Infinity Throne

Chapter 622 Recruitment notice from Tianqi Guild


at the meeting.

Yi Lin finished speaking.

Li Changge, Xu Jingjing, and Wang Tiandi, two of them and one dog, started coughing crazily.

The previous members of the other group, Li Erpang, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer, were flirting back and forth, exchanging glances secretly.

"Are you sick?"

Yi Lin asked curiously.

As the president, he is very concerned about the physical and mental health of his members.

"No, no, no!" Xu Jingjing immediately stood up and denied, "I choked on my saliva!"

Yi Lin looked at Li Changge expressionlessly: "You too?"

Li Changge straightened his face and smiled calmly: "What a coincidence, it really is."


Wang Tiandi raised his paw vigorously, stretched out his tongue, and pointed at the tip of his tongue with his paw, as if to indicate that he was also choked by saliva.

Yi Lin was thoughtful.

After pondering for a moment: "So you guys swallowed the same saliva?"



Molly slapped the table and laughed in an incomprehensible manner.

"Okay," after playing for a while, Yi Lin knocked on the table: "No kidding. The lists of the three groups have been decided. Currently in our station, based on my preliminary judgment based on strength and level, the elite group has 24 people. There are 72 people in the general group.”

Ning You did a quick calculation and asked, "President, the number seems wrong?"

Yi Lin smiled: "As I said last time, Lao Pan and I cannot be counted in the elite group."

"Then what kind of group are you?"

Yi Lin thought for a moment. Since Ning You asked sincerely, Yi Lin couldn't be perfunctory. He spent three seconds to pick a name for the group that he and Lao Pan had listed separately:

"One hammer... the tuning group."



Many people have noticed that your name was obviously a last-minute idea!

The people in the guild can currently be roughly divided into twenty teams. If some of them are unwilling to form a team, Yi Lin will naturally not force them.

In the twenty groups, according to the strength of each group, the ratio of agility side, strength side, and spirit side should be reasonably arranged. If anyone is willing to form a fixed team by himself, he can give his opinion to Li Xiuqi, and Yilin will combine the configuration of each group. , make adjustments as appropriate.

During the second door trial, Yi Lin decided to use this method to improve the survival rate.

After making a simple and reasonable arrangement, Yi Lin kindly asked the friends present at the end: "The second door trial is currently arranged like this. The goal is to conquer the difficult door, nightmare level and above. Don’t force the door. As long as you can survive.”

"By the way, does anyone want to team up with me?"

Yi Lin's last sentence, the last "?" hadn't been finished yet.

Wang Tiandi, Li Changge, Xu Jingjing, and Li Erpang all moved in unison and shook their heads, expressing their strong desire to refuse.


Yi Lin slowly typed a question mark.

It doesn't make sense.

It's okay if others are not happy. According to Li Changge's character, he should try his best to hold his thigh tightly.

Xu Jingjing had already thought of the reason and said it unambiguously: "To be honest, we are all afraid of holding back the president."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"


The others cooperated flawlessly and nodded loudly.

Privately, Ning You, Xiao Chuer, Su Xiaosu, and Li Erpang have not personally experienced the [Eternal Night Level] difficulty trial in Kanzaki City. But the curiosity was definitely there, and while they had nothing to do, they gossiped about a lot of details about their time in Kanzaki City.

When they heard that "Yilin Ghost" was tricking people everywhere and finally using his ultimate move to kill them, they all looked at each other.

Li Erpang, Ning You, and Xiao Chuer once worked with Yi Lin in the world of "Uranos" to get through the ending, and even almost played the hidden ending.

At the end of that trial, the difficulty also soared to [Eternal Night Level].

But in order to survive, Li Erpang and others finally chose to return decisively and quit early before the difficulty soared.

I didn’t expect that [Eternal Night Level] would be so terrifying!

At the same time, they also felt something strange.

"Have you noticed that the trial with that boy is particularly difficult?"

Li Erpang recalled the trial in Gotham City earlier and had a deep understanding.

A few of them finally discussed and pondered over and over again, and finally came to a conclusion.

Going to trial with this guild leader... is very dangerous!

That's why this scene at the meeting happened.

Li Changge also felt secretly distressed.

In order to survive, he didn't even dare to hug his thighs.

Maybe if you do it alone, your survival rate will be higher.

Several people were hemming and hawing, but Yi Lin didn't think much about it. It didn't matter to him. He felt that there wasn't much difference between entering the door alone and as a team. Anyway, his current strength is seriously inconsistent with his own level, far beyond his current level.

As long as you don't run into traps like "replicas" again, it won't be a big problem.

In Kanzaki City, Yilin's biggest enemy became himself.

If Little Fatty and the others don't follow him, they can also dedicate manpower to lead other teams. Yi Lin is also happy to see this result.

After Xu Jingjing and others unanimously rejected Yi Rin's invitation, Oda Mai, who had been holding the steel ball and brushing [Sakura Mai Ichimonji] in her seat, silently raised the knife.


Everyone else is raising their hands, so why are you raising your knife?

Molly looked at Oda Mai's calm expression and suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems that Xiao Wu and Na Hundan have teamed up too often!

Yi Lin wanted to refuse.

Seeing that Mai Oda was holding a knife instead of a hand, she suddenly fell silent.

After a moment, Yi Lin only said two words:


The meeting on how to form a fixed team ended in a hurry.

Facing the next door trial, everyone in the Apocalypse Guild has temporarily shelved all planned business activities and the construction of the Unit Zero assembly line. Prepare wholeheartedly for the next Door Trial.

Shortly after the meeting ended.

Fatty Li Er came to the door in secret secretly.

"Hehehe, we are pretty familiar, right?"

When Li Erpang came to the door, Yi Lin happened to be summoning the upgraded Night Dire. Holding up a Xiao Shisan brand ancient knife, he carefully scraped the armor plate on the Dire's surface and carved the corresponding circuits.

"Well, it's okay. What's wrong?"

Although she and Li Erpang were not close friends, they still had a friendship. Yi Lin looked at the little fat man's lewd expression and decided to listen to Li Erpang's request.

"Can I borrow your compass?"

Although Li Erpang felt that the last trial experience was a bit cheating.

But overall, it was a near miss. It was safer than being in the same trial as Yi Lin.

Having tasted the sweetness, Li Erpang came up with the idea of ​​[Congxin Compass] without saying a word.


Yi Lin generously put down the Xiao Shisan brand ancient sword in his hand, patted Night Dire's seat bag to signal Night Dire not to scream exhaust fume in protest, and explained to Li Erpang with a smile: "My compass, every time I go in and out of the trial, The number of uses will be refreshed. There are only two times in total, and I personally will definitely use one of them."

"Then there's only one left..."

"It's a pity you're late."

Yi Lin shook her head regretfully.


"As early as half an hour ago, Ning You, Li Changge, Xiao Chu'er, and Xu Jingjing all asked me to borrow them."

"I am stupid?"

Li Erpang didn't expect that other people were more shameless than him, and one by one they actually did such sneaky things.

Yi Lin lowered his head in distress in front of Li Erpang: "But it's only once, and lending it to anyone seems to hurt your harmony."

"How to deal with it?"

When Li Erpang heard this, it made sense! We all have such deep feelings that no one else feels comfortable lending it to anyone. Wouldn't this make things difficult for the president? Li Erpang felt that what Yi Lin said made sense.


The troubled expression on Yi Lin's face disappeared instantly. He patted Li Erpang on the shoulder, smiled kindly, and comforted him: "I came up with a compromise that no one else will have any objections to."

"Hey? Is there such a perfect solution? Tell me about it?"

"It's very simple, auction, the highest bidder wins."


In the end, the only use of [Congxin's Compass] was bought by Su Xiaosu at a high price of 62,000 DP.

Yi Lin has discovered many ways to make money.

Whether it is the commission from the shop's monthly turnover or the auction and rental fees for the [Congxin Compass] props, they can continuously bring DP income to the guild. As long as the wallets of guild members are richer and the strength of guild members is higher, the station managed by Yi Lin will only become richer and richer.

This is a virtuous cycle.

Not to mention that Yilin also has a Haiting City resident, the Great Engineer Tower.

Yi Lin believes that when the situation in Haiting City is stabilized by Li Kai, it will also bring Yi Lin a lot of death point income.

Three days passed.

In the Apostle Forum, there are areas corresponding to each level.

An anonymous apostle posted the same message.

This... is actually a recruitment notice.

[On May 12th, the Apocalypse Guild will hold its first recruitment fair outside the Great Engineer Tower in Haiting City, outside the high wall. 】

[Employment requirements: Level 2. 】

[Application requirements: Show your personal strengths. 】

[Admission method: On-site judges will select the best candidates. 】

[Number of students admitted: no limit. 】

[Welcome to the Great Engineer Tower. 】

After the version update, a [recruitment message] appeared in the good apostle forum, which made many people dream of going back to the era of social animals.

But this is no ordinary job fair, it’s the world’s number one guild, Apocalypse, which is finally recruiting!

After the version update, the number of deaths in the world due to forced recruitment is difficult to estimate, but the number of apostles who survived in the end far exceeded the total number of previous apostles. Except for the inherent family power or some organizations in the past, idle amateurs who have no affiliation account for more than 90% of the current surviving apostles.

These are all amateurs with no guild, no organization, and no family affiliation!

Apocalypse Guild's reputation is loud enough in this circle.

Many people have received the news.

Currently, there are four regional servers in the world, Tower of War, Tower of Conquest, Tower of Death, and Tower of Famine. The total number of guilds in the four regional servers exceeds one hundred. But among so many guilds, there are only three guild stations!

And Apocalypse Guild, the world's No. 1 Guild that remains at the top of the world rankings, occupies two locations!

The name of Apocalypse Guild, even in the ears of a newbie, is so loud that they dare not ignore it.

And now, the world's number one guild, a super guild with two locations... is openly recruiting!

In other words,

As long as you join this guild,

Doesn't it mean that they have become members of the world's number one guild in an instant?

"As long as we join them, then we will also be number one?"

This news,

in the circle,

It's like a huge stone thrown down, causing thousands of waves.

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