Infinity Throne

Chapter 795 Going deep into the tiger’s den

Tigers are large cats that like to live alone and have a strong sense of territory.

Only during the breeding season will male and female tigers move together, at most two.

Yi Lin quickly combined the common sense of biology to determine the tiger demon's behavior pattern.

Although Yi Lin had not killed many monsters over the years, she had learned a lesson.

Even if they become monsters, they can't destroy their animal instincts. This is often the case.

If she wanted to switch to a wolf demon, Yi Lin should think carefully about it.

Because what he was about to face was not a wolf monster, but a group of wolf monsters.

After Yi Lin figured it out, she felt determined and whistled in a melodious tone in response to the roar of the tiger.


This whistle sounded far away, quite provocative.

Now Wang Xiaohu's legs were shaking even more.

Listening to the whistle, he felt an inexplicable urge to urinate.

Although his name has the word "tiger" in it, it was given by his parents, which does not mean that he can really fight tigers.

But soon, Wang Xiaohu took two deep breaths, raised his fist, and hit the back of his head twice, until he felt dizzy... Wang Xiaohu calmed down a lot now.

"As the ancients say, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. With the word "tiger" in your name, you are born to defeat the tiger monster. Besides, with me here, are you afraid of a hammer?"

Yi Lin said with relief.

When Wang Xiaohu heard this, he secretly felt that it made sense, so he nodded, and within ten seconds, he became more confident again, with ambition igniting in his eyes.

Yo ho?

The quality is good.

Yi Lin watched Wang Xiaohu's reaction with cold eyes. She was surprised to find that her good friend quickly became defensive again after a brief period of fear.

Wang Xiaohu continued to bravely lead the way.

He also did not make a request to withdraw.

If Wang Xiaohu really decided to retreat to the village at this moment, Yi Lin would naturally not stop him.

But Wang Xiaohu seems to be naive, but in fact he is not stupid. He knows that his friend Lin Ge has deep hidden strength, so he braves the thorns and makes his way up the mountain.

The tiger demon that roared was indeed angry because the two had intruded into its territory.

As the two of them went deep into Qingniu Mountain, the roars of tigers came from the mountains, one after another, like waves, endless and endless.

The roar of the tiger was getting closer and closer, as if it was right next to my ears, and yet it seemed so far away that I couldn't distinguish it clearly.

At this time, Wang Xiaohu felt a bit like breaking the pot. He kept his head silent and concentrated on chopping grass with a sickle to clear the way. But suddenly, Yi Lin grabbed Wang Xiaohu's clothes, who was immersed in chopping grass, and forced Wang Xiaohu to stop.


Yi Lin pointed deep into the forest. Wang Xiaohu looked along Yi Lin's fingertips, and suddenly his whole scalp felt numb. About twenty steps away, between two trees, there were two large green lanterns. Their dim light shone on their faces, making their faces glowing green.

Look closer, where are the green lanterns in this deep mountain forest?

Ouch, those big eyes are clearly those of a tiger demon!

"Go! Use tactic B!"

As soon as Yi Lin saw the real owner, she didn't waste any words, skillfully gave the signal, and pushed Wang Xiaohu's 70 kilograms of meat into the tiger's mouth with one palm.

What kind of tactics are you forcing?

At this moment, Wang Xiaohu could not think about what the "dialect" that came out of Yi Lin's mouth meant. But Wang Xiaohu thought about it for half a second and couldn't figure out what it meant. However, Wang Xiaohu understood Yi Lin's push from behind.

"Okay, Brother Lin! I, Wang Xiaohu, understand!"

So Wang Xiaohu looked as determined as a strong man who cut off his wrist, and while shouting "Father, mother, your kindness and love, Xiaohu will repay you in the next life", he swung the sickle that cut the grass along the way and cut out many broken teeth. He killed the two green lanterns without any return.

Yi Lin thought at first that Wang Xiaohu really understood the essence of the "bait tactic", but when she saw Wang Xiaohu's face and know a hammer, do you understand?

Deep in the forest, the tiger demon hidden in the demonic mist opened its mouth, and a smelly smell replaced the breeze in the forest, roaring towards Wang Xiaohu. Wherever the breath passed, the shrubs beside the trail bent over one after another, making a crackling sound of stems and leaves. Finally, Wang Xiaohu breathed out.

Wang Xiaohu only felt that the breath was a bit loud, and the strong wind howled, and he couldn't even open his eyes, so he had to charge forward with passion.

There is nothing that passion and drive cannot solve!

Wang Xiaohu thought to himself.

So he rushed faster.

But Yi Lin, who was behind Wang Xiaohu, saw the true appearance of the tiger demon at a glance. In the mist in the mountains, a tiger nearly ten meters long with snow-white fur was staring at the two people who broke into the tiger monster's forbidden area. The snow-white hair reflected the cold waves in the moonlight, which was very attractive, and Yilin couldn't help but have the urge to peel it off and make it into a tiger skin coat.

Wang Xiaohu rushed forward, bumping and stumbling along the way, but he still rushed out. The tiger demon seemed to be frightened by Wang Xiaohu's naivety, and he hesitated for a moment in raising his claws. But in the end, the tiger demon chose to take action. He suddenly raised his front paw and shook out a claw from about thirty meters away.


Yi Lin knew something was wrong as soon as he saw this action. Along with a gust of wind, sparks flew out from the friction between the tiger's claws and the air. A wave of air invisible to the naked eye tore towards Wang Xiaohu.


Wherever the air waves passed, trees fell down like wheat, and their trunks were broken. Yi Lin had no expression on her face, and pressed down Wang Xiaohu's head with her palm.

When Wang Xiaohu stood up tremblingly again, he was horrified to find that there was no tree taller than him in front of, beside, or behind him. All the trees within a radius of ten meters were all destroyed by the tiger demon. The claw is cut off, and the fracture is as smooth as a mirror. This terrifying scene made Wang Xiaohu puff up his chest, take a breath of cold air, and stay there for a long time without making any other movement.

"Don't be stupid, come on."

After the meeting, Yi Lin had a preliminary understanding of the tiger demon's strength. She felt more confident and calmly urged Wang Xiaohu to continue to eliminate the demon.

Yi Lin's idea was good, but what he didn't expect was that as soon as Yi Lin finished speaking, the tiger demon let out another deafening tiger roar, then raised his paw, setting off a frightening gust of wind, bypassing Wang Xiaohu, and hid. Yi Lin, who was in the dark, rushed over.

Yi Lin was stunned for a moment. Wang Xiaohu's big piece of meat was not as good as her own small arms and thin legs? But then Yi Lin remembered one of her talents [Extreme Intelligence], which came with the innocuous negative attribute of "Charm -300", and she was speechless. When the tiger demon rushed towards him, Yi Lin's body floated up and he retreated continuously.

When the tiger demon saw Yi Lin floating up, his expression became even more angry, his tiger eyes widened, and he made a harsh grinding sound from his mouth. It was so huge that it covered ten meters with one swoop, and another ten meters with another swoop. Wherever it passed, it trampled the roots of countless flowers, plants, trees, and the mountain was in a mess.

But when the tiger demon pounced for the third time, there was a "pop" sound under the tiger's claws, as if something was stepped on under its claws. Then the big thing happened, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed from under the tiger demon's butt, and vines stabbed out of the soil, rolling like a spiritual snake, and in a blink of an eye, the tiger demon was tied up and down.

The tiger demon stared, and then he noticed that the soil around him was filled with strange wooden nails from unknown time. The weird wooden vines extend from the tops of those wooden nails.

"Freedom of Law·Bound to Prison."

The tiger demon was about to use all his strength to break free of the wooden vines wrapped around his body, but he didn't expect that the binding method of these wooden vines was a bit special. The harder he exerted force, the tighter the wooden vines were wrapped around him, and they were all stuck in his flesh. The tiger demon grinned in pain. At this time, the interesting voice of a young man came to its ears.

"Don't waste your energy. Once this 'Prison Binding' is caught, it will get tighter and tighter."

As the boy spoke, he took a few steps closer to the tiger demon. Then he shook his hands, and red lightning popped out from the boy's wrist. The lightning was rounded and flattened by the boy like dough, and in an instant it became two long sticks. Long red whip.

After Yi Lin controlled the tiger demon, she was naturally rude. He skillfully took out a small leather whip... ah no, a small electric whip, and whipped it on the tiger demon.

Wang Xiaohu, who followed the messy traces of the tiger demon's rampage and chased him all the way down the mountain, was dumbfounded when he got here.

He watched helplessly as the ferocious and domineering tiger demon just now was now completely tied up with a strange rope, lying on the ground with his hands holding the tiger's head. And in his memory, Brother Lin Yi was smiling, wielding two strange weapons, and hitting the big white tiger hard.

At first, the murderous tiger demon could still make a terrifying tiger roar, but as it whirred, the tiger roar became weaker and weaker, and finally, when Wang Xiaohu heard it, it inexplicably turned into a whimper-like cry.

Wang Xiaohu scratched his head strangely. Why did he feel a little pitiful for this big tiger monster in this situation?


I don’t know how long I smoked.

The tiger demon, about ten meters long, was lying on its stomach, and its size gradually began to shrink.

Shrinking, shrinking, shrinking. When it shrunk to the end, it became the same size as a human being.

The snow-white fur gradually turned into a white gauze garment when the tiger demon's body shape changed.

As he whipped, Yi Lin involuntarily stopped the whip.

When the tiger demon's transformation was completed, it raised its head pitifully, with tears in its eyes.

Wang Xiaohu was stunned.

Yi Lin called him a good guy.

The majestic tiger demon suddenly transformed into a beautiful woman wearing a white silk dress.

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