Infinity Throne

Chapter 648 Gem Copying Machine



"Gather the wool!"

early morning.

Yi Lin looked at the rising autumn sun and encouraged herself loudly.

After being encouraged, Yi Lin ran to the sewer and asked Krobus to buy the limited edition of [Void Essence] and [Sun Essence] for that day, while thinking about yesterday's meeting with the Supreme Mage.

"According to this method of increasing favorability, it is too slow."

"This Supreme Mage seems a little special compared to others."

"...He has a huge appetite."

"I have reasonable suspicion that the amount of void essence and sun essence required to send gifts to the later stage will be very large."

In other words.

At Krobus, the daily limit of 10 purchased is not enough for the Supreme Mage to rinse his mouth.

After the purchase was completed, Yi Lin’s usual practice was to give gifts to the residents one by one according to their previous activity routes.

This matter has become Yilin's good habit in Gugu Town.

Yi Lin did not waste time on some residents who had irregular movement routes and did not clock in to work.

Human energy is limited, Yi Lin can only do her best, but cannot cover everything.

Occasional contact with four other farmers.

After communicating with each other, the card collection task in the community center has made gratifying progress.

I believe that if nothing unexpected happens, the most important "building", the greenhouse, will be restored next spring.

As for other functions such as "Gugu Town Mine Car", "Bus" and "Bridge", Yi Lin didn't pay much attention.

A few more things would make Yi Lin nervous.

too tired.


Yi Lin left Gugu Town and contacted Yan Cao immediately.

Regarding Yi Lin's question, Yan Cao did not hide anything. He laughed and answered in the private chat: "I don't know much about the 'Void Essence'. But the 'Sun Essence' is in the layers after 60, a kind of It’s called a ‘ghost’ monster drop.”


Yi Lin was confused. Is this a serious farming trial? Why do ghosts even appear in the mine?

"Don't worry, it's just a mob. If you're worried about not having the ability to deal with them, you can go to the Adventurer's Guild Malone and buy some equipment. Just use the equipment you bought and just chop it up a few times. I personally think that in In the mine before the sixtieth floor, as long as you don't get beaten up, it won't be a big problem."

"What about after the sixtieth floor?"

Speaking of business, Yan Cao's tone became more solemn: "To be honest, this mine is a bit interesting. The monsters in front are all quite cute. Once you reach the 50th floor and above, the strength of the monsters increases linearly. The deepest I went down was the 64th floor, and I felt the pressure, so I didn’t go deeper for the time being.”

Even Yan Cao, a senior strength player, feels pressured...

Yi Lin probably had a preliminary and intuitive impression of the strength of monsters in the deep mines.

But it shouldn't be a big problem for him.

The difficulty of people and people cannot be generalized.

It's not that Yi Lin is complacent, it's just the fact.

At the end of the phone call between the two, Yan Cao kindly reminded: "By the way, that damn essence, the violence rate is not too high."


Yi Lin did not ask about the overall ranking of the others in this trial. But thinking about it, with his ranking in the top 100 in the world, if he can't deal with this Nongpo Valley mine, then the mines in this world are basically the same as "unsolvable".

"I don't have time to spare!"

Yi Rin has a headache.

Whether it's agriculture, animal husbandry, manufacturing, or a range of resident tasks, they all take a lot of time.

Yi Lin now feels that time is really not enough.

It is really not that easy to exceed 30 million in assets in 360 days.

Having experienced spring and summer, Yi Lin has experience.

During this period of time, he was either in the liver or on the way to the liver, never stopping.


During this trial, Yi Lin developed a good habit of getting up at six in the morning and going to bed at two in the morning.

On time, on time, every second.

"In addition, some additional preparations must be made."

Yi Lin carefully thought about the recipes and formulas, and quickly made a decision.

Farm life, to Yi Lin, is like a well-wound machine.

Everything is running in an orderly manner according to established procedures.

The seventh day of autumn.

Yilin followed the opening time of "Qiao's Supermarket" on the poster and came to the east of Gugu Town.

A few days ago, construction workers from outside the island came by boat to renovate a large vacant house on the east side of Gugu Town, near the blacksmith shop and museum, into a brand new supermarket.

The signboard of the supermarket reads in eye-catching and exciting fonts - [JOJA Supermarket Chain].

In the lower right corner of the signboard, there is a short and concise bat icon.

A scarlet bat with its wings rolled up and its eyes flashing red.

Yi Lin looked at the bat icon for a moment.

The red bat also seemed to be staring at Yi Lin.

Yi Lin pinched her face.

"It would be interesting if this is really Green's territory."

In the corner of Yilin's storage space, there are still the rewards brought from the Green Town Trial.

——[Nightmare Score Chapter 6].

That sheet music is really just sheet music.

No attributes, no description. When you open it, you will see a complicated musical notation.

This really makes things difficult for people who don’t understand music.

"Welcome to Qiaojia Supermarket! Our Qiaojia Supermarket is newly opened and will hold a one-year grand opening event! Every customer who purchases in the store can get a 'discount coupon' with various discounts! Buy it The more you get, the more discounts you get, and you can even be upgraded to a permanent membership of this supermarket in the end!”

In addition to Yi Lin, there are many residents who came here today because of various publicity campaigns for the opening.

Oh, Yi Lin actually saw Pipi.

Pippie was following behind his wife Caroline, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth as he looked at the neatly arranged shelves, as if he wanted to do something inhuman.

His wife, Caroline, on the other hand, was in high spirits. She was looking glamorous in black silk high-heeled shoes and a hip-hugging little black skirt, lingering on the shelves one after another.

Except for the town residents.

Yi Lin also discovered Qian Duoduo, Bai Runding, and Wang Gebi among the people visiting the supermarket.

Everyone looked at each other with a tacit understanding and said nothing.

During a trial, a "JOJA Supermarket" suddenly appeared out of thin air, which is certainly worth noting.

"I'm not just here to shop."

Qian Duoduo looked serious, and while rushing to buy discounted seeds, fertilizers, and daily necessities from the shopping cart, he said matter-of-factly to Bai Runding beside him.

"Yeah yeah."

While Bai Runding agreed, his hand speed was very fast, and a shopping cart was filled in a short time.

Wang Gebi turned into a friend of women and did not forget to increase his favorability in this chaotic shopping situation. He lingered around young women, enthusiastically recommending the pros and cons of products to them, and helping them find out what kind of skin care products were suitable for their skin, and so on.

What a mess!

The person who said "Welcome" at the door just now was "Shane", the nephew who lives on Marnie's farm. An older, unmarried young man.

He actually came here to work.

"Where's your boss?"

Yi Lin usually goes to Marnie's farm when she has nothing to do, and witnesses the passionate twilight love between Lao Lu and Marnie, and they also maintain a good friendship with Shane.

"Our boss? I've never met him." Shane looked at the future "Farmer Star" in front of him with a straight face: "I submitted my resume to the supermarket and was hired within half a day. I have never met the boss here at all. .”

Yi Lin was stunned. He released his senses and found that except for Shane and a few other employees, there was no one else in the entire Qiao's supermarket.

"It's a bit weird."

Since she didn't find the person she was looking for, Yi Lin could only go shopping.

You can't always leave empty-handed.

The prices in Qiao's supermarket are generally about 10%-20% more expensive than those in Pipi's grocery store. After adding in the messy discount coupons, they are barely lower than those in Pipi's. Obviously, this method of promoting first and then suppressing is also a common promotion method used by some unscrupulous merchants. Yi Lin instantly saw through the marketing conspiracy of Qiaojia Supermarket.

It is worth mentioning that [Sunflower Seeds] are much cheaper than Pipiai.

Except for the strict discipline that is still immersed in the mines.

The four farmers each held a pile of goods and met again at the entrance of Qiao's supermarket.

"Don't forget your mission!"

Qian Duoduo reminded.

"Haha, I have an appointment today, so I'll leave first."

Wang Gebi smoothed his bangs and left with a smile.

I don’t know who he has an appointment with today.

The appearance of Qiao's Supermarket did not bring much changes to their trial as Yi Lin initially warned.

Grow vegetables when you need to grow vegetables, fish when you want to fish, mine when you want to mine, and cook when you want to cook.

Except for going to the mage tower once a day, Yi Lin spent almost all of her time cooking and making money.

Just before winter approaches, at the end of autumn.

The wine in the basement is finally out of the barrel.

Some of it was kept as a spare, and the rest of the "wine" was thrown into the dimensional shipping box.

[Congratulations to "Agricultural King" Yi Lin for his total assets exceeding 2,000,000G. 】

[The level is upgraded to "Nong Zong". 】

【Please keep up the good work! 】


Yi Lin reached the realm of "Nong Zong".

He is finally a strong farmer!

Although Yi Lin has not changed at all on the surface, after going through all these things, when he returns to the real world, he may be better at farming than Li Shizhen.


Yi Lin didn't mind being dirty and sat down in the field.

Each time you upgrade, the corresponding recipe will be unlocked.


Yi Lin opened the recipe interface.

A dazzling array of new recipes appear on the list.

Yi Lin glanced at it and carefully looked at the description and properties of the new formula.

"Bombs are used to blow up mines and people. Their power is one level higher than cherry bombs. The point is, they won't blow up the mines."

"Slime incubator? Can I still raise slimes? Hiss, the style is getting weirder and weirder."

"The new species of fishing bait... well, it has nothing to do with me, and the fishing rod is useless."

"Gem copy machine, copy machine, copy, copy... Huh???"

Yi Lin subconsciously turned into a repeater.

The next second, he sat up from the ground and stared at the new instrument that appeared on the formula list.

"Gem replicator!!!"

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