Infinity Throne

Chapter 815 Xia Xiaoman

After what happened last time,

The eldest princess seemed to have grown up overnight and no longer made any noise about returning to Qingdu.

She doesn't even speak.

Occasionally at night, in the dead of night, the eldest princess was holding the thick luggage. She didn't know if she had a nightmare, but she suddenly woke up, huddled in a corner, and sobbed softly.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Including Zen Master Ku Ye, the group of four people first went north and then turned east.

When they were closest to Qingdu, they were only three thousand miles away.

The further north you go, the denser the cities become.

Looking down from the air, you can see the high city walls, row upon row of houses, and noisy markets, a scene of singing and dancing and people living and working in peace and contentment.

In the past three days, the three of them did not dare to stay in the city easily even at night because they were worried about being chased by thieves.

That is to say, Yi Lin secretly went to the city to get some dry food for a few people to satisfy their hunger, so as not to starve to death in the wild.

Every time she visits a city, Yi Lin makes a habit of visiting brothels and checking out the latest news.

With the Agarwood Order, it is indeed easy to do things.

But what Yi Lin doesn't understand is that it seems that every Wanxianglou shopkeeper and the charming and beautiful women have heard of his name. When they hear the word "Lin Yi", they blush and act shy. Yilin was puzzled by the look of him wanting to refuse but still welcoming.

Among them, in one of the big cities, a shopkeeper named "Mei Niang" mistakenly called Yi Lin "Brother Ninth", leaving Yi Lin confused.

Ninth brother? What nine and what brother?

After some inquiries, Yi Lin did not collect any information about Jian Nanchun and Chao Rushuang.

Yeah, not surprising.

If the two Heavenly Sword Sect masters did not settle down in a crowded place, who would be able to spot them?

It's been three days. He's really dead, right?

Yi Lin muttered secretly.

But it's also possible that the two groups of people staggered along the way, and maybe they didn't bump into each other. After all, Yi Lin and Zen Master Kuye were careful along the way and did not leave too many traces.

Yi Lin even deliberately left some specious traces in the opposite direction of some forks in the road to mislead the forces chasing the eldest princess.

On the third night.

Yi Lin chose a barren mountain outside the city and found a hiding place to stay.

There are piles of rocks all around, and the rocks are covered with shrubs. It is like a naturally formed camping pit. Even if a bonfire is lit in the hiding place, it is difficult for the firelight to spread outside.

As a soul cooking master, Yi Lin took the initiative to take charge of the dinner. She picked some pure natural wild vegetables from everywhere, then put on a big pot bought from the city and cooked wild vegetable soup.

If Zen Master Ku Ye didn't eat meat, Yi Lin would have added some game meat to it... It would be a pity for this dish.

The eldest princess had no interest in the wild vegetable soup and huddled in a corner of the pile of rocks.

But when Yi Lin patted the pot lid with a smile, a ray of light flashed, and the fresh aroma overflowed. The eldest princess was suddenly stunned, and quickly crawled over with her hands and feet holding her luggage.

Yi Lin filled a bowl for everyone.

Zen Master Kuye took a sip and burst into tears as if he was being shocked by electricity.

Wang Xiaohu and the eldest princess saw Zen Master Kuye's reaction and thought that the soup was so bad that it made the old monk cry. But Wang Xiaohu was really hungry and had finished eating the dry food. He smelled the fragrance wafting from the soup and it didn't seem to be poisonous, so he bit the bullet and started cooking.

"Too, too, too..." Wang Xiaohu's mouth was burned and he couldn't hold his tongue straight. After a long time, he finally managed to mumble out: "Brother Lin, it tastes so good!"

Yi Lin shook his head and sighed, not satisfied with the dish: "Limited by the materials, it can only be made like this."

Zen Master Kuye drank even faster.

He even had a ridiculous idea.

Should we dig this young man into the back kitchen of Heian Temple as a vegetarian cook?

“It smells so good!~”

Several people praised in unison.

A large pot of wild vegetable soup was divided among several people. This was not the first time that Yi Lin used soul food to conquer the enemy. The taciturn princess finally showed a good look towards Yi Lin. The eldest princess timidly moved a few steps closer, looking like a kitten that had relaxed its vigilance a little. She raised her head and said to Yi Lin, "Hello, my name is Xia Xiaoman."

Xia Xiaoman?

Along the way, Yi Lin didn't ask about the eldest princess's name. In fact, he wasn't interested either. But when Xia Xiaoman introduced himself, Yi Lin thought for a moment and asked, "Real name?"

Xia Xiaoman hugged the bundle in his arms a little tighter, dumbfounded. Why didn't this look like his real name?

"I am the eldest princess of Daqian, the current emperor's sister, Xia Xiaoman, nicknamed Mingzhu, and nicknamed Princess Zhenping! I will not change my name when I am in office, and I will not change my surname when I sit down!"

Princess Zhenping...

So flat.

Yi Lin hurriedly touched Xia Xiaoman's chest, and then nodded vigorously, fearing that Xia Xiaoman wouldn't believe that she believed in her: "Yes, I believe it, she is just like her name."

Xia Xiaoman was finally satisfied when he heard that Yi Lin believed it.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that there was something wrong with Yi Lin's words.

But she couldn't tell what was wrong.

After the two had a simple intersection, there was no more communication.

It's just a chance meeting, why should we have a deep friendship.

Yi Lin's heart is with the Tianjian Sect and is not interested in the eldest princess.

After eating, they decided to spend the night because the night was dangerous.

With the warmth of the bonfire, Xia Xiaoman found a safe nook by himself, curled up and fell asleep.

Wang Xiaohu lay directly next to the bonfire, his face turned upward, and snored.

Yi Lin sat by the campfire, adding wood to the fire from time to time.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk, Tuk."

After Zen Master Ku Ye had eaten his fill, he would wrap his fingers around the Buddhist beads around his neck and tap the wooden fish gently, like a lullaby, making people drowsy.

Yi Lin, who was adding dry wood to the bonfire to light the fire, felt something was wrong as he listened. He felt that the old monk's low chanting and the rhythm of the wooden fish seemed to have some kind of soothing power, which made people feel uncomfortable. Yi Lin couldn't help but feel that her mood was calm and it was difficult to make waves.

Yi Lin asked: "What are you doing?"

Zen Master Kuye closed his eyes gently, stopped chanting sutras, and replied: "I am eliminating the sin of killing for the donor."

"Ha," Yi Lin smiled: "There are murderers everywhere in the world. If you can kill me, what can you do?"

"Buddha said, the world is an endless sea of ​​suffering, and all sentient beings are going through thousands of hardships in the boat. You and I are going through it together. I am not very powerful. If I can cut one person, it is just one person. That is enough."

"Forget it." Yi Lin had no choice but to feel that he and Zen Master Kuye were indeed not on the same channel, so he did not intend to delve deeper into this topic. Yi Lin walked up to Zen Master Kuye and sat down cross-legged. With a flick of his finger, a soundproof barrier fell around the two of them. In an instant, everything was silent, and the chirping of insects and birds was inaudible.

At this point, Zen Master Kuye finally opened his eyes and looked at Yi Lin with a more thoughtful expression: "I have a clumsy eye, and what Master Lin used is not like the Taoist secret technique."

"It's a small skill passed down from our family. It's hard to show up in the hall, so we might as well not mention it." Yi Lin said in a rare moment of humility: "What's wrong with your eyes? I don't think you can be hurt by those people."

The old monk lowered his head and sighed softly: "My disciples are confused and believe in slander. They think that by kidnapping the eldest princess, they will be able to obtain high official status, rich salary, glory and wealth."

Yi Lin understood that it turned out that he was stabbed blind by one of his own people.

"Then it seems you have made a mistake." Yi Lin smiled.

"Amitabha, what Master Lin said is not true," Zen Master Kuye shook his head: "I have long seen that Wu Xin's mind is not right. I just tried to find ways to guide him to do good, but in the end he still has no fate with the Buddha."

Yi Lin nodded. He couldn't understand the old monk's thoughts, but he seemed to understand... To put it bluntly, he was stubborn.

He then pointed at Wang Xiaohu, who was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly.

"Then, since you are recruiting disciples to transfer people, why is it him?"

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