Infinity Throne

Chapter 735 Fourteen Heroic Spirits! (4500 words)

Yi Lin thought it was strange before.

In some novels, when you see some scene, you will be "stirred up in your heart" and "shocked beyond measure".

Are there really such magnificent psychological fluctuations?

Actually...not really.

Yi Lin leaned over the scorched earth and dug out a handful of earth with her fingers.

The soil exudes a faint smell of blood.

I don’t know how many bodies were buried under this soil.

Yi Lin flicked the scorched earth on his fingertips into the air, then turned around, looked into Gilgamesh's golden eyes, and said calmly: "So, you have 'seen' the outcome of this war."

Gilgamesh disdainfully said: "Don't expect to use your 'measuring' to measure my king's power."

Yilin ignored the irony in King Gilgamesh's words.

He thought for a moment.

Shaking his head, he said: "Impossible."


Gilgamesh's eyes twitched.

He doesn't like disobedience.

I don't like to refute either.

But this time, the proud wise king remained silent.

"I come from five thousand years later, and the era I live in is your future. For five thousand years, with such huge information, no matter how strong you are, you are just a human being. It is impossible for you to see five thousand years clearly. years in the future.”

"Ha." Gilgamesh sneered, but did not deny it.

"More likely, you can only read some fragments, or 'ways' of specific events."

"Very good." Gilgamesh praised in admiration: "No matter how disadvantaged we are, human beings always have hope. No matter how slim this hope is, the people of "Xi" will never give up easily. "

"where is she?"

It was rare to have a face-to-face conversation with Gilgamesh, so Yi Lin quickly took the time to ask for the information she wanted to know.

Gilgamesh raised his head and looked at the ferocious crack in the sky, his face darkened: "Hope, it's somewhere we can't touch."

"She's still alive?"

"She is a god."

"Gods die too."

Gilgamesh sneered again: "If you are mortal, you are not a god."

"I saw a god die under certain circumstances."

Yi Lin refers to Ouranos.

He witnessed with his own eyes the destruction of that world.

God also fails, dies, and sheds tears. God is not omnipotent.

Gilgamesh shook his head, not intending to dwell on this topic.

Everything he could see was scorched earth. Gilgamesh turned around, his strong back showing a bit of silent desolation.

After a while.

The two were silent.

Gilgamesh turned his back to Yilin and waved his hand: "Go back, weak heroic spirit. Remember, what you see with your own eyes is only 'your future', not 'Uruk's future'."

What's the meaning?

Yi Lin looked slightly stunned.

I hate the Riddler the most.

But as soon as he blinked, Gilgamesh disappeared out of thin air in front of him.

Like a gust of wind.

Come and go without a trace.

Yi Lin turned around and scanned the earth and sky. He can already use the existing clues to roughly deduce and figure out the story that happened on this land and in the sky five thousand years ago. But what is the ending of the story?


In the deserted land,

Yi Rin is alone.

His limbs felt cold, his lips were numb, and the tip of his tongue was dry.

A terrifying speculation emerged in Yi Lin's mind uncontrollably.

"Could this be... the Twilight of the Gods?"

Gilgamesh left first.

It's like he never left.

According to reliable sources, the wise king has been in the palace, working diligently and handling Uruk affairs.

Yi Lin and others returned to "Tiangong Uruk" one after another.

This is a continent floating high in the sky.

When Yi Lin informed others of the situation on the ground.

Kotomine expressed disbelief.

But when you see it with your own eyes, you have to believe it.

Finally, the orthodox magician from the Wandering Sea, Kotomine Taoshi and Michelle, came to a reliable conclusion after discussion.

This singularity is most likely a history that exists in "fantasy" and does not exist in "reality". It is a "world container" that was separated out by the power of the Holy Grail.

"So, in fact, the "age of gods" does not exist. "

Kotomine is fair and feels that this is the most reliable interpretation of all this.

There is no other possibility.

Logically speaking, if this floating continent really exists, how could it not be discovered?

Five thousand years.

Five thousand years of days and nights are enough to distort all kinds of "historical facts" to the point where even the grandmother doesn't recognize it.

Maybe, in real history, the fifth king of the Uruk civilization was a beautiful woman, not necessarily a handsome man like Gilgamesh.

History is always written by humans. As long as history is wrong, no one can go back and distinguish right from wrong.

After returning to Uruk, everyone did not dare to stay away from each other.

Because the threat posed by that shadow can be described as devastating.

Six heroic spirits were in the same room, leaning against the wall and taking a short rest.

Fighting from day to night and then to early morning, even though they came to Uruk as heroic spirits, they were still human beings in essence. As long as we are human, we will get tired.

What will happen next, no one knows. Therefore, in order to survive, everyone, including Yi Lin, is adjusting their physical condition to the best possible condition, and no one dares to relax.

Until noon.

The six heroic spirits closed their eyes and took a nap, only falling into a light sleep and resting for a few hours.

The loud horn sounded, awakening the six heroic spirits from their sleep.

Yi Lin was not actually asleep.

He was thinking over and over again in his mind.

Thinking about Uruk.

Thinking about what Gilgamesh said on the scorched earth.

He had silently chanted Xiao Xi's name countless times in his heart, and even used the tried-and-tested delicacies to lure Miriam, but the proud goddess showed no response.

Is it because Xiao Xi in this era is not familiar with him, so she is too lazy to talk to him?

Amidst the loud sound of the horn, Yi Lin reluctantly opened her eyes.

They simply washed their faces with water and walked out of the temple as quickly as possible.

The city was already immersed in the solemn atmosphere on the eve of the war.

Groups of soldiers with solemn and solemn faces lined up neatly and walked out of the city with neat steps without hesitation.

Neat war songs were sung, and the prayers were continuous. Together with the footsteps, they were intertwined into a tragic epic.

They sang war songs in the ancient Uruk language. Yi Lin, who had a cold personality, couldn't help but be affected by the sonorous singing. She walked to the city wall with Miriam as fast as possible.

It was clearly noon at this time.

The sky looked dull.

The Tiangong Continent, where Uruk City is located, floats above the clouds. There were no clouds in the sky, but the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow, pressing down on the top of Uruk City like a pot lid, giving people the illusion that it was hard to breathe.


On the city wall, everyone's eyes froze.

A black rain seemed to fall from the cracks in the sky.

Thousands of monsters came from the sky.

But after the first two siege battles, these densely packed mobs, tens of thousands of them, could no longer move the heroic spirits, soldiers, and King Gilgamesh.

What really moved them were the six black figures in front of the herd!

They were all in pitch black, with different heights. Some were wearing pitch black armor and holding long swords, some were holding spears, and some...wait, is that a mobile phone?

On the opposite side, there are six figures in total who stand out among the monsters like chickens!

The dense herd of beasts turned a deaf ear to the six black figures and rushed past them.

"It's a heroic spirit."

King Gilgamesh said softly, confirming the identity of the "general" opposite him.

It's a heroic spirit!

This is no longer a question of eighth or ninth place.

In addition to the "Assassin" who stabbed the red hair to death in the first place, seven heroic spirits also appeared on the opposite side!

In other words, including the red-haired one whose grave has been stepped on, there are a total of fourteen heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail in this era during the battle of Uruk City on the heavenly continent!

This is the real Holy Grail War!

Seven heroic spirits VS seven heroic spirits!


Justice Kotomine was dumbfounded and sat down on the wall.

But soon, he stood up again, activated the shining golden magic eye, and extravagantly used the epic light bulb magic eye as a telescope.

Although he expected that it would not be strange for an eighth heroic spirit to appear in a serious Holy Grail War. But what he never expected was that the number of heroic spirits in this battlefield reached an unprecedented fourteen!

Fourteen heroic spirits!

What kind of Holy Grail can summon fourteen heroic spirits, you bastard!

This is simply impossible!


He was thinking in his heart, but on the surface he couldn't hold back any longer and spoke out what was in his heart.




In the calm sky, a harsh snapping sound suddenly sounded.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they saw little flashes of lightning gathering directly above Uruk City.

In the blink of an eye, the concentrated lightning formed a black thundercloud, and there was a terrifying sound of thunder brewing in the thundercloud.

"Nice attack!"

On the battlefield, Gilgamesh was so high-spirited that he took out the stone tablet and his eyes turned golden.

When everyone thought he was finally ready to take action, they didn't expect Gilgamesh to directly name him:

"Caster, come on."

Yi Lin called him a good guy in his heart.

But now, it's not his turn to continue. At the critical moment, Yi Lin, wearing a dark magician's robe, floated up, wearing a hanging ring on his hand, stretched out five fingers above his head.

The raging magic power surged in Yi Lin's body.

For the first time, he personally experienced the feeling of spiritual energy... ah no, the feeling of magic power circulating in the body.

This feeling was extremely clear, like a rhythm, singing a cheerful song along with his movements.

In modern times, magic power is thin, and Yi Lin's skills rely entirely on spiritual power. But this time, he was in the Age of Gods with rich magic power, and his whole figure seemed to be immersed in a sea of ​​magic power. This feeling makes Yi Lin sometimes have the illusion that he can tear heroic spirits apart with his bare hands... No, I want to tear ten of them apart!

The current scene is not optimistic, but Yi Lin can't help but say: It's so cool!


"bring it on!"

Come around!

Layers of magic lines vibrated between Yi Lin's wrists.

As Yi Lin drew circles, a huge space wormhole appeared above the city of Uruk.

Yi Lin was in the air, holding her head high, with her feet on the world, and opened a super large teleportation circle with a diameter of several hundred meters with her backhand!


boom! !

boom! ! !

boom! ! ! !

Waves of thunder crashed down from the dark clouds.

But the terrifying thunderbolts had no chance of landing on Uruk City.

Yi Lin casually punched in the coordinates, and the power of thunder traveled through the wormhole, and Yi Lin was transported to an unknown part of the world.

Dazzling light shines on the earth.

Thunder after thunder roared in the sky.

But Yi Lin, with one person and one hand, blocked the power of thunder, which was called a natural disaster!

The Uruk soldiers recovered from the shock. After the shock, their morale soared.

At the edge of the city wall of Uruk, they shouted loudly about Yilin’s rank:




Not only the melee soldiers, but also the Uruk court priests were so shocked by Yi Lin's move that the corners of their mouths twitched.

How could such outrageous magic be developed in later generations?

After a moment,

Thunder split a round.

The city of Uruk remained unscathed.


On the city wall behind Uruk, a fort with a domineering shape emerges from a hidden grid.

A total of three hundred and sixty special magic cannons fired a salvo at the enemy camp.

"Dingir (divine seal)!"

As he chanted, circles of golden light rippled around Gilgamesh.

At this moment, Gilgamesh looked like a god descending to earth, looking majestic and majestic.

The divine seal is the secret weapon for defending the city of Uruk!

Three hundred and sixty rays like laser cannons fell on the enemy without aiming.

Nearly ten kilometers away, we arrived in the blink of an eye.

There is no need to aim now. Outside the city of Uruk, there are all enemy troops. Just shoot a few blindly and indiscriminately.

This time, the enemy seems to have learned the lessons of the previous two times.

They no longer disperse their forces and attack from all sides.

Instead, they chose the flattest direction of the plain, gathered all their forces, and launched a strong general attack on the city of Uruk.

It seems to be saying that this wave of attacks will destroy the city of Uruk!

The ground is filled with galloping beasts.

There are magic eyes on the beasts.

In the sky are strange creatures with wings and emitting green gas.

The Air Force and Army are pressing forward at the same time.

This order of magnitude far exceeded the number of soldiers in Uruk City.

But the next moment,

No one is afraid,

No one flinched,

No one shuddered!

"Go, my fearless soldiers, charge for Uruk, for "Xi", and for the continued survival of mankind! "

On the city wall, Gilgamesh looked stern and waved his hand, giving the command to charge.


The loud war song sounded, and the neat military formations, taking determined steps, launched a charge towards the plain.

After the death of Red Hair, there were only three heroic spirits left in Uruk who were good at melee combat. They became the leaders of the soldiers, charging forward.

Generally speaking, apostles would never do such stupid things. But there was nothing they could do. The red-haired man's experience was still vivid in his mind. None of them thought about it. Gilgamesh found any reason to hang them on chains and hang them in public as a warning.

The roar of thunder ignited the horn of charge. This was like a signal, and the alien army also launched an attack.

After solving this wave of super large magic, Yi Lin was shocked, but he returned to the city wall with a calm expression and stared at the six dark figures in the distance.

Today, the biggest challenge is not these soldiers, but the heroic spirits on the opposite side!

Seven heroic spirits!

The thunderbolt just now was obviously released by the magician heroic spirit on the opposite side. If Yilin had not possessed the magic to open the portal, this wave of attacks would have fallen on Uruk, and the casualties would have been incalculable. Magic of this magnitude cannot be easily released by humans. Obviously, the heroic spirit opposite is a serious heroic spirit, and has also been strengthened by the Holy Grail and the Heroic Spirit Seat.

"How can it be?"

Yi Lin frowned, thinking about this problem.

He did not forget that the reason why they came here was because of Cersia von Einzbern. After coming to this era, Cecilia never appeared again, which became a layer of haze on the battlefield that people had to guard against.


Kotomine's fair reaction was not surprising.

Logically speaking, this is impossible.

The seven of them were summoned from Gilgamesh's Holy Grail.

But where did the other party's seven heroic spirits come from?

When the impossible has become possible, everything has become reality.

Then, there must be a reason for this.

There must be some reason to explain this situation.

After all the impossible answers have been eliminated one by one, there is only one possibility left. No matter how absurd, outrageous, or exaggerated it is, it is very likely to be the only answer.

After a while,

Yi Lin suddenly realized: "In this era, there is still a second Holy Grail!"

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