Infinity Throne

Chapter 653 Epiphany: Soul Cooking Technique!

Mr. Lin is kind and helpful.

So he followed.

Just when they met, purple-haired Abigail ran out crying.

"It made you laugh."

Caroline chased her out, and happened to see Yi Lin who was hesitating to go in outside the door.

She bowed, a hint of fatigue appearing on her beautiful face.

Well, it’s really hard to take care of naughty children.

Yi Lin held a few seconds of silence for Caroline.

Being a parent is not easy.

Fortunately he is still single.

Fortunately, he is not a father yet and has no plans to have children.

Yi Lin had such a strange idea inexplicably.

"What's going on?"

Yi Lin was idle anyway, taking advantage of the fact that the Supreme Mage hadn't woken up and was too lazy to go down the mines. It was a rare day off to dig here and there, maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

"Alas," Caroline sighed, "I don't know who that child looks like. He talks nonsense all day long."


"He said she saw a ghost on the road last night, saying there was someone floating in the sky."


Yi Lin thought carefully about her course of action last night.

He should not be seen.

That has nothing to do with him.

Yi Lin felt relieved.

Seeing that Yi Lin was listening attentively, Caroline was moved and continued to complain: "Let's just tell her, don't go to the cemetery all day long, don't hang out with Robin's Sebastian all day long, play rock and roll, and don't play games. She dyes her hair purple all day long... She even recently said she wanted to learn how to play the flute, which made us so angry."

"Ah this?"

"We told her not to just play all day, study hard, and one day she can leave this place. Then she started to quarrel with us."

After Caroline finished speaking, Yi Lin lowered his head and thought about it.

He noticed that no side quests popped up.

So Yi Lin asked tentatively: "Shall... help you persuade?"

"Okay! Thank you! Yi Lin!"

After the favorability level increased, Caroline called Yi Lin by her first name, and no one felt embarrassed.

Poor parents.

Yi Lin, who had nothing to do, walked around, passed by the blacksmith shop, cracked a few Easter eggs, and bought a bunch of candied haws at a roadside stall. After licking them, he finally found the sad figure sitting beside the cemetery in the cemetery. Abigail.

He was not good at comforting children.

What he is best at is giving gifts.

So he dug into the farmer's backpack, took out a "farmer's lunch", and stuffed it in front of Abigail: "It will bring you luck."

[Abigail’s favorability +5. 】

What a wonderful comfort, but I didn't expect it to turn into my own shedding of wool.

Yi Lin felt helpless, this was not his intention.

But after accepting Yi Lin's gift, Abigail finally smiled.

She started talking to Yi Lin: "I sometimes wonder whether I am their biological child. I always feel that my world view, outlook on life, and outlook on love are incompatible with theirs."


In fact, Yi Lin was not sure.

You said that Pippie's hair is brown, Caroline's hair is green, and Abigail's hair is purple.

It’s hard to believe it’s biological.

Maybe, this is a setting?


Yi Lin suddenly remembered Caroline's words.

Abigail likes to dye her hair.

Yi Lin repeated Caroline's words, and finally comforted: "Actually, they are also worried about you, but everyone can only make the decision in their own life. Just do what you like. You really have a dream, so don't worry about it. them."

Abigail gave Yi Lin a thumbs up and finally smiled.

She finished the "farmer's lunch" made by Yi Lin in three mouthfuls, wiping her mouth with lingering thoughts.

Before leaving, Abigail suddenly turned around and said doubtfully: "By the way, I remember, I haven't dyed my hair for a long time. My mother may have misremembered someone else's child."

Yi Lin slowly typed a question mark.

The ending is good in the end.

Yi Lin watched with relief as Abigail returned home obediently.

Caroline, Pippie, and Abigail, a family of three, embraced each other passionately in the snow, and the scene was beautiful.

The winter sunset comes very early.

At about four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun sets on the horizon and disappears on the other side of the mountains.

The vast snowy field reflects the remaining light, making the surrounding area still dim and bright as in the early morning.

Yi Lin estimated that it was almost time for the Supreme Mage to wake up, so she rubbed her palms together, feeling a little excited.

Before returning, Yi Lin quietly went to other people's farms for a walk.

Anyway, it's the way to go.

It's more like passing through the wilderness, passing rivers and lakes, and then crossing the mountains and arriving at the canyon.

Really smooth sailing.

Yi Lin discovered that the other four farmers were not on his farm.

"Could they all be working in the mines?"

Yi Lin remembered the question Yan Cao asked herself nervously not long ago.

A bolder idea came to his mind:

"Could it be that they are forming a team to go into the mine?"

Fight against yourself?


Don't tell me, it's really possible.

Yi Lin shook her head and smiled, returning to her farm.

Because the Supreme Mage had been drunk all day, Yi Lin could only take over the farm work of the Supreme Mage. Before entering the house, she tidied up the chicken coop and cowshed, and took a bunch of feed from the towering granary and placed it in each room. Put them in the feed trough of the chicken coop and cowshed.

Just in time.

In Chicken Coop No. 2, among a group of "Jills", Yi Lin spotted a figure that was particularly dark and unsociable.

——That’s a little black-bone chicken.

Yi Lin's expression slightly condensed.

Looks like the recipe could be updated.

He subconsciously wiped the non-existent saliva from the corner of his mouth and grabbed the new little black chicken to take a look.

The feathers on the surface of the Silky Chicken's body are covered with little shimmering "stars". The eyes of the Silky Chicken are different from other chickens in that they are actually white. While it was a bit weird, Yi Lin also felt that this fighting black chicken was particularly cool.

"Void Chicken!"

It really hatched!

The little black chicken struggled in Yi Lin's clutches.

Yi Lin happily teased him for a while, and briefly developed a good relationship with the new little black chicken.

Next comes an even more troublesome thing.

Each chicken coop has an upper limit on the amount of livestock it can accommodate.

The newly hatched Void Chicken occupies a precious spot.


A certain fattened chicken tonight,

What is the proper cooking method?

Yi Lin felt a headache.

The Sorcerer Supreme wakes up.

……the Hangover.

When he woke up, he was wrapped in a red cloak and took the shape of a mummy.

The protector's cloak was afraid that his master would freeze to death in the winter, so he came up with this trick.

“It smells so good~~!”(╯▽╰)

The tangy fragrance stimulated the food cells hidden in the Supreme Mage's body, causing his stomach to make a strange growling sound.

"woke up?"

Yi Lin was in the kitchen, wearing a black apron, and in front of her was a pot of delicious food with a tight lid.

The fragrance that the Supreme Mage smelled was the fragrance leaking from the gaps around the pot lid.

"What are you...?"

As soon as the Supreme Mage saw Yi Lin messing around in the kitchen, he immediately straightened his face.

Our hungry mage didn't want to look hungry, but after floating in the living room for a while with the power of his cloak, he still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

The Supreme Mage floated behind Yi Lin with a straight face to see what Yi Lin was cooking, it was so delicious.

Yi Lin smiled slightly:

"What a coincidence you woke up,"

"The main ingredients are young and mature hens that have been raised on pure hay for two seasons and exercised outside every day to build strong muscles."

"Use top-quality sea cucumber, salmon, and lobster meat in advance to make a sweet and fresh stock, and filter out the residue."

"Add a little bit of fine maple sugar, hazelnut powder, and pepper to the soup stock,"

"Heat the chicken in a pot of cold water to quench the blood, then cut it into pieces with a sharp knife and let it cool for later use. Add morels, chanterelles, common mushrooms, blue mushrooms and other ingredients, and stew them together with a slow fire. It's almost ready."

Yi Rin simply told the recipe.

This is not learned from somewhere.

But he created it himself.

During this time on the farm, Yi Lin had a peaceful mind. Apart from farming, mining, raising pigs and chickens, the rest of the time was spent on cooking.

It can be said that among the five farmers, no one knows cooking better than Yi Lin.

He is a cooking expert among the new generation of farmers.

Although top-quality ingredients often only require simple cooking methods.

But simplicity is better than simplicity, and complexity is wonderful. Each has its own merits. The complex field of cooking cannot be covered in a general sentence.

"Gu Gu Gu——"


In the pot, an amazing power is brewing.

Along with the fragrant aroma, the pot lid couldn't hold it down and kept shaking.


Yi Lin subconsciously took a step back.

It's obviously just ordinary ingredients and dishes, so it won't explode, right?

The Supreme Mage doesn't know much about Yi Lin.

He knew that the explosion in the mage tower was caused by overheating, which caused the alchemy materials in the crucible to become unstable.

It's just food...will it explode? He didn't think about it at all.

Yi Lin suddenly took a step back, which made the Supreme Mage feel that Yi Lin was making a fuss. He took a step closer to the boiler, deliberately sullen, and said the reason why he wanted to eat: "As the Supreme Mage, when I could still absorb the energy of the dimensional rift, I almost didn't need to take in food. But... now I can't help it. .”

Yi Lin ignored the arrogant mage who spoke out about his integrity.

He observed it for several seconds and found that there seemed to be something hidden in the pot. It was just shaking, not exploding.

Yi Lin carefully set up an invisible "psychic shield" in front of her as a defense. Immediately afterwards, Yi Lin opened the lid of the pot in one go.


A stream of colorful light rose into the sky.

Beside the pot, Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage were stunned by the exaggerated special effects of this dish.


Yi Lin froze on the spot, still holding the pot lid with one hand, and heard a crisp sound clearly in her ears:

[Congratulations to Apostle 1010 for his unremitting efforts, amazing perseverance, understanding and creation with heart, and going through hardships to create a cooking method that touches the soul...]

[Congratulations to Apostle 1010 for understanding the "unknown" enhancement...grade "S-"! 】

[Please ask Apostle 1010 to name this enhancement. 】


Am I stupid?

The corners of Yi Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and she was screaming in her heart.

This... is an epiphany?

He just made a dish according to his own ideas.

How did you become enlightened?

It was actually rated as S-level enhancement?

The special effects are quite scary.

The lid of the pot clicked when I lifted it, as if I was afraid that others wouldn't know how awesome this dish was.

This sudden shock... ah no, surprise, made Yi Lin stay in place for a full ten seconds. It wasn't until the man in the cloak behind the Supreme Mage gently rolled up a corner and poked Yi Lin's back that Yi Lin came back to her senses.


They come, the security.

It’s not a loss anyway.

Too many skills don't overwhelm the body.

"Since this is a dish that touches the soul..."

Yilin happily served a bowl of hot chicken soup for the soul to the Supreme Mage and named the new enhancement in her heart with a smile.

"Soul Cooking Technique!"

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