Infinity Throne

Chapter 747 When thoughts span time and space! (4500 words)

On the city wall.

Yilin and Mirien looked at each other in silence as they looked at the 623 Uruk soldiers who took the initiative to step out of the city wall to challenge the aliens, and the wise king wearing golden armor.

Yi Rin holds the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail is in his hands.

But at this time, he deeply realized that the Holy Grail was not as omnipotent as the legend said.

In the final analysis, the so-called universal wishing machine is nothing more than an "amplification prop".

Otherwise, Gilgamesh would not have lent the Holy Grail to Yi Lin so easily in such a desperate scene.

In other words, this Holy Grail is of little use to King Gilgamesh.

Miriam ate soul food.

The whole person was on fire.

She rolled up her sleeves and prepared to jump down.

But when he jumped into the air, Yi Lin caught him with his "psychic power" and caught him in a dumbfounded voice, and retrieved the city wall.

Mirien slowly typed a question mark.

"There's no rush," Yi Lin shook his head: "Our battlefield is not here."

Saying that, Yi Lin looked into the distance.

In the dark night.

Five black shadows spread out in a straight line, taking advantage of the momentum of the alien attack to quietly walk towards Uruk City.

It's Black, five heroes!

This is a war for heroic spirits!

Gilgamesh was right.

Uruk's future does not mean Yilin's future.

If Uruk is destined to be destroyed, Yilin and Mirien should not die here with the destruction of Uruk.

Yi Lin figured out something not long ago.

Why did the black heroic spirits commanded by Cecilia choose to retreat at the perfect opportunity after killing their own side?

Later Yi Lin understood.

Because there were unexpected surprises on the battlefield.

This accident was Hippolyta's death.

Hippolyta was killed on the spot because of her crazy pursuit of Gilgamesh.

This matter went beyond Cecilia's "plan".

"According to 'history', Gilgamesh will not take action against black heroes." Yi Lin pondered: "Gilgamesh's power should be reserved for dealing with foreign races. Maybe it's because Hippolyta's provocation was too much, Circe She was worried that other heroic spirits would be affected, so when Hippolyta died, Cecilia recalled the remaining heroic spirits."


Miriam didn't understand.

"The reason is very simple. This is 'history'. Although we have intervened in history, we are destined to be unable to change history. Haven't you discovered that in fact, if the heroic spirits of both sides are eliminated, according to Uruk's original strength, it will eventually evolve into this situation."

"Our intervention did not bring anything to Uruk. Gilgamesh did not expect us to bring anything to Uruk from the beginning. In his view, we were too weak. Moreover, he said , Uruk’s demise is destined.”

Yilin took a deep breath of the free magic in the air: "So, we don't need to pay attention to the war in Uruk, we only need to concentrate on dealing with the remaining five heroic spirits."

"Really?" Miriam suddenly realized, but after she calmed down, she rarely used her brain and thought of a question: "By the way, Rin, have you noticed that until now, we have not received the main mission. "

Yi Lin rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, you can notice something, but I haven't noticed it?...Forget it, worrying about this now will not help the current situation. Let's find a way to kill the other five heroic spirits first."

In fact, Yi Lin had a theory that she didn't want to face seriously as to why they hadn't received the main mission until now.

But he didn't mention this speculation to Miriam.

He felt that it would be useless to tell her.

Miriam nodded.

With Yi Lin in charge of thinking, she felt particularly relieved.

In Miriam's eyes, Yi Lin's layout and insidiousness were comparable to his cooking skills.

Yi Lin took out the Holy Grail and began to prepare.

On the side, Mirien said to herself: "Actually, I decided to fight until the last moment for the city of Uruk."

"Not long ago, something happened that touched me very much."

"There was a child who secretly cut off a piece of meat and said he wanted to give it to his fathers."

"I asked him curiously, who are the fathers."

"The child said that in the city of Uruk, every child is everyone's child, and every adult will take care of all children as his own. I watched that child with my own eyes take that piece of fragrant meat. , and distributed bit by bit to the soldiers who were injured and unable to eat in the city of Uruk."

"In the city of Uruk, there are no families, no bloodlines, and no relatives. They regard themselves as one ethnic group. They are all Uruk people, and they are all...human beings."

Having said this, Mirien held the Sword in the Lake tightly: "Why would such a beautiful city be destroyed?...Hmm?"

Miriam was feeling emotional and expressing her feelings.

But as she was talking, she discovered that Yi Lin started to make moves when the enemy heroic spirits were about to attack here.


Yi Lin held the Holy Grail high, and square magic arrays swung out from his wrist.

The Holy Grail floated, Yi Lin stood in the air, and a huge magic formation was completed with the Holy Grail as the center.

Yi Lin closed his eyes and thought about the magic mark on Cecilia's body. He began to add his own understanding and quickly constructed it.

"She underestimated me too much. Maybe that woman wouldn't have thought that in such a short period of time, I could imprint the magic mark on her body and see it clearly and accurately. Woman, you are really You shouldn’t have stripped naked in front of me.”

Miriam was slightly startled.

She raised her head and looked at Yi Lin, who was making some movements in mid-air above the city wall, her hair trembling: "What are you doing?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly: "Isn't this obvious? Who stipulated that the Holy Grail War can only have seven...ah! Fourteen heroic spirits?"

It seems... there are no rules.

Then what?

"Stand back, I'm going to start shaking people!"

Yi Lin closed her eyes.

"The core of crystal pattern technique is 'circle', which means cycle."

"The core of magic is 'Fang', which means rules."

Yi Lin wore a hanging ring on her hand and spread her hands flat. A layer of square circuits appeared on her left wrist, and a layer of round crystal pattern appeared on her right wrist.

Finally, Yi Lin put her hands together and clapped them together.

"Free Method: Formation of the Great Holy Grail!"

In an instant, the Holy Grail suspended in front of Yi Lin began to tremble violently.

A golden magic power visible to the naked eye rushed into the sky.

In the sky, a golden matrix of freedom is outlined silently.

It's like there are two hands, one hand is drawing forward and the other hand is drawing backward.

The positive trajectory of light is in the part that outlines the "circle".

The reverse light trick is in the outline of the "square" part.

Square and circle, positive and negative, finally converge to the center from two completely different directions.

In the huge matrix, icons with distinctive features lit up one after another.

Miriam looked at it for a while and saw the clues.

She said to Yi Lin in shock: "You want to use the Holy Grail to summon heroic spirits?"

"if not?"

Yi Lin asked instead without answering.

Miriam frowned: "But, you don't have a holy relic on your body, so you can't summon a designated powerful heroic spirit."

In the ritual of summoning heroic spirits, if there is a holy relic, the designated "heroic spirit" that matches the legend of the holy relic can be summoned. If Yilin didn't add the holy relic and chose the random summoning method, she would probably have wasted the magic power of the Holy Grail and summoned weak heroic spirits.

This is why Miriam is worried.

"I don't have the holy relic, but I have a 'bond'."

Yi Lin waved his hand, and an unknown knife on the city wall flew into Yi Lin's hand. Yi Lin cut his wrist without hesitation, and bright red arterial blood spurted out from his wrist and poured into the Holy Grail.

Soon, the empty Holy Grail was filled with Yi Lin's blood.

The surging magic power in the Holy Grail reacted with Yi Lin's blood.

Yi Lin closed her eyes and began to recite a spell in mid-air.

"Friends with whom I have a deep bond,"

"Follow my memories and longings,"

"Through the barrier of time and space,"

"Answering the call of the Holy Grail,"

"Follow this will and principle,"

"Answer me!"

"Answer me!"

"Answer me!"

"Answer me!"

Yi Lin's last words echoed in the sky!

The bright red blood formed a violently flowing vortex in the Holy Grail.

The center of the vortex seemed to have become a black hole, swallowing up all light.

In the sky, the huge square formation, the icon of the "sword" representing the "Saber" class, suddenly lit up.

A beam of light fell from the pattern corresponding to the "Saber" class and landed next to Yi Lin.

The beam of light tore through the space, and a golden sword stretched out from the golden light.

"Humility, honor, sacrifice, valor, mercy, honesty, justice, spirituality."

A cold voice, accompanied by a long sword, came through the air.

What emerged from behind the light was a man wearing iron armor.

He has golden hair that moves automatically without wind. His handsome features are as cold as iron, but he exudes the charm of an iceberg man that can captivate thousands of young women.

On his chest, there is a unique coat of arms.

The coat of arms is a pattern of two lions standing proudly back to back. One of the lions holds a sword, and the other lion holds a shield.

——"Two Lions"!

The man's cold eyes became a little more gentle when he saw Yi Lin.

"Have I actually...become your 'missing'?"

Yi Lin smiled slightly, looking at the knight walking out of the light, with an emotion called "remembering" flashing in his eyes, and smiled: "It's not you who has become my 'missing', it's a curse. This is a curse , Hermelos. It was the curse left by Xiaowu on me. This curse makes me never forget you."

It's Homeros!

From the world of Ouranos, he fought side by side with Yilin, and at the end, he was annihilated in the void with others, the knight of the country, the iceberg god, and the peerless swordsman of the Twin Lion Kingdom - Homelos!

"This time, let me be your sword... a brave man."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Miriam was already stunned.

She had heard of the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony.

She is also a Heroic Spirit herself, and the relevant knowledge has already been instilled in them by the Heroic Spirit Seat.

But what's going on now?

Yi Lin, he seems to be quite familiar with this new heroic spirit?

Isn’t it agreed that heroic spirits are historical, legendary, and conceptual figures?

Where did he know him from?

Moreover, since Hermelos appeared, Mirien subconsciously held down the hilt of the sword.

She felt her sword in the lake shaking.

Her dull hair was also trembling.

The "fencing cells" all over her body are roaring, roaring from every mitochondria!

This is a man who is proficient with a sword!

Also a knight!

A truly great knight who is worthy of the title of knight and possesses the character of a knight!

The Grail Summoning Ceremony continues.

After "Saber" Hermelos appears.

The second golden light fell from the position corresponding to "Caster".

After the light, the red cloak was rolled into a fist, and a corner was carefully exposed, as if to detect the wind.

A middle-aged man with a beard and purple curly hair slapped his cloak back behind him and appeared in front of Yi Lin.

He frowned, looking at everything around him curiously, and finally his eyes met Yi Lin's.

"The Throne of Heroes? That's it. Is it the 'Remembering Body'? It is said that among the advanced magics, you have learned the extremely difficult 'Remembering Magic'?...I really don't believe it."

The Supreme Mage said he didn't believe it, but there was a look of relief in his eyes.

"Caster" Supreme Mage! Coming to the Age of Gods as a heroic spirit!

He is the person who best matches the "Caster" class in Yi Lin's memory and thoughts. Yi Lin is not surprised that he can appear.

"Farmer, long time no see."

The Supreme Mage said.

"Mage, let's save the old things until after the victory."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Bits and pieces of farm memories emerged in the hearts of both of them at the same time.

Silence is better than sound at this moment.

Mirien looked at the two people who were flirting with each other.

She always felt something was wrong.

But now, she has no time to express her opinion.

After the Supreme Mage appears, the third class icon lights up!

Time is running out, and as the magic power in the Holy Grail is consumed, Yi Lin's "longing" is materialized by the Holy Grail, turning into heroic spirits and descending into this world!

It is the pattern corresponding to "Rider" and "Knight"!

An old man with a white beard stepped out of the light!

The old man wore a pointed high hat and a black robe.

The old man carefully arranged his clothes, leaning on his stick, and his kind eyes fell on Yi Lin.

"Young man, you must believe in science."

"Long time no see, A Deng. No..." Yi Lin smiled, opening and closing her eyes, holding back the moisture. He felt like crying, but it would be too embarrassing to cry now. Yi Lin opened her eyes again and said calmly: "Long time no see, my mentor - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

A Deng stroked his beard with a sad expression.

They all sat on the Throne of Heroes.

The Holy Grail, Heroic Spirits, War, and the corresponding knowledge have been instilled in them.

A Deng lamented that it was the great science that allowed the master and apprentice to reunite across time, space, and longing.

After A Deng appeared, the fourth pattern flashed frequently, bright and dark.

Yi Lin frowned. With the help of the magic power of the Holy Grail, he achieved the miracle of materializing "longing".

But when summoning heroic spirits, you must still follow the rules of the Holy Grail.

For the seven professional ranks, you must have corresponding characteristics to successfully match them.

For example, Homeros, who is good at playing swordsmanship, no matter how outrageous he is, will never be qualified for the magician class.

The fourth pattern flashes with light, indicating that the Holy Grail is beginning to wither.

Or maybe, in Yi Lin's thoughts, there is no other heroic spirit who can match the remaining ranks.

Yi Lin was unwilling to give in.

There is still a little bit of magic left in the Holy Grail.

If Gilgamesh summoned their seven "weak" pseudo-heroic spirits to the Age of Gods, he only spent a third of his magic power.

So now, Yi Lin plans to use up all her magic power and play something big.

The Holy Grail is working hard to fulfill Yi Rin's "wishes".

Yi Lin's wish is to miss her!

He is trying to complete the miracle that Xiaowu accomplished casually!

Miss magic, this is the power that only gods can master!

But now Yilin has reappeared in the Age of Gods with the help of the power in the Holy Grail!


As Yi Lin looked forward to it, the pattern represented by the fourth class, the "Archer" bow knight, finally became bright enough, and a ray of light fell.

From the light, a woman with dark skin, delicate and shiny skin, sexy figure, and visible flesh, wearing a wide-brimmed skull hat on her head, wearing black leather boots, a machete in her left hand, and a musket in her right hand, majestically emerged from the light. Zhong rushed out.

"Ruth Emily, the uncrowned overlord of the sea, obeys the call."

"I ask you,"

"Are you my Master?"

The dark-skinned newcomer put the machete into the scabbard, pulled out the flintlock gun, pulled down the safety catch, pointed the dark muzzle of the gun at Yi Lin's nose, and asked with a sweet smile.

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