Infinity Throne

Chapter 705 Clock Tower (5000 words, please vote for me!)

This is Yilin's first serious cross-server experience.

Yi Lin's first impression of the Tower of War server was that it had a small population.

Before the arrival of the Four Towers, many countries in Europe were known for their low population density and heavily skewed age structure.

Europe is a continent made up of many small countries.

The three of them rode their respective mounts and quickly headed northwest.

On the way, Yi Lin passed by a small town and grabbed a few bottles of red wine in a supermarket to fill up the fuel for the Night Dire.

Fortunately, Night Dire is not picky and has no requirements on the type of fuel. So much so that Yi Lin even doubted that even adding water to Nightmare's fuel tank would be enough.

en route.

Yi Lin casually asked about the Magicians Association, intending to collect information in advance in case of emergency.

"The destination is London. The Clock Tower, the headquarters of the Magician's Association, is located on the outskirts of London."

After Mirien finished speaking, she seemed to have completed the introduction work and let out a long sigh of relief.

Yi Lin was puzzled.

Is this... the introduction finished?

On the side, Gu Tianqing smiled and took over the topic: "If I remember correctly, the legendary Magicians Association was an organization that used to gather occult experts from all over the world for academic exchanges."

Gu Tianqing started to speak, and Yi Lin looked at Gu Tianqing calmly.

Gu Tianqing smiled and continued: "The Magicians Association has a long history, even more than two thousand years ago. It can be traced back to BC, but those are all legends, and it is difficult to tell whether they are true or false. More modern ones, I heard that they were seven hundred The previous 'Witch Hunting' movement seemed to be an attack on the Magicians Association, but the truth has been buried in written history."

"After that, the Magicians Association gradually disappeared from history and rarely appeared in the world again. However, as far as I know, there are unexplained disasters in several countries that seem to be inextricably related to the Magicians Association. .”

"It's like the 'Sky Fire Attack' in a certain city on Yingdao a hundred years ago. Huh? President, if you look at me like this, I will misunderstand you."

Yi Lin calmly looked away and chuckled: "I just didn't expect you knew a lot."

"It made the president laugh. I just liked to inquire about some weird and interesting things when I was traveling around the world."

Miriam did not see the hidden quarrel between Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing. Her hair trembled slightly to show respect, and she exclaimed: "Mr. Gu knows so much."


After listening to Gu Tianqing's words, Yi Lin noticed that Yi Lin used a special vocabulary when describing events related to the Magicians Association.

"You mean, the Magicians Association isn't a good thing either?"

"Who knows?" Gu Tianqing shrugged with a sly smile and replied, "Oh, who cares?"

It seems that Miriam doesn't know much about this organization that specializes in "occult science".

Or maybe she is not good at words and doesn’t know where to start.

In short, that's all. The three of them stopped talking in detail and just went on their way.

They no longer stopped in any town, crossing plains, crossing rivers, and passing through mountains and rivers.

Finally, under the guidance of Miriam, Yi Lin and his party entered the borders of the British Empire and arrived at the outskirts of London at nightfall.

The outskirts of London are deserted.

A straight asphalt road passed through the thick weeds, with many abandoned vehicles on it, completely blocking the traffic artery.

There are many private single-family houses along the national highway. However, these houses have fallen into disrepair and have long been empty.

In the dark night, crows squawked loudly and circled back and forth in the sky.

There were rotting, nameless corpses. Some died in the car, some died in the wilderness, and some were dismembered on the road.

The scattered corpses died in different ways. But the only similarity is that they seem to have been dead for a while, and the carrion on their bodies has been sucked away by scavengers such as crows or maggots, leaving only bones and flesh connected.

In the hollow eye sockets of some corpses, clusters of white maggots squirmed back and forth, moving in and out.

At night, as the three of them went deeper, the smell of corpses, rot, and blood mixed together and filled the air.

Yi Lin silently took out a piece of [Sea Salt Honey Rose Pollen Crispy Fried Ham Sausage] from the storage space, crushed the card, and the aroma wafted out. He alone put the ham sausage into his mouth and started chewing it.


The sound of swallowing hard came from beside Yi Lin.


Another one.

But this time the voice was close to my ears...


Yilin didn't need to look back, he had already guessed that Mirien's "food sensing radar" behind him was pointing directly at his ham sausage, accurately positioning it.

"President Yi, I am willing to exchange for rare items. Please let me taste your craftsmanship."


Miriam happily exchanged a rare card for a piece of ham, turned her back to Yi Lin and Gu Tianqing, and started eating.

Yi Lin noticed that although Miriam didn't make any sounds or body movements when eating ham, the stupid hair on her forehead stood straight when she took the first bite.

Yi Lin wanted to pluck out those stupid hairs more and more.

That bunch of shiny golden hair seems to be her treasure.

Will you get angry if you pull it out?

Sometimes, once human thoughts arise, they are like parasites that are difficult to remove from the mind.

Finally, Yi Lin struggled to look away.

Once again he gave up on the tempting idea.

Inexplicably, the two words written on the mysterious note he received before departure flashed through Yi Lin's mind - "pick her up".

Yi Lin shook her head vigorously and threw this ridiculous idea away.

What the hell!

When Mirien was about to start eating, she already understood why Yi Lin took out the ham sausage to eat in the wilderness full of rotting corpses at this time.

Because that [Sea Salt Honey Rose Pollen Crispy Fried Ham Sausage] has attributes.

And it’s a rare dual attribute.

First, it can deodorize; second, it increases staying power.

“Incredibly delicious!”

After finishing her meal in two or three quick bites, Miriam felt as if she was a little stronger. She could easily demolish a building, but now she had the illusion that she could easily demolish an unfinished building.

"I'm losing weight."

Gu Tianqing saw that Yi Lin had no intention of giving him snacks, so she smiled and gave herself a step up.

"That's just right."

After Yi Lin finished eating the soul food, she wiped her mouth, glanced at Gu Tianqing, and laughed.

After the interlude, just as the three were preparing to walk the final journey to the legendary Clock Tower.

Yi Lin suddenly asked: "How far is the clock tower?"

Miriam elegantly took out the silk scarf and wiped her mouth. She was satisfied and in a good mood. She answered all questions and said, "We will reach the outskirts of London after another ten kilometers."

Gu Tianqing smiled: "No wonder it started to fog."

"If I guess correctly," Yi Lin raised a finger and pointed in a certain direction: "Is the clock tower in this direction?"

The proud King of Knights was startled: "How do you know?"

Yi Lin blinked: "I told you, I guessed it."

Miriam believed it.

The three of them were back on the road.

It’s just ten kilometers away and you’ll be there in the blink of an eye.


Gu Tianqing quietly sent a private message to Yi Lin: "President, you have discovered it as expected."

"I don't believe you got it through divination. Your spiritual attributes have exceeded the 'limit'."

"Ah, I accidentally exposed it." Gu Tianqing smiled with a smile on his face, his lips moved slightly, and he gave an insidious fake smile.

"Please remain silent, otherwise even if you are extraordinary, I will still have a way to beat you up."


I don’t know if Yi Lin’s threat is in place.

Gu Tianqing really obeyed and shut up.

Forget about Gu Tianqing's reason for deliberately exposing his extraordinary spiritual attributes.

Yi Lin was even more curious about the clock tower and the "magician" Mirien mentioned.

Spiritual apostles, in a certain sense, have very keen perceptions.

This is even more true for the extraordinary spiritual side.

Yi Lin faintly noticed that there seemed to be a cold prying gaze coming from deep in that direction.

After confirming the location of the clock tower from Mirien, Yi Lin was 90% sure that the people at the clock tower had already known that Mirien would take them to the clock tower at this time.

Peeping from ten kilometers away?

How did you do it?

This is far beyond the limits of human vision.

Not to mention in this foggy night with reduced visibility.

"It would be too boring if it were just the apostle's skills."

A happy smile appeared on Yi Lin's lips.

ten minutes later.

The faint reflection of the dark motorcycle tore through the thick fog and cut through the night.

The exhaust sound is high and low, strong and weak, wheezing and trembling, just like a high and loud song. It seems to be announcing to this strange land that a kind man from the east is about to arrive.

At the end of the road, there is a "Y"-shaped three-way intersection.

Directly ahead of the fork in the road is a mountain peak shrouded in thick fog.

Next to the fork in the road, there is a rusty road sign.

The wooden pole used to fix the iron road sign was covered with moss. It was unknown how many years ago it was made. It might just be considered an antique.

"The eternal border."

Yi Lin waved his hand and put away the Cybertronian gentleman who was about to run out of "fuel" and panting alone. He stepped forward curiously and read in a low voice the obvious printed fonts on the road signs.

Above the font, there is a pattern that looks like an antique pocket watch.

Clearly, the destination has been reached, no doubt about it.

Yo, there seems to be a line of small words here.

Yi Lin stretched out his hand to wipe away the dust and rust on the road sign. In an inconspicuous corner, it seemed that someone had carefully carved a line of scrawled handwriting with a knife.

——[Permanent inheritance of mystery as knowledge. 】

"That sentence is said to be the origin of the Magician's Association."

Yi Lin and Miriam looked at Gu Tianqing who broke the silence at the same time. Although Mirien's face was expressionless, Yilin's reaction when she noticed the bunch of stupid hair on top of Mirien's head could be guessed. As a native knight king, Mirien didn't seem to know the origin of this proverb - stupid hair. Trembling three times is the usual reaction of "Stupid Radar" when it is slightly surprised.

By the way, according to Yi Lin's secret observation, as Mirien's level of surprise increased, the number of times Daimao shook increased accordingly. Yi Lin was curious about what kind of strange family inheritance allowed Miriam to have such an enviable special physique.

Gu Tianqing noticed the glances from Yi Lin and Miriam at the same time.

He smiled slightly, spread out his white gloves, and explained sincerely: "I heard a friend of mine mention it."

Yi Lin was silent.

He found that Gu Tianqing was talking about making friends out of nothing and girls out of nothing, without any sense of shame.

Gu Tianqing smiled. He didn't seem to care whether others believed what he said. Lying has long become one of his instincts or skills. He looked away from the faces of the two people, looked at the mountains shrouded in night fog directly behind the road sign, and asked in a low voice: "This is the clock tower? But...where is the clock tower?"

Yi Lin knew very well that Gu Tianqing was asking questions knowingly, so she didn't bother to pay attention to him.

On the outskirts of London, ten kilometers away from here, where they paused for a moment, if the gaze they felt really came from here, then obviously, when they arrived here, someone would come out to greet them in the clock tower.

There might even be a grand welcome ceremony, with a group of well-dressed welcoming girls lining up neatly and saying in unison: "Welcome."

Miriam didn't understand Gu Tianqing.

She thought Gu Tianqing was really asking. As the host, she shook her head gently and answered proactively: "I don't know either."

Yi Lin glanced at the King of Knights curiously and asked, "You've never been in?"

Mirien shook her head again. She didn't hide anything, but she said something that Yi Lin couldn't fully understand at the moment: "The Magician Association... no, it should be said that the Clock Tower, under normal circumstances, is very exclusive of 'us'."

Miriam had just finished speaking.

The dense fog in the depths suddenly tore from the middle.

It was as if there was a hand pushing away the thick fog.

The sound of leather shoes treading lightly on the ground came from deep in the mountains. A tall and thin figure wearing a black tuxedo slowly walked out.

I saw that the man had fair skin, beautiful eyebrows and big eyes, a straight nose, and exotic facial features that were pure and indifferent. He has short brown hair just above his ears, smooth and straight. Over his left eye, the man in the tuxedo wears an eyepatch, as if he were a one-eyed dragon.

"The noble descendant of the Knight King, Miriam Artoria X Pendragon, and the two strangers from afar, welcome you to the Clock Tower as guests. I was ordered to come to the 'Eternal Border' 'Welcome you. In the next period of time, I will be responsible for arranging your itinerary in the clock tower."

When this person spoke, Yi Lin discovered that the above description was slightly deviated from the real situation. It should be "she" not "he". She is a woman.

The tuxedo butler gently closed his eyes, put his right hand on his chest, saluted the three of them with standard aristocratic etiquette, and introduced himself in a calm tone that seemed to be standard in the service industry: "You can call me - Cerbera Si. Please follow me, the entrance to the clock tower is right here."

After the tuxedo butler who called himself Cerberus spoke softly, the thick fog seemed to come alive and actually parted a path in front of them.

Yi Lin's pupils narrowed.

That mountain was suddenly leveled at some point. A small road winds through the middle of the mountain wall, and there seems to be a basin inside. What originally looked like a "peak" turned into an ancient bell tower.

Inside there appears to be a huge basin structure. There are many tall buildings, but for some reason, it looked like a mountain from the outside just now. In the blink of an eye, the scenery changed.

"Is this magic?"

Yi Lin thought to himself, remaining silent for a moment. Mirien, however, followed Cerberus without any hesitation. It seems that for the sake of her so-called "King's Glory", even if there are mountains of swords, seas of fire, traps and cesspits in front of her, she can happily cross them without frowning.

"He is truly worthy of being second in the world."

Yi Lin praised silently and sighed softly. He suppressed a few doubts swirling in his mind and followed.

Anyway, Miriam was in front of him, so what was he afraid of?

"Cerberus." Gu Tianqing followed Yi Lin and laughed softly: "In ancient Greek mythology, the name of the three-headed dog of hell."

Yi Lin said: "There is no need to show your erudition at this time, it is something that everyone knows."

"Haha, that's right."

Gu Tianqing suddenly stopped talking.

The winding path continued forward, Cerberus leading the way, and before they knew it, the thick fog around them dissipated. The three of them walked through the stone steps, which were seamlessly connected. Their next step stepped on the thick wooden floor, making the sound of "creak, creak, creak" footsteps.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Lin's surrounding scene changed. From the wilderness, we came to a deep corridor.

On both sides of the corridor, elegant dark wood tables were placed with flowers, vases and other elegant decorations. Beautiful golden relief patterns, as decorative patterns, are vividly embellished on the handrails on both sides of the corridor.

Oil paintings of unknown ages are hung on the walls on both sides. The characters on them are lifelike, graceful and luxurious.

"Artoria X, President Yi from the East, and Mr. Gu who have deep connections with the Gypsies, my master already knows your purpose. The master has prepared clean and suitable clothes for you. Please take a bath." Change your clothes and wash off the dust. In twenty minutes, I will take you to the VIP room to meet the owner."

After Cerberus finished speaking, he tapped three times on the wall on one side of the corridor.

A door appears.

Cerberus opened the door gracefully, stood by the door, bowed and motioned for the three of them to enter.


Miriam was not afraid, straightened her hair, and entered bravely.

The door is closed.

Cerberus was next to him again and opened the second door.

Gu Tianqing and Yi Lin looked at each other.

Gu Tianqing chuckled: "President, I'll go first. I've wanted to take a good bath for a long time. See you later."

Finally, it was Yi Lin's turn.

Cerberus knocked on a door from the opposite wall and respectfully invited Yi Lin to enter.

Yi Lin smiled slightly and stepped in.

But just when Yi Lin was about to enter the room.

Cerberus suddenly grabbed Yi Lin and reminded him expressionlessly: "President Yi from the East, please pay attention to the time."

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