Infinity Throne

Chapter 664 Silent murderous intent


Under the guidance of the Supreme Mage, Yi Lin wore a hanging ring on her hand and tried to maintain more than five circles at the same time. She felt bored and asked casually:

"How did you let someone else...ahem, get pregnant with Abigail?"

Yi Lin is not a gossip person.

But he couldn't help it.

This question has been lingering in his mind for a long time.

The beard of the Supreme Mage twitched slightly.

A brief look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

But after a moment, the Supreme Mage figured it out and was no longer embarrassed. He shook his head helplessly: "Once upon a time, there was a mage from another dimension. It was a spring, at dusk."

He is speaking in the third person.

It seems that in this way, we can better express the old stories buried in our hearts for twenty years.

The Supreme Mage told his story in a sensational tone: "That was the forty-eighth day that the Mage was trapped in this world. He discovered the existence of Junimo, and he was researching it tirelessly. Junimo. But that day, the mage finally couldn't stand it any longer and went crazy."


Yi Lin thought this word was strange.

But he didn't interrupt the mage's story.

"An innocent and beautiful girl accidentally came near the Mage Tower. She has a jewel-like face and long dark green hair, which is fluttering in the wind. She is very beautiful."


"Ahem, the mage lost his mind that day, and the girl was full of enthusiasm. After all, when he was young, the mage was quite handsome. The lives of handsome men and beautiful women accidentally intersected by fate." The Supreme Mage vividly made a gesture Complex gestures:

The two little fingers are intertwined, the ring finger, middle finger, and index finger are held empty, and the thumbs of both hands are moved bit by bit.



As they talked, the two began to curse.

"Hey?" Yi Lin raised his eyebrows and waved the finger with the hanging ring at the feet of the Supreme Mage.

"Holy Falk?"

The Supreme Mage gasped, and the next second, a circle of light appeared under his feet and disappeared into the farm.

"Go free fall." Yi Lin refocused on practicing magic. He had long wanted to do this to the mage and let him experience the feeling of free fall.

One minute later.

The Sorcerer Supreme stepped out of another circle of light angrily.

He grabbed a handful of perfect crystals from his arms and threw them into the air like jelly beans.

"Magic Crystal Art·Bosak's Thunder!"

A pile of perfect crystals shattered luxuriously in front of the mage, and the light from the shattered crystals reunited into streaks of orange-red lightning, striking Yi Lin from all directions.

"Fuck? You can't afford it, right?" Yi Lin was stunned. He didn't expect the Supreme Mage to be so angry and angry. He didn't dare to be careless. "Bosak's Thunder" is a commonly used attack spell by the Supreme Mage. It hurt a lot, so Yi Lin didn't say anything, imitating the gestures of the Supreme Mage, and generously sprinkled a handful of perfect crystals.

"Free Method·Seven Circles!"

Seven layers of obscure and mysterious magic array appeared out of thin air in front of Yi Lin, going deep into the layers and easily blocking the orange-red thunder and lightning.

"That's the 'Seven Circles of Raggador', damn farmer, you have to respect the original!"

When the Supreme Mage heard that Yi Lin had changed his name at will, his eyes widened and his beard stiffened with anger.

Just as Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage spent more than a year learning new skills from each other's knowledge, fighting each other half jokingly, half seriously and bickering, the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding and at the same time, they looked forward to each other. Toward the farm.


The Supreme Mage looked solemn, stopped making trouble, and looked at Yi Lin: "Do you want to hide?"

"No." At this time, the Supreme Mage had nothing to hide. Yi Lin shook his head and frowned slightly: "It smells of blood."

The two scholars fell back to the ground from the air and put away their magical powers.

A dark-skinned girl with short hair, covered in blood and pale, stumbled in.

It's a lot of money.

The moment Yi Lin saw Qian Duoduo from a distance, her first reaction was...We haven't seen him for a while, why is he so dark?

It seems that she is really, really hardworking...she works so hard, it's touching.

Qian Duoduo saw Yi Lin standing with another man in a field of pumpkin seedlings from a hundred meters away. She quickened her pace and came to Yi Lin, breathing heavily.

She was paralyzed and sat on the ground, her expression first filled with joy. Just when he was about to say something, Qian Duoduo suddenly noticed that the purple-haired and bearded man standing next to Yi Lin seemed familiar.

"Huh... Fa, Fa, Master? Didn't you say he is dead?"

I am dead?

When the Supreme Mage heard this, he was suddenly startled.

When did I die?

Why didn't anyone notify me when I died?

"He suddenly came back to life. Ahem, it's not important." Yi Lin ignored the mage's angry eyes behind her that seemed to burn everything, and looked at Qian Duoduo covered in blood with a calm expression, thoughtfully: "Finally took action? Is it Wang Gebi? Or Yan Cao?"

"You..." Qian Duoduo glared. She subconsciously wanted to ask "how do you know?" But when she noticed Yi Lin's "Sure enough" expression, she figured everything out in just three seconds. Gritting his teeth, thinking of what he had experienced in the mine, he subconsciously felt a little angry: "Did you already know this?"

Yi Lin shook his head and chuckled: "It seems that this peaceful farm life has been enough to smooth out your claws. Have you almost forgotten your true identity?"

Qian Duoduo's expression was slightly startled.

"You can tell by looking at the farmer rankings that Wang Gebi and Yan Cao have their own plans. They haven't put much thought into their respective farms. According to this progress, it is basically impossible to complete the task within the time limit. Here, we will achieve the goal of 30 million assets.”

"In addition, you have formed a team to go to the mines and have a certain understanding of each other's skills. The conclusion is very simple. Just find a time and do it when you are relaxed. You can easily complete the task. Why bother to go there? liver?"

Qian Duoduo was speechless, she looked ashamed, Yi Lin was right.

During this period of time, the peaceful farm life almost made Qian Duoduo forget that he was an apostle who had survived various cruel trials.

Moreover, there was a time when the four of Qian Duoduo, under the pressure brought by Yi Lin, often formed a team to go to the mines. Facing more and more mobs, they inadvertently exposed their respective abilities.

Qian Duoduo never expected that Yan Cao would suddenly attack them when they were going down to the mine and punch them hard in the back.

"Please, I know I can't do it. I was wrong." Qian Duoduo instantly understood the situation, tears welling up in her eyes. She bit her lower lip hard and begged in a low voice: "It's Sister Run, Sister Run. Send me out of the mine! She and that damn Yan Cao are still fighting in the mine! I know you are awesome, you must be hiding your strength, please help Sister Run, don’t let her die!"

"One condition."

Yi Lin thought about it, it was just a matter of effort, he already had a plan in mind.

"Don't negotiate terms at this time!" Qian Duoduo opened his mouth and coughed up a mouthful of blood. It was obvious that he was attacked by Yan Cao and was seriously injured. She grabbed Yi Lin and shouted as she walked: "I promise you! Hurry up, No more ink stains, no matter what...I promise you anything!"

call out--

Yi Lin's pupils shrank suddenly, and in the distance, there was a faint sound of sharp piercing the air. Yi Lin barely hesitated and slapped Qian Duoduo with his palm, sending the confused Qian Duoduo flying several meters away.

Qian Duoduo's thin and delicate body has not yet touched the ground.


A stream of air passed by Yi Lin, followed by a deafening loud noise. At the position where Qian Duoduo had stopped half a second ago, a terrifying stream of air swept across the melon seedlings and half-ripe pumpkins on the farm. Overwhelmed and thrown away. After the storm calmed down, only a circular pit about one meter in diameter was left on the spot.

The edge of the circular pit is as smooth as a mirror, and there are no cracks around the edge. I don’t know what kind of bullet could leave such a strange mark.

"This direction is..."

Yi Lin turned to look in the direction of the attack.

It was a stretch of mountains, and the peak closest to Yilin Farm was about two kilometers away.

"It's a sniper!"

Qian Duoduo lay on the ground with her butt raised. She had no time to think about whether this posture was shameful or whether it would be misunderstood. She stared dumbfoundedly at the pumpkin patch that had been blasted into a deep crater. Her mouth grew into a big "8" shape, as if she wanted to swallow something.

She still couldn't figure it out. If Yi Lin hadn't pushed her at the critical moment, she would have ascended to heaven. With the power of this sniper bullet, she didn't think she could survive intact after withstanding this shot... no, this shot.

This shot is so terrifying!

Qian Duoduo suddenly remembered that when teaming up to go to the mine, Wang Gebi, who used two small daggers to draw water all day long, reacted immediately. It's that damn king next door who hides his strength! His real ability is powerful sniping from a long distance! No wonder Wang Gebi, who was so weak and weak all day long, was still smiling and saying nothing when Yan Cao laughed at him.

I see!

I see!

That’s so!

Qian Duoduo suddenly understood.

Why are the people I met in this trial more sinister than the last!

Can you still farm, harvest vegetables, raise pigs, walk horses, fish, and mine?

At the moment when his farm suffered a terrorist attack, the mage reacted simultaneously and floated in mid-air. His wrists lit up a ring of magic arrays, and he raised a defensive shield between his palms to guard against the shells that would attack the farm again at any time.

Yi Lin frowned. He lifted Qian Duoduo's neck, which was still lying motionless on the ground, put on the hanging ring, and with a wave of his hand, a circle of light appeared in front of Yi Lin.

"I'll be back as soon as I go."

Yi Lin stepped into the circle of light with Qian Duoduo looking shocked. The next second, he had disappeared into the farm.

Two kilometers away.

On a mountain peak.

Between the trees.

Wang Gebi held his left hand in an "OK" shape and pressed it in front of his left eye.

He squinted his eyes and took in everything that happened in Yi Lin's farm from a distance of two kilometers.

On his right shoulder, there was an ugly tumor.

The sarcoma looked like a bulging balloon, slightly inflated, consistent with Wang Gebi's breathing rate.


After a while, Wang Gebi's expression became more helpless. He shook his head, loosened the fingers pressed in front of his left eye socket, and said to himself: "There is only one chance. It seems that Yan Cao also failed. Why? It’s so unlucky to encounter such a monster.”

Jingle Bell--

At this time,

Wang Gebin's antique mobile phone rang.

"Husband, where are you?"

"I'm shopping in town." Wang Gebi answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone came the voice of his wife, Penny, a native of Gugu Town.

"Still not going home? I made your favorite pine nut cake!"

Wang Gebi smiled. The tumor on his right shoulder gradually shrank and disappeared from his body in a few seconds.

"Okay, I'll go back now."

"Yeah, yeah, Penny has cleaned up and is waiting for you, Mua~"

"Be good, okay~"

Wang Gebi's face instantly showed a mysterious smile that "everyone understands" and ended the call.

He stood there and waited for a while, but the person he imagined did not appear. Wang Gebi could only sigh softly and go down the mountain the same way.

"Since you failed. Then, go home."

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