Infinity Throne

Chapter 744 Lend me your Holy Grail (4500 words)

Miriam ordered a curry stick.

This was the winning sword that she poured all her magic power into.

Her family has recorded the glorious deeds of countless ancestors.

Although some of these deeds are inconsistent with historical facts, this does not prevent Mirien from growing up bathing in the glory of her ancestors.

At the end of these family inheritance classics, it is recorded that the ancestors died because of betrayal.

The betrayers claimed that King Arthur had no heirs.

Some historical research even claims that King Arthur actually did not exist at all.

But it must be there.

Miriam's existence, the title she inherited, and Pendragon's bloodline were all ironclad evidence that the King of Knights existed back then.

She firmly believes this.

This firm belief has also become Miriam's faith, allowing her to live to this day.

When she was one year old, she captured the family emblem when she captured Zhou, and the whole family celebrated together.

At the age of two, the first word she learned was "Excalibur".

When she was a child, she would often hold her wooden sword high and shout curry sticks at the human-shaped wooden target.

When she was four years old, she slept with her ancestor's sword in her arms every day.

At the age of six, she began to learn swordsmanship.

The popular swordsmanship at that time focused on stabbing. But she prefers to pay New Year greetings and feel that it is more enjoyable.

When she was eight years old, she was abused over and over again by the family's kendo teacher.

The teachers all shook their heads and secretly lamented that Miriam, who had captured the family emblem at the age of one and was destined to carry forward the Pendragon family, had a worrying talent in swordsmanship.

When she was twelve years old, a big sister wearing black clothes and a mask quietly came to the Pendragon family, saying that she wanted to teach her "the way to victory."

The eldest sister had short golden hair, which was very similar to hers, and her voice was cold, but Miriam somehow found it pleasant.

At that time, she foolishly thought that it would be great if she could have such a beautiful voice when she grew up.

Under the big sister's mask, there must be a very beautiful face.

The girl's heart was filled with something called "longing".

At the age of thirteen, she became enlightened, became awesome, and began to beat all the invincible opponents of her age.

At the age of fourteen, the mysterious eldest sister left and never appeared again.

The eldest sister said that one day, they will meet each other.

At the age of fifteen, she inherited the title of "King of Knights" and officially inherited her ancestor's sword. Her appetite also began to increase, doubling and doubling. The elders in the tribe were very happy. Legend has it that their ancestors were also very good at eating.

Miriam believed that the sword of the ancestors and the glory of the ancestors were invincible.

"Must win".

That's why that sword is called the "Sword of Vow to Victory".

It means - "I make an oath with this sword to bring victory to the kingdom"!





Exhausted, Mirien's knees weakened and she knelt on the ground involuntarily.

She stared blankly at Zhao Zilong who was twenty meters away.

Except for his right arm, which was shaking violently, his whole body was unscathed.

This sword didn't even penetrate the opponent's fluttering cloak.

He actually blocked it!

But it wasn’t completely blocked!

In that gorgeous golden light, Mirien could clearly see what happened at that moment.

Zhao Zilong was in the midst of lightning and flint, and the tip of his gun was vibrating crazily, with a frequency that was almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. The trembling spear tip, just as the light of the sword was about to strike in front of him, gently pushed away a corner.

It was that seemingly easy move that pushed Mirien's precious phantom "Sword of Oath of Victory" away and shot it diagonally into the sky.

Zhao Zilong looked up to the sky and roared, extremely happy.

He laughed happily, as if he was excited because he blocked the sword.

Mirien suddenly felt that she could understand the other party's mood very well.

If she could block such an awesome sword, she would smile like that dissolutely.

"I lost."

Miriam lowered her head.

Zhao Zilong walked towards Miriam step by step.

As he walked, Zhao Zilong's trembling right arm returned to calm as he walked.

In fact, Zhao Zilong was not as relaxed as he seemed on the surface.

At that moment just now, he used his cleverness.

Facing Todoroki head-on, he couldn't fight that sword.

"Actually, I lost. But in the end, it was me, Changshan Zhao Zilong, who won."

Zhao Zilong pointed his spear horizontally and gave the enemy general Miriam the highest praise.

The implication is that the sword he blocked was not a clash of warrior swords, so he lost.

But he will win this battle between generals on the battlefield, so he wins.

He, Changshan Zhao Zilong, will take off the enemy general's head!


Mirien struggled to get up, and she used her last strength to stand the golden sword in front of her.

She was obviously exhausted.

It was obvious that she no longer had the strength to even swing the sword.

It was obvious that her magic power had been exhausted and she could no longer squeeze out any drop of it.


Miriam stood up.

The glory of her ancestors warned her that she could die or be defeated, but she could never give up, and she could never lie down and be killed by the enemy.

"Shine, the glory of our ancestors!"

Miriam's face showed a look of determination to die!


Zhao Zilong moved and stabbed Mirien's throat with his spear!

"Sorry, her life is mine."

Just when Miriam was about to die under Zhao Zilong's gun.

A gleaming bullet was shot from Mirien's back.

A bullet!

Miriam was stunned.

It's Yi Lin!

Yi Lin is here!

The cook is here!

Miriam was surprised, and at the same time, she felt a rare touch of emotion deep in her heart.

There was a flash of light in front of Zhao Zilong's eyes, and he changed the direction of the gun tip almost the moment the bullet was shot!


The moment the tip of Yajiao's gun came into contact with the bullet, the barrel of the gun was suddenly bent by 45 degrees, as if it would be broken at any time.

Zhao Zilong looked at the bent Yajiao Spear in shock, but his reaction was faster than his shock, his steps changed, he suddenly twisted his body in a strange movement, the spear stretched and swung, the terrifying power coming from the tip of the spear, Eighty percent of it was removed in an instant.

"Let the world feel pain from now on!"

A circle appeared behind Mirien, and Yilin appeared from behind the teleportation circle holding two guns. After seeing Zhao Zilong block the shot with his spear strength, he did not hesitate. After blocking it, he glared at Zhao Zilong who had not yet adjusted his posture, and released [Disaster-ridden].

This time,

Yi Lin finally understood all the restrictions on skills, which is gratifying.

But it's not because of Yi Lin's whim that it takes so long, nor because Yi Lin misses the past. But in fact, when Yi Lin was studying skills and successfully unlocked [Disaster Haunted], she developed two completely different ways to unlock the skill.

The first is to shorten the chanting time as much as possible and get as close to the "instant" effect as possible.

The second is to greatly increase the infusion of spiritual energy while retaining the original singing restrictions, turning this small-consuming skill into a medium-consuming skill and expanding the influence of negative status.

In short, those who are infected can greatly reduce the resistance of the "will" attribute, and will inevitably be affected by more than two negative states, and the duration of the negative states will be extended!

Under the influence of the rules of the Holy Grail War, each adapted class has strengthened its "resistance to magic", giving them terrible resistance to various magic effects and negative states.

From the moment Yi Lin understood the rules of the Holy Grail, he realized that the world seemed to be full of malice towards him.

Therefore, facing Zhao Zilong, a legendary general who had great military exploits in his previous life, Yi Lin could only use this method of unlocking to make his skills effective.

The invisible and colorless power of disaster shot towards Zhao Zilong.

At this point, Zhao Zilong's body has not regained balance in order to block Yi Lin's ten-layer charged super bullet.

This is the best time for a sneak attack!

Yi Lin knew that this was not kind.

But even Miriam, who was good at close combat, was forced to go to this point in a one-on-one duel with Zhao Zilong. Talking about martial ethics with the other party was self-destructive and not shameful.

Yi Lin believed that given the other party's broad mind, he wouldn't mind such details.


Zhao Zilong blocked the bullet, and the ground collapsed under his feet.

The force of the bullet was removed by him.

At this time,

On Zhao Zilong's chest, the mirror-like decoration flashed with light.

An even more dazzling reflection bounced back towards Yi Lin from the mirror.

"I am stupid?"

"Heart-protecting bronze mirror that protects against all evils"

"Level" B

"Type" vs. Magical Noble Phantasm

"Effective range" 1~15

"Biggest catch"?

The invisible power of disaster bounced back towards Yi Lin after being reflected by the breast mirror.

Fortunately, Yi Lin responded quickly.

Without saying anything, he activated another ability.

"Ouch tutu tutu——"

In the void, in front of Yi Lin, a square stream of light appeared.

Blue squares quickly formed the shape of a night dire in front of Yi Lin.

The aloof Cybertronian gentleman, Nightmare, comes from across the border!

Night Dire appears!

It hadn't appeared for a long time. Before its body was completely condensed, the half-condensed exhaust pipe was already emitting a roar.

It knew that it had a heavy responsibility. In mid-air, Dire took the initiative to transform into Cybertron mode.

The steel giant struck the ground, blocking the light reflected in Zhao Zilong's breast mirror.


The next second,

The tall Cybertronian motorcyclist twisted his waist happily between Zhao Zilong and Yi Lin.

Zhao Zilong looked a little startled, and the appearance of Night Dire made him hesitate for a moment.

These successive appearances disrupted Zhao Zilong's rhythm.

It was obviously a one-on-one fight, but suddenly it turned into a group fight, and no one could accept it.

But he is a legendary military commander after all, a legendary military commander who has experienced hundreds of battles. After a brief moment of confusion, he picked up his Yajiao gun and stabbed the flashing headlights in Night Dire's chest.

The headlights shattered and Nightmare screamed, but the damage was not serious.

The skill effect of [Disaster Haunted] was bounced back and landed on the poor Night Dire's head.

Zhao Zilong stabbed Night Dire one after another and swung it on Night Dire's head, displaying the sportsmanship of treating everyone equally on the battlefield and showing no mercy.

The Dire's armor plate has been level-reinforced and is not built. Zhao Zilong's hurried spears left holes in the Dire's armor plate, but they were unable to move the Dire's muscles.

With Zhao Zilong's strength, he had already reached the point where he could stab someone to death without a gun. But Dire is too hard.

Zhao Zilong frowned and found that the opponent in front of him was slightly gnashing his teeth.

First it was charm, then stun, and then blinding was added.

After a series of negative states, Night Dire's body was hit with one shot by Zhao Zilong, leaving holes and holes in it.

Zhao Zilong stopped.


Zhao Zilong stood with his spear tilted in front of him and stopped drawing it.

Because he discovered that Yi Lin and Mirien, who were hiding behind the armored man just now, disappeared there at some point.

After a while, there was a flash of light, and the night dire disappeared.

Zhao Zilong looked at the looming city in the distance, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

At this moment, Cecilia issued an order to Zhao Zilong through the command spell.


Zhao Zilong frowned and fell into deep thought.

This battle is over for now.

For now.

After counting the number of Uruk soldiers, there were only less than a thousand Uruk soldiers who returned from the battlefield alive.

To be precise, six hundred and twenty-three people.

It was a brutal battle.

Among the six heroic spirits who went on the expedition, only Yilin and Mirien were left alive and returned to Uruk City.

There were too many dead on the battlefield. The remaining people no longer have the ability to collect the bodies for them.

When Yi Lin returned to Uruk City, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

A big hole was broken in the city wall.

Starting from the city wall, a gully ten meters wide extended to the front of the temple.

The people in Uruk, old, young, women and children, suffered thousands of casualties in this wave of attacks.

The entire city of Uruk was shrouded in silent despair.

Under this wave of offensive, the surviving Uruk people seemed to have lost the ability to cry.

Every person Yi Lin could see had a confused and numb emotion on their faces.

Some of the surviving soldiers had mutilated limbs, were covered in blood, and had lost their combat effectiveness.

Even Mirien, who had always been high-spirited, had a rare look of sadness on her face when she witnessed the tragic scene in Uruk City with her own eyes.

Siduli found Yi Lin with an ugly face and a confused Miriam in front of the city gate.

"My king has an order, please have a good rest in order to face the upcoming hard battle."

Siduli bowed and said with her face still veiled. Her tone was incredibly calm, as if everything in front of her could not cause the slightest fluctuation in her heart.

"Where are the others?"

"My king has an order, please——"

Siduli planned to repeat what she just said.

Yi Lin interrupted Siduli rudely: "Let me ask, where are the Gilgamesh people?"

Siduli was silent for a moment and closed her eyes.

After a moment, Siduli opened her eyes again and replied slowly: "The king has another sentence for you."


""If you dare to come to my palace and disturb my rest, just be aware that you will die, reptile." This is what my king said. "

Yi Lin rolled her eyes.

This sentence is really his style.

Yi Lin walked towards the temple tower.

"Lord Caster,"

Yi Lin paused and did not turn around.

Behind Yi Lin, Siduli lowered her head, put her fists on her bulging chest, and said softly: "Heroic spirits from the future, please, please, witness the future of Uruk."

Yi Lin was slightly startled.

He didn't understand what Siduli meant by this.

But he still nodded and said nothing.

In this war, no one can stay out of it.

This is true even for Yi Lin and Miriam who joined here inexplicably.

Their future and their lives have long been linked to Uruk.

Yi Lin didn't say anything to ask where Kotomine, Michelle, and Gu Tianqing had gone.

If they were alive, they would naturally return to Uruk.

In the wilderness outside Uruk, as far as the eye could see, there was no living creature walking around.

After finally killing "Black Assassin", Yi Lin walked out of the space of evil thoughts and saw Bol's body at the same place.

Bol is dead.

Burnt all over.

She was electrocuted.

Hongfa and Bol died successively.

Kotomine, Michelle, and Gu Tianqing did not come back.

Now, in this unfair war, only Yilin and Mirien are left.


Yi Lin walked all the way to the temple, letting out a strange laugh.

Along the road, people of Uruk were sitting in the messy city. They made no sound except their breathing and heartbeat.

Yi Lin walked past them silently, stepped onto the stone steps, and walked to the palace.

In the empty palace, Gilgamesh was alone, sitting on a high throne, shaking a golden goblet in his hand, which contained amber ale.

"You came."

Gilgamesh was silent for a moment before taking the initiative to speak.

Yi Lin walked up to Gilgamesh.

There was no preamble or foreshadowing. Yi Lin pointed directly at the golden goblet in Gilgamesh's hand and expressed his intention.

"Lend me your Holy Grail."

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