Infinity Throne

Chapter 723 The Arena of Supermen (5K)

But in fact, what really made Yilin's mood fluctuate was not seeing Cecilia's naked body.

If it's really an ordinary white body, just look at it, it's not a big deal.

The point is, the "body" itself.

The naked Cecilia exposed her most "real" side to Yi Lin.

Her whole body was filled with magic markings.

All kinds of magic engravings, densely packed and layered. Yi Lin could only see part of it clearly.

There was a bullet hole in Cecilia's abdomen. There are clearly visible cracks around the bullet holes.

Those were the traces left by Griffin's "Hokai Bomb".

But a normal human body should not have cracks.

"what do you?"

Yi Lin asked.

Yi Lin's question is "what", not "who".

Because, he saw that Cecilia's existence itself was not human.

More like, a "product".

Her body is like a "manufactured" product.

This makes sense.

It stands to reason that the human body cannot accommodate many types of "magic engravings".

The problem is not the "Magic Mark" itself, but the "Magic Circuit".

For orthodox magicians, a "magic circuit" is equivalent to an "organ" forcibly imposed on the human body. If there are too many messy organs, problems will naturally arise. In the most serious case, it is likely to cause the magic power to go wild and explode on the spot.

But what if Cecilia isn't human?

Then everything can be explained!

Someone, for a certain purpose, created Sesia von Einzbern. There are various magic circuits in her body and various magic markings on her body.

"My existence is the 'mystery' itself." Cecilia generously displayed her body in front of Yi Lin and said with a smile. Part of the magic mark on her back suddenly lit up. After saying that, Cecilia fell straight back.



Yi Lin's eyes narrowed and his face changed slightly. At that moment, two bullets were fired at the same time. The moment after shooting, Yilin activated telekinesis at the same time and strangled Cecilia from both sides.


In an instant, Cecilia's neck and limbs were forcefully twisted into strange angles by Yi Lin's invisible telekinesis. However, Cecilia, who fell backwards, still managed to turn her position under such circumstances. The bullets originally aimed at Cecilia's vital parts hit her shoulder and abdomen.

Where it was shot, it exploded instantly. But the power of the explosion was much worse than Yi Lin expected. Apparently, there was something in Cecilia's body that absorbed part of the impact of the bullets, causing Yilin's two bullets to lose their power.


After Cecilia was shot, she finally collapsed. The moment she fell, a gap suddenly opened behind her, and she disappeared into Yi Lin's subspace.

Yi Lin stepped forward and looked at the place where Cecilia disappeared in surprise. There was only a long white hair left there.

"Her "displacement magic" actually ignored the subspace barrier! Well, this is no longer the category of magic! "

As Yi Lin spoke, he waved his hand and walked out of the space of evil thoughts, reappearing in the refugee room with a corner of the roof broken.

As expected, Cecilia, who was supposed to be in the refugee house, had long since disappeared and disappeared from the same place.

In front of Yi Lin, the same trick was repeated again and again... Another white hair.

This actually made Yi Lin feel a little angry and a little depressed. With his current strength and mental level, he shouldn't be defeated by the same move. But there was no way, the other party's magic skills were beyond Yi Lin's understanding. It’s not without reason that Cecilia can succeed repeatedly with the same “displacement magic”.

Her displacement magic is close to the level of the famous wandering entertainer "Darius Ainsworth" at that time, reaching the realm of "pseudo magic".

Because Yi Lin did not give a "hint" to the refugees in the house, when Yi Lin reappeared, a dozen refugees in ragged clothes huddled together in the house, looking at the well-dressed refugees with extremely frightened eyes. Yi Lin.

It's like looking at someone from another world.

Yi Lin lowered his head, quickly left a little bit of food on the ground, then turned into a shadow and left the place.

A few seconds later, Yi Lin recovered from the shadow state, took off, and reached high altitude.

From the time Cecilia left the subspace to the time Yi Lin came out, it was less than ten seconds.

In the deserted town, Cecilia took the initiative to expose herself to the red hair, causing chaos everywhere.

The red hair moved quickly on the roof like a roaring bull.

Wherever he passed, buildings collapsed, one house at a time, and he was unparalleled in his dominance.

"call out--"

In the town of Uk, there is a dilapidated church.

As the red-haired man chased Cecilia, who was constantly changing positions, from the direction of the church, a high-speed moving shadow made a huge noise in mid-air, leaving behind a lightning-shaped line of light and shadow that spanned hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. distance, and hit the red hair directly.


But just when the high-speed moving figure was about to hit the red hair, a piece of fog suddenly appeared between the red hair and the lightning. The figure, which was originally moving in a straight line at high speed, curved strangely in a huge arc when it broke into the fog, and crashed into the ruins on the side.

The Governor of Bol came out of the fog. She was smoking a cigarette and said to the red-haired woman in a cold voice: "I will block her while you go and catch that woman."

The redhead is a typical melee fighter, with extremely high strength and dexterity. Although Cecilia kept changing positions, Red Hair always found a way to lock Cecilia's position. Various points in the city collapsed rapidly, and wherever Red Hair passed, there were countless casualties.

This is just pure physical power, a transcendent apostle, transformed into a human armored vehicle, rampaging through the city.

In a very short time, Yi Lin had a clear view of the situation in Uk Town.

at the same time.

There is a lake in Uk City.

This lake is not big, that is, it is large enough for boating and playing in it. It's not that deep, that is, it can drown people, but never see the body floating up.

Once upon a time, this lake was also a tourist attraction in Uke Town.

Although, not many people remember the name of this lake.

But the only thing worthy of praise is that it is said that relevant geologists have made measurements and said that this lake is the lowest point in the entire basin. It is said that they also provided data.

And when several extraordinary apostles were wreaking havoc and killing in Uk Town.

In the center of the lake, layers of ink-like black began to float.

The black color was just a little bit at first. In the middle of the huge lake, it spread with the waves, making it difficult to attract attention.

But soon, the color of the lake water became darker and darker.

In the center, gradually, there were bubbles gurgling out.

The area of ​​​​bubbles grew larger and larger, and soon spread across the entire lake surface. Small white dots float on the lake. If anyone takes a closer look, they will be surprised to find that those "little white dots" are turned out to be fish maws.

Boiling lake water, a lake of fish carcasses, and a blackened lake. It looks like a pot of "fish soup stewed with ink" is being cooked.

The nameless lake experienced blackening and boiling successively, and then, a small whirlpool appeared.

Yi Lin was thinking.

Waves of heart palpitations came.

The strong sense of crisis comes from behind.

Yi Lin didn't hesitate and moved in a snake-like position to avoid it in the air.

Invisible fluctuations passed through the position where Yi Lin was floating just now.

There was obviously nothing, but Yi Lin still clearly felt something swishing past her feet.


Just after Yi Lin dodged.

Ten meters away, a three-story small flat building suddenly underwent strange changes.

It was as if there was an invisible hand that forcibly broke the building apart. With a click, the building was bent in the middle and was broken into a standard "right angle".

According to normal physical principles, if a building is broken by an external force, it will either collapse or, at worst, crack. But that building was forced into a "right angle" shape, which was extremely weird.

"It's unscientific!"

Actually, it's magic.

"Domination magic?"

The "shape" of that building has changed.

Being able to do this should fall into the category of "control magic".

It is not possible for ordinary magicians to be able to change the shape of a building of this quality to such an exaggerated degree.

Yi Lin never expected that in this situation, he would still have the heart to complain. His eyes narrowed and he turned to look in the direction of the attacker.

Soon, Yi Lin found it.

In that direction, is the church.

At the top of the church, on the cross, a black figure stood quietly.

Yi Lin silently raised the telescope and looked towards the church.

Is a priest.

A priest wearing glasses.

He wore a luminous gemstone ring on his hand, and his index fingers and thumbs were combined into a "square" gesture in front of his glasses. It seems that this gesture is used to lock Yi Lin and achieve the effect of "aiming".

But what surprised Yi Lin the most was not the other person's gestures or clothes, but those eyes.

Behind the old-fashioned round glasses, there is a pair of golden eyes. The pair of golden eyes flickered, like two golden LED light bulbs, which were extremely dazzling.

"It's the magic eye...the real magic eye!"

The magic eye is the ultimate amplifier for magicians.

Naturally born magic eyes are extremely rare. Using modern scientific theory to explain them, they are basically equivalent to "genetic mutation". It is impossible for a normal person to grow a pair of LED bulb eyes.

People with magic eyes are almost born magicians. In the circle of magicians, various families will take the initiative to provide wives and adopt them as adopted sons, and they will be provided with food, housing and living expenses. In other words, in the eyes of a magician, she is a piece of cake that tastes better than his wife.

In the eyes of demons, there are naturally three, six, and nine levels.

Generally, low-level magic eyes are only red or green. But this kind of magic eye is also very precious in the era of "mysterious decline" in the past two decades.

And further up, it’s gold.

On a higher level, it is said that there are rainbow colors that are impossible for serious humans to appear.

According to descriptions in magician's classics, the rainbow-colored magic eye is "the grace of the gods", "a glance obtained with a lifetime", "other people's money and others' life", etc.

The golden magic eye, to use the apostle's professional terminology, should be... This is an epic eye, and he has two!

"What kind of monsters are they?"

Yi Lin had a severe headache. Although he could still cope with it, the magician's endless methods made Yi Lin feel that he might as well deal with, three redheads, which would be easier for Yi Lin.

He likes to kill melee types the most, it's easy and enjoyable.

Those eyes, I really want to pick them out and take them back for study.

As a black professional magician in the Clock Tower, Yi Lin had a strange thought in his mind.

But the words Cecilia deliberately left flashed through his mind.

Why do you say it was intentional?

Because with Cecilia's method, she can obviously run away directly.

But she happened to chat with Yi Lin for a few words.

——"You are really not a qualified magician."

This sentence should have some profound meaning.

It shouldn't just be a taunt.

Uk Town, under the control of the dark hands, has become an extraordinary arena.

Yi Lin didn't give the opponent a chance to fire again, and her brain was working rapidly, thinking of countermeasures. After thinking for a short time, Yi Lin raised his hand and pointed it towards a kilometer away, clasping his five fingers.

The upgraded [Grasp of Annihilation] has such a large range that even Yi Lin himself feels cruel. The ordinary version of [Grasp of Annihilation] is unremarkable. Yilin does not need to practice. The pure skill effect is just put out. In Yi Lin's eyes, the flowing lines, quickly sketched, directly wrapped the entire church in it.


Another building that looks historic...

It collapsed in the flames of the explosion.

Several extraordinary apostles caused chaos in the city.

One after another, low buildings collapsed, and the red-haired man transformed into the captain of the demolition team, pushing them all the way.

His only shortcoming seems to be his inability to move in the air, but it doesn't matter. Walking on dry land feels the same, but the movement is a bit louder.

Cecilia has laid out many "replacement points" in the city in advance. The key point of replacement magic is "exchange". It cannot be created out of nothing, and it cannot be teleported at will like Yilin's teleportation technique. However, the magic power in her body is terrifyingly powerful. The simple replacement magic was turned into a "pseudo-magic" technique for her, making the red hair visible but intangible, and she was filled with evil fire.

In the air, the high-speed moving figure was getting faster and faster. Behind his butt, as he moved, a "sonic boom" sound was heard. Wherever they passed, glass shattered in a straight line, and houses collapsed one after another in the sonic boom, raising high clouds of dust.

"His speed actually reached the speed of sound!"

Yi Lin took a breath and did not dare to be careless in this "superman's arena". After he blew up the church with [Grasp of Annihilation], the young priest, covered in smoke, staggered not far from the center of the explosion. Judging from his footsteps, it seemed that he had suffered a lot of trauma in the explosion just now. .

The priest stared at Yi Lin for no reason. Even though he was injured, he endured the severe pain and activated his magic again, aiming at Yi Lin in the air.

"Multiple projections!"

Before understanding the secret of the other party's magic, Yi Lin did not dare to approach rashly for safety reasons. He fired a shot into the air, and bright spots of light exploded in the sky, turning into a shower of light that fell everywhere and turned into Yi Lin's projection.

These projections appear lifelike and realistic on the surface. The priest who was taking aim was slightly startled, and his rhythm was disrupted by Yi Lin's sudden display of extremely high "magic" attainments. The next shot of control magic that could "change shape" did not go out as expected.

Across the ruins, Yi Lin glanced at the priest, and her heart moved. Instead of staying here, she turned around and ran quickly, chasing the movements of the red-haired and Cecilia before catching up with Cecilia.

Rather than this messy situation or the box, Yi Lin was more concerned about Cecilia's purpose.

Cecilia changed all the way and finally came to the lake in Uk Town.

Yilin was the last to arrive, after all, he was flying, and he couldn't be compared to the short-legged redhead. While the red-haired man was still moaning about demolition in the city, Yilin had already arrived above the lake and confronted the naked Cecilia from the air.

Cecilia raised her head and smiled: "You are here."

"Is this your purpose?"

Yi Lin frowned. The water in the lake had long been dyed pure black. Only a fool would not be able to tell that there was something wrong with this wrong color. The fish in the lake were completely dead, with their bellies swollen, and the sparkling waves floating in the black water were truly spectacular.

And in the middle of the lake, a small whirlpool quietly appeared.

"For magicians," Cecilia said with a smile: "Lake, mirror, plane, these special scenes always have extraordinary significance. Just like the magic show on the stage, they always rely on these seemingly ordinary scenes. props to accomplish the amazing 'impossible'. Right?"



Yi Lin couldn't help but think of the lake in Kanzaki City and the mirror in Styx Junior High School.


Just when Yi Lin hesitated for a moment in the air, Cecilia left an incomprehensible word and then jumped into the lake.

"not good!"

Yi Lin's face changed drastically. In mid-air, he quickly opened the communication panel, clicked on Gu Tianqing's name, and shouted into the call box: "You guys, don't step into this city!"

Gu Tianqing actually replied in seconds: "It's too late. The proud King of Knights has already charged in with his sword."

"She's normal. I'm mainly talking about you!"

"Me? Haha. Guess." Gu Tianqing smiled.

An ominous premonition came to Yi Lin's mind: "You actually came in?"

"Remember what I said?"

This sound actually came from the lake.

At some point, Gu Tianqing came to the lake, sat down, smiled, waved and said hello to Yi Lin in the sky.

Yi Lin looked at Gu Tianqing in surprise.

He originally thought that Gu Tianqing would be more cooperative this time and would just listen to him and stay outside the town.

In the dark lake, after Cecilia threw herself into the lake, the small whirlpool suddenly surged, the turbulence was rapid, and it turned into a huge whirlpool in the blink of an eye. In the center of the whirlpool was a deep cave, bottomless, and the entire black water of the lake, as well as the white fish carcasses, were swallowed up by the cave at a terrifying speed.

"It was fate that brought us here."

Gu Tianqing said the same thing once in Haiting City, but this time it gave Yi Lin a different feeling.


Right now.

Seven dark chains shot out from the center of the vortex.

One of the chains passed through Yi Lin's chest with lightning speed.

The same style of chain also passed through Gu Tianqing's chest.

Gu Tianqing's chest was instantly stained red with blood, but his smile did not diminish. He raised a finger towards Yi Lin and asked:

"Now, do you still believe in fate?"

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