a certain influence.

It was impossible to delve into it carefully, and Yi Lin quickly accepted the result.

Yi Lin landed on a geometric building. He seemed to have become the controller of this space. Everything in this space seemed to be under the influence of his will.

“What is this space for?”

Yi Lin looked at the empty space beside her.

The dark and smooth geometric building surface ripples. The black water condensed into the shape of Gayageumimi, and Gayageumime squeezed it happily. Yi Rin was surprised to find that Gayageumimi actually had a physical body at this moment.

Gayageummi pinched it up and down, and played for a while. She didn't dare to leave Yi Lin aside... How dare she! So Gayageumimi curiously played with her "body" while explaining: "Rin-kun, this place can be used to help Rin-kun trap your enemies."


Actually, I don’t blame Yi Rin for asking about Gayageummi.

Because the description of this equipment skill is really unclear and confusing.

【Evil Thought Space·Early】

[Consumption] 30% spiritual energy value

[Effect] Create a "subspace" full of evil thoughts. The intensity and scope of the subspace are directly related to the mental and will attributes.


[Instructions] Click to view details.


God is so thoughtful in creating happiness.

Who can be happy without knowing its specific effects?

This is why Yi Rin needs to consult Gayageummi.

Gayageumimi is like the navigation elf in this space, knowing everything and answering everything.

This equipment skill requires 30% of the spiritual energy value.

Calculated based on the percentage of the upper limit of psychic power.

This consumption can be said to be large or not.

But since the consumption is fixed, it means that as long as Yi Lin makes up her mind to use this ability, she must lower the upper limit of the spiritual energy value by 30% when calculating the spiritual energy consumption.

"Is this the ability to trap enemies?"

Yi Lin pondered deeply.

The name of the equipment skill has a [Initial] suffix.

Moreover, the spirit possession level is only the lowest "E" level.

As the level of the enchanted equipment increases, more abilities will be derived.

This weird space should be much more than just a trap for enemies.

If it can only trap the enemy, what's the use?

A full 30% of the spiritual energy value is rolled into a super-charged bullet. What enemy can't be destroyed?

From Yi Lin's point of view, simply trapping the enemy seemed a bit unnecessary.

While Yi Lin was thinking.

Gayageumimi is causing trouble.

She spun in circles.

Sometimes she was wearing black stockings, sometimes she was wearing white stockings, sometimes she was wearing pantyhose, and now she was wearing a student swimsuit with the words "Swimming Department" written on it.

"...What are you doing?"

Gayageumimi stopped tossing.

She froze, made a swimming motion in mid-air, and asked pitifully:

"Rin-kun, isn't it good for Xiaomei to dress like this?"

"It's not a question of whether it's good or not...forget it, you can change into Ling Yiyi first and see."

Yi Lin covered his eyes speechlessly. He realized at that time that there was something wrong with Gayageummi's character, something very wrong. But Yi Linchan decisively used the ability of possessing spirit equipment. There was no other way, Yi Lin could only bear the consequences silently.

Fortunately, Xiaomei was very obedient. The dark water fell from her body, and when she reappeared, she looked like Ling Yiyi.

Exactly the same.

There is no difference from the Ling Yiyi in Yi Lin's memory.

Yi Lin took a deep breath.

"Let me ask in advance. I remember that spirits are not immune to physical attacks. In your current state, will it be okay if you take a shot?"

"Rin, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Ling Yiyi" opened her arms and closed her eyes, letting Yilin do whatever she wanted.


Bullets loaded.

Yi Lin raised the [Destruction Revolver] expressionlessly and pressed her index finger hard on the trigger.

After a while.

Yi Lin exits from the "Evil Thought Space".

Gayageumimi, wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, flashed behind Yi Rin.

Yi Lin's expression returned to calm.

Some things are destined not to be mentioned to anyone.

"never mind."

Yi Lin shook his head. He believed that all mysteries would be solved naturally when the time comes.

An unsolvable mystery means there are not enough clues.

Yi Lin calmly walked towards the ice wall.

The mask on his face was reflected on the ice wall.

"I didn't expect it to look like this."

Yi Lin couldn't help but laugh.

The mask is as white as bone and covers the face.

Even the chin is covered.

The position of the eyes is two crescent-shaped gaps, and the position of the mouth is an exaggerated smile.

The dark texture, like tentacles, twisted flames, or joyful seaweed, extends from the forehead to the corners of the mouth. Black as ink and white as bone, two strongly contrasting colors, give people an evil and cold visual impact.

As Yi Lin thought, the mask seemed to come to life and quickly retracted to her forehead. The texture quickly faded away, and in a blink of an eye it was once again the piece of dead skin that clung to my forehead and couldn't be picked off.

After a few seconds.

Yi Lin smiled slightly and entered the name of the new posture.

——[Laughing Mask].

It's better to keep the name simple.

Just bring love, peace and joy to this world.

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