Infinity Throne

Chapter 669: The mage cannot control this situation!

At this moment, the space on the farm was completely chaotic. Yi Lin was lying head down and feet up. Under the influence of the mage's magic, he could no longer tell where the sky was and where the earth was.

After the whole farm was reorganized, it turned into a round ball, just like the farm itself became a star, an independently rotating planet.

The teleportation array circuits are evenly distributed on the slowly rotating star, and the light flows like an instrument from the gods. After the lines were reorganized, they exuded a majestic and majestic air.

Although Yi Lin said so, since the Supreme Mage had already shown off, Yi Lin naturally would not waste the Supreme Mage's good intentions. He seized the moment and floated in the air, shaking his fingers subconsciously in front of him. He is comprehending, imitating, and deducing.

Yi Lin is using his own method to see if he can parse out the magical secrets contained in the Supreme Mage's "space folding" in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, Yi Lin really misses the ability of [Analytical Vision]. Under the [Analytical Vision], all trajectories can be clearly seen, and can even be played, replayed, and replayed in slow motion. It is a bug-level ability that is close to "predictive deduction".

It's a pity that Yi Lin's agility attribute is too far behind now. Under normal conditions, Yi Lin's agility wants to break through the first layer of "agility lock"...

Yi Lin frowned at first, and then laughed. Since the mage has already risked his life, wouldn't it be a waste of the Supreme Mage's good intentions if he backed down at this time?

A rare opportunity!

"In that case,"


"How about going crazy with you at the end of this world?"

"It's not me that's wrong, it's the world!"

【Bloodthirsty Disaster】!

A streak of scarlet blood gushed out from Yi Lin's body, as blazing as fire, and the flames shot straight into the sky, dyeing the winter night starry sky red.

The blood light on Yi Lin's body and the circuit light blooming in the rotating "star" at the feet of the Supreme Mage complement each other, completely lighting up the sky.

add a bit!

Yilin's hand speed exploded, adding more blood.

Ever since he acquired this trump card ability, he has kept the habit of maintaining five layers of "Blood Will" in reserve all year round.

His five blood spirits were all condensed after he found some awesome-looking monsters in the mine and killed them.

Oh, by the way, one of them is still strict.

At this critical moment, Yi Lin also let Yan Cao's last remaining essence of life shine.

Although the overall temporary attribute bonus is not high, it is more than enough to stack the agility attribute to the lock-breaking level.

On the apostle panel, in the [Enhancement] column, the [Analytical Vision] ability is re-unlocked and lit up.

"Analytical horizon."

The time was short, Yi Lin did not hesitate, and instantly activated [Analytical Vision]. Around his pupils, there were circles of light composed of two numbers, "1" and "0", making Yi Lin's eyes look bright. Like two bright light bulbs in the night, they are particularly conspicuous.

The Supreme Mage looked at the new version of the farmer and was slightly startled. But soon, he also knew that this guy was not simple, and he obviously had some big moves.

There was envy and curiosity in his eyes. At this critical moment, his eager expression seemed to be asking: "Can I learn?"

This move is so cool!

Damn farmer, you're actually hiding it!

You are not kind!

But at the last moment, neither of them had time to communicate slowly. it is more than words.

The rotating star shines brightly, and the rays of light twist and bend, shaped like lightning, and shoot straight to the end of the starry sky.

"Magic Crystal Art·Bosak's Thunder!"

The Supreme Mage is using the power of magic, combined with the power of crystal patterns, to forcefully blast open the world barrier above Gugu Town!

Now that his ultimate moves were activated, Yi Lin's eyes narrowed. Under the [Analytical Vision], the time flow in front of him seemed to have turned into slow motion. Everything became extremely clear in Yi Lin's eyes. The stars at the feet of the Supreme Mage, the smooth energy of every circuit, the energy gathering at every node, every gesture of the Supreme Mage, every syllable he makes, are used by Yi Lin to break the lock-level deduction ability in [Analytical Vision] , recalculate, split, and interpret.

The process that originally took a lot of time to complete was completed in just an instant under the influence of the ability of [Analytical Vision].

"I see."

Yi Lin took a deep breath, raised his head, and shook his wrist. The light of the hanging ring circulated, and circles of orange-red spell light patterns appeared, making Yi Lin's wrists look like they were wearing circles of bracelets.

"Free Method·Crimson Thunder!"

"Damn farmer, you changed the name of the magic again!"

The lightning released from the hands of the two people gathered together and blasted into the sky.

The harsh thunder was mixed with the cursing voice of the Supreme Mage. He was angry.


Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage are definitely not in tune with each other. But at this moment, they merged the power of two kinds of knowledge...or technology. Two pieces of lightning struck out simultaneously and landed on a certain point in the sky.


A series of cracks, centered on the bombardment point of the two people, quickly spread to the surroundings.




Yi Lin maintained the ultra-high-power output of his free magic. As his spiritual energy was consumed at an extremely rapid rate, a layer of dense sweat began to form on his forehead.

It's been a long time since he's experienced this feeling of pouring out energy and squandering his spiritual energy!

The Supreme Mage opened fire, and after blasting away the canopy hidden above Gugu Town, streaks of lightning rose from the stars at the feet of the Supreme Mage. The lightning reached high in the sky, and in a blink of an eye it transformed into two ferocious red palms, tearing them open along the tiny cracks!


The sky was torn in half under the power of the two scholars.

Behind the rift is a color deeper than darkness.

Pure black, without any light, like a thick splash of ink, more like nothingness.

By the way, this darkness is very familiar.

Just like the color that Yi Lin felt deeply outside the walls of Styx Junior High School.

"I feel it! I feel it! The great Supreme Mage feels that damn energy again!"

The moment the sky was torn open, the Supreme Mage's expression was filled with joy. He finally felt a familiar call.

But right now.

From that crack,

Deep in the starry sky on a distant winter night,

Pale and skinny palms stretched out from the deep darkness.

Sure enough it's not that simple!

The moment Yi Lin saw the white palms appearing, her expression froze.

The palms were rugged and skinny, as pale as snow. At first glance, they looked like prosthetic hands broken off from a doll. If you look closely, it seems that behind the darkness, there are corpses waiting to be resurrected. They are ready to come to life and are stretching out their palms, wanting to get closer to the world here.

"Something's wrong!"

Yi Lin's frozen expression revealed a long-lost heaviness. He always felt that this matter would not go so smoothly. When thousands of white palms stretched out from the darkness, Yi Lin thought that was indeed the case, and was secretly glad that this wave of big moves was done correctly.

The Supreme Mage looked on at the side and was moved. The long-lost "feeling" made his muddy eyes chew with tears.

"If you feel it, locate it quickly, open the door and get out! Stop the ink stains!"

Yi Lin laughed and scolded, but there was a hint of anxiety.

Those palms were like crawling reptiles, crawling crazily on the edge of the crack. One finger after another made a crisp sound, which was obviously a clear and sweet sound, but to the ears of Yi Lin and the Supreme Mage, it sounded like tens of thousands of kittens scratching their paws on the glass. My scalp is numb and my ears hurt.

"Go home! I want to go home! Anyone who stands in my way... will die!!!" Driven by the crystal energy, the Supreme Mage regained his glory and spoke out.

He fluttered his cloak, made a series of gestures with his palms in front of his chest, and pushed forward.

"Dimension mirror!"


The space above the Supreme Mage's head seemed to have turned into fragile glass, making a clanging sound and then shattering.

The space is shattered!

The special effect of a piece of broken glass was flatly pushed towards the pale palm above the head!

Wherever the "dimensional mirror" passes, the sky, stars, and air are all shattered into the shape of a kaleidoscope.

at the same time.

Yi Lin was shocked. She didn't expect that the Supreme Mage, who had almost returned to his prime, was so powerful. The various strange abilities he displayed at this moment only existed in the mouth of the Supreme Mage before. No matter how outrageous he exaggerated his past stories, it would not be as good as what he was truly showing in front of Yi Lin at this moment.

If it weren't for the fear that the mage would be complacent at this critical moment, Yi Lin might not be able to help but give a thumbs up to the Supreme Mage: "Awesome!"

Really awesome!

Under the [Analytical Vision], every movement, every posture, every breath, and every rhythm of the Supreme Mage constitutes what he calls a "spell" to drive the mysterious spell in his hand. Yi Lin could see everything clearly, but precisely because he could see clearly, he deeply realized how vast and profound the mage's knowledge was.

The Supreme Mage's hands were shaking even more - he had never shaken his hands when casting spells before. The mage's face was ferocious and his lips were white. It was obvious that relying on his current state to perform advanced magic in front of Yi Lin was not as easy as it seemed on the surface.

But he still used it.

He used Yi Lin's "Crystal Pattern Technique" knowledge and combined it with his own soul power to release high-end spells.

The purpose of the Supreme Mage is to leave more knowledge to Yi Lin before he leaves!

Knowledge is the most precious wealth of the Supreme Mage!

All he wants now is to make a copy of this precious wealth and hand it over to Yi Lin!

"The meaning of life does not lie in oneself, true happiness lies in achieving others."

In the slowly passing "horizon".

Yi Lin repeated in a low voice the words that the Supreme Mage said when he gave the [Apprentice Ring] to him.


The mage was laughing.

But the next second,

His smile suddenly froze.

The "dimensional mirror" is like a broken mirror.

The picture above is in pieces.

Just as the Supreme Mage let out a triumphant laugh, the "mirror" suddenly shattered even more completely.

Each pale and skinny palm opened holes in the dimensional mirror.

The mirror has become a hornet's nest!


The Mage Supreme's eyes widened.

He didn't even have time to say his catchphrase.

Yi Lin's reaction was faster than that of the Supreme Mage.



With the help of Yi Lin's [Analytical Vision] ability, when he squinted and saw the cracks on the "broken mirror" and began to undergo strange changes, Yi Lin used the direction of those cracks to deduce the situation for two seconds. The future after!

The future deduced by Yi Lin is,

This situation,

Master him,

I can’t grasp it!

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