Infinity Throne

Chapter 803 My senior brother is Jian Nanchun

"Oh, it turns out it's the new Mr. Lin!"

Generally speaking, the girls who guard the brothels and fireworks are all very beautiful and smart. This is called facade.

Otherwise, how can we attract customers?

You have to be very proficient in business to be qualified to stand at the door.

Look, Yi Lin didn't even recognize them, but they recognized Yi Lin at a glance.

It seems that Yi Lin has spent a lot of money in the small town during this period, which alarmed all the sisters in Wanxianglou.

Yi Lin shook her fan. Others were half pushing, but Yi Lin took the initiative. Before the two girls had time to try to express their feelings, Yi Lin moved first and stepped in.

"No need, I'll do it myself."

The two girls were stunned when they saw this and looked at each other.

Judging from your age, you are just an adult, right?

How can this pace be so skillful?

Suddenly, the two front girls felt strange in their hearts.

Yi Lin flicked his sleeves, and two pieces of silver fell into the collar of the front girl in a parabola, and slid into the embroidered bellyband. This extravagant and extravagant move directly conquered them. They were shouting disgustingly, but their bodies were close to each other. Come up.

Originally, with Yi Lin's hidden charm and appearance, it was difficult to gain recognition from strangers in a face-to-face meeting.

But Yi Lin gave too much.

No one knows how to increase favorability better than Yi Lin.

Over the years, he has become very skilled at this skill, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and adapting to people.

Shengping County is just a small county on the southern border of the Daqian Dynasty, and Wanxiang Tower is already considered a very high-end consumer place in the county. There are many male customers of all kinds inside, most of them are well-dressed, and the difference between them and the poor people outside can be seen at a glance.

Wanxianglou was considered a leading industry in the Daqian Dynasty, with numerous branches in various cities and towns. When Yi Lin learned about this, you can imagine her surprise. I never expected that in a world with such backward technology and a cultivation-based world, someone would actually come up with the concept of a "chain store". The boss behind Wanxiang Tower is a figure.

"Well, I will receive Mr. Lin. Qiao'er and Hua'er, you continue to entertain guests."

The girls named Qiao'er and Hua'er followed Yi Lin and led him into Wanxiang Tower, and then a beautiful woman in her thirties, dressed in colorful clothes, with a mature charm, walked out slowly. She smiled coquettishly. After driving away Huaer Qiaoer and Yingyan, he put his arm around Yilin affectionately, whispered in Yilin's ear with his red lips, and asked in a soft tone: "Master Lin, you are really good-looking. ...Simple, I, Xiu Niang, am the shopkeeper of this building."

It was a very charming scene, but Yi Lin was still a little short of Xiu Niang in height at this time. This scene was inadvertently caught by other people's eyes, and it gave a sense of sight like an old cow gnawing young grass, or a young groom driving a large carriage. Many male guests laughed secretly, but they did not come forward to look for trouble.

After a simple self-introduction, Xiu Niang went straight to the topic: "I wonder if Mr. Lin is here today. Do you want to simply listen to music or just enjoy the scenery?"

As we all know, the girls in Wanxianglou are commonly known as "Xiangfeng" in the industry. According to the type of practice, they are divided into two types - "Wenfeng" and "Wufeng".

To put it simply, Wenfeng sells his art but not his body, and Wufeng sells his body but not his art. Each has its own expertise and performs its own duties, with a clear division of labor.

Most of Wenfeng was carefully trained and was good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as painting and calligraphy. Simply holding a lyre and playing a little tune can make people intoxicated. Some people like this method of prostitution, which has a unique taste. This kind of behavior is also jokingly called "literary prostitution" in the circle.

The other kind of "Martial Phoenix" is naturally trained, but the training is somewhat special, so I won't go into details here. And the reason why they are called Wu Feng is because they have directly seen real kung fu and do not understand the tricks of opera and pipa. This kind of prostitution is called "wu prostitution".

The embroiderer has seen many different kinds of people. When she looked at Mr. Lin, she seemed inexplicably annoying at first glance, but when she made such a generous offer, she became much more pleasing to the eye. The embroiderer looked at him for a long time and secretly thought that Mr. Lin's familiarity was definitely not that of a junior brother, so she didn't explain it as soon as she showed her face. She wanted to find out whether Mr. Lin wanted to be a writer or a martial artist.

While Yi Lin was counting the remaining money he had robbed from the gang of robbers and given to the poor, he flicked his sleeves and took out a bright pure silver ingot, which he stuffed into the embroiderer's waistband.

The embroiderer was stunned.

Yi Lin smiled meaningfully: "I am different from them."

"This..." The embroiderer touched the silver in her belt and said hesitantly.

Without saying a word, Yi Lin stuffed another one into Xiu Niang's waistband.

The embroiderer still hesitated.

Yi Lin quickly inserted a third silver ingot.

The embroiderer's waist was already slender, and the waistband was tightly tightened. The three sisters' big silver ingots were stuffed in, and they almost stretched the embroiderer's tightly wrapped satin waistband.

Xiu Niang took a deep breath, stretched out two fingers, and was a little unsure: "Does Mr. Lin want to...I'm afraid the girls won't agree." She just finished saying this, and then touched it carefully. Touching the waistband of his pants, which was about to be stretched, a bold idea came to his mind, and he suddenly took a breath: "Does Mr. Lin like someone as old as me? I'm afraid this is even more inappropriate."

Yi Lin felt that there was something wrong with the way she opened it.

The embroiderer actually misunderstood her own thoughts.

Yi Lin coughed twice: "Your 'Qingluanshu' hall..."

This can't be said completely.

The embroiderer covered Yi Lin's mouth and pressed her waist, which was bulging with money, against her.

"Master Lin, please take a moment to speak."

Yi Lin's mouth was covered, but her eyes were smiling and she nodded.

The whispers between Yi Lin and Xiu Niang did not disturb anyone.

In fact, every customer who comes to Wanxiang Tower, whether it is a literary prostitute or a martial prostitute, will go through such a process.

People, you have to take care of your face.

In Wanxiang Tower, the same group of people come and go. Everyone looks familiar, but when they leave this door, everyone pretends to be strangers to each other.

Yilin was led into a room by the embroiderer. The embroiderer slammed the door tightly and looked at Yilin with a smile for a moment. Suddenly, her little hand shook, and streams of silver light shot towards Yilin's body.

"Ding ding ding ding."

The silver light was clearly an embroidery needle commonly used for embroidery. The few embroidery needles fell to the ground one after another before they could reach Yi Lin's vital parts, and they missed their mark.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I have offended the embroiderer a lot. The Xuanmen method... I wonder where Mr. Lin learned from it?"

When the embroiderer saw Yi Lin's methods, her eyes became more solemn. Her face lost all its charm and was replaced by a cold and stiff expression.

In this world, when you are walking outside, there are people behind you who can do things easily. Xiu Niang didn't know Yi Lin's real intention, but there was nothing wrong with asking the family first.

She still had to ask clearly first who could and who could not be offended.

Generally speaking, people in Xuanmen rarely seek death before asking about the other person's origins.

If you mess with someone you shouldn't mess with, you won't be able to save your life easily.

Yi Lin frowned.

Before he came, he stepped on it in advance.

Since ancient times, brothels have been a well-informed place.

After visiting the site, Yi Lin was surprised to find that Wanxiang Tower seemed to be one of the strongholds of a local intelligence organization, Qingluanshu.

So today he pretended to be a scooper and came to buy some information.

Yi Lin stared at the embroiderer's bulging waist and asked, "I'm here to ask for some news. Don't you have enough money?"

"Are you here to buy discounts?"

Xiu Niang stared hard at Yi Lin's face to see that he didn't seem to be deceiving others, so she tried to say some slang in the industry.

In the intelligence community, some confidential information is called "extracts".

According to the rarity of the information, the folds are divided into "gold folds", "silver folds", "copper folds" and "paper folds".

Yi Lin nodded matter-of-factly: "Yes."

When the embroiderer heard this, she immediately couldn't laugh or cry: "Who told you that our Wanxiang Building sells discounts? We specialize in selling one's body... Ah, a place that sells one's body and one's art! No!" The embroiderer was almost stunned by Yi Lin's round voice. The "Yes" deceived her, and she suddenly woke up. If the other party was really a member of Xuanmen, there was no way he didn't know all the twists and turns. She was afraid that Qingluan Tree's enemies would come to her door, so she quietly pinched a few more embroidered flowers. With the needle in his hand, he aimed at the vital point between Yi Lin's legs and continued to ask: "Master Lin has not announced his family name yet. Logically speaking, as a Xuanmen monk, how could Master Lin not know that Wanxiang Tower is not the place where Jiao Zhezi belongs. "

It turns out that the process is wrong!

When Yi Lin heard this, she immediately understood where the omission was. He visited the checkpoints and learned that Wanxiang Tower belonged to an intelligence organization, but he ignored a small detail. Wanxianglou is only responsible for collecting information, but there are actually others who actually sell this information.

This is a mature intelligence trading chain. Yi Lin directly bypasses all middlemen and steps on the source of goods. No wonder Xiu Niang is so vigilant, closing the door tightly and poking with needles.

I see.

But Yi Lin thought that it didn't matter, it was just a matter of taking less detours and finding another path. The embroiderer's methods were not very good in Yi Lin's opinion. So, what about bypassing the middleman? Now Yi Lin really has the confidence to bully others.

If you really can't beat him, then run away at worst!

Although this world is very dangerous, most people are still quite down-to-earth.

So Yi Lin calmly made up the reasons in her mind and said them as she made them up, making them sound just like the truth.

"I have always lived in the mountain gate and never went out. My senior brother sneaked out of the sect for some reason. I followed him all the way to Shengping County. Unexpectedly, my senior brother discovered it and reluctantly left me behind. Yi Lin sighed and showed a very depressed expression: "I have so much cultivation, but I can't find my senior brother. But I overheard my senior brother mention that if you want to buy information, go to the Qingluan Tree. Xianglou. So I came here."

"Your senior brother?" Xiu Niang glanced at Yi Lin suspiciously, looking up and down, as if she wanted to tell which sect Yi Lin was a disciple from Yi Lin's young master's attire. She looked at it for a long time, but she didn't expect which sect The young disciple was so proficient in visiting the kilns that he could only ask directly: "The embroiderer is frightened. Do you dare to ask Mr. Lin who is our senior brother...?"

Yi Lin squinted his eyes and smiled: "Tianjianmen, Jian Nanchun."

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