Infinity Throne

Chapter 780 Hello, Professor Yi!


Among the thirty thousand people present.

Many people have had conflicts with the Apocalypse Guild.

Whether in reality or in trials.

But when Yi Lin appeared in such a low-key and luxurious way.

Whether there were those who had opinions, those who were arguing, or those who were having fun, everyone fell silent in an instant.

The entire venue was silent.

It was as if this man wearing a black magician's robe had a strange magical power about him.

No matter how calm, kind, or soothing his expression is, he can still scare people into not daring to act rashly when they meet him.

He is truly worthy of being the president of Tianqi Guild!

That vicious man!

After some people came back to their senses, they were shocked and frightened.

Yi Lin looked around the entire audience with calm eyes.

Thirty thousand people, a full thirty thousand people.

He stood on the ten-meter high platform, looking at the unfamiliar faces, and suddenly felt like there was a concert.

Once upon a time, could he have thought that one day he would stand in this position, as a senior person, preaching and solving doubts for these people?

Perhaps without the experience of the Age of Gods, this scene would not have occurred.

Human beings are always used to showing their selfish side.

When a person can do something truly "selfless", he can be called a "hero" or a "great man".

But are you a hero or a great man?

Yi Lin asked herself.

This question did not bother him for long.

Almost as soon as she asked the question, Yi Lin came up with the answer on her own.

I'm not.

I just know more than others, and understand more of the secrets and cruelties of the world.

Ultimately, I do it for myself.

Yi Lin raised her head, and after a brief sigh of relief, she began to speak in the dead silence.

"I think among the people here, some people hate this guild, some people don't understand this guild, and some people want to join this guild."

"But these are actually not important. What is important is that you are here today, and I am responsible for telling you some trivial experiences. What I care about today is whether these trivial experiences can slightly improve your strength afterwards."

"Maybe some people are thinking, what is my purpose in doing this? Is anyone really so kind? My answer is... no. But I have my purpose, and you don't need to know whether I will benefit from it in the end. , it still depends on yourselves.”

Yi Lin's opening remarks directly touched everyone's heart.


Some people are doubtful, some are doubtful, and some come here with the mentality of being hesitant and unable to buy, suffer losses, or be fooled.

Yi Lin's words made it clear and clear.

In short, nothing matters, what matters is the strength itself.

Some people in the crowd nodded secretly. Yi Lin is right.

Yi Lin paid attention to the reaction of the 30,000 people, smiled slightly, and sat down on the high platform.

I saw bands of light of different colors swaying from his wrists, and white tracks emerged high in the sky. In a blink of an eye, the light was outlined and formed into three human figures.

This hand calmed many people again. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yi Lin's skill, whether it is a deception or a skill, is not accomplished with the help of some kind of technology, but Yi Lin's ability itself. So many people who saw the clue obediently closed their mouths and listened.

Yi Lin continued.

“People like us, at our core, are actually ‘evolvers’.”

"Whether it's the mental side, the strength side, or the agility side, whether you get a skill during the trial or understand some kind of strengthening, you are actually using various methods to complete the strengthening again and again with the help of the tower. .”

"But don't forget that attributes are just a side standard. The essence of evolution lies in... people."

"When listening to the follow-up content, there is a concept that you must first understand."

"What is a human being?"

"Human power has limits. This limit limits humans themselves. When humans reach the limit in a certain field and can no longer make any progress, the 'limit' that humans touch is called It's called a 'lock'."

"It is this 'lock' that restricts human beings from stepping into the 'supernatural'."

"Then the question is, how to unlock the 'lock' that restricts human beings from continuing to evolve?"

Yi Lin is truly a spiritual person.

The explanation is clear and organized, from the shallower to the deeper.

He told 30,000 people bit by bit the existence of attribute locks and the key points of how three types of apostles could break through this layer of locks.

Everyone who still had doubts at the beginning gradually became fascinated by Yi Lin's narration.

None of them are rookies.

Not a newbie either.

In fact, Yi Lin's lecture was not aimed at how newbies could survive the trial.

Rather, it is about how to reach the next level for veterans who are faced with the problem of lock-in, or who are already stuck in this bottleneck and no longer make any progress.

They understood it after just a little listening.

Dry stuff!

Every word and sentence of Yi Lin is full of solid information, without any water.

Some people didn't know how to break through the lock at all and had been deeply distressed. But when Yi Lin mentioned it, they vaguely found the direction.

In the trial, veterans who are stuck in the bottleneck will generally not receive any enhancements in the bottleneck attribute.

This is also the reason why in the past ten years, there are countless people who have strengthened step by step and finally reached the bottleneck, but there are only a few people who can finally break through this heavy block and reach the extraordinary.

One is that he was not able to get in, and the other was that he died in the trial before he could get in.

For two whole hours, Yi Lin didn't pause.

He combined pictures and text, and used simple little spells in mid-air to make his theory more clear at a glance.

Gradually, many people secretly felt horrified by the president's knowledge.

You said that if you are a spiritual apostle, it doesn’t matter if you understand the spiritual breakthrough method, everyone can understand it.

But you can even give some theoretical knowledge about the breakthrough methods on the strength side and agility side. What do you mean?

Are you really cheating?

Is the tower owned by your family?

So clear?

As Yi Lin's lecture progressed, some people began to feel that it was outrageous.

This man seems to know too much about the mechanism of the entire apostolic circle.

For two whole hours, from noon to afternoon, Yi Lin didn't stop for a moment, and her mouth was a little dry.

Gayageummi, this wonderful spirit, rolled her eyes, and in front of thirty thousand people, she wore a staff uniform, unbuttoned a button, floated to Yi Rin and handed out a cold soda.

"Rin-kun, are you thirsty?"

"Oh, thanks."

Yi Lin took it.

So Bai Xiaoyi couldn't stand it anymore, so she floated up and handed melon seeds.

"Master, please bite."

Yi Lin: "..."

The two little mother spirits, who rarely appeared in physical form, began to engage in craziness in front of 30,000 people.

This is an era of involution.

Even the circle of mother spirits cannot escape this law.

The content of Yi Lin's lecture and his words were broadcast live and spread wildly in various ways and posts on the apostle forum.

After two hours of explanation, Yi Lin had finished speaking and was ready to leave.

At this moment, someone in the crowd weakly raised his hand.

"Hello, Professor Yi, can I ask a question in private?"

Yi Lin was stunned.

He did not set up a question-and-answer session at the beginning.

He squinted at the person who asked the question, a young girl with a fragile appearance and average facial features. So he hesitated for a moment, tapped his fingers on his body, and a colorful strip of light spanned the air and extended to the young girl's feet.

"Come up."

The girl stepped on the light belt doubtfully, and found that it could actually be stepped on. In front of everyone, she stepped on the light belt and walked onto the high platform.

This move made many people widen their eyes.

Damn it, the president of the Apocalypse Guild seems to know hundreds of millions of postures and tricks!

Bai Xiaoyi and Gayageumimi were rolling on the high platform.

When they saw a woman coming to their door, they didn't even dare to go down. They stared closely, for fear that their master would encounter unexpected events and temptations.

Yi Lin casually placed a "soundproof magic barrier" around the area, and the two began to talk.

The girl seemed unaccustomed to being stared at by 30,000 pairs of murderous eyes, so she stammered out her troubles.

She is a spiritual person.

But her actual combat ability is not strong, and her mental attributes are still far from the first level of mental lock.

Her main skill is called [Recovery Tie], which can release a link to connect the other party and slowly restore the injuries of both parties at the same time.

"Healing skills?" Yi Lin nodded secretly. This type of skill is quite rare.

"Is there a guild?" Yi Lin asked.

The girl shook her head blankly, not understanding what the teacher meant by asking this question.

"Let Vice President Li contact you later."

Yi Lin took the opportunity to recruit a wet nurse for the guild.

The girl looked confused, and was sent off the platform by a pair of invisible hands gently holding her pink buttocks.

When other people looked at it, they thought, Oh my God, this lecture also includes private tutoring? 100DP value is bleeding!

Soon, more people raised their hands.

In fact, this kind of behavior is suspected of exposing one's abilities.

Even though many people had scruples, the knowledge Yi Lin displayed in these two hours was so profound that they almost forgot that this person was the president of the Apocalypse Guild, and might even be an enemy in the future. They didn't care about exposing their secrets, so they let the teacher guide them first.

This sudden situation made Yi Lin's scalp numb, a total of 30,000 people! Thirty thousand people! This is no small number.

Even if each person spends five minutes, it will take a full one hundred and four days to resolve the battle.

Who can bear it?

Yi Lin dealt with about twenty people, and after recruiting a few good seedlings, he said:

"If you want private guidance, please wait until you join Tianqi."

Yi Lin fled in despair.

In the end, the lecture took five hours and ended successfully.

It's over, but it's not over either.

In fact, originally, the link of private guidance existed.

However, it is not open to the public, only internal staff.

After a simple meal, Yi Lin asked Li Kai to be responsible for evacuating the crowd. She returned to the courtyard of the Great Engineer Tower and was surrounded by a group of members.

Of course, their members are not afraid that the president will learn the secrets of their abilities. Originally, when they joined the guild... ah, no, there was such an item on the form they filled out when they joined the guild. Naturally, they wanted to be as detailed as possible so that the knowledgeable Professor Yi could tailor a follow-up strengthening plan for themselves.

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