Infinity Throne

Chapter 650 Mine Storm

The first forty floors of the mine are a medium-sized soil layer.

But once you get to the 40th floor and go down,

But it turned into frozen soil.

It's like changing your skin.

The low temperature in the cave made Yi Lin understand that the sudden change in the style of the cave painting in front of her was not an illusion.

One...oh no, it was a group of [frozen slimes], with smiles on their faces and howling and panting, rushing towards Yi Lin.

Not to mention, at first glance, these monsters are a bit cute, and it’s hard to bear to take action...

"Bang bang bang bang——"

[Chaos value +4! 】

[Chaos value +5! 】

[Chaos value +4! 】

There was a slight lag when the thought that "I couldn't bear to do it" emerged in Yi Lin's mind. The "psychic bullets" that had been rubbed in the barrel of the gun were fired at a group of frozen slimes, shooting non-stop.

"If you guys had been cute for just a second, you wouldn't have died."

[Frozen Slime] is similar to other types of slime, and the things it drops are all - [Slime Mud].

After clearing the monsters in front of him, Yi Lin stepped on the sticky liquid and walked in the mine.

In the darkness, there are small eyes, shrinking, avoiding, panicking, and hesitating.

They are...scared.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

In the middle and late autumn, in addition to a series of normal farmer activities such as planting fields, harvesting vegetables, frying fish ponds, and gathering wool, Yi Lin worked hard for only two things.

1. Make a bomb.

After the [Bomb] formula is unlocked, it can be made on the craftsman's table mainly using coal and iron ore, which is extremely cost-effective.

It can not only save spiritual energy points, but also don't have to worry about mine collapse, so Yilin has a lot of reserves.

2. Cook.

A whole autumn.

I spend most of my time cooking on the stove.

Who knows how he survived this autumn, facing the smoke of fireworks!

【Lucky Lunch】

[Grade] Rare

[Recipe] Sea cucumber*1, Mexican pizza*1, Blueberry*1.

[Effect] Greatly restore physical energy, luck +3, duration: 16 hours.

【Description】A special and simple meal.

【Special offer for miners】

[Grade] Rare

[Recipe] Cave radish*2, sugar*1, optional milk*1

[Effect] Restore physical energy to a large extent, and increase mining power by 3. Duration: 8 hours.

[Explanation] Never ask what "mining power" is, it will increase the grip strength of your hands. In the mines, besides weapons, it will be your best companion, even on lonely nights.

These recipes are not as simple as just throwing the ingredients into the pot and flipping the lid open.

These dishes took Yi Lin a lot of thought.

Taking [Lucky Lunch] as an example, he must clean and cook [Sea Cucumber] on the basis of [Mexican Pancake]. Cooking is also particular. One minute longer will make it softer, one minute less will make it harder. The sea cucumber must be "cooked" just right, and then use exquisite knife skills to carve it into the shape of a "lucky five-pointed star" and spread it on the pancake. Finally, dry the [Lanjue] and grind it carefully into powder, then sprinkle it evenly, and the dish is complete.

[Lucky Lunch] has the crispness of Mexican pizza, the sweetness and moistness of the sea in the crispness, and the fragrance of blueberries. It is a delicious food that is full of praise.

Only dishes cooked according to the recipe perfectly will have the temporary BUFF bonus of [Luck +3].

[Special Offer for Miners] is even more outrageous.

The cave radish must be ground into a paste in advance and mixed with optional milk; start a new stove and cook the "sugar" into a stringy shape. It’s important to note here that overcooked syrup… will turn into caramel. Pour the mixture of milk and radish into the 6:50 hot syrup, stir thoroughly, then pour it into a round grinder, cool and shape, and finally insert a stick to become a lollipop. Shape to finish the work.

You can’t go wrong with any step, otherwise it won’t be a successful dish.


Yi Lin chewed into the [Miner's Special] in one bite. The sweetness mixed with the milky aroma spread in her mouth, and a soul-cleansing taste came to her forehead.

"Power is coming!"

【Lucky +3】!

[Mining power +3]!

BUFF added.

What kind of mining power, Yi Lin is not sure.

Anyway, this attribute is not in the regular panel of the apostle.

But the luck value is actually added.

Coupled with the cooking bonus, Yi Lin's luck value exceeded the 5.2 mark.

Yi Lin was so moved that she had nothing to say.

God knows, he has never experienced the feeling of having his luck value exceed 5 points.


Load it!


Since the monsters didn't come, Yi Lin took the initiative and rushed into the pile of monsters.

The status of the poor slimes was reversed in an instant. They went from being monsters that pounced on the farmer to cute creatures that were pounced on by the farmer.



After the gun exploded, bright fireworks burst out from the muzzle.

A white light penetrated more than a dozen [frozen slimes] and finally disappeared into the ice wall of the mine.

Yi Lin was stunned.

On the double revolver spirit weapon [Destruction and Redemption], [Psychic Bullet] is the most basic attack method. Equivalent to a normal attack.

But [Psychic Bullets] are ordinary, but also a bit special.

[Special] There is a certain chance of triggering the full penetration effect of "One shot through the heart", which can shoot through all creatures in a straight line.

[Psychic Bullet], as a normal attack, also has a probabilistic triggering effect. But Yi Lin never triggered it.

After the luck value increases, this triggering effect finally has a place to be used.

Whether it is used to brush monsters or save psionic energy, it is very useful.

This sudden outburst made Yi Lin so happy that she almost screamed dolphin sound.

So cool!

"Bombs" floated out of Yi Lin's farmer's backpack.

"Chi chi chi——"

The fuses were ignited, and the bombs floated toward the ore-dense corners of the mine.

Yi Lin looked at the trembling [Frozen Slime], [Frost Bat], and [Sand Evil Spirit] in front of her, smiling brightly. Under the dim light, the two rows of neat teeth were even more dazzling than the slimes.


"A Time to Kill."


The next few days.

Yi Lin was furious and cleared the mine.

Work at sunrise and return late at night.

Since the mage lived with him, he no longer had to waste time every day on a special trip to the mage tower.

Every morning, you only need to run to the sewers, buy the limited amount of [Void Essence] and [Sun Essence], stuff them into the mage's trouser pocket, finish the work in a hurry, and leave, hiding his merit and fame.

In order to increase efficiency, Yi Lin even persuaded the mage to help put feed in the chicken coop and cowshed.

The mage was not happy at first.

He refused to die.

The awesome Sorcerer Supreme, Rasmodes Stephen Strange, felt that helping out with the farm work was losing his cards.

But when Yi Lin packed the "essence" that had been accumulated for several days into a sack in one breath and threw it in front of the Supreme Mage, the proud curly-haired mage finally lowered his head and expressed his determination to complete the task.

The favorability of the Supreme Mage is increasing day by day, and the little things add up.

Although after each [Void Essence] and [Sun Essence] are given out, the increased favorability is only the minimum standard "+1" point... But the Supreme Mage can't stand the huge amount!

Yi Lin gave too much!

In order to get the essence of the "circle teleportation technique" from the supreme mage, Yi Lin's whole body could be said to be covered with liver, and her whole body became different.

Sometimes, the way the Supreme Mage looked at Yi Lin when he got up in the morning, I don't know when, it started to look a little weird, as if he was staring at an taken advantage of, which made Yi Lin say something was wrong.

"Ahem, pay attention, pay attention."

Yi Lin looked away and kindly reminded the Supreme Mage to pay attention to his image, maintain his integrity and not do anything out of the ordinary.

The first winter, the third day.

Yi Lin finally reached the seventieth floor of the mine.

The treasure chest on the 70th floor was finally not touched in advance. It stayed quietly on the 70th floor, waiting for Yi Lin to come and collect it.

It seems that Yi Lin unknowingly exceeded Yan Cao's progress.


In the treasure chest, Yi Lin opened a piece of equipment.

【Advanced slingshot】

[Grade] Rare


[Effect] Any "ammunition" ejected from the slingshot will have a ballistic speed +100%.

[Description] You can pop out anything that looks like "ammunition"! Just cum and that's it!

Yi Lin's hand shook.

[Advanced Slingshot], turned into a card.

On the front of the card is a slingshot.

The card art is incomparable to the epic equipment, but it's still eye-catching.

"Sure enough, the 'equipment' can be taken out. No wonder Yan Cao is so keen on going into the mine. He should have discovered it a long time ago."

"But if you can't leave alive in the end, what's the use of bringing more equipment out?"

Yi Lin thought for a moment in the open space on the 70th floor, then smiled slightly and put the card into the storage space.

The first winter, the sixth day.

Yilin gnawed on [Miner's Special], ate [Lucky Lunch], and happily brushed [Frozen Slime], [Frost Bat], [Sand Evil Spirit], [Ghost], and [Skeleton], All the way from the 71st floor, they blasted through the 79th floor.

Congratulations to the two races [Ghost] and [Skeleton] for joining the "Alliance of Persecution by Nong Zong Yilin". It's a great joy.

The box on the 80th floor is quietly waiting for Yi Lin's arrival.

When he opened it, he saw a pair of red boots.

【Firewalker Boots】

[Grade] Rare


[Effect] Equip it and your feet can withstand high temperatures. Of course, wearing it on your hands and walking upside down can also achieve the same effect.

[Instructions] When wearing it in high temperature environments, please remember to take it off from time to time to let it breathe. Otherwise you may develop severe athlete's foot at your own risk.

What an ordinary new piece of equipment!

This attribute is in line with the "rare level" attributes and is not too outrageous.

But what does it mean to see such a pair of high-temperature-resistant equipment in a cold mine?

I looked at the time and saw that it was getting late too.

Late at night, one o'clock in the morning.

It's time to go home and wash up and sleep.

Before leaving, Yi Lin prepared to take a look at the next floor.

Yi Lin doesn't know when she developed good habits. She is an old miner.

He had just climbed down the mine stairs.

A gust of dry hot wind roasted Yi Lin's butt.

He could still feel the low temperature of the mine above him, but his lower body seemed to be on a bonfire, roasting to a delicious aroma.

This feeling of two worlds of ice and fire is very sour and refreshing.

No wonder the 80th floor would provide a pair of high-temperature-resistant equipment.

It turns out that beyond the 80th floor, there is a magma mine.

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