Infinity Throne

Chapter 635 Epic shorts!

When Yi Lin came to Marnie's farm.

The middle-aged woman, wearing a tight-fitting bag, was working in the fields with her butt sticking out.

No wonder Lao Lu is so attracted to Marnie.

Yi Lin remembered the big-mouthed Vincent's comment and nodded secretly.

“If you want to buy a cow, you have to have a barn.”

When Yi Lin expressed her interest, Marnie rejected Yi Lin's request to buy "livestock" with a sullen face.

"The favorability level is not enough."

Yilin understood the reason as soon as he saw Marnie's face.

The favorability level is not enough.

Even though the residents of the town accepted him normally, they still treated him coldly.

But Yi Lin didn't care either.

He went to strike up a conversation with Marnie, the charming woman, but it was just a false shot.

While Marnie wasn't paying attention, Yi Lin walked to the corner of the farm, activated [Shadow Follower] and [Shadow Kill] at the same time, and got into Marnie's house.

In Vincent's words, Marnie is a resident with quite a story.

She was a flower in the town when she was young.

No one knows whether she is married now or not.

Living together on Marnie's farm are Marnie's nephew [Shane], and Shane's niece [Jas].

They are all nephews and nieces. Yi Lin feels that the relationship between them is a bit complicated. Maybe if you study carefully, you can find out some secrets.

But now Yi Lin is not here to explore Marnie's secrets.

During his time in Gugu Town, he had almost figured out the behavior patterns of the residents in the town.

Those who work go to work, those who hang out hang out, and those who open shops open shops.

At this time, Marnie's house was empty.

Yi Lin enters the house.

The buildings in Cugu Town all have the attribute of [indestructible], which means that in Cugu Town, these buildings cannot be destroyed by force.

This is not the first time Yi Lin has seen this kind of setting.

It can't even be taken down. Otherwise, if it is taken back and used as a shield, wouldn't it be invincible?

A strange thought flashed through his mind, and without stopping, he quickly found Marnie's bedroom and entered it.

Marnie's bedroom is simple and nothing special.

Yilin sensed the release and soon found the target under Marnie's bed.

"Why did they run under the bed? This old Lu and Marnie... were having a very intense butt sex."

Yi Lin had a strange expression, snapped her fingers, and a pair of wrinkled purple shorts floated out from under Marnie's bed.

Recalling the experience of washing off several layers of skin with her hands after coming into contact with Lao Pan [Harley Quinn's good friend], Yi Lin refused to touch it with her hands. Getting a little closer, Yi Lin looked at the purple shorts intently.

The next second, the attributes of the shorts appeared in front of Yi Lin's eyes.

[Louis’ Lucky Purple Shorts]


【Effect】Luck +5.0

[Durable] Never wear out

[Instructions] Click to view details.


Looking at the properties of purple shorts.

Yi Lin fell into silence for a minute.

He... was numb.

Yi Lin's spiritual attributes have reached the extraordinary level. Based on his brain, he never expected that this seemingly ordinary and a bit ugly purple shorts... turned out to be an epic piece of equipment!


But looking at the attributes, Yi Lin felt that it was natural.

【Lucky +5】!

【Never wear out】!

These two attributes are definitely beyond the scope of [rare level], and it is not too much to rate them as epic level.

There are also three, six or nine levels among epic levels.

Just talking about the weapon series, Pan Zhengyi’s stick, and Yi Lin’s [Storm and Thunder Messenger] cannot be generalized.

But no matter what, these shorts are epic.

"But...who would wear it!"

When she thought about where these shorts came from, this was the reason why Yi Lin was confused.

These are second-hand pants. Even if the shorts have the incredible property of [luck +5], Yi Lin will never wear them.

This is the principle.

It's also the bottom line.

Yi Lin can't, at least she shouldn't.

Moreover, there are no restrictions on these shorts such as "cannot be taken out of this trial".

In other words, these shorts can be taken out.

Perhaps after being taken out, these shorts would flow into the circle of apostles and cause a bloody storm.

Many apostles do not have this kind of cleanliness and bottom line.

Maybe because of his awesome attributes, even Li Erpang would be willing to wear women's clothes.

All just to survive.

What's more, after the version update, the previous mode of obtaining random rewards in trials has been changed to a new version of the krypton gold mode in which DP is used to extract props from the wishing well. With these shorts, no matter who it is, they will go farther and smoother on the road to earning money.

"Wait a minute, even if I don't wear these underwear, it's okay for other people in the guild to wear them!"

Yi Lin suddenly had a bold idea.

Twenty minutes later.

Yi Lin was sneaky, easily avoiding everyone's sight, and walked around behind the mayor Lu Yisi, who was shaking his head, sighing, and hammering his waist with one hand.


Yi Lin coughed twice, canceled [Following Like a Shadow], and the purple underwear fell at Louis' feet from behind.

"Old Lu, please take a moment to speak."


When Lao Lu saw the purple shorts at his feet, he subconsciously pounced on them... but missed.

The purple shorts moved eerily to the left.

Lao Lu didn't believe in evil, so he pounced again.

This time, the purple shorts were slapped directly on Lao Lu’s face, making a loud slap.

Yi Lin helplessly spread her hands and repeated the previous sentence: "Old Lu, I said, please take a step to speak."


One minute later.

Old Lu's face was full of grievance.

On the table is Schrödinger's underwear, visible but untouchable.

Yi Lin ignored Lao Lu's thoughts and raised her fingers: "I went through all the hard work to help you find the lucky purple shorts. Where is the promised reward?"

Yi Lin saw the blood and negotiated terms.

Lao Lu sighed.

He didn't hesitate to ask where Yi Lin found it.

Others don’t know where he lost his shorts. Doesn’t he still know?

Lao Lu still has this in mind. He just didn't expect that these shorts could magically get under the bed and into Lao Lu's blind spot.


Lao Lu stretched out a finger and made an offer.

Yi Lin smiled kindly and said nothing.


Yi Lin continued to smile.

"3000G! No more!" Poor Lewis gritted his teeth. This was already the highest price he could give.

In the room, the wooden chair behind Yi Lin was tilted at 45 degrees. Yi Lin lazily leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, and crossed his hands on his knees, making a relaxing posture. He chuckled: "I heard that every eleventh day of summer, the governor will take a boat to Gugu Town to hold a grand annual 'luau party'."

This is where the importance of intelligence comes into play.

Louis was stunned.

The festival is this festival.

But what does it have to do with his precious shorts?

Yi Lin looked at Louis' stunned expression, stretched out, and said casually: "I am the most helpful person, but, Lao Lu, you give too little. You look at me like Are you missing those three to five thousand people? Who are you looking down on?"


"I heard that there will be booths set up at the luau, but the crops on my farm are not of high quality and there is nothing to display... The mayor's shorts look quite beautiful."


"I also heard that on the day of the Hawaiian Banquet, a 'Bai Le Soup' will be cooked. Everyone puts the same ingredient into the soup and cooks it in a big pot. Look, Lao Lu, I am not happy that the rewards are not in place. When I'm unhappy, I'll feel flustered, have chest tightness, feel unhappy, and even have trembling hands."

As Yi Lin spoke, Schrödinger's purple shorts really started to tremble as they moved on the table.

Lao Lu was stunned.

Yi Lin was afraid that Lao Lu wouldn't be able to figure it out, so she kindly reminded her, "What if I accidentally shake Lao Lu's baby into the soup..."

"Fuck!" Lao Lu was furious and slapped a rusty old key on the table: "Young farmer, you win!"

[Mayor of Gugu Town, Lu Yisi’s favorability is -100! 】

Yi Lin walked out of Louis' door with a smile. After going out, he thought of something and kindly reminded: "I am a very strict person. Don't worry, under normal circumstances I will never tell this matter. I I forgot to mention it just now. When I'm in a bad mood, my mouth will shake. If my mouth shakes and I accidentally say something I shouldn't say..."

"Handsome farmer, have a good journey! Welcome to come often! You are always welcome in Gugu Town!"

Louis' old face, pink and black with wrinkles, instantly became sunny and smiling.

[Mayor of Gugu Town, Lu Yisi’s favorability +250! 】

Yi Lin left satisfied.

This wave is perfect.

Let’s return these epic shorts to Louis first.

Yi Lin was not willing to stay with him for so long. He had other plans and was not in a hurry.

Let’s talk about the shorts for now.

As for whether Lao Lu will lose [Lu Yisi's lucky purple shorts] again, this is not what Yi Lin is worried about.

But Yilin wished that Lao Lu would lose it again.

According to Lao Lu's temperament, if he loses his shorts again, the task of finding them will still fall on him.

A one-time task is done over and over again as a daily task. As long as there is a reward, Yi Lin is willing to work harder.

After going out.

Yi Lin looked at the key that Lao Lu handed him with a sad face.

[Community Center Door Key]


[Effect] Can open the abandoned community center door.

[Explanation] Be careful, it is said that that place is... not clean.

Not far to the north of Gugu Town, in the suburbs, there is indeed a dangerous building.

It is said that it has been abandoned for many years.

To be honest, when Yi Lin was exploring the map, he went in and took a quick look.

Didn't find anything weird.

It is indeed a dilapidated building inside.

There are still holes in the ceiling.

But since Lao Lu gritted his teeth and gave out the key, there must be something unusual about it.

After putting away the keys, Yi Lin looked at the balance in her pocket and walked to Pipiai's grocery store.

There was a truck parked in front of the grocery store, and the proprietress was working hard to move boxes of heavy goods into the store.

Yi Lin saw that this seemed to be an opportunity to increase her favorability, so she quickly stepped forward and offered to help.

I also gave a small gift by the way.

[Carolyn’s favorability +1! 】

[Carolyn’s favorability +20! 】

The front is the favorability of helping to move goods.

What comes after is the favorability of giving gifts.

Looking at Yi Lin's expression, Caroline finally changed.

No longer as cold as before.

Pippie was busy in the house, leaving his wife to chat with Yi Lin at the door.

"You people who do farm work are physically strong. My Pierre is weak and cannot compare to you."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Yi Lin said modestly, after all, he was lazy and cheated, so he was not tired at all.

"Actually, if you exercise more, you can get better. The leather shop manager doesn't exercise too much and he doesn't even want to move things by himself."

"Yes," Caroline said with a slightly nostalgic expression:

"I remember that when I was young, I also liked sports, going out, and playing. When I first moved to Gugu Town, I liked walking alone near the Master Tower. I used to know a friend who was also very helpful. Oh, by the way. ..." Caroline's expression changed slightly mid-sentence, as if she realized that she had spilled the beans, and lowered her voice to warn: "Don't tell Pier, he is more suspicious."


Yi Lin didn't expect that she really gave the right gift this time. From Caroline's words, she accidentally discovered the blind spot.

"Mage Tower?"

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