Infinity Throne

Chapter 693 Three-party team battle (4500 words)

Yi Lin didn't stay at the top of the Great Engineer Tower all the time.

He is known to be good at stealth.

As the president, he cannot remain hidden behind the scenes.

After Yi Lin read all the applicant information, she worked hard to wander around the crowd, whether it was wandering around or checking in advance. In short, Yi Lin worked hard to fulfill her duties as the president.

Among the pile of applicants, Yi Lin paid special attention to the information of several of them.


【Zeng Gaoge】


【57 years old】

[Good at: rapid self-healing]

[Hobby: Praying]

A simple piece of information, but Yi Lin smelled something unusual.

"Good at...rapid healing?"

And he is still a 57-year-old apostle.

Of course, the age mentioned when the apostles introduced themselves refers to their biological age. No one cares about mental age or anything else, because this mental age cannot be measured. Take Yi Lin as an example, his mental age has already entered middle age.

It is even possible that a young and beautiful girl who looks cute and charming is so experienced that even Li Changge is afraid of her.

Looking from a distance, Zeng Gaoge did not look as old as the data indicated. He has shiny black hair and a lot of hair.

Zeng Gaoge stood alone in the corner, wearing a simple shirt and long johns, and a pair of dirty artificial leather shoes on his feet, the edges of which were covered with dried mud. Based on simple reasoning based on the details of his clothing, Yi Lin roughly estimated that this was a man who did not pay attention to details. From the mud on his shoes, it could be seen that he did not arrive here by means of transportation. He probably arrived here on foot across a dry mountain road. To this place.

Because Haiting City is close to the sea to the east and the surrounding terrain makes it almost impossible to step on this kind of soil.

These are impressions from a distance. When Yilin turned on [Following Like a Shadow] and pretended to be a passerby and passed by Zeng Gaoge, Yilin smelled a smell that was both strange and familiar.

Although Zeng Gaoge had traveled a long distance and the strange fragrance had been covered up by the smell of sweat, Yi Lin could still distinguish it. In Gugu Town, Yilin spent a small part of her time working with cooking, having close contact with various ingredients, and developing her keen sense of smell and taste.

This smell is very unique, even a faint wisp of it evokes Yi Lin's memory. Yi Lin had smelled this special spice smell in Itai City.

"It's the Dawn Sect!"

Yi Lin is 90% sure of this conclusion.

He would not be stupid enough to tell the other party how he found them out of the vast crowd.

If this is spread back, and Shuguang Cult's Xizuo sprays perfume on himself to cover up the smell, will Yilin still have a nose? Wouldn’t it be even more difficult to guard against?

This organization pretends to be mysterious and is hidden all over the country, and Yi Lin doesn't know much about them. However, whether it is the "Chimera Incident" in Litai City or the tragedy in Cangyang City, it all shows that this Shuguang Sect is like a cancer, hiding in every corner of the world and trying its best to cause trouble.

Even if Yi Lin discovered the detailed work of other guilds, he would not bother to do anything. He would just throw it into the Fearless Army or the Heroic Army and leave it alone. The existence of a spy is called a spy before it is exposed. After being exposed, it becomes a mouthpiece, and it will not cause much harm if left alone.

But Shuguang Sect’s meticulous work is not enough.

What this organization has done has reached a point where Yi Lin is deeply afraid. For example, take the tragedy of annihilation of Cangyang City four months ago. Yilin was unable to make such a big splash and cultivated a group of "rapidly evolving" leeches, which finally killed Darwin's coffin. Create a completely new species.

If it hadn't been gone in time, this newly evolved species would have likely wiped out humanity in advance before the real disaster struck.

This is not alarmist. According to the evolution speed of those bugs, it is difficult to imagine where the upper limit of their evolution is.

The Shuguang Sect is too capable of causing trouble.

It's impossible for Yi Lin to let him in.

Even if it's just one.

Let's talk about Yi Lin firing that shot.

That shot was originally intended for Yu Liexin or Yu Meng, but in the end due to various reasons, the bullet was not released.

They give too much.

A total of 600,000 yuan, and there may be more in the future, so Yi Lin kept it.

But having held back his ultimate move, Yi Lin thought he couldn't waste it, so he shot it anyway.

This bullet is almost as good as the one that instantly killed the careless, defenseless, arrogant and arrogant Emperor Zhu Chong.

However, Zeng Gaoge stood up.

On his chest, red light flashed. A strange light enveloped the bloody hole in his chest.

Zeng Gaoge chuckled, his pupils rolled up, leaving the whites of his eyes, and he said nothing except for a harsh laugh that seemed to be forcibly ground with teeth.

“It’s Avalon!!!”


In the crowd, a slender figure lifted his cloak and stormed towards Zeng Gaoge menacingly.

She was extremely fast. In just one step, she crossed the crowd. Her hands were obviously empty, but when she waved her arms, the light was bent and twisted along the space where her arms extended. It seemed that there was some invisible weapon hidden in her hands.


Everything happened in a flash of lightning.

From the moment Yi Lin fired the gun, to Zeng Gaoge's body glowing red and starting to heal itself, until the mysterious cloaked man finally couldn't help but take action, the whole process took less than ten seconds.

The twelve sneaky cloaked men who had been hiding outside the venue stopped pretending when the woman started to take action. At the same time, he lifted up his cloak and looked like he was ready to show his cards. Under the cloaks, it turned out to be twelve knights wearing retro full armor. The twelve knights flicked their wrists and crushed different weapons, including spears, broadswords, tridents, clubs, and whips.

The scene fell into chaos again, and the remaining interviewers who had not yet applied had already been numbed by various situations. Although they didn't say anything, a thought came up in their minds: This world's number one guild called "Apocalypse" seems to be synonymous with "trouble"? There is no peace all day long. Is it right or wrong to join this guild?

"Enemy: fourteen people."

In an instant, Yi Lin's brain was working rapidly, the hanging ring was moving in front of her, and magic circles of light swayed from Yi Lin's feet. The speed of mental thinking is fast. In less than a second, Yi Lin already made a decision in her heart. She smiled at Li Kai and said with a smile at a volume that everyone present could hear:

"Vice President, please continue to complete the remaining recruitment work. I will be back as soon as I can."

Li Kaixin understood, squinted his eyes, and responded with a smile: "Understood, President."

Li Kai understood.

There is enough chaos at today's job fair.

Although Yi Lin followed the planned plan and perfectly allowed the Lieyang Army to smash the place and smash it back, the current scene was indeed an unexpected development. The "power" created by Apocalypse Guild cannot be messed up by these uninvited guests.

Therefore, Yi Lin planned to move the battlefield to subspace, avoid the sight of the audience, and solve the problem alone.

Furthermore, the golden-haired woman was still coming from afar, but during that action, the ground shook faintly with the force of thunder. Even Yi Lin had to take her strength inadvertently exposed seriously.


Xiaomei is hard-working and willing, and her heart is in harmony with Yilin's. She emerges delicately and floats behind Yilin.

"Evil thoughts space!"

Yi Lin expanded the subspace and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Also disappearing with Yi Lin were Miriam, the Twelve Knights, and Zeng Gaog.

And, the elites of Apocalypse Guild!


The dog was happily squatting on Pan Zhengyi's head.

Even when Yu Liexin commanded hundreds of armed helicopters and violently bombarded the Great Engineer Tower, Gouzi didn't take action. Wang'er knew very well in his heart that his shit shoveling officer would not let this happen. The shit shoveling officer was not in a hurry. He was just a Wang, so what was he anxious about?

Moreover, Wang'er was not in the mood either. Since being severely beaten in Kanzaki City, its mental trauma has not yet fully healed, and the dog is in a sluggish period.

When the sky was filled with bright fireworks, Gouzi even took out a pair of sunglasses, put them on his head, and enjoyed the free fireworks show.

But then, why did he end up in such a ghost place?

Emperor Wang Tian and Pan Zhengyi fell from the sky with confused expressions on their faces.

What he saw before his eyes had turned into chaos, only a bizarre world of black and white.

Overhead, there were thick rolling black clouds.

Underfoot, there are various towering and twisted dark mirror structures, stacked in various ways to form a strange building that is completely inconsistent with architecture, physics, and civil engineering.

Xu Jingjing, Li Erpang, Su Xiaosu, Oda Wu, Li Changge, Xiao Chuer, Ning You, Mrs. Li, Xing Fei, Qu Youlian, Chen Xiaoxiao, Gu Tianqing, and Su Zhe flashed one after another and stepped on the top of the geometric building. He looked at the strange space in front of him in surprise.

"It's the subspace!" Su Zhe is indeed a veteran. He has rich experience and recognized the essence of the "evil space" at a glance.

After a brief moment of surprise, Mrs. Li smiled: "It should be the subspace opened by the president."

Qu Youlian covered his chest and stared: "What happened?"

Chen Xiaoxiao looked around and saw that the others were unfamiliar to her, so she could only jump lightly and came to Qu Youlian's side. The two women stood back to back. Chen Xiaoxiao looked helpless, looked up at the smiling figure above his head, and whispered: "It should be the president's ability. Don't you think this scene looks familiar?"

"Kanzaki City! The world of evil thoughts! Wait, why did you change your name to 'President' so quickly?" Qu Youlian reacted quickly and recognized it. The air was filled with a familiar smell. She had just managed to escape from that nightmare trial not long ago, and she didn't expect to return to her old place so soon. This made Qu Youlian speechless, covering her face and chest with one hand, raising and lowering her hands. , murmured: "I knew earlier that I wouldn't listen to your nonsense, so I quietly ran out to watch the fun!"

Gu Tianqing held the cover of the tarot cards in her hand and looked at Yi Lin from afar.

Yi Lin looked at Gu Tianqing: "Since you're here, just help."

Gu Tianqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I haven't agreed yet."

"Oh, will you agree now?"

"..." Gu Tianqing silently put on pure white gloves.

Ever since she met this guy, he always seemed to be wearing gloves. Yi Lin was very suspicious. In addition to regular props and daily necessities, his storage space was filled with various types of gloves. It was probably a collection. Quirks.

Mirien and the twelve armored knights did not panic after discovering that they had arrived in the subspace. Twelve knights spontaneously formed a battle formation, their bodies shimmering with gentle light, and they chanted unexplained chants in unison, dispelling the darkness and chaos around them.

Mirien snorted coldly and looked up at Yi Lin. Yi Lin and Miriam, this visitor from a foreign land, met their eyes for the first time.

Mirien's face was previously covered by the cloak, hiding her head and tail, making it difficult to see clearly. But when Yi Lin finally saw Miriam's face clearly, she couldn't help but frown. The reason why Yi Lin frowned was not because of Miriam's beauty, nor because of her temperament or eyes, but because... Miriam's appearance was very similar to a "person" Yi Lin had seen before. ".

To be precise, not a human being.

The friend Yi Lin met in Ouranos, the "Sword Master Homeros", his "Excalibur" can be personified like a spiritual weapon. The anthropomorphized image is actually somewhat similar to the beautiful blond girl in front of her, both in facial features and temperament.

"The more I look at it, the more they look like each other."

Although there are cases around the world where two people who are not related by blood look very much alike. However, Yi Lin didn't believe that this was just a coincidence. In this increasingly unusual world, Yi Lin would not easily believe that the resemblance between the divine sword girl of Homeros and the blond girl in front of her was just a coincidence of probability.

"Xie'er, what else are you hiding from me?"

Their eyes met for a moment, and the girl's cold eyes looked away. She didn't say any lines. The geometric building beneath his feet was crushed with one foot. All buildings in the subspace are similar to "scene buildings" and can be destroyed easily.

The girl went straight to Zeng Gaoge.

"she is mine."

Oda Mai's eyes were filled with a raging fighting spirit that she hadn't seen for a long time. She flicked her wrist, and the long silk thread condensed in the air. Oda Mai stared at Yi Lin expressionlessly from the air, then turned around coldly and raised the knife. Charge towards the girl.


In the direction where Oda Mai, Zeng Gaoge and Miriam were, black crystal grains filled the sky. In the subspace that Yi Lin expanded, the three of them fought and took the lead in the melee.


Among the twelve knights, one of them screamed loudly, his tone full of tragedy and emotion, like an actor in a classical opera house, and every move he made exuded a scalp-numbing second degree.

"Form up your formation and fight as a team!"

Yi Rin and Gayageum Mi floated in the air, Gayageum Mi wiped sweat diligently, Yi Rin acted as the battlefield commander, and her voice reached everyone's ears.

"Don't worry about Dai Mao and Xiao Wu for now, let them do whatever they want."

"We have fourteen people and one dog on our side, while the other side only has twelve people. We have a huge numerical advantage."

The Apocalypse Guild, all veterans, immediately organized their formation spontaneously after a moment of silence.

Su Xiaosu, Li Erpang, and Su Zhe strode forward, their muscles bulging, and they were about to charge.

The others followed the three tanks and went their separate ways.

As new members of the guild, Qu Youlian, Xing Fei, and Chen Xiaoxiao were surprised that they were immediately shouldered with the task of fighting a group as soon as they joined the guild. However, they were not shy people and quickly activated their respective abilities to fight this group first. Let’s talk about the team battle later.

Moreover, among so many newcomers, Yi Lin brought the three of them in alone, even though they had a friendship that they had cooperated with before, but this obviously shows that among so many newcomers, Yi Lin felt that their combat power could be enough to win the battle. It comes in handy in emergencies right now.

Joining a new guild is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for performance. It can be said that opportunities and risks coexist. As long as you perform well today, you may have the opportunity to enter the elite circle of Tianqi Guild in the future and reach the pinnacle of life.

This is how to survive in the workplace!

Xing Fei clenched his pink fist and he was on fire!

Gu Tianqing sighed softly, and the shadow of a woman wearing a blood-stained black dress and a piece of cloth covering her eyes appeared behind him. Behind Gu Tianqing, she let out pitiful sobs, which were so gloomy that anyone who heard the cry could I got a lot of goosebumps all over my body.


Gu Tianqing called a name affectionately.

The pitch-black tarot cards turned into black streams of light and landed accurately on the heads of every Apocalypse Guild member.

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