Infinity Throne

Chapter 71 Only Changge is being beaten (please vote for recommendation)

Nie Hongxiu is like the queen of this dark night.

The jade feet are in the air, and the red dress looks even more charming and sad against the hazy moonlight.

The vacuum slash struck by Oda Mai carried the power of splitting all things apart and struck Nie Hongxiu in mid-air.

Incredibly fast.

It felt like the thick fog in front of Oda Mai had just been torn apart, and the sword light had already arrived in front of Nie Hongxiu.

But the sharp sword light finally returned in vain.

He was blocked by a head of silver hair.

Silent and silent.

Not even any fluctuations.

The sword light just like this, strangely dissipated in front of Nie Hongxiu's hair.


A few strands of silver-white hair were sadly broken, floating in the air in a "Z" shape, slowly falling down.


Oda Mai's cold face showed slight fluctuations.

With the addition of the Ghost Energy BUFF, her strength reached an incredible level.

This knife can crack the ground, break through the air, and kill ghosts, but it only cuts off a few insignificant strands of hair.

Nie Hongxiu's beautiful face changed slightly.

The red pupils with a hint of white also had a little more fluctuation.

More like...annoyed. angry!

Angry over just a few strands of hair.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Nie Hongxiu obviously didn't make any move next, but the thick fog that shrouded the surroundings was forced to move ten meters away.

The surrounding view is wider.

Nie Hongxiu stood upright in the air, without saying a word, but his whole body exuded a murderous intention as cold as frost.

Do ghosts... also have murderous intentions?

Nobody knows.

But Mai Oda moved.


Oda danced, and an afterimage appeared behind him.

But Mai Oda's body is faster than the shadow. She is in front of the shadow and the shadow is behind her.

In just the blink of an eye, Oda Mai jumped into the air with the help of her foot.

This leap directly spanned a distance of ten meters. front of me!

In the blink of an eye, Oda Mai came directly in front of Nie Hongxiu!

This explosive power is simply appalling.

With the blessing of super high strength attributes, although Oda Mai cannot control her soaring power well.

But now, Oda Mai doesn't need to control it.

Just go all out, risk everything, and strike out with the most powerful sword... enough to cut off everything in front of you!

Oda Mai's eyes were as frosty as she looked in front of her.

That piece of red.

Look directly into those red eyes.

The beauty of Nie Hongxiu is unearthly, sad, and otherworldly.

But to Oda Mai, these are not important.

The other party... is just a ghost.

Her sword, whether it's a ghost or a human, she will not hesitate to wield it as long as it's damnable.


Oda is dancing!

Unexpectedly, with that leap in mid-air, she sheathed the knife again at an extremely fast speed, and at this moment, she... drew out the knife again!

"The art of drawing sword——"

A horrified voice sounded.

But that's not important.

Because Oda Mai has already drawn the sword.

There is a line between Oda Mai and Nie Hongxiu.

A white line.

If someone looks from the side at this time, this white line seems to completely separate the above line and the below line.

This line... is an extremely fast sword light.

Chi chi chi chi——

Countless small sounds breaking through the air suddenly came.

The sound was as subtle as a gnat, but in the extreme silence of this moment, it seemed extremely clear and could be heard.

Chi chi chi chi——

Nie Hongxiu raised her hand.

Oda Mai didn't see clearly when Nie Hongxiu raised her hand.

Was it before the knife was drawn?

Or after taking out the knife?

In short, when Oda Mai reacted, those countless silver hairs penetrated through her body like silver needles!

In an instant, Oda Mai's body was covered with dense needles!

That’s Nie Hongxiu’s hair!

Pass through in front, pass out from behind!

At almost the same time, the sword light wielded by Oda Mai also cut across Nie Hongxiu's snow-white neck.


Time stands still for a moment.

In mid-air, the sword in Mai Oda's hand still had no time to return to its sheath.

Countless silver hair passed through her body.


Suddenly, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of Oda Mai's mouth.

A blood line also appeared on Nie Hongxiu's neck!

The next second, the blood line spread, and Nie Hongxiu's head...

It fell down!


Li Changge suddenly sat up.

The upper body also bounced back and forth a few times.

He's been pretending to be dead for a long time.

I never dared to get up.

Just now, he squinted his eyes and witnessed the brief but fierce confrontation between Oda Mai and the female ghost in red.

Seeing Oda Mai swing that amazing sword, he was so shocked that he couldn't help shouting "draw the sword and slash".

After shouting, Li Changge immediately broke out in a cold sweat, closed his mouth tightly, and continued to lie on the ground without moving.

Keep playing dead.

Fortunately, the two big guys in mid-air did not notice his presence.

Perhaps it could be said that there was no time to take into account his existence.

After all, Li Changge, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, didn't matter.

Li Changge felt a little distressed.

Of course, my face hurts too.

One minute ago, Li Changge was penetrated through the chest by Nie Hongxiu, a female ghost in red.

The health value dropped directly to 0%.

Logically speaking, he should be completely cold.

But the reason why he survived was all because of one prop.

It was a life-saving tool he had obtained through great hardships in the last trial world.

【Stand-in Puppet】

[Grade] Rare

[Description] Can be used automatically when receiving fatal damage to resist a fatal damage. Current remaining times: 1/1. Destroyed after taking effect.

This is Li Changge's only life-saving tool.

It's equivalent to having an extra life.

I didn't expect it to be wasted here.

Li Changge's heart was dripping with blood.

Why was Mao himself so unlucky!

Originally, Li Changge planned to pretend to be dead until the two bosses decided the winner in mid-air.

He guessed that this female ghost was most likely the "Ghost King" in the main mission. If Oda Mai was really unparalleled in combat and destroyed the Ghost King directly, then Li Changge could also take a ride and complete the main mission and return to the real world.

Taking a step back and saying that if Oda Mai died, it wouldn't be a bad idea for him to lie down and pretend to be dead...

It's much better than being beaten to death.

Li Changge's calculations were ringing in his mind.

It wasn't until Wu Oda chopped off the female ghost's head with a knife that Li Changge finally couldn't hold it back and jumped up from the ground with a cry of "Fuck".

"The Ghost King is dead?"

After Li Changge bounced off the ground, he didn't dare to be careless and looked at the person and ghost frozen in mid-air.

Oda Mai was seen spitting blood from her mouth, her face was pale, and she was suspended in mid-air by countless silver hair, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

And that head...


Rolled in front of Li Changge.

Li Changge was shaken all over, his scalp was numb and his back felt cold.

That pretty fair face was staring straight at Li Changge with a look that showed neither joy nor sadness.


Li Changge swallowed hard.

Cold hands and feet.


At the same time as his head rolled down, Oda Mai, whose hair was stranded in the air, also fell heavily to the ground.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, the head that was staring at Li Changge turned back.

Li Changge's limbs, which didn't know how to move, suddenly regained their strength. He climbed up limpingly, desperately chose a direction, and ran with all his strength!

There was sudden movement behind me!

The head seemed to float up and chase after Li Changge!

Although Li Changge didn't look back, his imagination alone was enough to imagine that horrific scene!

He didn't dare to look back.

There’s no turning back!

Run, run, run!

As long as I run fast enough, the ghost will never be able to catch up with me!

I remember there is a very famous FLAG...if you turn around, you will die!

Li Changge rushed into the thick fog.

There's a ghost flying behind.

Suddenly, a petite figure appeared in front of him, which seemed familiar.

"Manni?" Li Changge's heart skipped a beat.

But the steps did not stop.

Who let the devil fly behind his back?

Who dares to stop!


Suddenly a little girl in white ran out of the thick fog.

It was Li Changge who looked vaguely familiar.


The little girl let out a sigh, casually picked up a meter-long, thigh-thick stick, and slapped Li Changge on the face.

This time it's... the right side of the face.

Li Changge was instantly knocked out again.

At this night, in the fog and in the village, both people and ghosts are showing off.

Show off so well.

Only Li Changge was being beaten.

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