Infinity Throne

Chapter 628 Uninvited Guest

Nong Po Valley.

Late spring of the first year.

"One month, do you know how I got here this month?"

Under the scorching sun.

Yi Rin sweatdropped.

As summer approaches, the weather begins to get hotter, and the faint chirping of cicadas can be heard in the woods, telling the emptiness and boredom deep within.

If Yi Lin first came here, it was somewhat utilitarian, in order to find the location of props related to "crystals".

After a month of farm life, Yi Lin's heart had completely calmed down, and she gradually realized the joy that she could not usually get from the pleasant farm life.

This is a strange experience for Yi Lin.

As the season was approaching and the last wave of crops was harvested, Yilin did not continue to sow seeds in the fields, but instead saved money and waited for Pippie to produce summer seeds to start a new season of work.

Each type of seed has a maturity period, but when the seasons change, the seeds in the corresponding season will wither instantly. If the seeds do not have time to mature, it will only be a waste of money.

As a new-generation farmer who is very budget-conscious, Yi Lin naturally understands the importance of proper planting.

Yi Lin's farm is starting to get on track.

On the eleventh day of spring, Yi Lin adopted a female cat.

——If you are tired of raising dogs, change your taste.

Meow's name is "Xiao Meng".

On the twelfth day, a horse ran into the farm.

The horse's name is "Xiao Shou".

On the seventeenth day, Yilin saved enough wood and stones to build the first chicken coop.

I stopped by Marnie’s farm in the south of the island and bought my first cute chick.

Yi Lin also named the first chick "Gil No. 1".

Animal husbandry on the farm finally started.

On the twentieth day, Yi Lin heard that there was a mine in the north. When he rushed into the mine bravely, he found that the mine was full of slimy monsters. Yi Lin was in a hurry to go home to collect vegetables and was too lazy to rub bullets. , so he couldn't help but shoot [Grasp of Annihilation] at the pile of monsters... and finally the mine collapsed.

On the twenty-fifth day, the mine was finally repaired by the "Adventurers Guild". Because of her guilty conscience, Yi Lin stopped going to the mine for the time being.

On the twenty-seventh day, Yi Lin accidentally discovered that fishing can make money. He found the fisherman [Willy] on the beach and tried hard to get Yi Lin to give him a "fishing rod".

Yi Lin suppressed the idea of ​​destroying Willy. In a rage, that night, taking advantage of the dark moon and high wind and the stillness of the night, she directly used telekinesis to destroy the entire river in the southern river flowing through Gugu Town. All the fish were caught in one fell swoop. He kept some for cooking, but all the other fish was thrown away in the shipping box.

After he stuffed nearly tons of fish into the "dimensional shipping box", he finally understood why the farmer named "Qian Duoduo"... ah no, now he is "Farmer King Qian Duoduo" , will make money so quickly in the early stage.

It turns out that fishing makes money really fast.

Yi Lin knew it too late.

On the twenty-eighth day, Yi Lin's ranking in the farmer rankings instantly surged to first place.

[Congratulations to “Farmer” Yilin for her total assets exceeding 100,000G. 】

[The level is upgraded to "Farmer King". 】

【Please keep up the good work! 】

In an instant, Yi Lin was upgraded to the "Farmer King" level.

He even skipped the middle level of "Farmer Spirit".

On the night of the twenty-eighth day.

Having discovered a new way to make money, Yi Lin prepared to follow the same pattern and quietly came to the river, but found that there was not a single fish in the entire river.

Several fishermen in the town cursed and left carrying empty buckets, cursing which bastard had emptied the entire river of fish.

Yi Lin felt that this matter had nothing to do with her.

The departure of the fish is due to Shui's unwillingness to stay, and it is not his own pursuit. What does it have to do with Yi Lin?

Yi Rin returned to the farm with peace of mind.

On the twenty-ninth day, there were still no fish.

Even the surrounding ponds were empty of fish.

Yi Lin was finally convinced that the total number of fish was fixed, and he... caught them all. He is truly a "fishing expert".

On the 30th day, Gil No. 1 hatched the first egg. Yilin witnessed the birth process of life with his own eyes, and strange feelings welled up in his heart. In order to commemorate this great first egg, he spent that night, This "Gill No. 1 Egg" was fried into a delicious poached egg with golden brown and slightly burnt sides, and was eaten in the stomach.

Time flies.

The first spring ends.

When I woke up, the farmland was occupied by weeds and locusts overnight.

On the ranking list, Yi Lin ranked first, surpassing Qian Duoduo with the rank of "Farmer King".

First year, summer.


Snow mountain station.

May 3rd.

"I have an idea!"

At a new meeting, Molly patted her chest mysteriously, and the dark circles under her eyes seemed particularly refreshing to others.

"Miss Mo, what can I do?"

"Oh, this lady is saying that I have a way to get you to Haiting City in the blink of an eye."

Li Erpang was stunned: "Wait a minute, you are obviously not..."

Molly, Mo Rendi, and Ling Yiyi failed to become apostles even after the version update. This was no secret in the station.

When everyone was staring at the bloody storm on the forum all day long, secretly feeling depressed about the challenges that Haiting City was about to face, they didn't expect that Molly actually brought a weird piece of good news.

They all came to Snow Mountain from Haiting City via Yilin's "Teleportation Formation".

All the core senior members here know one thing.

Somewhere in the station, a teleportation array has been set up in advance, but currently no one can use it except Yi Lin.

But Molly actually...?

"Don't underestimate the learning ability of scientific researchers, you bastard!" Molly clenched her pink fists: "Besides, Na Hundan also said that the technology he brought back belongs to a kind of science. As long as it is science, it can be People can learn it. After all, I, Molly, am also a specially recruited doctorate degree. This bit of science and technology cannot trouble me."


When Li Xiuqi heard this, he was surprised and happy, but he still didn't believe it.

Nor dare.

They dare to take Yi Lin's ride, after all, Yi Lin's strength is more convincing than any guarantee. But they have never ridden in Molly's car! In addition, Molly was not an apostle at all, and her guarantee was unconvincing. Li Xiuqi even couldn't help but imagine a funny scenario on how to make other members of the Shence Army willingly sign a "life and death certificate."

Molly doesn't fight uncertain battles.

She had experience launching a teleportation array once.

She located the coordinates from the capital and used a small teleportation array to teleport Yi Lin and others to the coordinates of the snow mountain.

There was a slight deviation in altitude at that time.

But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, aren’t you surviving well?

The so-called "tips" Yi Lin left behind before leaving were actually two drawings, both of which were densely filled with criss-crossing circuits, nodes, and core locations.

Based on her own experience, Molly judged that one of the drawings should be a large teleportation circuit diagram that could transport nearly a hundred people from the entire Apocalypse Guild over long distances. The nodes, circuits, and core structures on the drawing are far more complex than the "small" one that Molly completed.

Yi Lin has already set up the corresponding teleportation array in the Great Engineer Tower.

Compared with point-to-coordinate transmission, the difficulty of point-to-point transmission is reduced by N levels in terms of accuracy control.

It's actually not difficult.

But Molly was nervous.

What if something goes wrong?

So she didn't dare to guarantee it.

In the past few days, even the vacuum smelting equipment has been installed. Thanks to the efforts of Li Xiuqi and others, the No. 0 unit assembly line is almost completed. It can be said that everything is ready and only needs to be officially started. But because of the job fair, Molly could only put aside the adjustments to the design drawings of Unit Zero for the time being and concentrate on studying the two drawings left by Yi Lin.

Under a bright desk lamp.

Molly carefully left her own mark on the teleportation array drawing using Juanxiu's tiny fonts.

Inexplicably, Molly felt her heart pounding when she saw Yi Lin's words and her own handwriting lined up side by side. Something was wrong with her.

In order to relieve her panic, she took a sip of cold slightly salted instant coffee... but she didn't expect that under the influence of caffeine, her heartbeat would accelerate even more.

"Hiss, damn coffee."

Molly lay on the table and complained in a low voice, completely ignoring how heavy the heart felt for Coffee, who was lying innocently. Inadvertently, she saw another drawing that she threw on the corner of the table like a paper towel. Molly just glanced at the second drawing and ignored it.

But now Molly felt that the circuits and nodes on that blueprint that she didn't know what to use for were more complicated. There are a total of 364 secondary circuits, intermediate circuits, and high-level circuits, and there are countless nodes where the circuits intersect. Molly is also confused about the second drawing that Yilin deliberately left behind. What is this for.

" this here?"

As she looked at it, Molly's eyes widened. She suddenly felt that one of the small pieces looked familiar, as if Yi Lin had taught her before.

Haiting City.

These past few days have been particularly quiet for Li Kai.

Su Zhe led a group of newbies to quickly clean up the thugs left in Haiting City.

Those thugs were not of high level and weak in strength. Even indiscriminate firing of ordinary standard pistols can pose a life threat to them. It's just that the thugs seemed to be engaged in guerrilla warfare, blowing up here and burning there. Wherever they passed, they preached such nonsense as "This world is full of sin and despair, and only the dawn can provide love and salvation."

Some thugs even used paint to leave graffiti with the words "Embrace the Dawn" on commercial streets, shops, shopping malls, movie theaters and other places that used to be bustling with people. Now they seemed to be too lazy to pretend, and directly named the "Shuguang Sect".

But thanks to Su Zhe's efforts, the number of these thugs is decreasing day by day. In addition, in order to prepare for the upcoming job fair, Li Kai blocked traffic arteries and underground lines in advance, completely closing Haiting City away from the outside world.

Tianqi Guild is indeed recruiting people, but with Tianqi's current strength, it cannot accommodate so many unfamiliar newcomers at once.

As the job fair date approaches.

There are more and more sneaky people in Haiting City.

Among these ghosts, there were many who really wanted to join the Apocalypse Guild, but for the sake of safety, Li Kai still used his current manpower to set up a cordon hundreds of meters outside the high wall.

Of course, this cordon composed of cute new guards is useless to the high-level apostles. But enough bluffing, Li Kai just wanted "order", and he didn't really want to rely on these new recruits who had just been recruited into the guard to stop the high-level apostles who were bent on causing trouble.

Two more days passed.

Li Kai tiptoed away from his wife.

Hiss, I overslept.

Low back pain.

Just when he was about to wash up briefly and go to work on the 199th floor, Su Zhe sent a message in a hurry:

"Old Li! Come down quickly! There are uninvited guests!"

uninvited guest?

The three exclamation marks in Su Zhe's message made Li happy.

Li Kaidun didn't even care about waking up his wife, put on his clothes and went straight to the high wall.

A man with dyed white hair and long hair tied up casually, carrying an ancient sword, stood quietly outside the high wall of light.

He closed his eyes and was surrounded by dozens of escorts in the center.

Su Zhe was confronting the visitor.

Li Kai hurriedly came downstairs. When he saw clearly who the "uninvited guest" Su Zhe was talking about, he frowned and expressed solemnly.

That man's sword was as sharp as iron, and no one around him dared to move it.

——Including Su Zhe.


The so-called uninvited guest,

It turned out to be... Ying Xia!

It belongs to the bright moon of the Qin Dynasty and wins the summer!

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