Infinity Throne

Chapter 700 Do you believe in fate (5K)

Great Engineer Tower.

The 199th floor.

Li Kai's office and bedroom.

After Oda Mai and Miriam gradually drifted away from each other in their fight, Yilin came here.

"I have a new black tea here, a ten-year collection. President, can you try it?"

"I'm not a fan of tea...forget it, it's okay."

The two of them sat on both sides of the coffee table.


Mrs. Li was waiting at the side.

With a flick of her hand, the water in the pot boiled in a few seconds.

The aroma of tea overflowed. Seeing Yi Lin's unhurried look, Li Kai smiled and casually talked about Yi Lin's decision to fight "one hundred duels".

"Who do you think the president can win?"

Yi Lin took a sip and said calmly: "Xiao Danwu loses."


"The other party has encountered many adventures. And according to preliminary estimates, the attributes of strength and agility are already extraordinary, and the attributes of will and luck are also estimated to be very high. Xiao Wu can't compete."

"Well, it's the same as Li thought." Li Kai pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "Then the president thinks that idleness is idle, so why not make a bet to add to the fun?"

Yi Lin's body sank into the soft sofa. He pressed his elbows on the armrests and held his chin with his fists. He said calmly: "This kind of bet is too boring. You and I should both be able to imagine that Xiao Wu will fight in this hundred times." , the probability of successfully opening the 'lock' is higher."

"No, the president misunderstood." Li Kai smiled: "What I want to bet on is in which round Oda Mai successfully unlocks the lock."

"Tsk, you are so old, why are you still acting like a child?"

Mrs. Li stood by the door, watching her husband make a bet with Yi Lin, and suddenly felt angry and funny. But she didn't say much. Outside, men made the decision, so let them do it.

"Huh?" After hearing this, Yi Lin sat up straight on the sofa and became interested: "It's interesting. I'll join."

Mrs. Li was stunned.

She found out she was wrong.

There are two children here.

Before the duel between Oda Mai and Miriam.

Yi Lin asked Li Kai to post a post on the forum.

The content is half true and half false.

Generally speaking, the president of the Knights Alliance is here in person, and his strength is unfathomable. For the future of the district server and to reduce casualties, the Apocalypse Guild is preparing for a fair duel with the president of the Knights Alliance. All other idle people, please leave Haiting City as soon as possible.

This can be said to be Tianqi's official statement.

The previous rumors proved self-evident.

This post, shortly after Oda Mai and Miriam got into a fight, exceeded 10 million views at an extremely fast rate and topped the trending searches.

The word "apocalypse" has long been familiar to the whole world. It is not surprising at all that it is a hot search topic in various forum areas.

In other words, the day when Apocalypse Guild-related posts are not on the front row of hot posts, something big will happen.

Sensible people smell the danger and evacuate Haiting City as quickly as possible.

As for those who are ignorant, they can only ask for their own blessings.

Mini drones were cruising in the air, broadcasting the duel between the two in real time.

This incident not only caused an uproar outside Tianqi Guild, but even among our own people, the news spread.

Everyone in the guild was very curious as to why Millie Engui, the president of the [Knights Alliance], kept coming to Haiting City to cause trouble for [Apocalypse]. Is there any secret in this?

Comments and rumors naturally took off.

Human beings are always curious.

Some optimists believed that the [Knight Alliance] was preparing for a cross-region invasion, but was blocked by the Apocalypse Guild.

Some conspiracy theorists think this is a show. Otherwise, why would Yi Lin, as the president, not go into battle in person but send his younger brother?

There is also a theory that Oda Mai and Miriam are both women, and the reason why they fought was because they were competing for the right to choose a mate.

Members of the Apocalypse Guild prefer the last statement.

They had seen it with their own eyes. Not long ago, the president had a biological daughter for no apparent reason. Not long after, Miriam came to kill her. This is clearly a classic drama about traveling thousands of miles, looking for flesh and blood, and killing your lover in anger!


Once this idea spreads, it cannot be contained.

With the good intention of letting members learn combat skills, Li Kai deliberately projected the live action of the duel between the two in high definition in front of the Grand Engineer Tower Square.

In the courtyard of the Great Engineer Tower, more than two thousand members gathered around.

Li Changge was among the crowd, selling soda and melon seeds, and the sales were impressive.

Ning You and Xing Fei are two men who are in love with each other and have a tacit understanding of each other. Each of them spoke a sentence, and under the projection, their voices were full of emotions. As seniors, they narrated on the spot, just like professional stand-up comedians.

"Look, the president of the other party seems to have a stern expression, but we can tell from her slightly trembling right hand that she must be very excited. I think there must be some amazing secrets hidden in it."

Ning You said.

Xing Fei quickly answered: "As we all know, our president is so powerful that he has overwhelmed the Knights Alliance and cannot breathe. But this is an established fact. There is no need to get excited about such nonsense. Therefore, the reason for her excitement ,only one."

Ning You smiled and said: "I have to mention our president. Our president is nineteen years old, young and promising, and he is still unmarried."

"I have a well-behaved daughter." Xing Fei quickly reminded. Even though he had just arrived, he had heard about it. His first reaction at that time was to see if there was anything in the domestic law that could be used.

When Xing Fei just said this.

A dog happened to fly past the crowd crying.

Xueer giggled innocently, chasing after the flying dog with her weak pink fist.

One baby and one dog, having a great time, the atmosphere is harmonious, warm and touching.


Yi Lin walked silently from behind the crowd.

No one noticed Yi Lin's presence.

Yi Lin looked at Xing Fei and Ning You, who were beaming under the projection and pretending to be on-site commentators, with expressionless faces, and secretly took notes.

Going around behind the Great Engineer Tower, Yi Lin found Gu Tianqing.

Gu Tianqing still has that elegant fake smile. He is wearing white gloves and is currently sitting on a long stone chair under the shade of a tree, shuffling the cards in a rigid, repetitive and tireless manner.

"You came."

Before Yi Lin came closer, Gu Tianqing raised her head and smiled, as if she had already known that Yi Lin would come to her door.

"Has anyone ever told you that your face looks like it deserves a beating?"

"Really?" Gu Tianqing pondered for a moment, and then replied: "To each other."

Yi Lin sat down on the "air", three meters away from Gu Tianqing: "Tell me, sneak in, what do you want to do? From what I know about you, you are not the kind of person who is willing to join a guild."

Gu Tianqing played with the tarot cards skillfully, but did not draw any one. Facing Yi Lin's question, Gu Tianqing did not deny it, but said with a smile: "Once people are tired, they always want to find a place to rest."

"This is not a hotel."

Gu Tianqing shook her head and said: "The whole world, to me, is the same everywhere."

"But for me, it's not." Yi Lin crossed his fingers and placed them gently on his knees. There was a hanging ring on one of his hands. After finishing the first half of the sentence, Yi Lin paused and continued: "I can tolerate people from other guilds staying here because they cannot become 'unstable factors,' but you can't."

"If your words are a compliment to me, I feel honored."

"That's what you think. Don't be ridiculous. What are you doing here?" Yi Lin didn't give Gu Tianqing a chance to change the subject.

"Haha," Gu Tianqing laughed again: "But didn't you also let me join?"

"Human beings are always curious."

Gu Tianqing looked at Yi Lin with a half-smile on her face. He quickly changed the subject: "Do you believe in fate?"

Hearing this, Yi Lin fell silent for a moment.

Gu Tianqing's words reminded Yi Lin of many things.

When Yi Lin was silent.

Gu Tianqing continued: "It was fate that led me here."

"To be honest, I can't stand your bastard tone." Yi Lin sighed softly: "If I hadn't owed you a favor in Cangyang City, I couldn't help but beat you now. You can stay here if you want. Well, I’m repaying the favor of your divination reminder in Cangyang City, but I’ll give you a friendly advice, don’t cause trouble in my territory. Once I find out... I will kill you.”

When Yi Lin said this, his tone was very calm, but the threat contained in it was as clear as the literal meaning.

The smile on Gu Tianqing's face did not diminish. He always maintained this elegant smile, no matter what he faced.

After Yi Lin said those words, she raised her butt and stood up, ready to end this strange conversation.

"Do you believe in fate?"

Gu Tianqing smoothed her curly hair and asked the previous question again with a smile.

Yi Lin is ready to leave.

But Gu Tianqing asked.

Making Yi Lin stop again.

Yi Lin smiled at Gu Tianqing and said his answer: "I don't believe it."

"What a pity."

"Actually, it doesn't make any sense whether you believe it or not." Yi Lin looked at Gu Tianqing's emotionless eyes and asked, "There are countless possibilities for the future. Your divination or other types of precognitive abilities, It's just telling you the most likely future direction. If your divination tells you that you will die at a certain time and place, what will you do?"

"Death..." Gu Tianqing closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was a bit of weird intoxication on his face, like a smoker who had quit smoking for a long time. There was a smoker standing in front of him, looking like he was enjoying other people's second-hand smoke: "Everyone will face death. Only death can make life complete. No matter how bright the fireworks are, if they don't end, we will never miss the beauty of them when they are prosperous, right?"

"you have not answer my question yet."

After Gu Tianqing finished sighing, she looked directly at Yi Lin and nodded: "If my death is unavoidable, I will open my arms and spend the last few seconds savoring the taste of 'death' before I die. Believe me, this kind of The taste will definitely make you addicted.”

"Forget it, I won't let myself have the opportunity to enjoy this 'taste', I'll leave it to you to savor it slowly."

After saying that, Yi Lin left without looking back.

He came here just to confirm the purpose of Gu Tianqing, the "unsettling factor".

As Yi Lin said, in Cangyang City, although Gu Tianqing himself had something to ask for at the time, he was able to remind Mo Rendi of the rebellion, which was regarded as selling Yi Lin a favor. According to Gu Tianqing's character, it was okay for him not to remind him and just watch with cold eyes. Therefore, Yi Lin admitted that he owed Gu Tianqing a favor.

Moreover, although he is an uncontrollable factor, it is undeniable that Gu Tianqing's ability can be of great use in certain special occasions.

So Yi Lin chose to let Gu Tianqing in.

It's not a big deal actually.

After Yi Lin left.

Gu Tianqing was still sitting alone on a stone chair in the shade of a tree, washing the tarot cards in her hands at a constant speed, one time at a time.


One of them shook out.

Gu Tianqing took off her gloves, rubbed them gently for a moment, and then opened them to take a look. On the card, there is a "God of Death" with a ferocious face.

"No," Gu Tianqing closed her eyes, smiled slightly, and spoke in a foreign language inexplicably: "You will."

After Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing finished their pleasant chat, he returned to Li Kai's office to drink tea.

At the same time, the two chatted casually about the future direction of the guild's development.

Chatting casually, a little serious, but not too serious.

There were some ideas that Yi Lin didn't say out loud because he was afraid of scaring Li Kai.

Moreover, that was a matter for the Snow Mountain Station, and Yi Lin managed it alone.

Yi Lin gave Li Kai great authority.

The Great Engineer Tower almost left it to Li Kai. Yi Lin simply put forward his own ideas and Li Kai was responsible for the specific implementation.

Time passed 12 hours before I knew it.

Yi Lin also had a meal on the way.

Yilin has been busy making food for a long time, and Yilin hasn't tried eating other people's food for a long time. Although the taste is not good, it is better than the comfort.

In Wang Tiandi's storage space, Yi Lin stuffed a lot of food.

When Xueer is hungry, she will naturally punch Gouzi hard and make Gouzi hand over the food. Yilin doesn't have to worry about this.

Since Wang Tiandi took the initiative to share the work of raising the baby, the burden on Yi Lin's shoulders has been reduced by half. This dog is well raised and raised wonderfully, which is beyond words. Yi Lin expressed deep gratitude to Emperor Wang Tian in her heart.

People who have never raised a baby cannot understand the hardships of raising a baby.

In particular, this naughty kid can knock Yi Lin flying more than ten meters with one punch.

The gratitude in Yi Lin's heart lasted for several seconds.

He focused on business again.

After dinner.

The sun sets.

Night falls.

The duel between Oda Mai and Miriam lasted throughout the day and ended at night.


In the distance, another building collapsed.

in the room.

A three-dimensional holographic projection of the entire Haiting City was suspended between the two people.

As the building collapsed, the corresponding building in the holographic projection flashed red three times and then dimmed.

"This area is almost gone."

While talking, Mrs. Li handed over a cup of hot black tea with a smile - the black tea leaves have been changed again and again, and this pot is freshly brewed.

"Thank you, madam." Li Kai took the black tea and took a sip. In the projection, with the Great Engineer Tower as the center, some areas were almost in ruins, but Li Kai's calmness at the moment gave people the feeling that the building that collapsed was not his house, without any expression of physical pain.

Yi Lin smiled: "After the two of them collapse these buildings, the demolition work in this area will be almost completed."

"About 20% of the buildings are not planned to be demolished."

"It doesn't matter, there are two talented people in the newly built civil engineering department this morning. Let them stretch their muscles a little."

"It makes sense." Li Kai chuckled: "Xing Fei's ability can reuse 'raw materials'. This process saves a lot of manpower in demolishing buildings. He is really a talent!"

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing when they remembered the above conversation.


Mrs. Li couldn't help covering her forehead, and walked out of the room without looking.

"Speaking of it,"

Yi Lin walked to the wall. Here, you can clearly see the scenery outside. Yi Lin stared at the direction of the most intense turmoil, turned her back to Li Kai and said, "Their duel is almost over. By the way, Brother Li, you have already lost. Remember, you are willing to admit defeat."

Speaking of this, Li Kai touched his nose depressedly.

The current score between Oda Mai and Miriam is [16:48].

The bet between the two is that at which time Oda Mai can successfully unlock the attribute lock.

Whoever says the closer number wins the small bet.

Li Kai bet 15 times.

In fact, when Yi Lin told him his chips, Li Kai guessed that he lost. Because he was cheated.

The rules are set by Yi Lin.

The conversation between the two at that time was:

"I'm joining. Let's bet on a rare item. Brother Li, at what time do you think Xiao Wu will unlock the lock?"


"you sure?"

"15 wins, I'm sure."

"You have made a decision and left, and you are not allowed to regret it." Yi Lin smiled brightly: "I bet that Xiao Wu will step into the extraordinary when Miriam wins her 50th victory."

Li Kai was dumbfounded at that time.

Soon he realized that he had fallen into Yi Lin's text trap.

What Yi Lin asked herself was: At which victory can Oda Mai unlock the lock?

However, Yi Lin's own speculation is that Oda Mai can unlock the lock when Mirien wins her 50th victory.

"Actually, it doesn't matter how many times Xiao Wu wins. Because she will definitely lose. At present, there is still a gap between the two in terms of strength." Yi Lin looked into the distance and smiled: "Xiao Wu is very competitive. As a person, her competitiveness is even stronger than her desire to survive, which she may not have discovered herself. She always thought that she was just pursuing the peak of pure swordsmanship."

"But, there is nothing completely pure in this world."

"It is precisely because she feels that this state of mind is too pure that she has not yet broken through the 'restrictions' again."

"Because a simple mentality of pursuing, searching, exploring, etc. cannot put enough pressure on her."

"What she lacks is not accumulation, but a strong opponent. An opponent strong enough to arouse Xiao Wu's competitive spirit."

"And in this kind of duel, as time goes by, repeated failures, and the anxiety, loss, and frustration that Xiao Wu has forgotten for a long time will gradually increase Xiao Wu's pressure."

"This pressure will reach its peak when Mirien has won fifty times and is about to win the fifty-first time. It reaches its peak - 'Boom', explodes."

At this moment,

Along with a shrill cry, Yi Lin and Li Kai's faces became solemn at the same time.

far away,

A strange-shaped shadow shot straight into the sky.

The shadow was deeper than the night.

In the shadows, there seemed to be faces that were crying and ferocious, twisting and wailing.

Looking closer, there seemed to be densely packed eyes on his face, gradually opening.

Obviously, it's just a shadow. But the strange scene in the shadows made Yi Lin and Li Kai feel numb in their scalps for an instant.

After a while.

Yi Lin slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said three words:

"I won."

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