Infinity Throne

Chapter 712 Thessia von Einzbern (4400 words)

The holiday is over.

Yi Lin looked back at the spiral staircase where she had stayed for more than a month, feeling a little reluctant to leave.

Half an hour later.

Yi Lin and Miriam came to the Lord Barthelmer again.

Bartholomew is in a wheelchair.

Cerberus stood beside him.

To Yi Lin's surprise, Gu Tianqing was already waiting in the VIP room obediently. This was a bit unlike Lao Gu's usual behavior.

Not long ago, the long table that Mirien split in half with a sword was replaced with a new one.

The shadows of everyone swayed slightly against the light of the chandelier.

"I received news that the person who stole the treasure appeared in Red Hair City."

"Red-haired city?"

Miriam knew that Yi Lin had failed in foreign geography, so she explained from the side: "Munich is a city in the southern part of the German Republic. During its peak period, the population peaked at seven million. It was the third largest city in the German Republic."

It turns out to be the city of Munich.

Yi Lin has naturally heard of it.


"Why did it change to such a weird name as 'Red-haired City'?" Yi Lin asked.

"The respected descendant of the Knight King, Artoria X, will understand this better than we do." The young man smiled slightly.

Miriam nodded, her expression serious, and she continued without any concealment: "That's because of a guild, the Red-haired Guild."


When Yi Lin heard this, her heart moved and she quickly opened the world guild rankings.

Red Hair Club, seventh in the world rankings.

The seventh guild in the world!

"In other words, Munich is now the territory of the red-headed society."

Yi Lin understood and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Once this matter involves the guilds in the Tower of War server, it will not be so simple.

Yi Lin's purpose in coming to the next area was not to compete for hegemony.

Fighting for hegemony is so boring.

Yi Lin was not interested either.

Others will stay there just fine, so what are you going to do to beat them?

Not to mention the server next door.

"Things are not that bad." Barthemero coughed twice, smiled, and put a brand new photo on the table, showing it in front of Yi Lin and Miriam.

On the front of the photo, there is a woman wearing a brown cloak. She is walking through the crowd in the market. The hood of the cloak used to cover her face accidentally falls down. The scene frozen in the photo is exactly the scene when she looked back in panic.

It was precisely because she accidentally dropped her hat and looked back that she left such a high-definition and uncensored photo.

European continental ancestry is mixed, and weird hairstyles and hair colors can be seen everywhere. But when Yi Lin saw the photo for the first time, her attention was still focused on the other person's hair color. She has long hair as white as snow, and her face has the characteristics of both Eastern and Western people, making her look like a mixed race who has perfectly inherited the advantages of both.

To be honest, Yi Lin likes the setting of a white-haired woman.

"She's a beauty."

Gu Tianqing added on the side.

Yi Lin picked at the dead skin on her forehead. Although he also knew that it was not good to judge people by their appearance, the first impression that the white-haired girl in the photo gave Yi Lin did not look like a bad person who could sneak into the clock tower and steal things.

This thought just flashed through Yi Lin's mind. Yi Lin raised his head again, looked at Bartholomew Dylan, and asked, "Are you sure she stole your big treasure?"

Cerberus stood beside Bartholomew Dylan, his eyelids were lowered, and his voice was neither happy nor sad. He interrupted and reminded: "It's 'us', Mr. Yi Lin. Don't forget, you are too now. A 'Black Magician' in the Clock Tower."

"Without further delay." Bartholomew Dylan said: "They will tell you the details of the target on the way. Please ask Mr. Yi Lin, the black magician, to leave for Munich as soon as possible."

After Bartholomew Dylan finished speaking, he looked extremely tired. He stretched out his pale hand to cover his mouth and yawned lazily.

Logically speaking,

Yi Lin is just a magician of the "color level". As one of the twelve monarchs, Bartholomew Dylan does not need to be so polite in his words. But in addition to this identity, Yi Lin's other identity is that of the president of the world's number one guild.

Even though the twelve monarchs in the Clock Tower are not insiders, they seem to know a lot about the apostles' circle. It seems that they also understand what Yilin's identity as the leader of the world's number one guild means.


Yi Lin put away the photo of the white-haired girl, and he quickly noticed that Barthemero used an interesting word in his words.

"Yes, them."

Bartholomew Dylan said, clapped his hands, and a short woman in a crisp suit walked out from behind the door.

The woman who walked out from behind the door was estimated to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, and her facial features were still childlike. She has long, silky brown hair that is tied into a bundle on the back of her head and reaches her waist. The ordinary chest was smooth and flat, with no ups and downs.

I don’t know if it was because of the use of equipment such as belts, or if it wasn’t because of her long hair and facial features, it would be easy for people to misunderstand her as a little brother.

Behind the woman, she was carrying a black leather case that was more than one meter long. It looked quite heavy, and she didn't know what was inside.

"Griffin and Cerberus, they will be with you on this journey."

Barthemero explained softly.

Twenty minutes later.

Mirien, Yilin, Cerberus, Griffin, and Gu Tianqing left the clock tower and headed south.

After they left.

Bartholomew Dylan took out a magic crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, a scene of a group of five people, riding their own vehicles, along the national highway, away from the clock tower, was played.

After a while.

The five people drifted away and disappeared from the screen.


Right now.

In the quiet VIP room, a chilling cat meowing sounded for no reason.

"Da da da--"

A graceful and luxurious woman, with a black cat sitting on her shoulder, appeared here wearing high heels at some point.

"Lord El-Melloi IV,"

Barthemero snapped his fingers, and the magic crystal ball suddenly went out. He pushed the wheelchair without expression, rotated 180 degrees, turned around and stared at the uninvited El-Melloi IV, his eyes slightly narrowed, looking at the black cat on the woman's shoulder: "You It’s time for your alchemy doll to learn to knock on doors.”


The black cat's cold vertical pupils looked bright under the dim light.

"Do you think it's him?"

At this time, the expressionless woman asked in a tone without any emotion.

Although it was a woman who spoke.

But Bartholomew Dylan's eyes were focused on the black cat from beginning to end.

In the Clock Tower, only a handful of people know that the so-called "Monarch El-Melloi IV" is actually the black cat. The beautiful woman is just a magic alchemy doll controlled by the monarch El-Melloi IV. On the surface, it looks the same as a real person.

The black cat squatted on the woman's shoulder, stretched out its pink tongue, and gently licked the messy hair on its paws.

Bartholomew Dylan looked at the black cat pretending to be innocent and closed his eyes: "There is something about that guest from the East that I cannot see through."

The woman spoke again: "'They' come from the tower, and the existence of 'them' is the mystery itself."

Bartholomew Dylan said: "I know."

"In the clock tower, in the past ten years, so many magicians have tried, but none of them can adapt to the 'level'. Why do you think that an oriental who has only been exposed to magic for a month can surpass so many magicians who have passed down the family tradition?" A magician with blood and complete knowledge?”

The woman under the black cat seat asked again.

Bartholomew Dylan was silent for a long time.


The black cat called again.

It seemed to be urging.

Barthemero then slowly said: "Please wait and see, Lord El-Melloi IV."


The beautiful lady suddenly turned around and left a cold word.

"I'll see, Bartholomew G. Dylan. Remember, your time is running out."

Night fell quietly in the wilderness.

The sound of the engine roared in the night, and waves of sound spread into the distance.

Amidst the undulating sound of the engine, there is a faint sound of horse hooves and jets.

Yi Lin and his party of five all have their own means of transportation.

"Dark Night Mode."

Yi Lin felt a little embarrassed.

Nightmare is too noisy.

Yi Lin could only activate a mode that had not been activated for a long time.

In an instant, the world became quiet.

To Yi Lin's left and right, Griffin and Cerberus, riding a special-shaped motorcycle respectively, turned to look at Yi Lin.

They were a little puzzled.

The car that was emitting strange sounds from the exhaust pipe just now suddenly became silent.

Along the way,

Because the exhaust sound of Yi Lin's car was too noisy, they didn't have time to talk.

Starting from London, when it was dark, they were now approaching the English Channel.

"Have a rest here tonight."

The new Griffin also has a personality problem. He is the kind of person who is ruthless and doesn't talk much. When passing by an abandoned village with no one, he stopped and made a decision on his own.

Yi Lin and Miriam looked at each other.

There seems to be some reason.

Miriam nodded.

The people who originally lived in the village have long since moved elsewhere, leaving only empty houses.

Yi Lin put away Nightmare. Nightmare was still a little unfinished and took a few breaths of protest before leaving.

Griffin and Cerberus are not apostles, so transportation is not that convenient. They hid two motorcycles near private houses, turned off the engines and lights, and hid their whereabouts.

The circuit to the village has long been damaged, and the village houses are dark. Yi Lin picked up some wood from everywhere and lit a simple bonfire.

"I'm going to go find some food."

Yi Lin said and left alone.

Miriam's eyes lit up when she heard that Yi Lin took the initiative to go out to look for food. She sat quietly by the campfire, like a good child.

Yi Lin walked around a few times, and oh, this time she got lucky. Yi Lin easily caught a few lone hares in the wilderness.

The three hares were trembling in Yi Lin's hands, extremely frightened.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom -"

When Yilin is catching hares.

On the road in the distance, several armored vehicles with particularly noisy engines were speeding past.

On the armored vehicle, there seemed to be people holding torches and shouting something.

Yi Lin squinted her eyes for a while and saw that those speeding armored vehicles were not heading towards the village where they settled. After Yi Lin confirmed the matter, she carried three trembling little hares, hid in the darkness, and quietly returned to the uninhabited village.

When she returned to the house, Yi Lin couldn't help but laugh.

Gu Tianqing sat in a corner of the room, wearing white gloves with a calm expression, silently rubbing the tarot cards.

Miriam sat in front of the bonfire, sitting on the ground in a standard kneeling position, looking forward to it, her hair trembling, reflecting her inner anxiety.

Griffin was still carrying the long black leather bag and stood beside him, expressionless and motionless.

The relationship between Cerberus and Griffin is somewhat intriguing. They are both subordinates of the monarch Bartholomew, but they are separated by a full two meters.

With just one glance, Yi Lin could clearly understand the situation inside the house. He smiled without revealing the weirdness. He found a basin of water, took out a set of chef's utensils from the storage space, and skillfully bled, removed hair, skinned, cut into pieces, and washed.

Five minutes later, skewers of specially roasted rabbit meat sprinkled with Lin brand spices were placed on the campfire.

Miriam's eyes had long been inseparable, staring directly at the sizzling rabbit meat on the fork, wiping her lips from time to time.

While waiting for dinner.

Yi Lin felt that the atmosphere in the room was too quiet, so he could only take the opportunity to break the silence and asked:

"Does the woman in the photo have any information I should know?"

Cerberus raised his head, glanced from Griffin, and finally landed on Yi Lin, and replied: "She is Thessia von Einzbern."


Miriam, who was sitting by the campfire and observing the whole barbecue process intently, struggled to look away from the barbecue, a trace of doubt flashing in her blue eyes.

She seemed to have heard this name somewhere.

Cerberus lowered his head, staring at the bonfire without moving, and continued: "She comes from an ancient magic family. Once upon a time, Cescia von Einzbern was also an outstanding magician in the clock tower. division."

Yi Lin smiled: "Not surprising, maybe only a magician knows the value of that thing. If I guessed right, she later became an apostle?"

Cerberus was silent for a few seconds, but answered the question incorrectly: "She has always been——"

Just when Cerberus was about to say something.

Griffin, who had been leaning against the wall, carrying a leather bag, closing his eyes and keeping silent, suddenly stared and interrupted Cerberus with a cold voice: "She is a despicable thief, dear Black Magician, you only need to know this. Her magic skills are far beyond your understanding, so Lord Barthemero sent me and Cerberus to assist you."


A strange smile appeared on Yi Lin's lips.

"The barbecue is ready, let's eat."

Yi Lin handed the barbecue skewered on the spit to everyone.

"You have a share too."

Yi Lin looked at Gu Tianqing, who was playing cards in the corner.

While eating in silence.

Yi Lin silently wrote down the name "Cesia von Einzbern", which was so long and difficult to pronounce.

"I'm not welcome."

Miriam was really not polite, she grabbed a bunch with one hand, moved gracefully, and sat down to eat. But the rabbit meat skewered on the spit disappeared very quickly, and fell into Mirien's belly in the blink of an eye. He is indeed an extraordinary close-combat apostle, his movements are as fast as lightning, which is dizzying for everyone.

A simple dinner ended.

While tidying up.

Yi Lin suddenly remembered something and mentioned that when he was catching hares, he saw several armored vehicles racing recklessly on the road.

"That's a roadie."

Cerberus explained: "Similarly, they are also your kind. They specialize in wandering in the wilderness, robbing the apostles who pass by, and forcing them to hand over 'props' and 'war points'. Our identities are somewhat sensitive, and once they are If found, it is likely to cause conflict.”

Yi Lin thought for a while and smiled: "I think they are worried about more than just the same kind of people." Yi Lin pointed to the direction where the two motorcycles were hidden: "The things produced by your clock tower should also be within the scope of their plunder. In here?"

Cerberus did not refute, but nodded: "Yes, road bandits are a group of desperadoes."

"Is it so tough?" Yi Lin sighed softly: "I am beginning to understand why the population growth rate in foreign countries is so well controlled."

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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