Infinity Throne

Chapter 657 Draw a circle

As long as you are human, you can breathe.

What is the nature of breathability?

As long as you are human, you have a heartbeat.

But what is the nature of heartbeat?

Yi Lin's head seemed to have been cracked open with a hammer.

There is a feeling that I suddenly understand, but I don’t understand even more.

To Yi Lin, the power of thought is like breathing and heartbeat, which come and go as soon as they are called.

The process of unlocking his telekinesis was a matter of course. The moment the mental attribute was unlocked... there was a pop, like a bottle cork being opened.

But the question of the Supreme Mage reached into Yi Lin's heart.

He asked "what".

But Yi Lin thought, "Why is this?"

Yi Lin was lost in thought.

He stretched out an index finger and drew circles in the air at random.

The fruit knife also followed Yi Lin's fingers, up and down, left and right, front and back, making smooth movements in the air.

The Supreme Mage was indeed curious.

He knows Yi Rin doesn’t understand “magic”.

I also understand a little bit about the basic principles of "Crystal Pattern Technique".

He could tell that the hand Yi Lin displayed was more like an "innate" superpower, rather than some kind of technology or method.


Suddenly, the Supreme Mage seemed to have remembered something, and slammed his head: "I remember, many years ago, I had a friend named Wanda. Her abilities came from herself, and they were similar to your abilities. Very similar - of course, she is much stronger than you and can crush you to death with one slap."

In order to vividly illustrate how powerful Wanda is, the Supreme Mage curled his hands together and made a "clenching" gesture, and added: "Her abilities are really terrifying."

"From herself?"

Hearing this, Yi Lin came back from his thoughts. He actively ignored the second half of the Supreme Mage's sentence and focused on the first half: "What do you mean?"

"I'm trying to say that you might be a mutant."

"Become... a species?" The corner of Yi Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and he subconsciously felt that this was not a good word. But he still listened patiently.

The Supreme Mage smiled slightly: "Mutants, as the name suggests, are 'mutant humans' that are contrary to normal human evolution. They often have a variety of strange abilities. Some can change reality, and some can run as fast as a chicken. Some turn green when angry and are extremely powerful, some can breathe fire, and some can freeze."

"Isn't this a superpower?" Yi Lin was speechless and pointed hard at his face: "Do you think I am someone who has never seen a science fiction movie?"

"Absolutely." The Supreme Mage seemed to understand what Yi Lin meant by "science fiction movies" and did not question it. He continued to explain: "In the world where I was born and raised, there were many such mutants. ', there are even some secret agencies that specialize in how to make them."


"They generally believe that mutants with various magical abilities derive their power from their 'genes' themselves. In other words, they no longer belong to the category of 'human beings' from the 'gene' level. So they Only then do we have power that humans cannot possess.”


"That's why I said that their power comes from themselves, not from any additional source. I think you may belong to this category... Well," after talking for a long time, the Supreme Mage said, and even he recognized it. He came to this conclusion and concluded with: "You are not a human being."


Yi Lin heard the Supreme Mage's conclusion, which was obviously a joke, but very serious. But I couldn't laugh.

Because, in the [Bloodline] column on his apostle panel, there is indeed some "non-human bloodline".

In other words, at least from a physical level, he is not purely human.

But whether he is a pure human being has nothing to do with this matter!

When he mastered the power of telekinesis, it was obvious that his bloodline had not changed yet!

Yi Lin mentally denied the Supreme Mage's conclusion—partly.

Half a minute later.

Yi Lin decided not to continue discussing the philosophical issue of "whether she is a human being" with the Supreme Mage.

He started brainstorming and used this incident to lead to another question.

"You said that the essence of spells is released by energy through different 'spells'. Most of the energy is drawn from other powerful beings in the dimensional rift. But have you ever thought about the things you draw? What is energy to them?"

The Supreme Mage wanted to say "something", but his situation was the same as Yi Lin's, he was in the dark under the lamp, and he was suddenly stunned.


Source from time?



We are all.

But the Supreme Mage knew that what Yi Lin wanted was not such a simple answer.

He was asking deeper philosophical questions.

Seeing the Supreme Mage stunned in mid-air, Yi Lin threw out the soul questionnaire: "Let me give you an example. Suppose that the power of those beings you borrowed also comes from themselves. If humans themselves can be that powerful, Does that mean that some kind of power from human beings can also be used as the energy source to drive 'spells'?"


The Supreme Mage thought for a moment, shook his head, and spoke firmly.


"Because humans have limits, I know that."

"What if humans can break through this so-called 'limit'?"

The Supreme Mage was stunned again. He suddenly remembered that his mentor seemed to have said similar words before.

The discussion between the two fell silent.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered something: "Didn't you say before that you could snap a person's soul out of their body? Come on, give me a slap."

The so-called soul, in Xiao Xi's words, seems to belong to a certain "mental state". Yi Lin vaguely grasped a certain point, but could not explain it for a while.

"No!" Unexpectedly, the Supreme Mage was so frightened that he clutched his waist tightly, his face turned pale, and he refused: "The consumption is too great!"

Yi Lin smiled slightly and began to talk about the preparation method of a dish in a persuasive tone:

"I recently developed a new recipe,"

"First, we carefully select a hen that has been running in the farmland for sixty days. The meat is of the highest quality."

"Then select the finest morels and chanterelles, soak them and stuff them into the chicken's belly together with the finest rare sea cucumbers."

"Reseal the chicken belly and apply a thick layer of rose nectar on the surface of the chicken."

“Roasted slowly, the rose nectar on the surface of the chicken will completely penetrate into the chicken, and the natural aroma of morels and chanterelles, as well as the freshness and sweetness of sea cucumbers, will perfectly blend with the original flavor of the chicken from the inside out. One bite will make you feel as if you are standing on the edge of the forest, facing the sea, the breath of nature completely wraps you up, and the sweet gravy will completely melt your taste buds, you know? This may be a kind of The feeling of soul explosion..."

"Stop!" The Supreme Mage's expression was extremely serious, and he raised his palms high, for fear that Yi Lin would not see it: "Please let me come with this palm! I am willing! You must let me come!"

After saying that, he slapped Yi Lin's chest without any hesitation.


The next second.

After a burst of ecstasy, Yi Lin saw her butt.

Everything around him seemed to be still.

The expression of the Supreme Mage is one-third firm, three-thirds calm, three-thirds wise, and one part contains deeply hidden physical pain. His palm had not yet left Yi Lin's chest, and everything in front of him seemed to have been slowed down countless times, passing slowly at an imperceptible speed.

He... became a psycho again.

In the last two experiences, Yi Lin achieved it with the power of epic items after using the [Guild Resident Token].

Another time, it was under the influence of the tentacle monster in Kanzaki City, but that time was a little different and cannot be counted.

But this time, it was because of the palm of the Supreme Mage.

It was also this time that Yi Lin truly experienced the Supreme Mage's abilities beyond teleportation, which were not just a boast, and was impressed by this mage.

Good guy! Sure enough, there is something!

"This is what an out-of-body experience is."

After a while, the Supreme Mage took the initiative to become a spiritual state and floated next to Yi Lin.

Yi Lin raised her head. In the dark night, the sky above her head seemed to be shrouded in a faint light curtain.

"That's the limit." The Supreme Mage knew that Yi Lin could also see the light curtain in the soul state, and there was a bit of desolation in his expression: "It is precisely because of it that I cannot leave this world. I, The Supreme Mage is trapped here.”

"Sure enough." Yi Lin thought of the familiar bat pattern on the Qiao supermarket sign. This wave is basically a stone hammer. This place should be the same as Green Town, and it is inextricably related to that Green.

But Yi Lin has repeatedly confirmed that he can gain chaos points by spawning monsters in the mine. Therefore, the core world view of this trial world is not as simple as being in a "dream world" like Green Town.

Green's level is too high and full of mysteries. There are many places that Yilin cannot understand and is full of doubts.

"Why did you come out too?"

Yi Lin asked.

"This way, we have more time."

The Supreme Mage's night may seem long, but in fact the night is short and time waits for no one. Anyway, Yi Lin's soul was knocked out, so he simply left his body and communicated with Yi Lin in his soul state, so that he could make full use of his time and discuss more academic issues.

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

For the first time, he had time to carefully feel the "mental state".

This is what the Supreme Mage calls "soul".

The physical objects around me seemed to be still.

Yi Lin pointed at the knives in the kitchen.

Looking intently, a thin thread "slowly" shot out from Yi Lin's finger.

Yi Lin felt the source of that "thin line".

After a while.

Yi Lin suddenly realized that it came from his "brain".

No, not exactly.

In his current state, he is completely separated from his body.

His brain, in front.

not here.

Then, the source of telekinesis should be "spirit"...or the "soul" itself.

"It turns out that for the spiritual side, spiritual strength is the truly indestructible weapon."

Yi Lin lowered his head and thought.

In the process of contemplation, it seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long time passed.

The Supreme Mage smiled slightly beside Yi Lin and did not interrupt.

I don’t know how long it will take.

Yi Lin opened her eyes again.

In his eyes, there was a faint light flashing.

"I see."

As he spoke, Yi Lin imitated the gestures of the Supreme Mage and moved them in front of him.

A radiant line followed Yi Lin's fingers, leaving a corresponding trajectory in the still space.

——That's a circle.

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